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CK1 casein kinases are well conserved in filamentous fungi. However, their functions are not well characterized in plant pathogens. In Fusarium graminearum, deletion of FgYCK1 caused severe growth defects and loss of conidiation, fertility, and pathogenicity. Interestingly, the Fgyck1 mutant was not stable and often produced fast-growing spontaneous suppressors. Suppressor mutations were frequently identified in the FgBNI4 gene by sequencing analyses. Deletion of the entire FgBNI4 or disruptions of its conserved C-terminal region could suppress the defects of Fgyck1 in hyphal growth and conidiation, indicating the genetic relationship between FgYCK1 and FgBNI4. Furthermore, the Fgyck1 mutant showed defects in polarized growth, cell wall integrity, internalization of FgRho1 and vacuole fusion, which were all partially suppressed by deletion of FgBNI4. Overall, our results indicate a stage-specific functional relationship between FgYCK1 and FgBNI4, possibly via FgRho1 signaling for regulating polarized hyphal growth and cell wall integrity.  相似文献   

For optimal proteolytic function, the proteasome core (CP or 20S) must associate with activators. The cAMP-PKA pathway is reported to affect the activity of the proteasome in humans. However, the relationship between the proteasome and PKA is not well characterized. Our results showed that the major catalytic subunit Cpk1 was degraded without the protection of Pkr. Eleven (out of 67) pkr suppressors had FgBlm10 C-terminal truncation, one suppressor had an amino acid change mutation in the PRE6 ortholog (FGRRES_07282), and one in the PRE5 ortholog (FGRRES_05222). These mutations rescued the defects in growth and conidial morphology, Cpk1 stability, and PKA activities in the pkr mutant. The interaction of FgBlm10 with FgPre5 and FgPre6 were detected by co-immunoprecipitation, and the essential elements for their interaction were characterized, including the FgBlm10 C-terminus, amino acid D82 of FgPre6 and K62 of FgPre5. Additional FgBlm10-interacting proteins were identified in the wild type and pkr mutant, suggesting that PKA regulates the preference of FgBlm10-mediated proteasome assembly. In addition, PKA indirectly affected the phosphorylation of FgBlm10, and its localization in the nucleus. The truncation of the FgBlm10 C terminus also enhanced nuclear import and bleomycin resistance, suggesting its role in proteasome assembly at DNA damage sites. Collectively, our data demonstrated that regulation between PKA and proteasome degradation is critical for the vegetative growth of F. graminearum.  相似文献   

The protein phosphatase PP2A is essential for the control of integrated eukaryotic cell functioning. Several cellular and developmental events, e.g., plant growth regulator (PGR) mediated signaling pathways are regulated by reversible phosphorylation of vesicle traffic proteins. Reviewing present knowledge on the relevant role of PP2A is timely. We discuss three aspects: (1) PP2A regulates microtubule-mediated vesicle delivery during cell plate assembly. PP2A dephosphorylates members of the microtubule associated protein family MAP65, promoting their binding to microtubules. Regulation of phosphatase activity leads to changes in microtubule organization, which affects vesicle traffic towards cell plate and vesicle fusion to build the new cell wall between dividing cells. (2) PP2A-mediated inhibition of target of rapamycin complex (TORC) dependent signaling pathways contributes to autophagy and this has possible connections to the brassinosteroid signaling pathway. (3) Transcytosis of vesicles transporting PIN auxin efflux carriers. PP2A regulates vesicle localization and recycling of PINs related to GNOM (a GTP–GDP exchange factor) mediated pathways. The proper intracellular traffic of PINs is essential for auxin distribution in the plant body, thus in whole plant development. Overall, PP2A has essential roles in membrane interactions of plant cell and it is crucial for plant development and stress responses.  相似文献   

