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工艺参数对再制干酪的质构和流变性质的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用质构仪和流变仪对影响再制干酪品质的多个因素进行了研究。结果表明,水分影响再制干酪的质构和流变性质:乳化盐对再制干酪产品的质构没有显著的影响;不同的温度和不同的搅拌时间对样品的质构有着相似的变化;在所有加工条件下.再制干酪的G′始终大于G″,G′和G″没有交叉点,而且复合黏度η^*随着频率的增加而急剧降低,体系表现出了弱凝胶的特性。  相似文献   

Semi-hard ewe's milk cheeses, frozen immediately after manufacture either slowly at –35 °C or rapidly at –80 °C and stored at –20 °C for 4 months were studied for microstructural and textural characteristics during subsequent ripening. Two control groups were used to establish the effect of freezing: the fresh unfrozen cheese and cheese thawed immediately after freezing. Freezing proper did not result in any marked changes in the textural parameters of the cheeses, but considerable changes were found in slowly frozen cheeses after 4 months of frozen storage. Shear strength values were lower in all frozen and stored cheeses, particularly in cheese samples frozen slowly compared to those in the unfrozen control batch. This parameter and firmness values were significantly lower in both slowly and rapidly frozen cheeses at the completion of ripening. Ripening tended to offset differences in elasticity, noticeable in the cheeses during the first 30 days of ripening. Light microscopy and electron microscopy revealed small cracks and ruptures in the cheeses which could not be observed by the naked eye. More extensive damage to the cheese microstructure was found in slowly frozen cheese samples stored frozen for 4 months.  相似文献   

成熟温度对Mozzarella干酪蛋白水解和质构的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了温度为4,7,10℃时对干酪成熟过程中蛋白水解和质地的影响。结果表明,随着干酪成熟温度的升高,成熟期间干酪中可溶性氮与总氮的比值增加较快,干酪的硬度下降速度也较快。说明在较高的成熟温度下,干酪在较短的时间内能够达到成熟的状态。  相似文献   

采用不同剂量的60Co-γ射线对Provolone干酪进行辐照处理,研究了辐照杀菌的干酪在储藏期间化学成分与质构的变化。结果表明:(1)储藏期间,随着辐照剂量的增加,辐照干酪的Aw呈降低趋势,辐照吸收剂量越大,Aw下降的程度也越强;酸价、过氧化值和TBA值明显增加;(2)储藏期间,随着辐照剂量的增加,pH4.6 SN和12%TCA SN的质量分数都呈下降趋势;辐照干酪的TPA硬度、弹性和凝聚性都呈下降趋势;(3)根据电泳图可知,Provolone干酪随着辐照剂量的增加,酪蛋白的水解程度降低,在副κ-CN以下的小分子量的快速迁移肽含量有明显的减少,而β-CN和副κ-CN之间的大分子量的迁移肽减少不明显。  相似文献   

Processed cheese analogues were made with different fat and moisture in nonfat solids (MNFS) contents and used to study relationships between composition, microscopic structure, rheological properties and sensory texture. Fat contents ranged from 58 to 230 g kg?1 and MNFS from 487.6 to 603.3 g kg?1. Regressions showed that those rheological parameters measured by uniaxial compression at large deformations and moderately high rates were best explained by linear combinations of MNFS, protein and fat. The moisture in the protein network acted as a plasticiser lowering the rheological parameters. Fat alone had little direct effect on the rheological characteristics under these conditions but at small deformations and low deformation rates it formed elastic inclusions that contributed to the properties. Examination of fracture surfaces in the SEM suggested that, during fracture, fat was squeezed out and acted as a lubricant. Maximum stress and work to maximum stress measured at moderately high deformation rates related best to the sensory results and described fracture of the cheeses. From the regressions, for 95% confidence limits, sensory analysis could theoretically measure changes within the range of composition tested of <0.1% in MNFS or fat. Of the rheological parameters only work to maximum stress was as sensitive. However, interaction between these compositional factors reduced the sensitivity in practice.  相似文献   

