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This paper studies the performance of switch and stay combining (SSC) diversity in the presence of co‐channel interference over correlated Weibull fading channels. SSC diversity based on signal‐to‐interference ratio (SIR) is a low‐complexity and a very efficient technique that reduces fading and co‐channel interference influence. New closed‐form expressions for the probability density function and cumulative distribution function of the output SIR's are derived. These formulas are used in a detailed analysis of the average output SIR and outage probability. The influence of fading severity and correlation coefficient on the optimum switching threshold and system performance is investigated. Monte Carlo simulations are performed to verify obtained theoretical results and determine average bit error rate in detecting binary phase‐shift keying (BPSK), differential BPSK and quadrature amplitude modulation signals. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In time division duplex (TDD)‐based multiuser massive multiple input multiple output (MIMO) systems, the uplink channel is estimated and the results are used in downlink for signal detection. Owing to noisy uplink channel estimation, the downlink channel should also be estimated for accurate signal detection. Therefore, recently, a blind method was developed, which assumes the use of a linear high‐power amplifier (HPA) in the base station (BS). In this study, we extend this method to a scenario with a nonlinear HPA in the BS, where the Bussgang decomposition is used for HPA modeling. In the proposed method, the average power of the received signal for each user is a function of channel gain, large‐scale fading, and nonlinear distortion variance. Therefore, the channel gain is estimated, which is required for signal detection. The performance of the proposed method is analyzed theoretically. The simulation results show superior performance of the proposed method compared to that of the other methods in the literature.  相似文献   

In this paper, a novel approach to the problem of estimating the average channel capacity (in the Shannon sense) assigned to each user of a spread spectrum (SS) multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) system operating in a Rayleigh fading environment, is presented. The analysis leads to a closed‐form expression which fully conforms to the upper bound of the channel capacity value of a non‐fading AWGN channel when the transmitted signal bandwidth tends to infinity proving the validity of the described analysis. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

MIMO系统信道容量研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
针对单用户MIMO系统信道的容量特性展开研究。首先详细推导了无衰落信道下信道容量表达式,然后重点分析了瑞利衰落信道下,接收端已知信道状态信息,发射端已知信道状态分布时的容量特性。最后分别针对瑞利衰落信道下,采用发射分集、接收分集以及BLAST传输结构的系统容量进行仿真。仿真结果表明:给定发射功率,独立的瑞利衰落信道条件下,MIMO系统容量随最小天线数目的增加而线性增加,极大地提高了系统容量。  相似文献   

Co‐channel interference is recognized as one of the major factors that limits the capacity and link quality of a wireless communications system. An appropriate understanding of the statistical behavior of the co‐channel interference is therefore required when analyzing and designing techniques that mitigate its undesired effects. The total co‐channel interference in a wireless communications system is usually modeled as the sum of lognormally distributed signals, and is generally assumed to be itself lognormally distributed. Based on this assumption, several methods for estimating the moments of the resulting lognormal distribution have been proposed. The accuracy of these methods has been studied in previous works, under the assumption of having all summand signals (individual interference signals) identically distributed. Such an assumption rarely holds in practical cases of emerging wireless communications systems, where co‐channel interference may stem from far‐away macrocells and nearby transmitters, causing the interference signals to have different moments. In this paper we present an analysis of the accuracy of two popular methods for computing the moments of a sum of lognormal random variables, namely Wilkinson's method and Schwartz and Yeh's method, for the general case when the summands have different mean values and standard deviations in decibel units. We show that Schwartz and Yeh's method provides better accuracy than Wilkinson's method and is virtually invariant with the difference of the mean values and standard deviations of the summands. Copyright © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the performance assessment of a bidirectional relaying system using energy harvesting techniques. We assume independent and nonidentically distributed (i.n.i.d.) Nakagami‐m fading channels where the amplify‐and‐forward relay is subject to co‐channel interference (CCI) due to transmissions of other transmitters. Two different scenarios, namely, scenario I and scenario II are evaluated. In scenario I, both end‐sources provide the required energy for the relay, whereas the relay also harvests energy from the co‐channel interferes. Then, in the first phase of cooperation, both end‐sources send the information to the relay, and after amplifying the received signal, relay transfers information to the appropriate destination in the second time‐slot. In the scenario II, both end‐sources harvest energy from the relay. After that, the information cooperative transmission is done similar to the first scenario. For both considered scenarios, tight closed‐form expressions of outage probability, symbol error probability, ergodic capacity, and throughput are obtained at arbitrary signal‐to‐noise‐ratios (SNRs). To get more insights, simplified high SNR results for both scenarios are also deduced where the diversity orders are obtained. Monte Carlo simulation results are presented to validate the correctness of our proposed analysis. Our results explicitly demonstrate that the first scenario has a better performance than the second one in the medium and high SNR region, whereas the second scenario outperforms the first one in the low SNR regime.  相似文献   

