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In this paper, we address the problem of broadcast routing in mobile ad hoc networks from the viewpoint of energy efficiency. In an ad hoc wireless network, each node runs on a local energy source which has a limited energy lifespan. Thus, energy conservation is a critical issue in ad hoc networks. One approach for energy conservation is to establish routes which require lowest total energy consumption. This optimization problem is referred as the minimum‐energy broadcast routing problem (MEBRP). In this paper, we propose new efficient algorithms for the construction of energy‐efficient trees for broadcast in mobile ad hoc networks. These algorithms exploit the broadcast nature of the wireless channel, and address the need for energy‐efficient operations. Empirical studies show that our algorithms are able to achieve better performance than algorithms that have been developed for MEBRP. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we design a localized power‐aware alternate routing (LPAR) protocol for dynamic wireless ad hoc networks. The design objective is to prolong the lifetime of wireless ad hoc networks wherein nodes can adaptively adjust their transmission power based on communication ranges. LPAR achieves this goal via two phases. In the first phase, energy draining balancing is achieved by identifying end‐to‐end paths with high residual energy. The second phase is designed to effectively reduce the power consumed for packet forwarding. This is achieved by iteratively performing adaptive localized power‐aware alternate rerouting to bypass each (potentially) high‐power link along the end‐to‐end path identified in the first phase. Further, the design of LPAR enables nodes to collect their neighborhood information ‘on‐demand’, which can effectively reduce the overhead for gathering such information. LPAR is suitable for both homogeneous and non‐homogeneous networks. Simulation results demonstrate that LPAR achieves improved performance in reducing protocol overhead and also in prolonging network lifetime as compared with existing work. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been an increasing interest in mobile ad hoc networks. In a mobile ad hoc network, each mobile node can freely move around and the network is dynamically constructed by collections of mobile nodes without using any existing network infrastructure. Compared to static networks, it faces many problems such as the inefficiency of routing algorithms. Also, the number of control packets in any routing algorithm increases as the mobile speed or the number of mobile nodes increases. Most of the current routing protocols in ad hoc networks broadcast the control packets to the entire network. Therefore, by reducing the number of control packets, the efficiency of the network routing will be improved. If we know where the destination is, we can beam our search toward that direction. However, without using global positioning systems, how can we do this? Define the range nodes as the 1‐hop or 2‐hop neighbors of the destination node. In this paper, we propose using the range nodes to direct our searches for the destination. It can be combined with the existing routing protocols to reduce the control overhead. We show through simulations that AODV and DSR combined with the range node method outperforms the original AODV and DSR routing protocols in terms of control packets overhead. We also show that the delay introduced in find range nodes is insignificant. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Although establishing correct and efficient routes is an important design issue in mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs), a more challenging goal is to provide energy efficient routes because mobile nodes' operation time is the most critical limiting factor. This article surveys and classifies the energy‐aware routing protocols proposed for MANETs. They minimize either the active communication energy required to transmit or receive packets or the inactive energy consumed when a mobile node stays idle but listens to the wireless medium for any possible communication requests from other nodes. Transmission power control approach and load distribution approach belong to the former category, and sleep/power‐down mode approach belongs to the latter category. While it is not clear whether any particular algorithm or a class of algorithms is the best for all scenarios, each protocol has definite advantages/disadvantages and is well suited for certain situations. The purpose of this paper is to facilitate the research efforts in combining the existing solutions to offer a more energy efficient routing mechanism. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

低开销的MANET网络按需路由协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江国星  易明 《通信学报》2009,30(7):27-35
针对简单泛洪效率低的问题,提出了一个限制洪泛的高效的路由广播算法,通过Euclidean距离来限制路由发现过程中请求分组被转发的次数;研究了减少路由维护开销,并降低路由发现的频率的方法,提出了一个基于节点高度的路由修复与优化算法,该算法使用节点监听来对链路断裂的路由进行修复与优化.基于限制泛洪的高效的路由广播算法和路由修复优化算法,提出了一种新的低开销的MANET网络按需路由协议LOOR(low overhead on-demand routing).仿真结果表明,新协议增强了路由的顽健性,减少了路由跳数,降低了路由发现的频率,提高了数据分组递送率,并显著地降低了路由控制开销.  相似文献   