白建  薛建娥 《中国酿造》2021,40(2):154-158
在牛乳中添加不同的黑豆豆乳,研究不同的黑豆豆乳添加量对Mozzarella奶酪在成熟0 d、30 d、60 d、90 d时的水分活度、pH、质构、色泽、蛋白质降解等品质指标变化的影响。结果显示,随着黑豆豆乳添加量在2%~6%范围内的增大,奶酪的水分活度不断增大,pH不断降低,奶酪的硬度、弹性、粘附性、咀嚼性增加,奶酪的明亮度(L*值)下降,红度(a*值)和黄度(b*值)增加,而加入黑豆豆乳的奶酪在成熟过程中蛋白质降解与对照奶酪相似。综合各个指标,在牛乳中加入4%黑豆豆乳条件下制作的黑豆豆乳牛乳奶酪,既有独特的风味,同时奶酪具有较好的色度、质构、蛋白降解等指标特性。  相似文献   

Biochemistry of cheese ripening   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Rennet-coagulated cheeses are ripened for periods ranging from about two weeks to two or more years depending on variety. During ripening, microbiological and biochemical changes occur that result in the development of the flavour and texture characteristic of the variety. Biochemical changes in cheese during ripening may be grouped into primary (lipolysis, proteolysis and metabolism of residual lactose and of lactate and citrate) or secondary (metabolism of fatty acids and of amino acids) events. Residual lactose is metabolized rapidly to lactate during the early stages of ripening. Lactate is an important precursor for a series of reactions including racemization, oxidation or microbial metabolism. Citrate metabolism is of great importance in certain varieties. Lipolysis in cheese is catalysed by lipases from various source, particularly the milk and cheese microflora, and, in varieties where this coagulant is used, by enzymes from rennet paste. Proteolysis is the most complex biochemical event that occurs during ripening and is catalysed by enzymes from residual coagulant, the milk (particularly plasmin) and proteinases and peptidases from lactic acid bacteria and, in certain varieties, other microorganisms that are encouraged to grow in or on the cheese. Secondary reactions lead to the production of volatile flavour compounds and pathways for the production of flavour compounds from fatty acids and amino acids are also reviewed.  相似文献   

Changes in the rheological behaviour and viscoelastic properties during ripening at 10°C of a soft cheese (Port Salut Argentino) packaged in a plastic film (EVA-EVA) were analysed. Casein degradation was measured by electrophoresis slab gels; αs1 casein degradation was rapid and striking compared with that of β casein. Rheological parameters obtained from uniaxial compression tests changed during ripening: hardness decreased, adhesiveness and cohesiveness increased.
An exponential decay equation with two maxwellian elements and one elastic in parallel was fitted to characterize stress relaxation curves. Viscoelastic parameters (elastic moduli and relaxation times) were obtained using non-linear regression analysis. The elastic equilibrium modulus decreased 80% during the ripening period and the viscosity of the element with the highest relaxation time decreased 20%. These parameters represented the changes observed in cheese hardness and elasticity during ageing time and were related to the extent of casein breakdown.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of five different manufacturers and two ripening periods on the proteolysis and lipolysis patterns of Murcia al Vino goat cheese. The manufacturers significantly affected the water activity (aw), pH, dry matter and fat content, several nitrogen fractions: water soluble nitrogen (WSN), trichloroacetic acid (12% w/v) soluble nitrogen (TCASN) and phosphotungstic acid (5% w/v) soluble nitrogen (PTASN); also the free amino acid (FAA) and free fatty acid (FFA) contents, with the exception of C4:0, C16:0 and C18:0. Different ripening periods significantly affected the dry matter content, WSN and PTASN and all FAA, except serine.  相似文献   