Maize sheath rot is a prevalent maize disease in China. From 2020 to 2021, symptomatic samples were collected from the main maize-growing regions of Heilongjiang province. To clarify the population and genetic diversity, as well as the virulence of pathogens responsible for maize sheath rot, a total of 132 Fusarium isolates were obtained and used for follow-up studies. Ten Fusarium species were identified based on morphological characteristics, and phylogenetic analysis was conducted using the TEF-1α gene sequences, including F. verticillioides (50.00%), F. subglutinans (18.94%), the Fusarium incarnatum-equiseti species complex (14.39%), F. temperatum (5.30%), F. acuminatum (3.03%), F. solani (2.27%), F. sporotrichioides (2.27%), F. tricinctum (1.52%), F. asiaticum (1.52%), and F. proliferatum (0.76%). All 10 Fusarium species could produce oval-to-annular lesions on maize sheath, and the lesions were grayish yellow to dark brown in the center and surrounded by a dark gray-to-dark brown halo. Of these, F. tricinctum and F. proliferatum showed significantly higher virulence than the other Fusarium species. In addition, haplotype analysis based on the concatenated sequences of the ITS and TEF-1a genes showed that 99 Fusarium isolates which belonged to the Fusarium fujikuroi species complex—consisting of F. verticillioides isolates, F. subglutinans isolates, F. temperatum isolates, and F. proliferatum isolates—could be grouped into 10 haplotypes, including 5 shared haplotypes (Haps 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6) and 5 private haplotypes (Haps 3, 7, 8, 9, and 10). Furthermore, the F. verticillioides clade in the haplotype network was radial with the center of Hap 2, suggesting that population expansion occurred. This research showed that Fusarium species associated with maize sheath rot in Heilongjiang province are more diverse than previously reported, and this is the first time that F. subglutinans, F. temperatum, F. solani, F. sporotrichioides, F. tricinctum, and F. acuminatum have been confirmed as the causal agents of maize sheath rot in Heilongjiang province.  相似文献   

Periodontal inflammation is a common inflammatory disease associated with chronic inflammation that can ultimately lead to alveolar attachment loss and bone destruction. Understanding autophagy and pyroptosis has suggested their significant roles in inflammation. In recent years, studies of differentiated embryo-chondrocyte expressed genes 1 and 2 (Dec1 and Dec2) have shown that they play important functions in autophagy and in pyroptosis, which contribute to the onset of periodontal inflammation. In this review, we summarize recent studies on the roles of clock genes, including Dec1 and Dec2, that are related to periodontal inflammation and other diseases.  相似文献   

Proteins that contain the FYVE zinc-finger domain are recruited to PtdIns3P-containing membranes, participating in numerous biological processes such as membrane trafficking, cytoskeletal regulation, and receptor signaling. However, the genome-wide distribution, evolution, and biological functions of FYVE-containing proteins are rarely reported for oomycetes. By genome mining of Phytophthora sojae, two proteins (PsFP1 and PsFP2) with a combination of the FYVE domain and the PX domain (a major phosphoinositide binding module) were found. To clarify the functions of PsFP1 and PsFP2, the CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene replacement system was used to knock out the two genes respectively. Only heterozygous deletion mutants of PsFP1 were recovered, and the expression level of PsFP1 in the heterozygous knockout transformants was significantly down-regulated. These PsFP1 mutants showed a decrease in mycelial growth and pathogenicity and were more sensitive to hydrogen peroxide. These phenotypes were recovered to the level of wild-type by overexpression PsFP1 gene in the PsFP1 heterozygous knockout transformant. In contrast, deletion of PsFP2 had no significant effect on vegetative growth, asexual and sexual reproduction, pathogenicity, or oxidative stress sensitivity. PsFP1 was primarily localized in vesicle-like structures and both the FYVE and PX domains are important for its localization. Overall, our results indicate that PsFP1 plays an important role in the vegetative growth and virulence of P. sojae.  相似文献   

