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This paper studies the dispersion of the axisymmetric longitudinal wave propagation in the pre-strained hollow cylinder consisting of two-layers under the shear-spring type imperfectness of the contact conditions between these layers. The investigations are made within the framework of the piecewise homogeneous body model by utilizing the 3D linearized theory of elastic waves in elastic bodies with initial stresses. It is assumed that the layers of the cylinder are made from compressible hyper-elastic materials and their elasticity relations are given through the harmonic potential. The degree of the mentioned imperfectness is estimated by the shear-spring parameter. Numerical results on the influence of this parameter on the behavior of the dispersion curves related to the fundamental mode are presented and discussed. It is established that the considered type imperfectness of the contact conditions causes two branches of the dispersion curve related to the fundamental mode to appear: the first disappears, but the second approaches the dispersion curve obtained for the perfect interface case by decreasing the shear-spring parameter.  相似文献   

边界粘弹性支承对矩形板强迫振动响应的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
提出边界粘弹性支承对矩形板强迫振动响应影响的分析方法。该方法基于阻尼复模态分析,利用阻尼复模态的正交性,导出了板的完全解耦的模态方程;通过算例研究和讨论了粘弹性边界支承对板的振动响应的影响。  相似文献   

This paper presents an analysis of the forced vibration of an initially stressed rectangular composite plate containing two neighboring cylindrical cavities. The initial stresses are caused by stretching or compressing of the plate with uniformly distributed normal static forces acting on the two opposite end-planes which are parallel to the central axes of the aforementioned cylindrical cavities. The influence of the initial stresses on the stress concentration around the cavities caused by the additional uniformly distributed time harmonic forces acting on the upper face plane of the plate are given. The considered problem is formulated within the framework of the Three-Dimensional Linearized Theory of Elastic Waves in Initially Stressed Bodies. For the solution to this problem 3D FEM is employed. The numerical results on the influence of the initial stresses on the stress concentration around the cavities, as well as on the fundamental frequencies of the plate are presented and discussed.  相似文献   

The 3D effects of the 2D mode I stress intensity factor for the plate with a V-shaped straight through-thickness notch are investigated by the finite element method and three-dimensional thicknessdependent correction of SIF is suggested. The correction relies on the assumed relationship between the SIF and the constraint factor (out-of-plane degree of freedom). The 3D finite element mesh generator combining the 2D in-plane adaptive unstructured mesh with the structured through-thickness mesh Is developed and applied for the analysis purposes. Three-dimensionality was examined by using two independent indicators, namely, stress- or strain-based constraint factors. The three-point bend and tensile center-cracked plates are investigated. The results demonstrated that the developed 3D corrections may be treated as upper bound estimates of the SIF for three-point bend plate,while directly obtained numerical values are considered as lower bound estimates. Analysis of the tensile center-cracked plate demonstrated a different nature of the 3D SIF profile, which cannot be simply explained as a transitional state between plain strain and plain stress. Therefore, the suggested 3D correction concept is of a particular character.  相似文献   

水介质对多种边界条件方板振动频率及辐射效率的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
本提出了一种简便计算置于无限大障板上的方板水中振动频率以及辐射效率的计算方法。在假定流体不可压、方板作小振幅振动、水中模态挠度近似为真空模态挠度的条件下,利用瑞利积分得到了因流体压而引起的附加质量密度。进而应用瑞利方法得到了方板水中振动频率与真空中振动频率、无量纲附加虚质量增量之间的关系。在真空中模态的有限元方法分析数据以及采用适当方法处理奇点积分的基础上,应用离散积分计算了无量纲附加虚质量增量的值。从真空中模态特征频率出发用迭代法直到水中频率收敛为止而得到水中方板的特征频率,进而计算了方板的模态辐射效率。方法的有效性通过方板的无量纲附加虚质量增量与献[11]结果对比的一致性来验证。  相似文献   

