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This paper presents fracture mechanics based Artificial Neural Network (ANN) model to predict the fracture characteristics of high strength and ultra high strength concrete beams. Fracture characteristics include fracture energy (Gf), critical stress intensity factor (KIC) and critical crack tip opening displacement (CTODc). Failure load of the beam (Pmax) is also predicated by using ANN model. Characterization of mix and testing of beams of high strength and ultra strength concrete have been described. Methodologies for evaluation of fracture energy, critical stress intensity factor and critical crack tip opening displacement have been outlined. Back-propagation training technique has been employed for updating the weights of each layer based on the error in the network output. Levenberg- Marquardt algorithm has been used for feed-forward back-propagation. Four ANN models have been developed by using MATLAB software for training and prediction of fracture parameters and failure load. ANN has been trained with about 70% of the total 87 data sets and tested with about 30% of the total data sets. It is observed from the studies that the predicted values of Pmax, Gf, failure load, KIc and CTODc are in good agreement with those of the experimental values.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the development of models for prediction of facture parameters, namely, fracture energy and ultimate load of high strength and ultra high strength concrete based on Minimax Probability Machine Regression (MPMR) and Extreme Learning Machine (ELM). MPMR is developed based on Minimax Probability Machine Classification (MPMC). ELM is the modified version of Single Hidden Layer Feed Foreword Network (SLFN). MPMR and ELM has been used as regression techniques. Mathematical models have been developed in the form of relation between several input variables such as beam dimensions, water cement ratio, compressive strength, split tensile strength, notch depth, and modulus of elasticity and output is fracture energy and ultimate load A total of 87 data sets (input-output pairs) are used, 61 of which are used to train the model and 26 are used to test the models. The data-sets used in this study are derived from experimental results. A comparative study has been presented between the developed MPMR and ELM models. The results showed that the developed models give reasonable performance for prediction of fracture energy and ultimate load.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the flexural performance of a sandwich panel made up of ultra high strength concrete (UHSC) as top and bottom skin and cold formed steel as sandwich. A novel sandwich panel has been designed such a way that bottom skin of UHSC is of precast in nature and top skin of UHSC is cast-insitu and cold formed steel (profiled sheet) as sandwich. The connection between top skin of UHSC and cold formed steel is made with self tapping screws. Flexural performance of UHSC sandwich panel has been tested under flexural loading and it is found that the post peak response of the panel is significant in terms of more energy absorption. It is observed that the final failure of the specimen is occurred by forming a dominant crack on the bottom face of the skin apart formation of many multiple cracks with increase of load. Numerical investigations have been carried out by simulating the experimental conditions and found that the response obtained through simulation is in good agreement with the corresponding experimental values. From the studies, it can be concluded that UHSC steel sandwich panels can be employed for structural and non structural applications.  相似文献   

This paper presents the advanced analytical methodologies such as Double- G and Double - K models for fracture analysis of concrete specimens made up of high strength concrete (HSC, HSC1) and ultra high strength concrete. Brief details about characterization and experimentation of HSC, HSC1 and UHSC have been provided. Double-G model is based on energy concept and couples the Griffith's brittle fracture theory with the bridging softening property of concrete. The double-K fracture model is based on stress intensity factor approach. Various fracture parameters such as cohesive fracture toughness (KIcc), unstable fracture toughness (KIcun) and initiation fracture toughness (KIcini) have been evaluated based on linear elastic fracture mechanics and nonlinear fracture mechanics principles. Double-G and double-K method uses the secant compliance at the peak point of measured P-CMOD curves for determining the effective crack length. Bi-linear tension softening model has been employed to account for cohesive stresses ahead of the crack tip. From the studies, it is observed that the fracture parameters obtained by using double - G and double - K models are in good agreement with each other. Crack extension resistance has been estimated by using the fracture parameters obtained through double - K model. It is observed that the values of the crack extension resistance at the critical unstable point are almost equal to the values of the unstable fracture toughness KIcun of the materials. The computed fracture parameters will be useful for crack growth study, remaining life and residual strength evaluation of concrete structural components.  相似文献   