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) is a neurotropic virus that occasionally may spread to the central nervous system (CNS), being the most common cause of sporadic encephalitis. One of the main neurovirulence factors of HSV-1 is the protein ICP34.5, which although it initially seems to be relevant only in neuronal infections, it can also promote viral replication in non-neuronal cells. New ICP34.5 functions have been discovered during recent years, and some of them have been questioned. This review describes the mechanisms of ICP34.5 to control cellular antiviral responses and debates its most controversial functions. One of the most discussed roles of ICP34.5 is autophagy inhibition. Although autophagy is considered a defense mechanism against viral infections, current evidence suggests that this antiviral function is only one side of the coin. Different types of autophagic pathways interact with HSV-1 impairing or enhancing the infection, and both the virus and the host cell modulate these pathways to tip the scales in its favor. In this review, we summarize the recent progress on the interplay between autophagy and HSV-1, focusing on the intricate role of ICP34.5 in the modulation of this pathway to fight the battle against cellular defenses.  相似文献   

The maintenance of proteome homeostasis, or proteostasis, is crucial for preserving cellular functions and for cellular adaptation to environmental challenges and changes in physiological conditions. The capacity of cells to maintain proteostasis requires precise control and coordination of protein synthesis, folding, conformational maintenance, and clearance. Thus, protein degradation by the ubiquitin–proteasome system (UPS) or the autophagy–lysosomal system plays an essential role in cellular functions. However, failure of the UPS or the autophagic process can lead to the development of various diseases (aging-associated diseases, cancer), thus both these pathways have become attractive targets in the treatment of protein conformational diseases, such as alpha 1-antitrypsin deficiency (AATD). The Z alpha 1-antitrypsin (Z-AAT) misfolded variant of the serine protease alpha 1-antitrypsin (AAT) is caused by a structural change that predisposes it to protein aggregation and dramatic accumulation in the form of inclusion bodies within liver hepatocytes. This can lead to clinically significant liver disease requiring liver transplantation in childhood or adulthood. Treatment of mice with autophagy enhancers was found to reduce hepatic Z-AAT aggregate levels and protect them from AATD hepatotoxicity. To date, liver transplantation is the only curative therapeutic option for patients with AATD-mediated liver disease. Therefore, the development and discovery of new therapeutic approaches to delay or overcome disease progression is a top priority. Herein, we review AATD-mediated liver disease and the overall process of autophagy. We highlight the role of this system in the regulation of Z-variant degradation and its implication in AATD-medicated liver disease, including some open questions that remain challenges in the field and require further elucidation. Finally, we discuss how manipulation of autophagy could provide multiple routes of therapeutic benefit in AATD-mediated liver disease.  相似文献   

Introduction: The programmed death receptor ligand 1 (PD-L1) immunohistochemistry (IHC) assay is a widely used selection method for pembrolizumab treatment in gastric cancer (GC) patients. PD-L1 is the main regulator of immunity in oncogenesis. Material and methods: The study included 38 patients with GC. The combined treatment consisted of neoadjuvant FOLFOX6, or FLOT, chemotherapy and surgery. PD-L1 + tumor status was recorded in 12 patients (CPS > 5), with a negative status recorded in 26 patients. RT-PCR determined the expression of molecular markers. The level of LC3B protein was detected by Western Blotting analysis. Results: An overexpression of PD-1, PD-L2 in the tumor is associated with AKT/mTOR mRNA profile change and autophagy initiation in IHC PD-L1 positive GCs. NACT influences these biological features, modifying the expression of AKT/mTOR components and autophagic flux. In PD-L1 positive cancers, the effect of NACT and molecular markers rearrangements are essential compared to the PD-L1 negative cancers. Conclusion: The IHC PD-L1 status in gastric cancers is the significant marker of cancer progression, recovering the multiple inner mechanisms of cancer spreading and leading to ineffective therapy. Autophagy induction and angiogenesis are found in PD-L1 positive gastric cancers.  相似文献   

Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), the main cause of vision loss in the elderly, is associated with oxidation in the retina cells promoting telomere attrition. Activation of telomerase was reported to improve macular functions in AMD patients. The catalytic subunit of human telomerase (hTERT) may directly interact with proteins important for senescence, DNA damage response, and autophagy, which are impaired in AMD. hTERT interaction with mTORC1 (mTOR (mechanistic target of rapamycin) complex 1) and PINK1 (PTEN-induced kinase 1) activates macroautophagy and mitophagy, respectively, and removes cellular debris accumulated over AMD progression. Ectopic expression of telomerase in retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells lengthened telomeres, reduced senescence, and extended their lifespan. These effects provide evidence for the potential of telomerase in AMD therapy. Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-alpha (PGC-1α) may be involved in AMD pathogenesis through decreasing oxidative stress and senescence, regulation of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and improving autophagy. PGC-1α and TERT form an inhibitory positive feedback loop. In conclusion, telomerase activation and its ectopic expression in RPE cells, as well as controlled clinical trials on the effects of telomerase activation in AMD patients, are justified and should be assisted by PGC-1α modulators to increase the therapeutic potential of telomerase in AMD.  相似文献   

B-cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus integration region 1 (Bmi-1, also known as RNF51 or PCGF4) is one of the important members of the PcG gene family, and is involved in regulating cell proliferation, differentiation and senescence, and maintaining the self-renewal of stem cells. Many studies in recent years have emphasized the role of Bmi-1 in the occurrence and development of tumors. In fact, Bmi-1 has multiple functions in cancer biology and is closely related to many classical molecules, including Akt, c-MYC, Pten, etc. This review summarizes the regulatory mechanisms of Bmi-1 in multiple pathways, and the interaction of Bmi-1 with noncoding RNAs. In particular, we focus on the pathological processes of Bmi-1 in cancer, and explore the clinical relevance of Bmi-1 in cancer biomarkers and prognosis, as well as its implications for chemoresistance and radioresistance. In conclusion, we summarize the role of Bmi-1 in tumor progression, reveal the pathophysiological process and molecular mechanism of Bmi-1 in tumors, and provide useful information for tumor diagnosis, treatment, and prognosis.  相似文献   

The present limitations in the pathogenicity prediction of BRCA1 and BRCA2 (BRCA1/2) missense variants constitute an important problem with negative consequences for the diagnosis of hereditary breast and ovarian cancer. However, it has been proposed that the use of endophenotype predictions, i.e., computational estimates of the outcomes of functional assays, can be a good option to address this bottleneck. The application of this idea to the BRCA1/2 variants in the CAGI 5-ENIGMA international challenge has shown promising results. Here, we developed this approach, exploring the predictive performances of the regression models applied to the BRCA1/2 variants for which the values of the homology-directed DNA repair and saturation genome editing assays are available. Our results first showed that we can generate endophenotype estimates using a few molecular-level properties. Second, we show that the accuracy of these estimates is enough to obtain pathogenicity predictions comparable to those of many standard tools. Third, endophenotype-based predictions are complementary to, but do not outperform, those of a Random Forest model trained using variant pathogenicity annotations instead of endophenotype values. In summary, our results confirmed the usefulness of the endophenotype approach for the pathogenicity prediction of the BRCA1/2 missense variants, suggesting different options for future improvements.  相似文献   

The pine wood nematode, Bursaphelenchus xylophilus, causes huge economic losses in pine forests, has a complex life cycle, and shows the remarkable ability to survive under unfavorable and changing environmental conditions. This ability may be related to autophagy, which is still poorly understood in B. xylophilus and no autophagy-related genes have been previously characterized. In this study, transmission electron microscopy was used to confirm that autophagy exists in B. xylophilus. The full-length cDNAs of BxATG1 and BxATG8 were first cloned from B. xylophilus, and BxATG1 and BxATG8 were characterized using bioinformatics methods. The expression pattern of the autophagy marker BxATG8 was investigated using in situ hybridization (ISH). BxATG8 was expressed in esophageal gland and hypodermal seam cells. We tested the effects of RNA interference (RNAi) on BxATG1 and BxATG8. The results revealed that BxATG1 and BxATG8 were likely associated with propagation of nematodes on fungal mats. This study confirmed the molecular characterization and functions of BxATG1 and BxATG8 in B. xylophilus and provided fundamental information between autophagy and B. xylophilus.  相似文献   

