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Hemostasis is a physiological process critical for survival. Meanwhile, thrombosis is amongst the leading causes of death worldwide, making antithrombotic therapy one of the most crucial aspects of modern medicine. Although antithrombotic therapy has progressed tremendously over the years, it remains far from ideal, and this is mainly due to the incomplete understanding of the exceptionally complex structural and functional properties of platelets. However, advances in biochemistry, molecular biology, and the advent of ‘omics’ continue to provide crucial information for our understanding of the complex structure and function of platelets, their interactions with the coagulation system, and their role in hemostasis and thrombosis. In this review, we provide a comprehensive view of the complex role that platelets play in hemostasis and thrombosis, and we discuss the major clinical implications of these fundamental blood components, with a focus on hemostatic platelet-related disorders and existing and emerging antithrombotic therapies. We also emphasize a number of questions that remain to be answered, and we identify hotspots for future research.  相似文献   

Severe inherited thrombophilia includes rare deficiencies of natural anticoagulants (antithrombin and proteins C and S) and homozygous or combined factor V Leiden and FII G20210A variants. They are associated with a high thrombosis risk and can impact the duration of anticoagulation therapy for patients with a venous thromboembolism (VTE) event. Therefore, it is important to diagnose thrombophilia and to use adapted anticoagulant therapy. The widespread use of direct anticoagulants (DOACs) for VTE has raised new issues concerning inherited thrombophilia. Concerning inherited thrombophilia diagnosis, DOACs are directed toward either FIIa or FXa and can therefore interfere with coagulation assays. This paper reports DOAC interference in several thrombophilia tests, including the assessment of antithrombin, protein S, and protein C activities. Antithrombin activity and clot-based assays used for proteins C and S can be overestimated, with a risk of missing a deficiency. The use of a device to remove DOACs should be considered to minimize the risk of false-negative results. The place of DOACs in the treatment of VTE in thrombophilia patients is also discussed. Available data are encouraging, but given the variability in thrombosis risk within natural anticoagulant deficiencies, evidence in patients with well-characterized thrombophilia would be useful.  相似文献   

Muscarinic acetylcholine receptors (mAChRs) belong to the superfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). The family of mAChRs is composed of five subtypes, M1, M2, M3, M4 and M5, which have distinct expression patterns and functions. In the eye and its adnexa, mAChRs are widely expressed and exert multiple functions, such as modulation of tear secretion, regulation of pupil size, modulation of intraocular pressure, participation in cell-to-cell signaling and modula-tion of vascular diameter in the retina. Due to this variety of functions, it is reasonable to assume that abnormalities in mAChR signaling may contribute to the development of various ocular diseases. On the other hand, mAChRs may offer an attractive therapeutic target to treat ocular diseases. Thus far, non-subtype-selective mAChR ligands have been used in ophthalmology to treat dry eye disease, myopia and glaucoma. However, these drugs were shown to cause various side-effects. Thus, the use of subtype-selective ligands would be useful to circumvent this problem. In this review, we give an overview on the localization and on the functional role of mAChR subtypes in the eye and its adnexa with a special focus on the retina. Moreover, we describe the pathophysiological role of mAChRs in retinal diseases and discuss potential therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

Arteriovenous malformations are a vascular anomaly typically present at birth, characterized by an abnormal connection between an artery and a vein (bypassing the capillaries). These high flow lesions can vary in size and location. Therapeutic approaches are limited, and AVMs can cause significant morbidity and mortality. Here, we describe our current understanding of the pathogenesis of arteriovenous malformations based on preclinical and clinical findings. We discuss past and present accomplishments and challenges in the field and identify research gaps that need to be filled for the successful development of therapeutic strategies in the future.  相似文献   

Diabetes mellitus represents a growing concern, both for public economy and global health. In fact, it can lead to insidious macrovascular and microvascular complications, impacting negatively on patients’ quality of life. Diabetic patients often present diabetic kidney disease (DKD), a burdensome complication that can be silent for years. The average time of onset of kidney impairment in diabetic patients is about 7–10 years. The clinical impact of DKD is dangerous not only for the risk of progression to end-stage renal disease and therefore to renal replacement therapies, but also because of the associated increase in cardiovascular events. An early recognition of risk factors for DKD progression can be decisive in decreasing morbidity and mortality. DKD presents patient-related, clinician-related, and system-related issues. All these problems are translated into therapeutic inertia, which is defined as the failure to initiate or intensify therapy on time according to evidence-based clinical guidelines. Therapeutic inertia can be resolved by a multidisciplinary pool of healthcare experts. The timing of intensification of treatment, the transition to the best therapy, and dietetic strategies must be provided by a multidisciplinary team, driving the patients to the glycemic target and delaying or overcoming DKD-related complications. A timely nephrological evaluation can also guarantee adequate information to choose the right renal replacement therapy at the right time in case of renal impairment progression.  相似文献   