余自若  沈捷  贾方方  安明喆 《材料导报》2017,31(23):138-144, 176
对147个超高性能混凝土与普通混凝土的100mm×100mm×100mm立方体黏结试件进行了冻融循环后的黏结性能研究,测量了冻融后试件的相对动弹性模量、质量损失率以及劈裂抗拉强度,研究了超高性能混凝土中的钢纤维掺量、普通混凝土的强度等级、黏结面形式、试件的浇筑方向等因素对黏结试件抗冻性能的影响。结果表明,冻融循环结束后,所有黏结试件中的超高性能混凝土部分都没有出现损伤,超高性能混凝土可以作为普通混凝土结构的理想外围护材料;随着冻融循环次数的增加,黏结试件的相对动弹性模量逐渐减小,质量损失率先降低后增加,黏结试件的劈裂抗拉强度线性下降;影响黏结试件冻融后劈裂抗拉强度下降速度的关键因素是超高性能混凝土中的钢纤维掺量和黏结面的形式。  相似文献   

主要研究了HCSA型膨胀剂对UHPC工作性能、变形性能及力学性能的影响.试验结果表明,掺入此类膨胀剂使UHPC初凝时间变短,流动度降低;同时,选择合适掺量的膨胀剂后,UHPC的28 d自收缩明显减小,并且掺入钢纤维的UH PC的干燥收缩被明显抑制;再者,适当掺量膨胀剂的加入能略微增加UHPC的抗压强度和抗折强度,因此HCSA膨胀剂是一种较理想的用于UHPC补偿收缩的外加剂.  相似文献   

Abstract: This research deals with the sensitivity of several types of performance‐designed high‐strength concrete to the loading rate. Variations in the composition of the concrete produce the desired performance, for instance having null shrinkage or being able to be pumped at elevated heights without segregation, but they also produce variations in the fracture properties that are reported in this paper. We performed tests at five loading rates spanning six orders of magnitude in the displacement rate, from 1.74 × 10?5 mm s?1 to 17.4 mm s?1. Load‐displacement curves show that their peak is higher as the displacement rate increases, whereas the corresponding displacement is almost constant. Fracture energy also increases, but only for loading rates higher than 0.01 mm s?1. We use a formula based on a cohesive law with a viscous term [Anales de Mecánica de la Fractura 25 (2008) 793–797] to study the results. The correlation of the formula to the experimental results is good and it allows us to obtain the theoretical value for the fracture energy under strictly static conditions. In addition, both the fracture energy and the characteristic length of the concretes used in the study diminish as the compressive strength of their aggregates increases.  相似文献   

基于模糊神经网络的非线性拟合能力和推理机制,研究了自适应模糊神经推理系统ANFIS在碳纤维布与混凝土的极限黏结强度预测中的应用,设计了一阶TSK模糊推理网络,建立碳纤维布厚度、宽度、黏结长度、弹性模量、抗拉强度、混凝土抗压强度,抗拉强度、宽度与极限黏结强度之间的高度非线性关系,用于黏结强度的预测。测试结果表明,自适应模糊神经推理系统计算简单、预测准确,在碳纤维布与混凝土的黏结强度预测方面优势明显。  相似文献   

超高强铝合金研究进展   总被引:18,自引:1,他引:18  
超高强铝合金具有很高的强度和韧性,是航空航天领域极具应用前景的结构材料.评述了超高强铝合金的国内外发展情况,论述了铝合金的强化技术和方法,并就今后的研究开发提出了建议.  相似文献   

