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天津奥林匹克体育中心游泳跳水馆的屋盖结构体系采用了空间桁架结构。对于空间桁架结构而言,目前多数研究主要集中在节点承载力、静动力性能及其稳定性能上,对于结构施工过程的数值模拟涉及较少。而在大跨度空间钢结构桁架施工过程中,由于结构温度的变化、太阳辐射的影响和卸载方案的差异,施工过程将对结构在使用阶段的力学性能产生显著的影响。以天津奥林匹克体育中心游泳跳水馆钢结构空间桁架结构为工程背景,分析了不同卸载方案、考虑太阳辐射影响的不同合拢温度下钢结构桁架的杆件内力、节点位移、支座反力等结构响应,得出了卸载方案和合拢温度对结构性能的影响程度,为今后大跨度桁架结构的施工方案制定提供了参考和设计依据。  相似文献   

萧山国际机场二期项目国内航站楼工程出发层主楼区域,采用弧形条板吊顶,内嵌3个蚕茧形状的镂空吊顶。吊顶系统全面采用螺栓栓接工艺,通过不锈钢三维调节板调节角度,以适应建筑结构曲率的变化。通过深化设计、合理施工以及严格的测量计算,缩短了工期、降低成本,实现了双向曲面屋面的安全及质量要求。  相似文献   

Büro‐ und Verwaltungsgebäude werden seit vielen Jahren zur allgemeinen Nutzerzufriedenheit mit Flächensystemen beheizt und gekühlt. Am Anfang dieser Entwicklung stand die abgehängte Kühldecke, die sich wegen ihrer hohen Kundenakzeptanz in ganz Europa verbreitet hat. Eine weitere, inzwischen ebenfalls weitverbreitete Anwendungsform von Strahlungssystemen ist die thermische Aktivierung von Betondecken, auch als Betonkerntemperierung bezeichnet. Dass diese nach dem Strahlungsprinzip funktionierenden Systeme auch zur Beheizung von Gebäuden geeignet sind, stellen viele erfolgreich ausgeführte Bauprojekte eindrucksvoll unter Beweis, [9] und [10]. Obwohl beide Systemvarianten nach demselben Strahlungsprinzip arbeiten, bestehen signifikante Unterschiede. Vor der Entscheidung für die eine oder andere Systemvariante müssen die typischen Merkmale sorgfältig geprüft und gegeneinander abgewogen werden. Dieser Fachbericht beschreibt eine Mischform, die aus beiden Systemvarianten heraus entwickelt wurde und immer häufiger Anwendung findet. Messungen in einem thermisch schweren Versuchsraum belegen die Leistungsfähigkeit von beidseitig aktivierten Kühlsegeln in Kombination mit der Betondecke. Suspended radiant cooling system with thermally activated concrete ceiling. Office buildings are heated and cooled by thermoactive building systems for many years. These energy efficient heating and cooling concepts provide excellent thermal comfort. The first systems were installed as suspended cooling ceilings which are applied all‐over Europe and go along with a high user satisfaction. Another widely adopted construction principle is the concrete conditioning. Monitoring campaigns in energy efficient office buildings show clearly that radiant systems can be successfully operated for both cooling and heating. Although both the radiant ceiling and the concrete core conditioning use the same long‐wave radiative heat transfer the operation is different due to the thermal storage effect. Architects and HVAC planners have to decide for one of these solutions based on the pros and cons for each system. This article presents a hybrid form which can be used for new buildings and refurbishment projects. Laboratory measurements in a thermally heavy test chamber prove the thermal performance of a double‐sided suspended radiant panel in interaction with the concrete ceiling.  相似文献   

通过风洞试验研究了武汉火车站屋盖和雨棚的表面风荷载分布特征,着重分析了大型悬挑和镂空吊顶对风压分布的影响。屋盖的大型悬挑对局部风压影响很大,当来流斜吹时,悬挑局部区域的体型系数可达-2.2,而由于玻璃幕墙的阻挡作用,悬挑下方在某些风向会产生0.6的正压体型系数。下表面镂空时的上表面内侧风压和密闭时的下表面风压基本一致。在整体设计时,可按封闭模型的试验结果进行取值。通过对总受力和压力方差的统计分析,获得了不同风向下结构受风力作用的大小和离散程度,可为评估不利风向角提供重要参考依据。  相似文献   

主要介绍济南奥林匹克体育中心游泳馆结构设计中的一些关键技术问题,包括结构构成、荷载取值、屈曲分析、地震分析、总装分析及结构的关键节点设计等.济南奥体中心游泳馆下部采用混凝土框架剪力墙结构,上部钢结构按不同的建筑功能合理采用不同的结构形式,包括管桁架结构、工字钢梁结构.对钢结构进行静力、动力、屈曲分析及节点有限元分析,并通过总装分析研究下部混凝土结构对上部钢结构的影响.分析表明,受下部混凝土结构界面弹性支承的影响,上部钢结构在温度、地震作用下的受力与单体时相比均有差别,且在连接界面处的杆件受力不均.整体分析使设计满足结构安全性要求,取得比较合理的经济性.  相似文献   