Wireless mobile ad hoc networks consist of mobile nodes interconnected by wireless multi‐hop communication paths. Unlike conventional wireless networks, ad hoc networks have no fixed network infrastructure or administrative support. The topology of such networks changes dynamically as mobile nodes join or depart the network or radio links between nodes become unusable. Supporting appropriate quality of service for mobile ad hoc networks is a complex and difficult issue because of the dynamic nature of the network topology and generally imprecise network state information, and has become an intensely active area of research in the last few years. This paper
  • 1 This article, except for some minor changes, is essentially the same as one that appears in 103 . The latter is a revised and updated version of 51
  • presents the basic concepts of quality of service support in ad hoc networks for unicast communication, reviews the major areas of current research and results, and addresses some new issues. The principal focus is on routing and security issues associated with quality of service support. The paper concludes with some observations on the open areas for further investigation. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    SMORT: Scalable multipath on-demand routing for mobile ad hoc networks   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
    L.  S.V.   《Ad hoc Networks》2007,5(2):162-188
    Increasing popularity and availability of portable wireless devices, which constitute mobile ad hoc networks, calls for scalable ad hoc routing protocols. On-demand routing protocols adapt well with dynamic topologies of ad hoc networks, because of their lower control overhead and quick response to route breaks. But, as the size of the network increases, these protocols cease to perform due to large routing overhead generated while repairing route breaks. We propose a multipath on-demand routing protocol (SMORT), which reduces the routing overhead incurred in recovering from route breaks, by using secondary paths. SMORT computes fail-safe multiple paths, which provide all the intermediate nodes on the primary path with multiple routes (if exists) to destination. Exhaustive simulations using GloMoSim with large networks (2000 nodes) confirm that SMORT is scalable, and performs better even at higher mobility and traffic loads, when compared to the disjoint multipath routing protocol (DMRP) and ad hoc on-demand distance vector (AODV) routing protocol.  相似文献   

    With the prevalence of mobile devices, it is of much interest to study the properties of mobile ad hoc networks. In this paper, we extend the concept of diameter from static ad hoc network to mobile ad hoc network, which is the expected number of rounds for one node to transmit a message to all other nodes in the network, reflecting the worst end‐to‐end delay between any two node. Specifically, we investigate the diameter of identically and independently mobility model in cell‐partitioned network and random walk mobility model in two‐dimensional torus network, achieving the boundary , when (k=Ω(n)), and O(k log2k), respectively, where n is the number of nodes and k is the number of cells of network and especially under random walk mobility model . A comparison is made among the diameter of mobile ad hoc networks under identically and independently mobility model, random walk mobility model and static ad hoc network, showing that mobility dramatically decreases the diameter of the network and speed is an essential and decisive factor of diameter. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    利用多个信道接口来改善ad hoc网络信道容量。即一个信道周期性的广播节点状态信息分组来维护全网所有节点的状态信息,而另一个信道利用此信息采用最短路径搜寻算法来获得到目的节点的路由并完成数据传输。这样充分结合了表驱动路由方法和按需式路由方法的优点。另外,信息维护与数据分组分别在两个信道内同时进行,避免了信息维护对数据分组传输的影响,提高了网络性能。  相似文献   

    Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) are characterized by random, multi‐hop topologies that do not have a centralized coordinating entity or a fixed infrastructure that may change rapidly over time. In addition, mobile nodes operate with portable and finite power sources. In this work, we propose an energy‐efficient routing protocol for MANETs to minimize energy consumption and increase the network's consistency. Traditional works mainly focused on the shortest path‐based schemes to minimize energy, which might result into network failure because some nodes might exhaust fast as they are used repetitively, while some other nodes might not be used at all. This can lead to energy imbalance and to network life reduction. We propose an energy‐efficient ad hoc on‐demand routing protocol that balances energy load among nodes so that a minimum energy level is maintained among nodes and the network life increases. We focused on increasing the network longevity by distributing energy consumption in the network. We also compared the simulation results with a popular existing on‐demand routing protocol in this area, AODV, to establish the superiority of our approach. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    In this paper, an analytical framework is developed and validated via simulation for statistical estimation of the evolution of the separation between a pair of mobile nodes in an ad hoc network. Simulation results demonstrate that path selection based on minimization of the product of the link statistic significantly outperforms minimum‐hop and fixed threshold‐based ‘path‐stability’ schemes. A hierarchical mobility model integrating the dynamic effects of velocity, group movement and geographic scope is used to generalize the results. Another significant result is the performance enhancements hold in large networks irregardless of the assumptions used for statistical estimation. The effect of merging many independent groups appears to restore independent mobility. Finally, results show that at the highest mobility levels, 90% of the longest surviving paths fail within 60 s. None of the strategies approach this optimal value. This important result suggests that optimal predictive mechanisms alone are insufficient to ensure scalable routing in ad hoc networks. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    In emerging wireless networks, cooperative retransmission is employed to replace packet retransmission between a pair of sender and receiver with poor channel condition. A cooperative MAC protocol which utilizes such benefit is proposed in this paper to improve the network performance in mobile ad hoc networks. In the proposed protocol, relay nodes between sender and receiver are used if the sender cannot communicate with the receiver reliably. Furthermore, the receiver may also stop forwarding the received data frame if the frame is received by the next‐hop receiver on the route to the final destination node. Simulation results show that the proposed protocol outperforms previous works in terms of increased transmission reliability and reduced delay time. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    Contention-based forwarding for mobile ad hoc networks   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
    Holger  Jrg  Michael  Martin  Hannes 《Ad hoc Networks》2003,1(4):351-369
    Existing position-based unicast routing algorithms which forward packets in the geographic direction of the destination require that the forwarding node knows the positions of all neighbors in its transmission range. This information on direct neighbors is gained by observing beacon messages each node sends out periodically.

    Due to mobility, the information that a node receives about its neighbors becomes outdated, leading either to a significant decrease in the packet delivery rate or to a steep increase in load on the wireless channel as node mobility increases. In this paper, we propose a mechanism to perform position-based unicast forwarding without the help of beacons. In our contention-based forwarding scheme (CBF) the next hop is selected through a distributed contention process based on the actual positions of all current neighbors. For the contention process, CBF makes use of biased timers. To avoid packet duplication, the first node that is selected suppresses the selection of further nodes. We propose three suppression strategies which vary with respect to forwarding efficiency and suppression characteristics. We analyze the behavior of CBF with all three suppression strategies and compare it to an existing greedy position-based routing approach by means of simulation with ns-2. Our results show that CBF significantly reduces the load on the wireless channel required to achieve a specific delivery rate compared to the load a beacon-based greedy forwarding strategy generates.  相似文献   

    Recently more and more research interest focuses on the energy efficient routing in mobile ad hoc networks and many related routing algorithms are reported. In this paper, a new optimized priority based energy efficient routing algorithm is presented and priority is added to the existing routing algorithm according to the residual energy proportion of the nodes. Lower residual energy means lower priority and the nodes with lower priority are less likely to forward packets to other nodes. The algorithm needs no global information of the networks and only a little modification is needed to the existing algorithm, so it is practical to be implemented. The algorithm can improve the performance of routing discovery, routing maintenance and cache management at the same time. Some optimization strategy is taken to reduce the network overhead and the lifetime of the network is much longer and the network with our algorithm can transfer much more effective data. Simulation with NS-2 is done and satisfying results are obtained with this algorithm. The results show that the algorithm is efficient.  相似文献   

    Robust position-based routing for wireless ad hoc networks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
    We consider a wireless ad hoc network composed of a set of wireless nodes distributed in a two dimensional plane. Several routing protocols based on the positions of the mobile hosts have been proposed in the literature. A typical assumption in these protocols is that all wireless nodes have uniform transmission regions modeled by unit disk centered at each wireless node. However, all these protocols are likely to fail if the transmission ranges of the mobile hosts vary due to natural or man-made obstacles or weather conditions. These protocols may fail because either some connections that are used by routing protocols do not exist, which effectively results in disconnecting the network, or the use of some connections causes livelocks. In this paper, we describe a robust routing protocol that tolerates up to roughly 40% of variation in the transmission ranges of the mobile hosts. More precisely, our protocol guarantees message delivery in a connected ad hoc network whenever the ratio of the maximum transmission range to the minimum transmission range is at most .  相似文献   

