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Lithium additives have been shown to reduce expansion associated with alkali-silica reaction (ASR), but the mechanism(s) by which they act have not been understood. The aim of this research is to assess the effectiveness of three lithium additives—LiOH, LiCl, and LiNO3—at various dosages, with a broader goal of improving the understanding of the means by which lithium acts. The effect of lithium additives on ASR was assessed using mortar bar expansion testing and quantitative elemental analysis to measure changes in concentrations of solution phase species (Si, Na, Ca, and Li) in filtrates obtained at different times from slurries of silica gel and alkali solution. Results from mortar bar tests indicate that each of the lithium additives tested was effective in reducing expansion below an acceptable limit of 0.05% at 56 days. However, different lithium additive threshold dosages ([Li2O]/[Na2Oe]) were required to accomplish this reduction in expansion; these were found to be approximately 0.6 for LiOH, 0.8 for LiNO3, and 0.9 for LiCl. Quantitative elemental analysis indicated that sodium and lithium were both bound in reaction products formed within the silica gel slurry. It is also believed that lithium may have been preferentially bound over sodium in at least one of the reaction products because a greater percent decrease in dissolved lithium than dissolved sodium was observed within the first 24 h. It appears that lithium additives either decreased silica dissolution, or promoted precipitation of silica-rich products (some of which may be nonexpansive), because the dissolved silica concentration decreased with increasing dosage of lithium nitrate or lithium chloride additive.  相似文献   

At 20 °C, alkali-aggregate reaction (AAR) expansion of mortar incorporated zeolitization perlite could be long-term effectively inhibited by LiOH and the effect increased with the augment of Li/(Na+K) molar ratio. Mortar strength would decrease when LiOH was added. The more LiOH was added, the more the strength would decrease. In addition, there was more effect on 28 days' strength than 3 days', and the influence degree of LiOH to compressive strength was higher than that to flexural one. The initial and final setting times of cement were shortened when LiOH was added, and the more Li/(Na+K) molar ratio of LiOH was added, the more the setting time was cut down. Not only mortar bar expansion, the change in 20 °C, but also, the evidence of reaction and the composition of reaction products after 4-year curing was studied by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). It was found that when both Li+ and K+ (Na+) were added, more Li+ reacted to form some matter that not as the same as normal alkali-silica reaction (ASR) gel, especially for its nonexpansive property. Such might be the main reason of the phenomenon that ASR expansion could be inhibited by adding lithium compounds.  相似文献   

The alkali-silica expansion of mortar specimens bearing fly ash (FA), lithium carbonate, and lithium fluoride under long-term accelerated curing was investigated. ASTM C1260 standard test method was applied and expansions were recorded up to 56 days. The composition of alkali-silica reaction (ASR) products was also studied by environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM). It was observed that in Li-bearing mixtures, the expansions ceased beyond 28 days. However, in fly-ash-bearing mixtures, the reactions were continued and expansions were increased steadily throughout the test. No clear correlation was found between the composition of massive reaction products and expansion values. However, except for lithium-fluoride-bearing samples, good correlation was observed between the composition of crystallized reaction products and expansion values.  相似文献   

This paper summarizes findings from a research study conducted at the University of New Brunswick in collaboration with the University of Texas at Austin, and CANMET-MTL, on the effect of LiNO3 on ASR in new concrete. The studies included expansion testing, silica dissolution measurements and microstructural examinations of cement systems containing glass and two different reactive aggregates (NB and NS). Only a small proportion of the data are presented here for the purpose of highlighting the principal findings of this investigation.Based on these findings, it is proposed that the inhibiting effect of LiNO3 against ASR in new concrete is attributed to the formation of two reaction products in the presence of lithium, these being a crystalline lithium silicate compound (Li2SiO3) crystal and a Li-bearing, low Ca silica gel. These two phases could serve as a diffusion barrier and protective layer to prevent the reactive silica from further attack by alkalis.It was found that the reason the two reactive aggregates selected responded differently to LiNO3 was due to the difference in their textural features. The NB aggregate contained reactive volcanic glass particles, the surface of which was immediately and equally available to sodium, potassium and lithium, and thus a Li-Si barrier was able to form quickly. The reactive phase in the NS aggregate was microcrystalline and strained quartz, which was embedded in a dense matrix of a non-reactive predominantly alumino-silicate phase and was not easily accessible to lithium.  相似文献   

Experimental studies have been carried out for understanding why soft and fluid hydrated alkali silicate generated by the alkali-silica reaction (ASR) of aggregate with alkaline pore solution accumulates the expansive pressure for cracking the aggregate and the surrounding concrete. The elemental analysis of aggregate (andesite) embedded in a cement paste has revealed that the alkali silicate has no ability of generating expansive pressure unless the aggregate is tightly packed with a reaction rim. The reaction rim is slowly generated from the alkali silicate that covers the ASR-affected aggregate. Consumption of alkali hydroxide by the ASR induces the dissolution of Ca2+ ions into the pore solution. The alkali silicate then reacts with Ca+ ions to convert to an insoluble tight and rigid reaction rim. The reaction rim allows the penetration of alkaline solution but prevents the leakage of viscous alkali silicate, so that the alkali silicate generated afterward by the ASR is accumulated in the aggregate to give an expansive pressure enough for cracking the aggregate and the surrounding concrete. The ASR of very tiny aggregate such as fly ash and municipal waste incinerator bottom ash may not cause the deterioration of concrete, since the ASR is completed before the formation of reaction rims.  相似文献   