国家游泳中心结构设计与研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
正在兴建的国家游泳中心“水立方”为2008年奥林匹克运动会的游泳、跳水、花样游泳、水球比赛场地,赛后将继续提供重大水上比赛场地,同时为市民提供综合水上娱乐中心以及会议展览场地等.国家游泳中心屋盖和墙体采用了基于气泡理论的多面体空间刚架结构,为国内外首创.其构成方式是将由多面体细胞填充的巨大空间进行旋转和切割,从而得到建筑的外轮廓和内部使用空间, 切割产生的内外表面杆件和内外表面之间保留的多面体棱线便形成了结构.这种新型空间结构的受力特性介于网架和空腹网架之间,结构设计面临着许多新课题.本文介绍了国家游泳中心结构设计中的关键技术问题,包括多面体空间刚架结构的几何构成与设计优化、荷载分析与取值、结构总装整体分析、静力弹塑性分析(pushover analysis)、动力弹塑性时程分析、节点设计与试验研究等.  相似文献   

铅丝苇箔吊顶的经济实用性,轻型屋面在寒冷地区保温通风做法。  相似文献   

Structural engineering of the BMW‐World in Munich. The BMW‐World currently under construction in Munich will become the experience and distribution centre of the BMW‐Group (fig. 1). It is situated close to the olympia stadium, to the BMW administration building and to the BMW‐museum. The project designed by the Viennese architectural office Coop Himmelb(l)au offers in many respects extraordinarily complex and interesting tasks for the structural design. The following essay describes the different stages of structural engineering from the first design processes up to the realization phase for the main structural members of the building.  相似文献   

Munich Airport Terminal 2 – Computerized simulation as a part of integrated planing. Dynamic computer simulations were used to optimize the architectural concept of the Munich Airport Terminal 2. With these simulations, the various requirements on architecture, building science issues, indoor climate conditions and energy demand could be fine‐tuned. Among others, comparing the design of different double wall facades has enabled the selection of optimal controls for the double wall facades ventilation louver and shading devices. Daylight simulations allowed the determination of a roof type that meets the demands on natural illumination without the negative detraction of glare.  相似文献   

Condensation in Ice Sports Arenas. Because of damage to the wooden structure or mould on the suspended ceiling, examinations were made in three ice sports arenas in Northern Germany. Measurements of temperature and relative humidity inside and outside these arenas gave interesting results: During relatively warm winter periods the measured surface temperature at the bottom of the roof above the ice rink was lower than the air temperature in the arena, resulting in a significantly higher relative humidity at the roof than outside the building. Thus, condensed water was dripping from the roof construction to the ice. Depending on the construction, at the end of the winter the moisture content of the wooden structure was very high, partially resulting in wood destroying fungi, or the steel parts were corroding, respectively. In this paper the climatic conditions in ice sports arenas are simulated including conductivity, convection and radiation in a simplified model. The results were discussed for different parameters. Finally two different solutions are shown to lower the moisture content in the timber construction or the steel corrosion, respectively: – An insulated suspended ceiling below the roof construction may protect timber or steel from the low ice temperature with the resulting high humidity. – An air‐conditioning system may dry the air in the arena. By that means the relative humidity can descend as low as necessary for a durable construction.  相似文献   

世博文化中心钢屋盖结构设计   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
上海世博文化中心整体建筑呈飞碟形,其屋盖为大跨度空间钢桁架结构,屋盖立柱支承于下部结构斜框架的顶部。由于建筑功能的特殊要求,屋盖悬挂大量附加荷载,矢跨比较小,屋盖结构设计综合考虑建筑造型、内部使用空间、下部结构受力以及施工安装等多方面的要求。对不同的屋盖结构体系进行比选,综合建筑要求、结构受力和施工难度等因素确定采用空间桁架结构体系,设置支承结构环梁和屋盖环向桁架可有效缓解屋盖的竖向变形;比较风洞试验结果和欧洲规范计算结果,对类似文化中心的扁平屋盖,按欧洲规范确定的风荷载的分布规律和数值具有一定的参考价值;屋盖结构与下部结构相互作用分析结果表明,设计中应充分考虑下部结构对屋盖结构的影响;为有效解决屋盖与下部结构受力的矛盾,提出上下兼顾的设计方法,即根据屋盖支座的约束条件将施工划分为两阶段:第1阶段屋盖支座为滑动支座,第2阶段屋盖与立柱为铰接;同时基于屋盖刚度需要和减小对下部结构的推力,采用施工顺序加载分析确定第1阶段屋盖上施加荷载的最大值和最小值。设计结果表明,屋盖结构既能满足建筑外形要求、复杂的功能要求,又具有结构受力合理、施工快速简便的特点。  相似文献   