The theoretical capacity of the spatial correlated Rayleigh multiple input multiple output (MIMO) channel is an important issue in MIMO technology. In this article, an ergodic channel capacity formula of the spatial correlated rayleigh MIMO channel is provided, which is deduced when two antennas exist at either the transmitter or the receiver. The multi-dimensional least-squares fit algorithm is employed to narrow the difference between the theoretical formula capacity and the practical capacity. Simulation results show that the theoretical capacity approaches the practical one closely.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the average symbol error rate (SER) for a multiple input multiple output (MIMO) maximal ratio combining (MRC) system with Rayleigh fading desired signal in the presence of non‐Rayleigh fading co‐channel interferers (CCIs) and additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN). To simulate the actual environments of wireless transmission, we assume that the transceiver only obtains imperfect channel estimation (ICE). For the cases of Nakagami and Rician fading CCIs, analytic expressions for the SER have been derived approximately by introducing the modified signal‐to‐interference and noise power ratio (SINR) that can be obtained by averaging the CCI term in the original SINR over the distribution of ICE of intended user. These formulas can provide important reference of design of MIMO diversity systems. Numerical simulations verify the effectiveness of these formulas. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, the channel capacity of multiple‐input multiple‐output ultra‐wideband (MIMO‐UWB) systems with single co‐channel interference (CCI) is calculated. A ray‐tracing approach is used to calculate the wanted channel frequency response, and the channel frequency response is further used to calculate the corresponding channel capacity. By the ray‐tracing approach, two different antenna arrays are applied to our simulation to observe whether MIMO can reduce CCI. Also the effects caused by the two antenna arrays for the desired system and CCI are quantified. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Multi‐input multi‐output orthogonal frequency‐division multiplexing (MIMO‐OFDM) has been actively studied for high data rate communications over the bandwidth‐limited underwater acoustic (UWA) channels. Unlike existing receivers that treat the intercarrier interference (ICI) as additive noise, in this paper, the proposed receiver considers ICI explicitly together with the co‐channel interference (CCI) due to parallel transmissions in MIMO‐OFDM. Using a recently developed progressive receiver framework, the proposed receiver starts with low‐complexity ICI‐ignorant processing and then progresses to ICI‐aware processing with increasing ICI levels. The key components of the proposed receiver include the following: (1) compressed sensing‐based sparse channel estimation, (2) soft‐input soft‐output minimum mean square error/Markov chain Monte Carlo detector for interference mitigation, and (3) soft nonbinary low‐density parity check decoding. In addition to simulation, we use real data from the Surface Processes and Acoustic Communications Experiment 2008 (SPACE08) and the Mobile Acoustic Communications Experiment 2010 (MACE10) to verify the system performance, where the transmitter in SPACE08 was stationary and that in MACE10 was slowly moving. Simulation and experimental results show that explicitly addressing ICI and CCI significantly improves the performance of MIMO‐OFDM in UWA systems. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This article outlines a general numerical procedure for computing the probability of outage of a cellular mobile radio system that is equipped with a smart antenna to suppress a few strongest co‐channel interferers (CCI) out of a total of NI active interferers by adaptive null‐steering. Aside from the interference‐limited case, refined outage criterion that either treat receiver noise as CCI or consider a minimum detectable receiver signal threshold are studied. Exact closed‐form expressions for both the basic and refined outage criterion are also derived by assuming that all the CCI signals are subject to Nakagami‐m fading with a positive integer fading severity index. Selected numerical examples are provided to illustrate the application of the theory which includes the investigation into the effects of fade distribution of the CCI signals and traffic loading on the outage probability, and also the study of spectrum utilization efficiency improvement using a selective co‐channel interference nulling (cancellation) technique. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Energy efficiency (EE) is becoming more and more important in future wireless communications because of limited battery power in mobile terminals. In this paper, we compare EE of the distributed MIMO (D‐MIMO) and co‐located MIMO (C‐MIMO) in uplink systems. Taking into account both circuit and transmit power, we derive an analytical expression for EE of D‐MIMO and C‐MIMO systems in a composite Rayleigh‐lognormal channel. What is more, an optimization algorithm is proposed to get the optimal EE values while satisfying given spectral efficiency requirement for both D‐MIMO and C‐MIMO systems. Simulation results show that D‐MIMO systems are more energy effective than C‐MIMO systems when considering the realistic systems, and the optimal EE can be obtained by the proposed algorithm while satisfying given spectral efficiency requirement. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1IntroductionMI MOtechnology has emerged as a key method toachieve high spectral and power efficiency in wirelesscommunications .By the work of E. Telatar and Fosi-chini[1 ~6]et al .,the capacity of aMtransmite anten-nas andNreceive antennas systemcan be min( M,N)ti mes that of a single antenna system,that is to say ca-pacity canincreaselinealy with minumof the number ofantennas at transmiter and receiver .In order to encounter multi-paths fading,capacity oftraditional BLAST-CDMAis res…  相似文献   

典型的室内传播信道为莱斯衰落信道,可将其分解为LOS传播信道和散射信道.本文假设散射信道为瑞利衰落信道,并根据天线的极化特性,给出了存在极化分集时的LOS传播信道.基于此,本文提出了室内MIMO系统采用极化分集时的信道模型.研究表明:极化分集可以有效提高MIMO信道容量.  相似文献   

