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Interval Type-2 fuzzy voter design for fault tolerant systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A voting scheme constitutes an essential component of many fault tolerant systems. Two types of voters are commonly used in applications of real-valued systems: the inexact majority and the amalgamating voters. The inexact majority voter effectively isolates erroneous modules and is capable of reporting benign outputs when a significant disagreement is detected. However, an application specific voter threshold must be provided. On the other hand, amalgamating voter, such as the weighted average voter, reduces the influence of faulty modules by averaging the input values together. Unlike the majority voters, amalgamating voters are not capable of producing benign outputs. In the past, a Type-1 (T1) fuzzy voting scheme was introduced, allowing for both smooth amalgamation of voter inputs and effective signalization of benign outputs. The presented paper proposes an extension to the fuzzy voting scheme via incorporating Interval Type-2 (IT2) fuzzy logic. The IT2 fuzzy logic allows for an improved handling of uncertain assumptions about the distributions of noisy and erroneous inputs which are essential for correct design of the fuzzy voting scheme. The proposed voter design features robust performance when the uncertainty assumptions dynamically change over time. The IT2 fuzzy voter architecture was compared against the average voter, inexact majority voter, and the T1 fuzzy voter using a refined experimental harness. The reported results demonstrate improved availability, safety and reliability of the presented IT2 fuzzy voting scheme.  相似文献   

Majority vote systems are commonly used in the synthesis of reliable digital systems from unreliable components. This paper presents a new analysis of the reliability of majority voting in terms of the conditional reliabilities of voters, where conditioning is with respect to correct outputs. Methods of implementation and conditions for optimality of the majority rule are also discussed. The question of how many voters to include is considered in detail. It is shown that in certain cases of practical interest reliability increases with more voters only up to a point, beyond which reliability actually decreases. The case where voter reliability degrades with time is presented as an example.  相似文献   

投票预测是计算政治学的应用之一,目前绝大多数预测模型都忽视投票过程中投票人之间的相互影响.针对此问题,文中提出基于投票人影响因子的投票预测模型.首先,提出投票人影响因子,用于刻画某位投票人在投票过程中对于其他投票人投票选择的影响,同时结合预训练模型提取的投票人特征,形成影响因子图,再输入图卷积神经网络中,学习投票人的相互影响,在一定程度上模拟真实的投票博弈过程.然后,考虑到法案文本中上下文信息的关联性,利用BiLSTM(Bi-directional Long Short-Term Memory)获得法案特征向量.鉴于法案文本的规范性导致的行文近似、用词重复,使用引入TF-IDF(Term-Frequency-Inverse Document Frequency)因子的TextRank,得到法案的关键词.在国外议会网站数据集上的实验表明文中模型性能较优,消融实验也验证每个模块对文中模型的性能均有一定程度的提升.  相似文献   

使用安全协议保护选民隐私、保证投票公正有效是投票电子信息化的基础,安全协议的复杂度则是电子投票应用的最大阻碍。提出了一种基于RLWE同态加密算法的多候选人电子投票协议,可支持多候选人,也能满足对选民隐私的保护。该协议利用基于RLWE的同态加密算法的加法同态性质在计票环节使用密文计票保护选民的私密,利用中国剩余定理的性质对选票进行批处理,提升计票能力。该投票协议能支持多候选人投票并最终知晓每个候选人最终票数,并设置公示机构公示投票过程中的每个步骤,用于公开验证。  相似文献   

Coupling telephone and web interfaces with computers for balloting outside the polling place, remote electronic voting systems (REVS) give the voter a choice: polling booth, absentee ballot, or remote voting. Not only does this e-Government technology raises issues such as security, voter participation, and accessibility, REVS technologies themselves differ in features and enabling conditions. How users (voters) perceive REVS's availability, mobility, accuracy, privacy protection, and ease of use, is likely to affect their use intention. Intention to use or not to use a voting technology can translate into a decision to vote or not – and there are no ‘do-overs’. We develop a model and report on a survey of potential voters – people waiting to be impaneled on a jury – in regard to the impact of REVS characteristics on voting intentions and how the two most discussed REVS technologies of telephone- and web-based interfaces are perceived.  相似文献   

容错技术已经在许多领域的高可靠控制中得到应用,N版本程序技术是实现容错的基本手段之一。在软件系统中,表决算法可以屏蔽错误的输出结果。冗余技术可以防止错误的结果传递到系统的下一个子模块中,并且提高系统的安全性。许多表决算法在容错技术中得到广泛的应用,其中一致性表决算法同样得到了广泛的应用。但一致表决算法适合输出结果空间基数小的情况,因此更容易产生相同并错误的结果(IAW)。针对这个问题,提出一种自适应的一致性表决算法,它将版本历史记录信息应用到一致性表决中,降低了不正确结果通过表决的概率,提高了系统安全性和可靠性。实验证明了所提算法的有效性。  相似文献   