轻量化是当前汽车行业全产业链共同面对的课题,提高先进高强钢使用比例是实现汽车轻量化的有效手段。对先进高强钢本构模型与韧性断裂模型的充分研究有助于提高先进高强钢开裂分析和预测的准确性,从而推动先进高强钢工程的应用进程。目前,在先进高强钢的研究过程中,学者们通常通过多种应变强化模型的线性组合,或结合微观结构与宏观力学行为进行多尺度分析来建立本构模型;通过多种应力状态下的准静态拉伸实验以及使用仿真与实验混合的方法来标定韧性断裂模型的参数。以第三代先进高强钢中的淬火配分(QP)钢为重点讨论对象,介绍了制备工艺与材料特性及其相关研究进展,并介绍了QP钢本构模型的研究现状、新近发展的非耦合韧性断裂模型以及考虑了应力三轴度和罗德角参数影响的韧性断裂模型在先进高强钢上的应用现状,最后指出了先进高强钢本构模型和韧性断裂模型未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

宝钢在生产A36船板钢的过程中,个别拉伸试样产生了断口分离现象。本文结合A36船板钢的冶炼和轧制实际情况,对分离严重部位进行了理化检验,分析结果表明:中心偏析和明显的带状组织是造成拉伸断口分离的根本原因。本文对此提出了相应的改进措施,以减少此类缺陷的产生。  相似文献   

许威  曹军  花军  陈光伟 《包装工程》2023,44(21):70-77
目的 以椴木为研究对象,研究冲击载荷作用下椴木试件的断裂解离形貌特征和断裂力学特性,建立适用于木材原料断裂解离的分形断裂力学模型,并对其断裂解离力学行为进行描述。方法 对椴木试件进行冲击加载试验,分析试件断口的形貌特征和断裂力学特性,构建适用于木材原料断裂解离的分形断裂力学模型。结果 椴木试件横向冲击断裂断口裂纹形状和断口形貌特征比纵向冲击复杂,横、纵向冲击断裂断口均具有分形特征;椴木试件纵向冲击断裂韧性均值是横向冲击断裂韧性均值的1.112倍,椴木试件横、纵向冲击断口的分形维数均值分别为2.063 5和2.075 1,椴木试件横、纵向冲击韧性与其断口分形维数之间存在线性正相关关系,拟合优度分别为0.778 7和0.812 2;构建的木材原料断裂解离临界解离应力和断裂韧性的分形断裂力学模型也适用于脆性材料。结论 在木材原料冲击断裂解离时,木材原料初始裂纹长度越短,断裂解离断口越粗糙复杂,木材原料断裂解离所需要的能量越大;当裂纹沿着与冲击加载力方向垂直成大约1.055rad方向扩展时所需的能量最小,木材原料最易沿该方向进行断裂解离。  相似文献   

An experimental investigation was conducted to identify the characteristics of crack growth in high performance concrete (HPC) subjected to fire, including two parts of work, i.e. crack growth resistance determinations and cracking observations, using concrete of three strength grades 40 MPa, 70 MPa, and 110 MPa. The crack growth resistance curves (R-curves ) of HPC subjected to high temperatures were determined using notched three-point bend beam specimens of 100 mm×100 mm×300mm. The R-curve (crack growth resistance curve) flattening shows that the crack growth resistance has been significantly reduced by elevated temperature. Concrete with a higher strength grade has a steeper R-curve, with a higher fracture toughness but a shorter critical crack growth. The shorter critical crack growth means that concrete of a higher strength grade has a more brittle behavior. The concrete cracking observations reveal that the consequences of rapid heating are quite different from those of slow heating. For slow he  相似文献   

本文阐述了高性能混凝土的发展现状及最新研究成果,讨论了高性能混凝土的定义,对其优异特性进行了较为详尽的分析。在总结了高性能混凝土成分设计的基础上,提出了一些需要关注的意见和建议。最后,列举了近三十年来高性能混凝土在国内外路桥建设中的应用实例,从中可知高性能混凝土已经成为路桥工程建设中最为重要的结构材料之一。  相似文献   