运输车辆振动环境与人体响应的监测研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
本文以五十铃八吨运输汽车为对象,针对其在青藏公路上格尔木至拉萨段的行驶路线,进行了以座椅和驾驶员腰部为重点的振动测试。并对测量结果作了规律性分析。  相似文献   

于伟  马佳光  田竞  肖靖 《光电工程》2012,39(4):60-66
针对隔振对光电跟踪系统频率响应特性的影响,从带隔振装置的光电跟踪系统动力学模型入手,研究了系统频率特性的变化规律.提出了两种抑制隔振装置影响的思路:调整隔振装置机械结构设计,改善基座的角运动谐振特性;通过调整方位轴控制策略消除基座晃动对跟踪控制的不利影响.对后一种思路进行了深入的研究,将基座和光电系统的角位置和角速度实测信息作为状态变量,采用状态反馈配置极点的方法,消除速度响应环节的谐振极点,抵消谐振零点.对安装在隔振装置上的某光电跟踪系统进行仿真实验结果,在保证稳定的前提下,状态反馈配置极点方法将稳态振荡的幅值由2.4×10-4 rad减小到7×10-6 rad.结果表明,采用状态反馈配置系统速度响应环节闭环期望极点的方法可以有效抑制隔振装置对光电跟踪系统频率特性的影响.  相似文献   

复合材料层合壳体在航空、航天、工程结构中得到了广泛应用.结合复合材料层合浅球壳的结构特点,基于有限元分析软件ANSYS,采用层合壳单元建立有限元模型,分析了几种壳体参数对浅球壳自振频率的影响,并采用函数逼近法和梯度寻优法相结合的方法对壳体参数进行优化设计,给出了壳体参数的最优组合,使壳体的一阶自振频率为最大,改善了壳体的动态特性,为复合材料层合浅球壳的结构设计提供了有价值的理论依据,也为进一步进行结构动力学分析奠定基础.  相似文献   

The present article is concerned with the investigation of the propagation of shear waves in a nonhomogeneous anisotropic incompressible medium under the effect of the electromagnetic field, gravity field, rotation, and initial stress taking into account a comparison between presence and absence of magnetic field, initial stress, and rotation. Analytical analysis reveals that the velocity of propagation of the shear waves depends upon the direction of propagation, the anisotropy, magnetic field, rotation, gravity field, nonhomogeneity of the medium, and the initial stress. The frequency equation that determines the velocity of the shear waves has been obtained. Some special cases are also deduced from the present investigation. In fact, these equations are an agreement with the corresponding classical results when the medium is isotropic. Numerical results have been given and illustrated graphically in each case considered. The results indicate that the effects of gravity field, initial stress, magnetic field, electric field, anisotropy, and rotation are very pronounced. Also, the absence of initial stress, magnetic field, and rotation tends to increasing of the S-waves velocity compared with presence of them.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the extraction of the dynamic stress intensity factor (DSIF) for structures containing multiple discontinuities (cracks, voids and inclusions) by developing the extended finite element method (XFEM). In this method, four types of enrichment functions are used in the framework of the partition of unity to model interface discontinuity within the classical finite element method. In this procedure, elements that include a crack segment, the boundary of a void or the boundary of an inclusion are not required to conform to discontinuous edges. The DSIF is evaluated by the interaction integral. After the effectiveness of the implemented XFEM program is verified, the effects of voids, inclusions and other cracks on the DSIF of a stationary major crack are investigated by using XFEM. The results show that the dynamic effects have an influence on the path independence of the interaction integral, and these voids, inclusions and other cracks have a significant effect on the DSIF of the major crack.  相似文献   

Results of experimental studies on the effect of Si (3%) or W (4%) alloying of Kh14N20 structural steel as-received on its resistance to short-term and long-term static and cyclic thermal loading are presented. The increase in short-term and long-term static strength as well as in thermal fatigue characteristics is more pronounced for W alloying and less marked for Si alloying.  相似文献   

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