The significance of structural behaviour in the global safety concept exemplified at the roof construction of the AWD Arena in Hanover. The wide‐span roof structures of modern sports arenas demand a high level of safety. So the assessment of structural behaviour, “robustness” and residual load‐bearing capacity, as specified in the Eurocodes (EC 1), in the new DIN 1055 part 100 [1] and in the DIN 18800 part 1 [2], becomes a central part of the global static analysis. The appropriate safety factors for these structures cannot be determined in advance but only after having analyzed the structural sensitivities in relation to the load parameters, especially those of climatic loads. The present work shows the contribution of the structural analysis to a complex team‐work of wind and snow experts, checking and approving authorities exemplified at the AWD Arena roof.  相似文献   

东风日产花都工厂乘用车产能扩建项目大跨度钢构屋面设计,采用了单层防水卷材屋面防水保温系统,选用的主材内增强型聚氯乙烯防水卷材防水、耐老化、抗撕裂,可机械固定施工。指出保证屋面系统及其细部节点的施工质量,才能避免对屋面的使用寿命和防水效果带来影响。  相似文献   

重点介绍深圳游泳跳水馆工程的结构设计。深圳游泳跳水馆不化是从功能设计、建筑形式上,还是结构体系都是一座全新的、现代的建筑。其基础彩和天然地基其独立基础,主体结构采用钢筋混凝土框架结构,屋盖采用索-架式钢结构。  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine the potential energy savings and thermal comfort benefits of exposing concrete in the ceiling to the indoor air as an alternative to suspended ceiling. The performances were assessed through monitoring of room air and surface temperatures in an office building in operation, and simulation of different scenarios with a calibrated building simulation model. In this study, it is shown that ESP-r is capable of simulating an advanced controlled office building in operation with good agreement with the measurements. The results presented in this paper indicate that exposed concrete in the ceiling both reduces the number of hours with excessive temperatures considerably and create a better and more stable thermal environment during the working day. Also, exposed concrete increases the achievements of utilizing night free cooling significantly. However, by removing the suspended ceiling, only minor annual heating energy savings are achieved.  相似文献   

根据国家现行规范和目前小区设计中的做法,对小区游泳池兼作消防水池的可行性及工程设计要点等问题进行分析探讨。  相似文献   

This research aims to find a scientific rating scheme for roof system for the warm humid tropics. The overall air-to-air thermal transmittance (U-value) or thermal resistance (R-value) of roof are most widely used properties, but these are based on steady-state heat conduction and do not respond to changing conditions of climate, design and comfort needs. The paper presents a new thermal performance index, which is based on thermal comfort and actual thermal performance of a roof design option. It provides a basis for identifying the optimum roof design for unconditioned and acclimatised regimes. A review of the acceptable limits of ceiling surface temperature is presented. The mathematical modelling for predicting performance of roof based on admittance procedure and derivation of thermal performance index is described. In the proposed scheme the galvanized iron roof is given 0% rating and the roof satisfying the comfort needs for the given climate is rated as 100%. Illustrative examples of built roofs or design options are taken from India and Australia. It clearly shows that the roofs with the highest thermal resistance are not necessarily optimum solutions.  相似文献   

A feature of the covered stadia built in the USSR for the 1980 Olympic Games was the good acoustic performance achieved. Here, an engineer with the NIISF Institute of Gosstroy describes how model tests validated the choice of a coffered ceiling, with sound absorption in the panels, for the main part of the concave concrete roof of the 55 000 m3 Druzhba sports stadium.  相似文献   

为了解南方民宅屋顶自发搭建的黑色遮阳网对室内外热环境的防热效果,以两个典型民宅为研究对象对其进行实测研究,一个是厦门集美兑山村民宅,另一个是厦港片区民宅为研究对象,在晴热天气测试其室内外气候参数,对比包括遮蔽房和无遮蔽房的空气温度、湿度、黑球温度、风速、顶棚表面温度、室内热舒适PMV值、屋顶地表温度、屋顶室外热舒适SET值,结果表明黑色遮阳网对室内的遮蔽房具有明显的防热效果,白天及其他大部分时间遮蔽房比无遮蔽房的空气温度、黑球温度、顶棚表面温度、室内PMV值都明显较低,并且下午随着日照减弱各个指标的降温也更快、幅度更大、显著缩短高温的持续时间;证实黑色遮阳网的防热效果对于屋顶灰空间作用不明显,却对于灰空间下方的遮蔽房间有明显作用。  相似文献   

大坡度膜结构屋面风荷载特性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以杭州游泳馆膜结构屋顶为例,本文通过风洞模拟实验的方法研究了大坡工膜结构屋面的风荷载特性。研究结果表明,此类结构的风荷载特性具有一定的规律。并且对表面形状的变化十分敏感。为了保证结构的安全性和经济性,在进行结构设计前进行适当的风洞实验是非常必要的。  相似文献   

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