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RCH型喷射浮阀塔板的研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
金魁  陆波  邵松  李晓红 《化学工程》2002,30(6):12-15
介绍了RCH型喷射浮阀塔板的结构特点、研究结果、与F1型浮阀塔板的性能对比 ,以及工业应用情况。实践证明在相同条件下 ,RCH喷射浮阀塔板与F1型浮阀塔板相比 ,每层塔板压降降低 2 5 0— 3 0 0Pa ,生产能力提高 2 0 %— 2 5 % ,操作弹性增加 15 % ,塔板效率提高 5 %— 10 % ,故它是一种综合技术性能优异的新塔板  相似文献   

V-4型浮阀塔板流体力学性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国尚无适宜V-4型浮阀塔板设计计算方法的现状,在1000×325mm ̄2的空气/水冷模塔上对V-4型浮阀塔板的流体力学性能,尤其是塔板压降进行了全面的研究。对影响塔板压降的因素进行了分析,发现升程也是影响塔板压降的一个重要因素。在宽广的气液负荷和塔板几何结构范围内,对塔板压降等流体力学参数进行了关联。  相似文献   

V-4型浮阀塔板流体力学性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对我国尚无适宜V-4型浮阀塔板设计计算方法的现状,在1000×325mm ̄2的空气/水冷模塔上对V-4型浮阀塔板的流体力学性能,尤其是塔板压降进行了全面的研究。对影响塔板压降的因素进行了分析,发现升程也是影响塔板压降的一个重要因素。在宽广的气液负荷和塔板几何结构范围内,对塔板压降等流体力学参数进行了关联。  相似文献   

孙兰义 《化工进展》2005,24(Z1):162-165
介绍了一种新型塔板--双层导向浮阀塔板,该塔板综合了国内流行的导向条阀与国外广泛使用的微型固阀的优点.采用空气-水体系,在直径为600mm的塔内,对双层导向浮阀塔板的流体力学与传质性能进行了测试,并与F1浮阀塔板进行了对比实验.结果表明,双层导向浮阀塔板具有操作弹性大、压降低、雾沫夹带和漏液小以及传质效率高等特点,综合性能优于F1浮阀塔板.  相似文献   

条型浮阀塔板的研究与应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
张荣庆 《化学工程》1992,20(3):66-69
介绍对条型浮阀塔的实验研究结果及在几个炼油厂的应用情况和效果。  相似文献   

浮阀塔板最新应用研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王少锋  项曙光 《化工进展》2014,33(7):1677-1683,1696
浮阀塔是一种应用极为广泛的汽液传质设备,本文介绍了国内研究开发的新型浮阀塔板。这些浮阀塔板是在F1型浮阀塔板的基础上开发而成的,相比于F1型浮阀塔板,具有压降低、雾沫夹带量小、泄漏量小、处理量大等优点。本文以塔板的开发年代和塔板类型为主线,对这些浮阀塔板的结构特点、流体力学、传质性能、优缺点等进行了概括总结,对每个系列浮阀塔板的设计开发理念进行了总结概括,同时介绍了导向浮阀塔板在齐鲁石化公司丁二烯装置中应用的成功实例,很大程度地提高了塔板负荷率和产品质量;并简单介绍了一些常用塔板在工业生产中的应用情况,阐述了这些新型浮阀塔板的发展思路,即浮阀形状以条形为主,并且大部分浮阀塔板都开有导向孔;最后指出了今后塔板技术的研究和发展动向。  相似文献   

SFV全通导向浮阀塔板为中国石油大学开发的新型塔板,其综合了国内流行的导向条阀与国外广泛使用的微型固阀的优点[0],在结构上进行了多方面的创新和优化。采用空气-富氧水体系,在φ1200mm不锈钢塔内,对SFV全通导向浮阀塔板的流体力学与传质性能进行了测试。结果表明,与F1型浮阀塔板相比,塔板压降可降低10%~30%,漏液率降低10%~30%,雾沫夹带降低10%~20%,传质效率可提高10%~20%。工业应用表明,该种塔板综合性能优异,可用于石油化工等行业的老塔改造与新塔设计。  相似文献   

介绍了乙烯装置中脱丁烷塔的改造情况,塔体利旧,只更换塔板,将原精馏段浮阀塔板更换为ADV高效浮阀塔板,将原提馏段大孔筛板更换为固定阀塔板;并对改造前后的运行情况进行了对比分析,改造后各项指标均优于设计要求。  相似文献   