The purinergic signaling has an important role in regulating pancreatic exocrine secretion. The exocrine pancreas is also a site of one of the most serious cancer forms, the pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC). Here, we explore how the network of purinergic and adenosine receptors, as well as ecto-nucleotidases regulate normal pancreatic cells and various cells within the pancreatic tumor microenvironment. In particular, we focus on the P2X7 receptor, P2Y2 and P2Y12 receptors, as well as A2 receptors and ecto-nucleotidases CD39 and CD73. Recent studies indicate that targeting one or more of these candidates could present new therapeutic approaches to treat pancreatic cancer. In pancreatic cancer, as much as possible of normal pancreatic function should be preserved, and therefore physiology of purinergic signaling in pancreas needs to be considered.  相似文献   

Gastric cancer (GC) is the fifth most common cancer worldwide and the second leading cause of cancer-related death. GC is usually diagnosed at an advanced stage due to late presentation of symptoms. Therefore, there is a need for establishing more sensitive and specific markers useful in early detection of the disease when a cancer is asymptomatic to improve the diagnostic and clinical decision-making process. Some researchers suggest that chemokines and their specific receptors play an important role in GC initiation and progression via promotion of angiogenesis, tumor transformation, invasion, survival and metastasis as well as protection from host response and inter-cell communication. Chemokines are small proteins produced by various cells such as endothelial cells, fibroblasts, leukocytes, and epithelial and tumor cells. According to our knowledge, the significance of chemokines and their specific receptors in diagnosing GC and evaluating its progression has not been fully elucidated. The present article offers a review of current knowledge on general characteristics of chemokines, specific receptors and their role in GC pathogenesis as well as their potential usefulness as novel biomarkers for GC.  相似文献   

Albumin is the main protein of blood plasma, lymph, cerebrospinal and interstitial fluid. The protein participates in a variety of important biological functions, such as maintenance of proper colloidal osmotic pressure, transport of important metabolites and antioxidant action. Synthesis of albumin takes place mainly in the liver, and its catabolism occurs mostly in vascular endothelium of muscle, skin and liver, as well as in the kidney tubular epithelium. Long-lasting investigation in this area has delineated the principal route of its catabolism involving glomerular filtration, tubular endocytic uptake via the multiligand scavenger receptor tandem—megalin and cubilin-amnionless complex, as well as lysosomal degradation to amino acids. However, the research of the last few decades indicates that also additional mechanisms may operate in this process to some extent. Direct uptake of albumin in glomerular podocytes via receptor for crystallizable region of immunoglobulins (neonatal FC receptor) was demonstrated. Additionally, luminal recycling of short peptides into the bloodstream and/or back into tubular lumen or transcytosis of whole molecules was suggested. The article discusses the molecular aspects of these processes and presents the major findings and controversies arising in the light of the research concerning the last decade. Their better characterization is essential for further research into pathophysiology of proteinuric renal failure and development of effective therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Miniaturisation and simplification are novel approaches in clinical bioanalysis, especially in therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM). These contemporary trends are related to the sampling, pre-treatment, and analysis of biological fluids. Currently, dried blood spot (DBS), one of the most popular microsampling techniques, is feasible and inexpensive. However, obtaining reliable results with sample homogeneity and volume variability is difficult. Volumetric Absorptive Microsampling (VAMS) has recently enabled the accurate and precise collection of a fixed blood volume. It reduced the hematocrit effect, improved volumetric accuracy, and generated results correlating with the dose and drug exposure from wet blood. This review focuses on VAMS-Mitra™ devices, which have become increasingly important since 2014, mainly for TDM and toxicology studies. First, the current literature has been reviewed based on immunosuppressants and their determination in samples obtained using Mitra™. Second, the critical points, weaknesses, and strengths have been characterized in contrast to classic venipuncture and other microsampling methods. Finally, we indicate the points of attention according to the perspective of Mitra™ as well as its usefulness in clinical practice. VAMS is currently state-of-the-art in microsampling and seems to be a good instrument for improving adherence to immunosuppressive therapy, especially in the pediatric population.  相似文献   