We study the applicability of soft interference cancelation in the forward link of multibeam satellite systems with focus on mobile terminals. We adopt a standard currently used in commercial satellite systems as a reference. The multibeam satellite antenna radiation diagram has been generated using a physical optics reflector model while a widely adopted channel model has been used for the land mobile satellite channel. The interference pattern has been derived using a system simulator developed by the European Space Agency. Starting from the analysis of the interference pattern, we study the application of a low‐complexity soft interference cancelation scheme for commercial applications. Our results show that, under realistic conditions, a two‐colors frequency reuse scheme can be employed while guaranteeing service availability across the coverage and keeping the complexity at the user terminals relatively low. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper studies the behavior of the low‐complexity switch‐and‐examine diversity combining (SEC) and switch‐and‐examine diversity combining with post‐examine selection (SECps) antenna selection schemes with interference. In this paper, we first derive the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the end‐to‐end (e2e) signal‐to‐interference plus noise ratio at the selection scheme combiner output. This CDF is then used to derive closed‐form expressions for the e2e outage and symbol error probabilities for the independent nonidentically distributed and independent identically distributed cases of diversity branches. In the analysis, the channels of the desired user and the interferers are assumed to follow Rayleigh distribution. Furthermore, to have more details about the system insights, the performance is evaluated at the high signal‐to‐noise ratio (SNR) values where the diversity order and coding gain are derived and analyzed. The derived analytical and asymptotic results are validated via a comparison with Monte‐Carlo simulations. Main findings show that with interference power does not scale with average SNR; the system can still achieve performance gain when more receive antennas are used. This happens at the values of switching threshold that are close to average SNR. Also, results illustrate that the interference is noticeably affecting the gain achieved in system performance when more antennas are used. Furthermore, findings show that the SECps selection scheme outperforms the conventional SEC scheme when more antennas are added with the switching threshold is much larger than the average SNR. Finally, findings show that the SEC and SECps antenna selection schemes are efficient for systems which operate at the range of low SNR values and this makes them attractive candidates to be implemented in the emerging mobile broadband communication systems. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study the channel service process of a multiple‐input multiple‐output (MIMO) system over an independent and identically distributed (i.i.d.) fading channel. One key problem of communication over fading MIMO channels is what kind of service the MIMO channel can provide. In this paper, this problem is investigated in terms of channel service process. Assuming that the channel state information is available at the receiver, the channel service process S(t) is defined as the integral of the instantaneous channel capacity over a time interval of length t, which specifies the service provided by the channel during the period. Using the characteristic function approach and the infinitely divisible law, it is proved that the channel service process S(t) is a deterministic linear function of time t, other than any curve form or a stochastic process. Specifically, , where is a constant equal to the corresponding ergodic capacity. This result has two implications: (i) i.i.d. fading MIMO channels can support a constant rate traffic stream of rate without higher layer transmission delay; (ii) the ergodic capacity is the actual transmission capacity of the fading channel, other than only a statistical average value. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper considers cooperative power allocation with the use of partial channel state information (CSI) in a multi‐user dual‐hop relay system with multiple antennas. The end‐to‐end capacity can be improved by dynamically allocating the transmit power of the base station and relay according to co‐channel interference caused by the adjacent relays. The proposed scheme allocates the transmit power in association with the eigenvalues and angle difference between the eigenvectors of transmit correlation matrices of the desired and interference channel. It is shown by means of upper‐bound analysis that the end‐to‐end capacity of the proposed scheme can be maximized in highly correlated channel environments when the principal eigenvectors of transmit correlation matrices of the desired and interference channel are orthogonal to each other. It is also shown that the proposed scheme is robust to the channel estimation error. Finally, the performance of the proposed scheme is verified by the computer simulation. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this work, we investigate the performance of a dual‐hop cooperative network over α?μ fading channels with the presence of co‐channel interference (CCI) at both the relay and destination nodes. Amplify‐and‐forward (AF) relaying is considered in the relay node. The upper bound of the signal‐to‐interference‐plus‐noise ratio (SINR) of the dual‐hop relay link is used to determine the system performance. The probability density function (PDF) and the cumulative distribution function (CDF) of the upper bound of the SINR are analyzed. The system performance is determined in terms of the outage and error probabilities. Numerical results are used to present the performance analysis of the system.  相似文献   

In the context of K-user MIMO interference channel (IC),achievable degrees of freedom (DoF) were investigated with distributed space-time interference alignment (DSTIA).By precoding with distributed current and outdated channel state information at the transmitters (CSIT),new tradeoff regions between achievable DoF and CSI feedback delay/frequency were achieved for MISO system.The impact of the number of transmit antennas on achievable DoF in the MISO system was analyzed,revealing that DoF results approach to the outer bound as the number of transmit antennas increases.Further,the impact of the number of receive antennas on achievable DoF was characterized,deriving the range of CSI feedback delay that preserves achievable DoF in the MIMO system.Theoretical and numerical analyses show that,the proposed DSTIA scheme can achieve better sum-DoFs by eliminating inter-user interference perfectly,tighten the gap between achievable DoF and outer bound,as well as improve the achievable rate of the system.  相似文献   

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