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电子计算机用铝合金磁盘板的热处理工艺,对其组织与性能有明显影响,尤其中温轧制后,板材的最终退火温度影响更大。研究表明,最终退火温度对磁盘板的性能的影响分为三个阶段:即第一,三阶段性能差些,第二阶段性能优良,这种性能阶段性变化与其相应的组织变化有关。  相似文献   

用扭转形变—电阻—温度测量装置对 Ti-50.7at%Ni 合金丝在不同温度下时效1h 后的8个样品进行扭转角、相对电阻随温度和时间的同步测量结果为:未发生再结晶的样品(t_a<590℃),R 相稳定,R/R_0—t 曲线中的 t_R-M_S 温区宽。滞后回线面积大,SME 恢复率高;已发生再结晶的样品(t_a>590℃),结果相反。升温时扭转角与时间的关系为:θ=Aexp(-kt~n)+B,对于 t_a 不同的样品,k、n 不同,这与亚稳相 Ti_(11)Ni_(14)引起的晶格畸变和内部缺陷对 R 相稳定性及 M→R 相变的影响有关。  相似文献   

退火温度对SmFeO3微结构、电性能与乙醇气敏的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用溶胶-凝胶法合成了SmFeO3前驱体,并在不同温度条件下退火制备了具有单一正交钙钛矿结构的系列纳米粉体材料,利用该粉体做成了气敏元件,研究了退火温度对SmFeO3晶体结构、微结构、电性能及酒敏特性的影响,结果表明,随退火温度的增高,SmFeO3的晶胞体积减小,平均晶粒尺寸变大,元件的电导也随之增大.随退火温度从600℃增加到850℃,SmFeO3元件的最佳工作温度和气敏灵敏度增高,同时对应的气敏响应-恢复时间也变短;若退火温度进一步增高到950℃,气敏灵敏度和最佳工作温度出现下降趋势,同时对应的气敏响应-恢复时间变长.850℃退火的样品显示出最高的气敏灵敏度,对300×10-6乙醇的最大灵敏度高达51.03,气敏的响应-恢复时间短且选择性高.同时对SmFeO3元件的电导、气敏灵敏度、最佳工作温度随材料退火温度的变化规律给予了解释.  相似文献   

退火温度对钼带组织及性能的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
朱恩科 《中国钼业》2001,25(4):71-73
研究分析了退火温度对δ0.5mm钼带的组织、再结晶、硬度、强度、延伸主及轧制性能的影响,选择出最佳退火温度。  相似文献   

采用SEM、EDS及力学测试分析等手段研究了3102铝箔在不同退火温度下的析出相形貌、成分以及分布对铝箔成型性能的影响.结果表明,铝箔经过成品退火后,抗拉强度和延伸率在260℃出现转折说明是开始再结晶的温度,并出现了各向异性;析出相经冷轧和退火后析出的位置、形貌及尺度影响了铝箔的成型性,在280℃退火后发生了再结晶并重...  相似文献   

张竑 《武钢技术》1999,37(5):34-37,63
IF钢的出现对连续退火工艺生产了巨大影响。详细介绍了IF钢的特点及其连续退火工艺,并对IF钢连续退火产品与普碳钢连续退火产品的性能及退火工艺进行了比较。  相似文献   

本文对冷轧变形后的2024铝合金板材进行不同的退火处理工艺,退火温度为300℃~440℃之间每隔20℃取一个点,退火保温时间分别为20min、50min、80min、110min,并对退火处理后的合金进行力学性能的对比分析研究。结果表明:退火温度越高,保温时间越长,抗拉强度、屈服强度下降幅度较小,变化不明显,延伸率大幅提高。  相似文献   

对机械合金化+热压制备的Laves相NbCr2合金分别在800℃、1 000℃、1 200℃下进行了30h、50h、100h的真空高温退火试验,研究了高温退火对其性能的影响。结果表明:随着退火温度的升高,NbCr2合金的相对密度逐渐增高;随着退火时间的延长,NbCr2合金的相对密度出现先升后平稳的变化趋势,1 200℃退火100h后,合金的相对密度由退火前的95.75%升高至97.4%;随着退火温度的升高,时间的延长,NbCr2合金的维氏硬度、断裂韧度呈下降的变化趋势,经800℃、1 000℃、1 200℃退火100h后,合金的维氏硬度分别从退火前的8.36GPa下降为7.10GPa、7.03GPa、6.68GPa,断裂韧度则下降为4.10MPa·m1/2、3.73 MPa·m1/2、3.11MPa·m1/2。由于典型的拓扑密排结构,导致NbCr2合金脆性较大,室温压缩试验无明显塑性变形出现;抗压强度随着退火温度的升高、时间的延长明显下降,经800℃、1 000℃、1 200℃退火100h后,合金的抗压强度分别从退火前的1 826MPa下降为1 150 MPa、1 136 MPa、717MPa。  相似文献   