郭杨  曹祥 《广东化工》2010,37(6):123-124
通过对惠州炼油酸性水汽提装置脱H2S塔、脱NH3塔工艺特点分析,塔板型式比选,提出双脱塔采用导向浮阀塔板是适合的。装置运转情况表明,导向浮阀塔板具有操作弹性好、塔板效率高等特点,在惠州炼油酸性水汽提装置取得了成功应用,为企业创造了显著的经济效益和社会效益。  相似文献   

在深入调研当前重要浮阀塔板的基础上,全面研究组合波纹导向浮阀塔板的压降性能.考察了开孔率、出口堰高、液流强度等因素对压降的影响,并与有孔波纹导向浮阀塔板、无孔波纹导向浮阀塔板、组合导向浮阀塔板和F1型浮阀塔板进行了对比.实验数据采用计算机实时采集与处理,并对数据进行归纳与关联,获得了压降模型的关联式,为工业设计提供了依据.结果表明在不同气液负荷下组合波纹导向浮阀塔板有很好的压降性能,尤其在小液流强度下与其他浮阀塔板相比有明显的优势.  相似文献   

全周向通气条形导向浮阀塔板流体力学性能研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
应用空气-水系统,在直径1 200 mm的冷模塔内对上海唐华化工的新型条形浮阀塔板———全周向通气条形导向浮阀塔板进行了流体力学性能测量,并与F1浮阀进行了对比。实验表明,新型条形导向浮阀塔板的流体力学性能有了明显改善,相同条件下板压降比F1浮阀低20%左右,雾沫夹带较F1型浮阀小10%左右,漏液量较F1型浮阀稍大。  相似文献   

Optimizing the use of micro-flow channels as fluid control mechanisms is an effective means of increasing the sensitivity and selectivity of biosensors. The purpose of this study was to clarify the effectiveness of periodic structure applied to this type of fluid control mechanism to improve the hydrophobicity. We evaluated the functionality of centrifugal fluid valve with micrometer-sized periodic structure in the micro-flow channel. A disposable compact disc-based chip with centrifugal fluid valve was designed for this evaluation. The hydrophobic properties such as transferred volume ratio of the sample solution and the change in the transferred volume ratio with rotational velocity (slope) of the centrifugal fluid valve were investigated. In this case, parallel pillars showed higher hydrophobicity than cross-shaped pillars. The transferred volume ratio increased by 20% compared to that without a micro-periodic structure when a protein solution with a similar concentration to that in saliva and plasma was used. Additionally, a change in rotational velocity of only 49.3 rpm was sufficient to switch a centrifugal fluid valve with parallel pillars, meaning that it makes it possible to have two critical rotation speeds when the fluid begins to move with a rotational velocity of 100 rpm. It was shown that the static hydrophobicity dominates the switching characteristics in the proposed centrifugal fluid valve. Our study suggests that applying periodic structure to fluid control mechanisms is an effective means of realizing hydrophobic surfaces.  相似文献   

谭蔚  韩瑜  刘丽艳 《化学工程》2013,(9):23-26,48
近年来塔内流致振动诱发的塔板损坏的现象引起了人们的关注,塔板在连接处所发生的螺栓脱落乃至进一步的塔板坍塌对整个生产的效率有很大的影响。采用实验的方法研究了筛孔气速、液体流量、溢流堰高度等参数对塔板振动的影响。实验采用空气-水二相体系,在600 mm有机玻璃塔内水和空气错向流动,接触状态为常压精馏中较为多见的混合泡沫态。实验利用动态应变仪对塔板中心附近径向应变进行测试,然后通过快速傅里叶变换分析其振动特性。结果表明:在混合泡沫态的操作工况下,塔板的振动频率值随筛孔气速的增加而变大,随溢流堰高度的增加而减小,而塔内液体流量对振动频率的影响较小;操作工况偏离正常范围时,可能导致塔板发生较大振动和塑性变形。实验结果为研究流致振动下塔板的破坏提供了一定的依据,为后续工业效率的提高和工作环境的改善奠定了基础。  相似文献   