Alport syndrome (AS) is the second most common cause of inherited chronic kidney disease. This disorder is caused by genetic variants on COL4A3, COL4A4 and COL4A5 genes. These genes encode the proteins that constitute collagen type IV of the glomerular basement membrane (GBM). The heterodimer COL4A3A4A5 constitutes the majority of the GBM, and it is essential for the normal function of the glomerular filtration barrier (GFB). Alterations in any of collagen type IV constituents cause disruption of the GMB structure, allowing leakage of red blood cells and albumin into the urine, and compromise the architecture of the GFB, inducing inflammation and fibrosis, thus resulting in kidney damage and loss of renal function. The advances in DNA sequencing technologies, such as next-generation sequencing, allow an accurate diagnose of AS. Due to the important risk of the development of progressive kidney disease in AS patients, which can be delayed or possibly prevented by timely initiation of therapy, an early diagnosis of this condition is mandatory. Conventional biomarkers such as albuminuria and serum creatinine increase relatively late in AS. A panel of biomarkers that might detect early renal damage, monitor therapy, and reflect the prognosis would have special interest in clinical practice. The aim of this systematic review is to summarize the biomarkers of renal damage in AS as described in the literature. We found that urinary Podocin and Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor A are important markers of podocyte injury. Urinary Epidermal Growth Factor has been related to tubular damage, interstitial fibrosis and rapid progression of the disease. Inflammatory markers such as Transforming Growth Factor Beta 1, High Motility Group Box 1 and Urinary Monocyte Chemoattractant Protein- 1 are also increased in AS and indicate a higher risk of kidney disease progression. Studies suggest that miRNA-21 is elevated when renal damage occurs. Novel techniques, such as proteomics and microRNAs, are promising.  相似文献   

The “normal” immune response to an insult triggers a highly regulated response determined by the interaction of various immunocompetent cells with pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokines. Under pathologic conditions, the massive elevation of cytokine levels (“cytokine storm”) could not be controlled until the recent development of hemoadsorption devices that are able to extract a variety of different DAMPs, PAMPs, and metabolic products from the blood. CytoSorb® has been approved for adjunctive sepsis therapy since 2011. This review aims to summarize theoretical knowledge, in vitro results, and clinical findings to provide the clinician with pragmatic guidance for daily practice. English-language and peer-reviewed literature identified by a selective literature search in PubMed and published between January 2016 and May 2021 was included. Hemoadsorption can be used successfully as adjunct to a complex therapeutic regimen for various conditions. To the contrary, this nonspecific intervention may potentially worsen patient outcomes in complex immunological processes. CytoSorb® therapy appears to be safe and useful in various diseases (e.g., rhabdomyolysis, liver failure, or intoxications) as well as in septic shock or cytokine release syndrome, although a conclusive assessment of treatment benefit is not possible and no survival benefit has yet been demonstrated in randomized controlled trials.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of diabetic neuropathy is complex, and various pathogenic pathways have been proposed. A better understanding of the pathophysiology is warranted for developing novel therapeutic strategies. Here, we summarize recent evidence from experiments using animal models of type 1 and type 2 diabetes showing that low-grade intraneural inflammation is a facet of diabetic neuropathy. Our experimental data suggest that these mild inflammatory processes are a likely common terminal pathway in diabetic neuropathy associated with the degeneration of intraepidermal nerve fibers. In contrast to earlier reports claiming toxic effects of high-iron content, we found the opposite, i.e., nutritional iron deficiency caused low-grade inflammation and fiber degeneration while in normal or high non-heme iron nutrition no or only extremely mild inflammatory signs were identified in nerve tissue. Obesity and dyslipidemia also appear to trigger mild inflammation of peripheral nerves, associated with neuropathy even in the absence of overt diabetes mellitus. Our finding may be the experimental analog of recent observations identifying systemic proinflammatory activity in human sensorimotor diabetic neuropathy. In a rat model of type 1 diabetes, a mild neuropathy with inflammatory components could be induced by insulin treatment causing an abrupt reduction in HbA1c. This is in line with observations in patients with severe diabetes developing a small fiber neuropathy upon treatment-induced rapid HbA1c reduction. If the inflammatory pathogenesis could be further substantiated by data from human tissues and intervention studies, anti-inflammatory compounds with different modes of action may become candidates for the treatment or prevention of diabetic neuropathy.  相似文献   