为了研究退火温度、磁场强度、磁场方向及退火时间等对低牌号无取向硅钢磁性能和组织的影响,在正交试验的基础上,对无取向硅钢进行不同条件的退火处理,通过对磁性能数据的正交分析,优选出最佳的工艺参数。研究结果表明:退火温度和磁场强度是影响试验钢比饱和磁化强度的主要因素,磁场强度与退火时间对剩余磁化强度也有显著的影响。当加热温度在800℃、施加磁场强度为3 T时,调整施加磁场的方向与退火时间可以使无取向硅钢的比饱和磁化强度、比剩余磁化强度分别达到260.7 emu/g、18.265 emu/g。  相似文献   

以C-Mn-Si系冷轧马氏体钢为研究对象,分析了退火工艺对超高强马氏体钢强度和冷弯性能的影响。由于碳含量高,试验用钢淬透性良好,当水淬入口温度在710℃及以上时,都能获得极高的抗拉强度和稳定的马氏体组织。随过时效温度升高,马氏体钢抗拉强度降低、延伸率升高;而屈服强度和冷弯性能则先升后降,在180℃过时效时具有最高的屈服强度和最优的冷弯性能。经扫描电镜和显微硬度分析发现,过时效温度的变化会直接影响马氏体钢中的碳化物析出及粗化,当过时效温度大于200℃时,试验用钢碳化物开始粗化,降低了马氏体钢的宏观冷弯性能。  相似文献   

采用短时固相反应和放电等离子烧结(SR-SPS)方法, 制备了单相多晶Ca3Co2O6陶瓷块, 系统研究了制备条件及烧结工艺对Ca3Co2O6陶瓷块显微结构及热电性能的影响. 研究表明, 950 ℃下固相反应2 h即能得到单相树枝状, 尺寸约1~3 μm的Ca3Co2O6粉末, 延长焙烧时间虽然对物相影响不大, 但会引起粉末颗粒长大, 不利于SPS烧结;SPS烧结温度强烈影响着Ca3Co2O6陶瓷块的制备, 本实验范围内, Ca3Co2O6陶瓷块体的最佳制备条件为950 ℃固相反应2 h, SPS 900 ℃保温5 min, 此时Ca3Co2O6陶瓷块具有p型半导体特性, 电阻率ρ随温度的升高急剧下降, 然后趋于平缓(高于600 ℃);Seebeck系数S随温度(100 ℃以上)升高稍有下降, 热导率κ表现为先下降后增加, 在500 ℃时仅为1.73 W·m-1·K-1. 综合电性能与热性能结果, 其无量纲因子ZT随温度升高呈上升趋势, 在本实验范围内, 于700 ℃下达到最高值0.02.  相似文献   

用熔炼-退火-放电等离子体烧结法(SPS)制备了晶粒尺寸均匀的La0.7Fe3CoSb10材料.采用扫描电镜,研究了SPS工艺,包括粉末粒度、烧结温度及烧结时间对该材料相对密度的影响.结果表明:烧结试样的相对密度随烧结时间的延长和温度的升高而增高;通过控制退火温度可有效地控制材料最终的晶粒尺寸.  相似文献   

The CoSb3 and Y0.18Co4Sb12 compounds were synthesized by a metallurgical route. Their bulk materials were prepared by the hot-pressed process under vacuum. Thermoelectric properties of the samples were measured by the thermoelectric measurement system and the laser flash diffusivity apparatus. The carrier type conversion of hot-pressed CoSb3 was found at about 530 K, while the conversion was missed for the Y0.18Co4Sb12 sample. Electrical conductivity of the Y0.18Co4Sb12 sample increased due to the increase of carrier concentration, and its thermal conductivity decreased due to the enhancement of phonon scattering. The value of ZT, figure of merit, for the Y0.18Co4Sb12 sample was obviously enhanced due to positive contribution of the electrical conductivity and the thermal conductivity.  相似文献   

The effect of annealing temperature on the crystallinity, thermoelectric properties, and surface morphology of the Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 thin films prepared on SiO2/Si substrate by radio-frequency (RF) magnetron sputtering was investigated using X-ray diffraction (XRD), the four-point probe method, and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). XRD results show that the crystallite structure of the Bi x Sb2–x Te3 thin films belong to Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3. When the Bi x Sb2–x Te3 thin films were annealed between 423 K and 523 K (150 °C and 250 °C) for 10  minutes, the crystallinity of the thin films continuously increases with the temperature increase. In addition, the (015) reflection plane as the preferred orientation and the oxidation compound of Bi3.73Sb1.5O3 first appeared when the Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 thin films were annealed at 523 K (250 °C) for 10 minutes. An activation energy of 51.66 kJ/mol for crystallite growth of Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 thin films annealed between 423 K and 523 K (150 °C and 250 °C) for 10 minutes was obtained. The resistivity was 2.69 × 102 and 5.93 × 10  μΩ·m, respectively, for the as-deposited Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 thin films and annealed at 523 K (250 °C) for 10 minutes. The maximum values of the Seebeck coefficient and power factor were 256.5 μV/K and 1.12 × 103 μW/m·K2, respectively, for the Bi0.5Sb1.5Te3 thin films annealing treatment at 523 K (250 °C) for 10 minutes.  相似文献   