组合导向浮阀塔板的CFD模拟及反向流分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
精馏塔板上的气液两相流动对传质效率有重要影响。根据实验数据拟合得到平均气含率关联式,将其加入动量源项,采用Fluent软件对1.2 m直径的组合导向浮阀塔板上的气液两相流动进行CFD模拟,考察了塔板上的气液两相流动状况。清液层高度的模拟结果与实验数据关联式相吻合,验证了模拟的正确性。对塔板上液相的非理想流动进行了分析,通过对反向流进行量化和统计计算出反向流体积分数(即反向流体积占塔板总体积的百分比)。3块不同浮阀排布塔板的反向流体积分数时均值的计算结果表明,梯形浮阀和矩形浮阀的排布方式对反向流影响很大,通过合理排布能够使工业塔板的反向流体积分数时均值从22.0%下降到19.4%,降幅达到11.8%。本研究结果可望对塔板的设计和优化提供指导。  相似文献   

齐福来 《化学工程》2011,39(1):19-22
应用Bolles理论和Klein的各项数据通过对浮阀塔板上安装2种质量不同的浮阀的压降特性进行模拟,开发了新的计算双重浮阀开启和全开时的各平衡点的表观孔动能因子公式以及建立了5个阶段计算压降的方法.对特定的条件进行了计算得到了比较合理的结果.采用各平衡点表观孔动能因子公式可以对双阀重的浮阀塔板的操作弹性有更准确的预计.  相似文献   

在直径750mm的热模塔内,以环己烷-正庚烷为物系,在常压全回流条件下研究了出口堰高对十字旋阀塔板各板效率及全塔效率的影响,并将十字旋阀和F1型浮阀塔板的全塔效率进行了比较.实验结果表明:在正常操作状态下,堰高由30mm增加到50mm,板效率可提高5%-12%.堰高为30mm时,十字旋阀塔板的全塔效率比F1型浮阀塔板要...  相似文献   

In order to better understand the hydrodynamics of valve trays, air-water operation in an industrial scale tower with 1.2 m of diameter, consisting of two 14% valve trays, was studied. Experimental results of clear liquid height, froth height, average liquid holdup, dry pressure drop, total pressure drop, weeping and entrainment were investigated, and empirical correlations were presented. Then, a three-dimensional computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulation in an Eulerian framework for valve tray with ANSYS CFX software was done. The drag coefficient, which was used in the CFD simulations, was calculated from the data obtained in the experiments. The simulation results were found to be in good agreement with experimental data at this industrial scale. The objective of the work was to study the extent to which experimental and CFD simulations must be used together as a prediction and design tool for industrial trays.  相似文献   

塔板上二相流动情况的不同对板上传热传质的影响较大,仅仅通过实验很难了解板上流动和气液传质的非理想情况。为了深入了解波纹导向浮阀塔板的流体力学性能,在阀片全开状态下,采用计算流体力学(CFD)对1 000 mm的波纹导向浮阀塔板的两相流场进行了模拟研究,建立了欧拉-欧拉两相流三维模型,考虑了气液二相间动量传递作用。为了检验模拟结果的可靠性,将模拟得到的清液层高度与实验值进行对比,验证了所建模型的正确性。研究结果表明,波纹导向浮阀塔板具有良好的流体力学性能,板上气液分布较均匀,弓形区返混区域小。  相似文献   

This paper reports experimental and computational fluid dynamics (CFD) modeling studies on the performance of three modified valves operating in a valve tray column. The original and modified valves including vnotched, warped and double-valve are tested experimentally. The experimental rig was a Perspex column having a single valve equipped with a fluctuating plate to measure the quality of gas distribution by using laser sensors. Two-stage nested designs were employed to show the repeatability and consistency of the measurements. In the CFD modeling, the volume of fluid (VOF) method was used to model the gas-liquid two-phase flow inside the column. A good agreement was observed between experimental data and the CFD predictions. The results showed that the double-valve layout provides a better gas distribution, smaller bubbles with greater interface area and lower pressure drop in comparison with the original and the two other modified valves.  相似文献   

An evolution of the traditional sieve tray, the flow-guiding sieve tray (FGST), has been utilized in many separation processes, especially for handling viscous systems. The objectives of this work are to optimize the design process of FGSTs and realize the full potential of their separation performance. A computation fluid dynamic (CFD) model that incorporated the modified interphase momentum transfer term was developed. Simulated measures of hydrodynamic performance, such as pressure drop, weeping, entrainment, and clear liquid height agree well with the experimental data, thus verifying the accuracy and reliability of the CFD model established in this work. Furthermore, based on the obtained hydrodynamic parameters, a quantitative model for designing flow-guiding holes was established and validated by modifying an experimental FGST (diameter 476 mm) and reconstructing an industrial sieve-tray tower (diameter 1,200 mm). The hydrodynamic parameters and quantitative model are of vital importance for better design and further modification of FGST.  相似文献   

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