Breast cancer (BC) is a major public health problem, with key pieces of information needed for developing preventive and curative measures still missing. For example, the participation of the chaperone system (CS) in carcinogenesis and anti-cancer responses is poorly understood, although it can be predicted to be a crucial factor in these mechanisms. The chief components of the CS are the molecular chaperones, and here we discuss four of them, Hsp27, Hsp60, Hsp70, and Hsp90, focusing on their pro-carcinogenic roles in BC and potential for developing anti-BC therapies. These chaperones can be targets of negative chaperonotherapy, namely the elimination/blocking/inhibition of the chaperone(s) functioning in favor of BC, using, for instance, Hsp inhibitors. The chaperones can also be employed in immunotherapy against BC as adjuvants, together with BC antigens. Extracellular vesicles (EVs) in BC diagnosis and management are also briefly discussed, considering their potential as easily accessible carriers of biomarkers and as shippers of anti-cancer agents amenable to manipulation and controlled delivery. The data surveyed from many laboratories reveal that, to enhance the understanding of the role of the CS in BS pathogenesis, one must consider the CS as a physiological system, encompassing diverse members throughout the body and interacting with the ubiquitin–proteasome system, the chaperone-mediated autophagy machinery, and the immune system (IS). An integrated view of the CS, including its functional partners and considering its highly dynamic nature with EVs transporting CS components to reach all the cell compartments in which they are needed, opens as yet unexplored pathways leading to carcinogenesis that are amenable to interference by anti-cancer treatments centered on CS components, such as the molecular chaperones.  相似文献   

This review discusses the role of galectin-1 in the tumor microenvironment. First, the structure and function of galectin-1 are discussed. Galectin-1, a member of the galectin family of lectins, is a functionally dimeric galactoside-binding protein. Although galectin-1 has both intracellular and extracellular functions, the defining carbohydrate-binding role occurs extracellularly. In this review, the extracellular roles of galectin-1 in cancer processes are discussed. In particular, the importance of multivalent interactions in galectin-1 mediated cellular processes is reviewed. Multivalent interactions involving galectin-1 in cellular adhesion, mobility and invasion, tumor-induced angiogenesis, and apoptosis are presented. Although the mechanisms of action of galectin-1 in these processes are still not well understood, the overexpression of galectin-1 in cancer progression indicates that the role of galectin-1 is significant. To conclude this review, synthetic frameworks that have been used to modulate galectin-1 processes are reviewed. Small molecule oligomers of carbohydrates, carbohydrate-functionalized pseudopolyrotaxanes, cyclodextrins, calixarenes, and glycodendrimers are presented. These synthetic multivalent systems serve as important tools for studying galectin-1 mediated cancer cellular functions.  相似文献   

The establishment of plant–fungus mutualistic interaction requires bidirectional molecular crosstalk. Therefore, the analysis of the interacting organisms secretomes would help to understand how such relationships are established. Here, a gel-free shotgun proteomics approach was used to identify the secreted proteins of the plant Arabidopsis thaliana and the mutualistic fungus Trichoderma atroviride during their interaction. A total of 126 proteins of Arabidopsis and 1027 of T. atroviride were identified. Among them, 118 and 780 were differentially modulated, respectively. Bioinformatic analysis unveiled that both organisms’ secretomes were enriched with enzymes. In T. atroviride, glycosidases, aspartic endopeptidases, and dehydrogenases increased in response to Arabidopsis. Additionally, amidases, protein-serine/threonine kinases, and hydro-lyases showed decreased levels. Furthermore, peroxidases, cysteine endopeptidases, and enzymes related to the catabolism of secondary metabolites increased in the plant secretome. In contrast, pathogenesis-related proteins and protease inhibitors decreased in response to the fungus. Notably, the glutamate:glyoxylate aminotransferase GGAT1 was secreted by Arabidopsis during its interaction with T. atroviride. Our study showed that GGAT1 is partially required for plant growth stimulation and on the induction of the plant systemic resistance by T. atroviride. Additionally, GGAT1 seems to participate in the negative regulation of the plant systemic resistance against B. cinerea through a mechanism involving H2O2 production.  相似文献   

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