    链路可用性和基于其扩展的路径可用性是选择更稳路由的重要度量尺度.基于修正的随机行走运动模型,利用节点估测的第一次保持运动状态不变的时间T,本文提出了一种任意时刻t的链路可用性计算方法LA(t).同时本文给出了计算在给定运动模型的基础上传输链路保持连接时间LET的平均值方法,并且给出了链路可用性LA(t)的一般表达式.不同条件的模拟实验结果表明:计算方法LA(t)表现出了十分接近模拟实验值的效果,比目前提出的几种预测方法更准确更实用.  相似文献   

    In large and dense mobile ad hoc networks, position-based routing protocols can offer significant performance improvement over topology-based routing protocols by using location information to make forwarding decisions. However, there are several potential security issues for the development of position-based routing protocols. In this paper, we propose a secure geographic forwarding (SGF) mechanism, which provides source authentication, neighbor authentication, and message integrity by using both the shared key and the TIK protocol. By combining SGF with the Grid Location Service (GLS), we propose a Secure Grid Location Service (SGLS) where any receiver can verify the correctness of location messages. We also propose a Local Reputation System (LRS) aiming at detecting and isolating both compromised and selfish users. We present the performance analysis of both SGLS and LRS, and compare them with the original GLS. Simulation results show that SGLS can operate efficiently by using effective cryptographic mechanisms. Results also show that LRS effectively detects and isolates message dropping attackers from the network.  相似文献   

    Recent research efforts in mobile ad hoc networks have concentrated on examining the behaviour of TCP Reno over various ad hoc routing protocols and have suggested a number of extensions to improve its performance. TCP Vegas, which takes a proactive approach to congestion avoidance, has not so far been examined as a viable alternative to TCP Reno in wireless environments and no effort has been made to analyse its performance over routing protocols for MANETs. This paper evaluates using extensive simulation experiments the performance behaviour of TCP Vegas over a proactive (destination sequenced distance vector) and two reactive (dynamic source routing and ad hoc on demand distance vector) routing protocols and compares it against that of TCP Reno. Copyright © 2004 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

    Nodes in a mobile ad hoc network are often vulnerable to failures. The failures could be either due to fading effects, battery drainage, or as a result of compromised nodes that do not participate in network operations. Intermittent node failures can disrupt routing functionalities. As such, it is important to provide redundancy in terms of providing multiple node-disjoint paths from a source to a destination. In line with this objective, we first propose a modified version of the widely studied ad hoc on-demand distance vector routing protocol to facilitate the discovery of multiple node-disjoint paths from a source to a destination. We find that very few of such paths can be found. Furthermore, as distances between sources and destinations increase, bottlenecks inevitably occur and thus, the possibility of finding multiple paths is considerably reduced. We conclude that it is necessary to place what we call reliable nodes (in terms of both being robust to failure and being secure) in the network to support efficient routing operations. We propose a deployment strategy that determines the positions and the trajectories of these reliable nodes such that we can achieve a framework for reliably routing information. We define a notion of a reliable path which is made up of multiple segments, each of which either entirely consists of reliable nodes, or contains a preset number of multiple paths between the end points of the segment. We show that the probability of establishing a reliable path between a random source and destination pair increases tremendously even with a small number of reliable nodes when we use our algorithm to appropriately position these reliable nodes.  相似文献   

    The opportunistic routing mechanism can use several lossy broadcast links to support reliable transmission. In this paper, a simple opportunistic routing mechanism for real‐time multimedia services is proposed. This mechanism is based on the dynamic source routing protocol with some modifications, multiple route request, and route reply messages are used to construct the forwarder list, and the nodes within the forwarder list forward the packets which they overhear. The forwarder list is placed on the packet header in the form of a Bloom filter, which will restrict the size of the forwarder list to a constant value. There are no strict scheduling mechanisms for the forwarding order of the forwarder nodes, thus our opportunistic routing mechanism can be scalable for multiple simultaneous flows. Simulations show that our mechanism can effectively decrease the transmission times and the amount of the control messages for each packet and reduce the end‐to‐end delay for real‐time voice service, the quality of service for these services can be supported well over the unstable wireless channel. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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