采用腐乳的传统生产制作方法,比较四种不同条件对腐乳物性的差异影响,主要使用了质构仪和流变仪进行研究。结合水分和氨基态氮含量的结果,表明:大豆品种、凝固剂、后发酵温度、毛霉培养时间对腐乳的品质都有影响。大黄豆制作的腐乳比小黄豆凝胶结构更完整;用内酯做凝固剂时与盐卤相比,显著降低了腐乳的硬度,同时提高了腐乳的粘弹性;后发酵温度采用30℃时能提高腐乳氨基态氮含量;毛霉培养时间对腐乳流变性质影响最大,培养5d时腐乳氨基氮含量和粘弹性最小。在所有加工条件下,腐乳样品G’始终大于G″,而且检测线没有出现交叉点,表现出了腐乳的弱凝胶特性。随剪切频率增大,腐乳蛋白质网络结构可以进一步重组产生新的结构。   相似文献   

The effect of elevated ripening temperature on physicochemical, biochemical and sensory characteristics in Reggianito Argentino cheese was evaluated to determine the optimal time for cheese ripening at 18 °C that ensures typical cheese characteristics. Cheeses ripened at 12 or 18 °C and 85% relative humidity were analysed at 2, 4 and 6 months. Seventy-eight variables (as determined by urea-PAGE, RP-HPLC of the water-soluble at pH 4.6 fraction, free amino acids, free fatty acids and sensory analysis) were considered for the principal component analysis. The statistical analysis allowed determination of the optimal time for ripening Reggianito Argentino cheese at 18 °C, which was ranged between 2 and 3 months. In conclusion, the results obtained were not only useful in characterising the ripening of an Argentinean hard cheese, but also in evaluating the effect of an increase of ripening temperature on the main physicochemical, biochemical and sensory changes of Reggianito Argentino cheese.  相似文献   

Lighvan cheese was studied to determine the physicochemical and biochemical changes over 90 days of ripening in brine. Acidity, pH, dry matter, fat values, lipolysis level, water‐soluble nitrogen (WSN), total nitrogen (TN), ripening index (RI), trichloroacetic acid‐soluble nitrogen (TCA‐SN) and organoleptic assessments were analysed. Dry matter and fat values decreased during ripening. Lipolysis level, RI, TCA‐SN values and salt content increased continuously until the end of the ripening period, but total nitrogen decreased throughout a 90‐day storage period. The ripening stage was the main factor affecting the cheese’s sensory properties.  相似文献   

Full fat, milled-curd Cheddar cheeses (2 kg) were manufactured with 0.0 (control), 0.1, 1.0, or 10.0 μmol of pepstatin (a potent competitive inhibitor of chymosin) added per liter of curds/whey mixture at the start of cooking to obtain residual chymosin levels that were 100, 89, 55, and 16% of the activity in the control cheese, respectively. The cheeses were ripened at 8°C for 180 d. There were no significant differences in the pH values of the cheeses; however, the moisture content of the cheeses decreased with increasing level of pepstatin addition. The levels of pH 4.6-soluble nitrogen in the 3 cheeses with added pepstatin were significantly lower than that of the control cheese at 1 d and throughout ripening. Densitometric analysis of urea-PAGE electro-phoretograms of the pH 4.6-insoluble fractions of the cheese made with 10.0 μmol/L of pepstatin showed complete inhibition of hydrolysis of αS1-casein (CN) at Phe23-Phe24 at all stages of ripening. The level of insoluble calcium in each of 4 cheeses decreased significantly during the first 21 d of ripening, irrespective of the level of pepstatin addition. Concurrently, there was a significant reduction in hardness in each of the 4 cheeses during the first 21 d of ripening. The softening of texture was more highly correlated with the level of insoluble calcium than with the level of intact αS1-CN in each of the 4 cheeses early in ripening. It is concluded that hydrolysis of αS1-CN at Phe23-Phe24 is not a prerequisite for softening of Cheddar cheese during the early stages of ripening. We propose that this softening of texture is principally due to the partial solubilization of colloidal calcium phosphate associated with the para-CN matrix of the curd.  相似文献   