The chemical milieu, microbiota composition, and immune activity show prominent differences in distinct healthy skin areas. The objective of the current study was to compare the major permeability barrier components (stratum corneum and tight junction (TJ)), investigate the distribution of (corneo)desmosomes and TJs, and measure barrier function in healthy sebaceous gland-rich (SGR), apocrine gland-rich (AGR), and gland-poor (GP) skin regions. Molecules involved in cornified envelope (CE) formation, desquamation, and (corneo)desmosome and TJ organization were investigated at the mRNA and protein levels using qRT-PCR and immunohistochemistry. The distribution of junction structures was visualized using confocal microscopy. Transepidermal water loss (TEWL) functional measurements were also performed. CE intracellular structural components were similarly expressed in gland-rich (SGR and AGR) and GP areas. In contrast, significantly lower extracellular protein levels of (corneo)desmosomes (DSG1 and CDSN) and TJs (OCLN and CLDN1) were detected in SGR/AGR areas compared to GP areas. In parallel, kallikrein proteases were significantly higher in gland-rich regions. Moreover, gland-rich areas were characterized by prominently disorganized junction structures ((corneo)desmosomes and TJs) and significantly higher TEWL levels compared to GP skin, which exhibited a regular distribution of junction structures. According to our findings, the permeability barrier of our skin is not uniform. Gland-rich areas are characterized by weaker permeability barrier features compared with GP regions. These findings have important clinical relevance and may explain the preferred localization of acantholytic skin diseases on gland-rich skin regions (e.g., Pemphigus foliaceus, Darier’s disease, and Hailey–Hailey disease).  相似文献   

Chronic wounds are becoming an increasingly common clinical problem due to an aging population and an increased incidence of diabetes, atherosclerosis, and venous insufficiency, which are the conditions that impair and delay the healing process. Patients with diabetes constitute a group of subjects in whom the healing process is particularly prolonged regardless of its initial etiology. Circulatory dysfunction, both at the microvascular and macrovascular levels, is a leading factor in delaying or precluding wound healing in diabetes. The prolonged period of wound healing increases the risk of complications such as the development of infection, including sepsis and even amputation. Currently, many substances applied topically or systemically are supposed to accelerate the process of wound regeneration and finally wound closure. The role of clinical trials and preclinical studies, including research based on animal models, is to create safe medicinal products and ensure the fastest possible healing. To achieve this goal and minimize the wide-ranging burdens associated with conducting clinical trials, a correct animal model is needed to replicate the wound conditions in patients with diabetes as closely as possible. The aim of the paper is to summarize the most important molecular pathways which are impaired in the hyperglycemic state in the context of designing an animal model of diabetic chronic wounds. The authors focus on research optimization, including economic aspects and model reproducibility, as well as the ethical dimension of minimizing the suffering of research subjects according to the 3 Rs principle (Replacement, Reduction, Refinement).  相似文献   

Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI), previously known as premature ovarian failure or premature menopause, is defined as loss of ovarian function before the age of 40 years. The risk of POI before the age of 40 is 1%. Clinical symptoms develop as a result of estrogen deficiency and may include amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, vasomotor instability (hot flushes, night sweats), sleep disturbances, vulvovaginal atrophy, altered urinary frequency, dyspareunia, low libido, and lack of energy. Most causes of POI remain undefined, however, it is estimated that anywhere from 4–30% of cases are autoimmune in origin. As the ovaries are a common target for autoimmune attacks, an autoimmune etiology of POI should always be considered, especially in the presence of anti-oocyte antibodies (AOAs), autoimmune diseases, or lymphocytic oophoritis in biopsy. POI can occur in isolation, but is often associated with other autoimmune conditions. Concordant thyroid disorders such as hypothyroidism, Hashimoto thyroiditis, and Grave’s disease are most commonly seen. Adrenal autoimmune disorders are the second most common disorders associated with POI. Among women with diabetes mellitus, POI develops in roughly 2.5%. Additionally, autoimmune-related POI can also present as part of autoimmune polyglandular syndrome (APS), a condition in which autoimmune activity causes specific endocrine organ damage. In its most common presentation (type-3), APS is associated with Hashomoto’s type thyroid antibodies and has a prevalence of 10–40%. 21OH-Antibodies in Addison’s disease (AD) can develop in association to APS-2.  相似文献   