 Bulk nanocrystalline Fe3Al materials containing manganese of 10% were prepared by aluminothermic reaction. Hot pressing of those materials was performed at different temperatures and times. The microstructures of the alloy were investigated by optical microscope (OM) and electron probe microanalyzer (EPMA). The grain sizes of the materials were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscope (TEM). The results showed that the grain sizes of the materials increase after hot pressing. The grain sizes of the materials decrease with increasing the hot pressing times at the same temperature and the grain sizes of the materials increase with increasing hot pressing temperatures at identical times. The hardness and compressibility of the materials were also tested. The results showed that the hardness decreases with increasing hot pressing times at 800 ℃ and hardness increases with increasing the hot pressing temperatures. The variation of hardness with grain size of the nanocrystalline Fe3Al materials after hot pressing is contrary to the Hall-Petch relation. The materials are not broken during hot pressing and exhibit good plasticity and compressibility.  相似文献   

采用射频磁控溅射法在Si(111)上制备出LaNiO3薄膜,并通过XRD、SEM等进行表征。结果表眀,LaNiO3薄膜在未退火状态下出现一定的择优取向,在空气中随着退火温度的增加,结晶性更好,出现钙钛矿型结构;900℃退火时出现杂相,LaNiO3发生分解导致薄膜表面形貌发生巨大变化。电阻率与结构中的氧空位有密切联系,退火温度增加,氧空位减少,电阻率减小。在700℃退火时可以得到1.59Ω·cm的最小电阻率。  相似文献   

许玲玉  王洋  蒋鹏  李冲   《钛工业进展》2020,37(6):12-16
研究了退火温度对Ti-6Al-3Nb-2Zr-1Mo合金组织和力学性能的影响。结果表明:随着退火温度升高,初生α相含量降低,2°~15°小角度晶界逐渐减少;退火温度较高时,退火过程中发生了α相→β相→α相的相变,<0001>//横向织构消失。随着退火温度升高,Ti-6Al-3Nb-2Zr-1Mo合金屈服强度逐渐降低,抗拉强度、延伸率先升高后降低。退火温度升高后,片层组织比例升高,裂纹扩展功占冲击吸收功的比例增大,材料韧性提升。  相似文献   

Microstructures and mechanical properties of 316L stainless steels with dual phases austenite prepared by an aluminothermic reaction casting were explored. It is found that the steels consist of nano- and micro-crystalline austenite phases, a little δ ferrite and contaminations. Before and after annealing at 1073 K and 1273 K (800 °C and 1000 °C), average grain sizes of the nanocrystalline austenite phase are about 32, 31, 38 nm, respectively. Tensile strength increases first from 371 to 640 MPa and then decreases to 454 MPa. However, elongation ratio increases gradually from 16 to 23 and then 31 pct after annealing. The results illustrate that the steel after annealing at 1073 K (800 °C) has better properties, also indicating that combination of dual nano- and micro-crystalline austenite phase is conductive to improving tensile properties of materials.  相似文献   

Experiments on hardness and the modulus of elasticity were conducted at room temperature on samples of electrodeposited (ED) nanocrystalline (nc) Ni that were annealed at temperatures ranging from 323 to 693 K (50 to 420 °C). The results showed the presence of three regions: I, II, and III. In region I (300 K (27 °C) < T < 350 K (77 °C)), the hardness and the elastic modulus remained essentially constant. In region II (350 K (77 °C) < T < 500 K (227 °C)), both the hardness and the elastic modulus increased. In region III (T > 500 K (227 °C)), the hardness dropped and then decreased with increasing grain size, whereas the modulus of elasticity approached a maximum plateau of ~240 GPa. It is suggested that while the increase in hardness in region II can be attributed in part to the formation of annealing twins, which serve as a source of strengthening, the decrease in hardness above 500 K (227 °C) is due to the occurrence of significant grain growth. The increase in the modulus of elasticity with increasing temperature in region II was attributed to the preferred orientation along (200) that was observed in the as-received samples and that continuously diminished with increasing temperature. In region III (T > 500 K (227 °C)), the preferred orientation disappeared and, a result, the modulus of elasticity approached a constant value of approximately 240 GPa.  相似文献   

退火工艺对锗单晶的导电性能有很大的影响。退火温度超过550℃会导致N型锗单晶电阻率升高,750℃以上温度退火甚至会发生N型锗单晶的导电型号变为P型。同时,退火温度超过550℃会导致锗单晶电阻率径向分布均匀性变差,这是Cu杂质与晶体缺陷共同作用的结果。  相似文献   

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