Concrete structures are usually fractured under dynamic loadings, so it is important to have a clear knowledge of their dynamic behavior and tensile strength. First, the principle of one-dimensional (1D) stress wave reflection and superposition at free surface is briefed, and the spalling test method based on the Hopkinson bar is presented. Then, the attenuation law of stress wave is explored and the dynamic tensile/compressive moduli of concrete are evaluated according to the wave propagation experiment. Lastly, the influences of strain rate on the spalling tensile strength and failure patterns of concrete are further analyzed. The testing results demonstrate that the attenuation of stress wave accords with an exponential law when propagating in the concrete bar. The difference between the dynamic elastic moduli of concrete in tension and in compression is minor. Spalling tensile strength is sensitive to strain rate, and there is an obvious linear correlation between dynamic increase factor (DIF) and strain rate in a log-log plot for strain rate above 1.0/s; a single fracture occurs at low strain rate, while multiple fractures are detected with increasing strain rate.  相似文献   

采用EBSD技术和原子力显微镜(AFM)测试了10CrNi5Mo高强钢热轧态和热处理态试样的表面晶界分布特征和微观形貌, 用模拟海水全浸实验方法及电化学阻抗谱技术测试了10CrNi5Mo高强钢在模拟海水中的腐蚀行为。结果表明: 热轧态试样表面具有更高比例的小角度晶界, 经硝酸酒精腐蚀后热处理态试样表面腐蚀更为均匀, 粗糙度更小。进行模拟海水全浸实验时热轧态试样呈现出更好的耐腐蚀性能, 浸泡中期阻抗值增大, 表面腐蚀产物与基体结合更为紧密, 能保护基体防止其与溶液发生电化学反应。  相似文献   

Two linked models have been developed to explore the relationship between the amount of porosity arising in service from both radiolytic oxidation and fast neutron damage that influences both the strength and the force-displacement (load-displacement) behaviour and crack propagation in pile grade A graphite used as a nuclear reactor moderator material. Firstly models of the microstructure of the porous graphite for both unirradiated and irradiated graphite are created. These form the input for the second stage, simulating fracture in lattice-type finite element models, which predicts force (load)-displacement and crack propagation paths. Microstructures comprising aligned filler particles, typical of needle coke, in a porous matrix have been explored. The purpose was to isolate the contributions of filler particles and porosity to fracture strength and crack paths and consider their implications for the overall failure of reactor core graphite.  相似文献   

Experimental data on high-temperature mechanical properties under uniaxial tension of commercially pure tungsten obtained by powder metallurgy have been analyzed. It has been found that for powder metallurgy tungsten in the high-temperature region ∼(0.5 –0.8)Tmelt' there is a close correlation among the characteristics of short- and long-term static strengths and creep resistance, which are described by a single functional relation. __________ Translated from Problemy Prochnosti, No. 6, pp. 50 – 60, November – December, 2005.  相似文献   

The nature of the brittleness of Iridium crystal is still unclear. The aim of this study is to explore the mechanism of ductile‐to‐brittle transition (DBT) and the fracture behavior in polycrystalline Iridium. Tensile tests are conducted from room temperature to 1600 °C. Furthermore, fracture morphology and deformation substructures are characterized by OM, SEM, and TEM. The results show that the tensile strength increases anomalously below 600 °C and then decreases with the increasing temperature. The elongation increases slowly from room temperature to 700 °C, and it then changes sharply from 9.88% at 700 °C to 31% at 800 °C. Below 700 °C, the polycrystalline Iridium exhibits intergranular and partial transgranular cleavage fracture pattern. In contrast, the ductile fracture morphologies associated with microvoids coalescence are observed between 800 and 1600 °C. Massive tangling screw dislocations form at 700 °C and less tangles appear when stretching at 900 °C, manifesting that the DBT is around 800 °C in polycrystalline Iridium.

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