In the 1900s, researchers established animal models experimentally to induce atherosclerosis by feeding them with a cholesterol-rich diet. It is now accepted that high circulating cholesterol is one of the main causes of atherosclerosis; however, plaque localization cannot be explained solely by hyperlipidemia. A tremendous amount of studies has demonstrated that hemodynamic forces modify endothelial athero-susceptibility phenotypes. Endothelial cells possess mechanosensors on the apical surface to detect a blood stream-induced force on the vessel wall, known as “wall shear stress (WSS)”, and induce cellular and molecular responses. Investigations to elucidate the mechanisms of this process are on-going: on the one hand, hemodynamics in complex vessel systems have been described in detail, owing to the recent progress in imaging and computational techniques. On the other hand, investigations using unique in vitro chamber systems with various flow applications have enhanced the understanding of WSS-induced changes in endothelial cell function and the involvement of the glycocalyx, the apical surface layer of endothelial cells, in this process. In the clinical setting, attempts have been made to measure WSS and/or glycocalyx degradation non-invasively, for the purpose of their diagnostic utilization. An increasing body of evidence shows that WSS, as well as serum glycocalyx components, can serve as a predicting factor for atherosclerosis development and, most importantly, for the rupture of plaques in patients with high risk of coronary heart disease.  相似文献   

Background and aim: Progress in laboratory diagnostics of IgE-mediated allergy is the use of component-resolved diagnosis. Our study analyses the results of specific IgE to 295 allergen reagents (117 allergenic extracts and 178 molecular components) in patients suffering from atopic dermatitis (AD) with the use of ALEX2 Allergy Explorer. Method: The complete dermatological and allergological examination, including the examination of the sensitization to molecular components with ALEX2 Allergy Explorer testing, was performed. The statistical analysis of results was performed with these methods: TURF (total unduplicated reach and frequency), best reach and frequency by group size, two-sided tests, Fisher’s exact test, and chi-square test (at an expected minimum frequency of at least 5). Results: Altogether, 100 atopic dermatitis patients were examined: 48 men, 52 women, the average age 40.9 years, min. age 14 years, max. age 67 years. The high and very high level of specific IgE was reached in 75.0% of patients to 18 molecular components: from PR-10 proteins (Aln g 1, Bet v 1, Cor a1.0103, Cor a1.0401, Fag s 1), lipocalin (Can f 1), NPC2 family (Der f 2, Der p 2), uteroglobin (Fel d 1), from Alternaria alternata (Alt a 1), Beta expansin (Lol p 1, Phl p 1), molecular components from Timothy, cultivated rye (Secc pollen) and peritrophin-like protein domain Der p 23. The high and very high level of specific IgE to other lipocalins (Fel d 7, Can f 4), to arginine kinase (Bla g 9, German cockroach), and to allergen extracts Art v (mugwort), and Cyn d (Bermuda grass) reached 52.0% of patients. The severity of AD is in significant relation to the sensitization to molecular components of storage mites (Gly d 2, Lep d 2—NPC2 family), lipocalins (Can f 1, Can f 2, Can f 4, and Can f 6), arginine kinase (Asp f 6, Bla g 9, Der p 20, Pen m 2), uteroglobin (Fel d 1, Ory c 3), Mn superoxide dismutase (Mala s 11), PR-10 proteins (Fag s 1, Mal d 1, Cor a 1.0401, Cor a 1.0103), molecular components of the peritrophin-like domain (Der p 21, Der p 23), and to Secc pollen. In the subgroup of patients suffering from bronchial asthma, the significant role play molecular components from house dust mites and storage mites (Lep d 2, Der p 2, Der f 2—NPC2 family), cysteine protease (Der p 1), peritrophin-like protein domain (Der p 21, Der p 23), enolase from Alternaria alternata (Alt a 6), and Beta expansin Phl p 1. Conclusion: The results of our study demonstrate the detailed profile of sensitization to allergens reagents (allergen extract and molecular components) in patients with atopic dermatitis. We show the significance of disturbed epidermal barrier, resulting in increased penetration of allergens. We confirmed the significant relationship between the severity of AD, the occurrence of bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis, and high levels of specific IgE to allergen reagents. Our results may be important for regime measures and immunotherapy; Der p 23 shall be considered as an essential component for the diagnosis and specific immunotherapy of house dust mite allergy.  相似文献   

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