在现有的电子投票系统中,无收据行(receipt—freeness)与可验证性(verifiability)是电子投票协议中一对十分重要而又矛盾的属性。无收据性要求任何人不能得到或生成能证明选票内容的证据,其往往以牺牲可验证性为代价;可验证性提供给对选票及选举结果的验证,提供给投票人与选票的某种联系,这又经常被用来作为证明选票的收据。选择常用的Mix-net模式,利用TRR和1-out—of—L加密证据,re—encryption ELGamal同时实现无收据型与实现可验证性,避免了在投票人与管理机构有特殊的信道假设,减少了系统的通信代价。  相似文献   

数字化运营支持是未来民机客户服务市场竞争的核心因素。未来民机型号的成功,不仅需要飞机设计于与制造的成功,更需要可持续数字化运营支持技术的成功。基于大数据分析的云端交付模式与信息安全防护体系,构建数字航空环境提供“智能服务”,搭建适合国产民机的数字化运营支持体系,保障国产民机商业成功。本文概述了数字化运营支持技术,总结出其定量化、实时化、综合化、智能化的特点。民机数字化运营支持以先进信息技术为基础,为航空公司提供数据分析、知识关联、智能辅助工具及预见性软件应用,变革运营信息的收集、传输与利用模式,从而不断提高民机安全性、可靠性、经济性与环保性。数字化运营支持是当前国际民机客户服务领域重要的技术手段与商业模式,更是未来民机客服的发展方向。  相似文献   

一种Internet上的匿名电子投票协议的研究与设计   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
文章讨论了一种适合在Internet上进行大范围投票的电子投票协议,这个协议通过传送不可追踪的授权消息允许投票者进行匿名投票。协议保证了以下几点:(1)只有符合条件的投票者可以投票;(2)每个投票者只能投票一次;(3)投票者可以查询他的投票是否生效;(4)除了投票者本人,任何人都不能根据投票找到投票者;(5)如果某个投票者弃权,任何人都不能以他的名义进行投票。  相似文献   

无可信中心的电子投票方案*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给出一个无可信中心的电子投票方案,即使在管理机构和计票机构都不可信的情况下仍能够保证投票的安全性。该方案能够始终保证投票者的匿名性,即使选票公开,任何人都不能确定投票者的身份;解决了选票碰撞的问题,即不同的投票人必定产生不同的选票。  相似文献   

在共享控制系统中,比如智能服务机器人,操作员和自动化专门系统相互配合,共同控制.有效的共享控制需要复杂的系统体系结构,该结构可以提供安全鲁棒的运行,提供对用户友好的界面.满足这两项需求是一个不寻常的任务.介绍了解决这些问题的方法.首先给出一个以会话为中心采用面向代理编程和形式化方法的认知控制体系结构.采用混成设计的SharC认知控制体系结构,可以区分协同代理群体中每一个遥控设备的控制.安全性对共享控制系统来说是极为重要的,因此这种体系结构必须能够保证较高的安全性.最后,描述了作为控制系统核心的形式化建模会话管理器,通过示范平台中自动轮椅的例子说明这些不同的软件范例的应用。  相似文献   

基于SEAL库的同态加权电子投票系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
电子投票比传统纸质投票更为灵活高效,能节省大量人力物力,在不同选举场合中的地位越来越重要.同态加密技术可以在电子投票过程中发挥重要作用,同态加密技术结合其他安全技术和手段来设计的电子投票系统,可以在计票过程中有效保护投票者的身份隐私,相比其他类型的电子投票系统也更为简洁高效.为了解决电子投票中的身份隐私保护和实现效率问题,本文提出了一种基于SEAL库的同态加权电子投票系统,通过同态操作实现密文计票,可有效抵抗来自计票中心内部的恶意攻击,保证选票保密性和计票结果正确性;通过在选票中引入投票权重,可以使电子投票系统实现加权投票;通过将选票信息密态存储在云端数据库,将计票中心部署在云端,可在保证安全的前提下借助云计算服务实现高效计票;系统中加密算法的安全性基于格上RLWE困难问题,可以抵抗量子计算攻击.对所设计投票系统的效率测试表明,完成对1000张选票的计票工作仅耗时1.867 s,相比Will等人在ICCCRI2015中提出的基于Paillier的电子投票系统计票耗时减少了32.73%,相比Wang等人在2017年提出的基于Helib的电子投票系统计票耗时减少了99.26%,相比Li在2017年提出的基于Helib的电子投票系统计票耗时减少了91.81%.本文提出的同态加权电子投票系统可以满足多个候选人投票和加权投票,能够适用于多种投票场景,且计票效率可以满足大规模投票的应用需求.  相似文献   

针对当前存在的投票协议普遍要求一个可信赖的管理机构的问题,提出一种新的投票协议。该协议综合运用同态加密、门限密码体制、盲签名、环签名、零知识证明等密码技术,在假设无人弃权或虽有人弃权但管理者不与其他投票人合谋作弊的情况下,消除了无可信第三方和健壮性共存的矛盾,同时满足了匿名性、合法性、健壮性、可验证性和无可信第三方等安全属性。  相似文献   