A novel treatment using polyphosphates to protect cheeses against superficial mould growth was assayed. The treatments were: control commercial paint with natamycin (I), commercial paint based on polyvinyl–water (II), immersion in a saturated solution of polyphosphate (III), immersion and commercial paint (IV), commercial paint of polyphosphate solutions (V) and immersion and commercial paint of a saturated solution of polyphosphates (VI). The cheeses were ripened for 6 months. Superficial mould growth was inhibited in groups IV and VI when compared to cheeses from the control group (I). Statistical sensory analysis made between cheeses from groups IV and I (control) showed no significant differences.  相似文献   

添加大豆蛋白可降低涂抹型再制干酪的成本,但也会对再制干酪的质构产生一定的影响。设计4因素3水平正交实验.应用TA—XT2i型物性分析仪考察添加了大豆蛋白后的再制干酪产品的质构变化,使用Statistix 8.0统计分析软件对实验结果进行统计分析并作出比较和对正交试验作极差分析。结果表明,4个因素在水平不同的9组正交实验的结果的差异性显著(p〈0.05),在极差分析中,4个因素对硬度的影响排序为D〉C〉A〉B;4个因素对剪切功的影响排序为D〉A〉B〉C;4个因素对粘着性的影响排序为A〉B〉D〉C;4个因素对感官评价的影响排序为A〉D〉C〉B。最后重做不同的最优组并再次测定各项指标,得到最好的组合为大豆蛋白添加量6%.黄油添加量10%,乳化盐添加量1、5%,加水量50%(均为质量分数,下同)。  相似文献   

Invited review: Sensory and mechanical properties of cheese texture   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Instrumental mechanical properties (instrumental tests that measure force and deformation over time) of cheese and cheese texture (sensory perception of cheese structure) are critical attributes. Accurate measurement of these properties requires both instrumental and sensory testing. Fundamental rheological and fracture tests provide accurate measurement of mechanical properties that can be described based on chemical and structural models. Sensory testing likewise covers a range of possible tests with selection of the specific test dependent of the specific goal desired. Establishing relationships between instrumental and sensory tests requires careful selection of tests and consideration and analysis of the results. A review of these tests and a critical analysis of establishing relationships between instrumental and sensory tests is presented.  相似文献   

《International Dairy Journal》2005,15(6-9):733-740
Fat-derived flavour compounds in four different batches of Gouda cheese were monitored over 2 years of ripening. The total free fatty acid (FFA) concentrations increased from 200–400 to 700–1200 mg kg–1 dry matter, in a fairly linear manner. Long-chain FFAs were predominant in the curds, but relatively more short and intermediate chain fatty acids were released during ripening. The production of δ-lactones was rapid initially, but reached a plateau at 55 mg kg–1 dry matter in about 20 weeks. The production of γ-lactones was slower and also decreased, but was noticeable over a longer time, giving 5.5 mg kg–1 dry matter in 90 weeks. Ethyl ester formation varied substantially. Ketone levels increased only very slightly during ripening; long chain alcohols and aldehydes were not found. Some individual FFAs and lactones exceeded reported flavour thresholds, and are expected to influence the flavour of Gouda cheese.  相似文献   

This study investigated the behaviour and fate of Listeria monocytogenes at different ripening temperatures and NaCl concentrations in traditional Lighvan cheese. L. monocytogenes was added to raw sheep's milk. After producing the cheese, they were stored in 8%, 12% and 15% NaCl at 4, 9 and 14 °C. Sampling was performed for 150 days. Different temperature and NaCl concentrations had a significant effect on the survival of L. monocytogenes (< 0.001). The lowest growth and survival rates of L. monocytogenes were in 15% NaCl at 14 °C and 12% NaCl at 14 °C, respectively. Also, the highest growth and survival rates of the bacterium were in 8% NaCl at 4 °C.  相似文献   

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