Several software standards developed in response to concerns about safety are outlined. The standards cover such diverse areas as commercial aviation, military systems, medical equipment, industrial process control, and consumer products. The applications use different approaches to ensure system and software safety. The analysis of hazards, levels of software verification requirements, and development processes of the standards are discussed  相似文献   

《Computers & Security》1996,15(4):339-348
In secret ballot protocols, the unique voting property is crucial since without it a voter may vote more than once or his ballot may collide with others and be discarded by the authority. In this paper we present a collision-free secret ballot protocol based on the uniquely blind signature technique. Our proposed scheme can be used to hold large-scale general elections because it ensures independence among voters without the need for any global computation. This scheme preserves the privacy of a voter against the authority and other voters. Robustness is ensured in that no subset of voters can corrupt or disrupt the election. The verifiability of this protocol ensures that the authority cannot present a false tally without being caught.  相似文献   

Motivated by the revealing topological structures of continuous-variable graph state (CVGS), we investigate the design of quantum voting scheme, which has serious advantages over the conventional ones in terms of efficiency and graphicness. Three phases are included, i.e., the preparing phase, the voting phase and the counting phase, together with three parties, i.e., the voters, the tallyman and the ballot agency. Two major voting operations are performed on the yielded CVGS in the voting process, namely the local rotation transformation and the displacement operation. The voting information is carried by the CVGS established before hand, whose persistent entanglement is deployed to keep the privacy of votes and the anonymity of legal voters. For practical applications, two CVGS-based quantum ballots, i.e., comparative ballot and anonymous survey, are specially designed, followed by the extended ballot schemes for the binary-valued and multi-valued ballots under some constraints for the voting design. Security is ensured by entanglement of the CVGS, the voting operations and the laws of quantum mechanics. The proposed schemes can be implemented using the standard off-the-shelf components when compared to discrete-variable quantum voting schemes attributing to the characteristics of the CV-based quantum cryptography.  相似文献   

张小萍  钟诚 《计算机工程与设计》2007,28(13):3136-3137,3159
文献[1]提出了一个无中央机构的电子投票协议,这种签名适合用在选举人在电子选举时找不到可信中心对选票进行认证的时候.但是,给出的一种攻击证明该协议是不安全的,不诚实的投票人可以控制整个选举的结果而不被其他人所察觉.针对上述缺点设计一个改进的新方案,主要引入一个不同底相同离散对数的知识证明来保证投票者给出正确的私钥.并对新方案的安全性进行了分析.最后对新方案的执行效率和还存在的缺陷进行分析.  相似文献   

沈华  李博轮 《计算机应用研究》2023,40(11):3408-3415+3424
现有电子投票系统无法同时满足投票数据隐私性、投票者之间的公平性、投票者资格控制的灵活性、投票结果的精准性、投票结果的延时公布等多元应用需求。针对上述问题,提出了一种基于CP-ABE和区块链的时间锁加密电子投票方案。该方案综合考虑了电子投票在实际场景中的多元应用需求,通过结合CP-ABE算法和Fabric技术,将属性加密后的投票链接数据存入区块链账本,满足属性策略的投票用户才能访问其链接,实现了灵活控制投票资格的机制,从而保证能获取针对不同用户群体属性的精确投票结果;基于改进的时间锁加密方案将投票数据进行加密上链,在预计投票结果公布之前为投票数据的机密性提供了保障,避免恶意节点造成合谋攻击问题,同时实现了投票结果延时公布的功能。实验从用户属性限制、投票链接获取、投票数据上链,以及投票结果延时这四个方面验证所提方案的有效性。系统测试结果表明,该方案可以有效地控制投票资格,符合属性策略的投票用户能成功获取投票链接并发送至区块链存储,同时为投票数据的机密性提供了保障。通过性能分析、安全性分析以及对比分析表明了该方案的可行性。  相似文献   

简要介绍了如何运用UML建模技术来设计智能投票系统,给出了系统的结构和主要功能,并举例就其中的主要模块详细介绍了UML建模。成功实现的智能投票系统验证了该模型的正确性。模型的建立过程对于同类软件的开发具有参考价值。  相似文献   

《Information Fusion》2007,8(3):266-280
Agent-based software systems and applications are constructed by integrating diverse sets of components that are intelligent, heterogeneous, distributed, and concurrent. This paper describes a multi-agent system to assure the operation efficiency and reliability in data fusion and management of a set of networked distributive sensors (NDS). We discuss the general concept and architecture of a Hierarchical Collective Agent Network (HCAN) and its functional components for learning and adaptive control of the NDS. Sophistication of a HCAN control environment and an anatomy of the agent modules for enabling intelligent data fusion and management are presented. An exemplar HCAN is configured to support dynamic data fusion and automated sensor management in a simulated distributive and collaborative military sensor network for Global Missile Defense (GMD) application.  相似文献   

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