The effect of steel microfibers (SMF) on alkali-silica reaction (ASR) was investigated using two types of reactive aggregates, crushed opal and a Pyrex rod of constant diameter. Cracks are less visible in the SMF mortars compared with the unreinforced mortars. Due to crack growth resistance behavior in SMF mortar specimens, the strength loss is eliminated and the ASR products remained well confined within the ASR site. The expansion and the ASR products were characterized by microprobe analysis and inductive coupled plasma (ICP) spectroscopy. The confinement due to SMF resulted in a higher Na and Si ion concentration of the ASR liquid extracted from the reaction site. The higher concentration reduced the ASR rate and resulted in a lower reactivity of the reactive Pyrex rods in SMF mortars.  相似文献   

Development of non-destructive methods, developed specifically for assessing the damage induced by alkali-silica reaction (ASR) in concrete structures, is needed in order to carry out a systematic evaluation of the concrete condition. The aim of this study is to monitor the evolution of the ASR-damage in laboratory with concrete samples with ultrasonic pulse velocity and attenuation of ultrasonic waves methods. For this study, results of both methods were compared with expansion and mass variation.One reactive concrete mixture was made with reactive aggregate, and one other mixture, incorporating non-reactive aggregate, was made as a control. Specimens were kept at 38 °C in a 1 mol l− 1 NaOH solution to accelerate the reaction. Attenuation of transmitted ultrasonic waves appeared to be more appropriate for the evaluation of ASR-damage compared with pulse velocity. The attenuation of accelerated reactive concrete cylinders increased by 90% after 1 year while it increased by 40% for the non-reactive concrete used as a control. Major part of the attenuation increase in the non-reactive concrete is due to liquid absorption.This work suggests that in-situ non-destructive techniques based on ultrasonic wave attenuation, like ultrasonic attenuation tomography, should be developed in order to evaluate the development of ASR in concrete structures. Petrographic examination confirmed that damage to concrete is associated with ASR.  相似文献   

Expansion of mortar specimens prepared with an aggregate of mylonite from the Santa Rosa mylonite zone in southern California was studied to investigate the effect of different alkali ions on the alkali-silica reaction in concrete. The expansion tests indicate that mortar has a greater expansion when subjected to a sodium hydroxide bath than in a sodium-potassium-rubidium hydroxide bath. Electron probe microanalysis (EPMA) of mortar bars at early ages show that rubidium ions, used as tracer, were present throughout the sample by the third day of exposure. The analysis also shows a high concentration of rubidium in silica gel from mortar bars exposed to bath solutions containing rubidium. The results suggest that expansion of mortar bars using ASTM C 1260 does not depend on the diffusion of alkali ions. The results indicate that the expansion of alkali-silica gel depends on the type of alkali ions present. Alkali-silica gel containing rubidium shows a lower concentration of calcium, suggesting competition for the same sites.  相似文献   

The paper discusses results of the research into the influence of high-alkali Portland cement on granite aggregate. The deformation of the concrete structure occurred after 18 months. The research was carried out by means of a scanning electron microscope equipped with a high-energy dispersive X-ray analyzer that allowed observation of unpolished sections of concrete bars exhibiting the cracking pattern typical of the alkali-silica reaction. Both the microscopic observation and the X-ray elemental analysis confirm the presence of alkali-silica gel and secondary ettringite in the cracks.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the effects of cementitious systems containing Portland cement (PC), silica fume (SF) and fly ash (FA) on the expansion due to alkali-silica reaction (ASR). Concrete prisms were prepared and tested in accordance with the Canadian Standards Association (CSA A23.2-14A). Paste samples were cast using the same or similar cementitious materials and proportions that were used in the concrete prism test. Pore solution chemistry and portlandite content of the paste samples are reported. It was found that practical levels of SF with low-, moderate- or high-calcium FA are effective in maintaining the expansion below 0.04% after 2 years. Pore solution chemistry shows that while pastes containing SF yield pore solutions of increasing alkalinity at ages beyond 28 days, pastes containing ternary blends maintain the low alkalinity of the pore solution throughout the testing period (3 years).  相似文献   

Reported below are the results from a study aimed at mitigating the deleterious alkali-silica reaction by using perlite powder as an admixture. The expansion of mortar bars containing various amounts of silica fume (SF), expanded perlite, and natural perlite was studied. Two kinds of reactive aggregates were used in the study: highly reactive river aggregate containing opal and marginally reactive monzo-diorite aggregate. Expanded perlite and silica fume were tested with both aggregate, separately; on the other hand, natural perlite was tested only with monzo-diorite aggregate. The bars were cast in accordance with ASTM C1260, accelerated mortar bar method, and were stored in NaOH solution for 30 days. Length changes were measured and reported. The results showed that both expanded and natural perlite powder (NPP) have potential to suppress the deleterious alkali-silica expansion.  相似文献   

The Elon Farnsworth Battery, a concrete structure completed in 1898, is in an advanced state of disrepair. To investigate the potential for rehabilitation, cores were extracted from the battery. Petrographic examination revealed abundant deposits of alkali silica reaction products in cracks associated with the quartz rich metasedimentary coarse aggregate. The products of the alkali silica reaction are variable in composition and morphology, including both amorphous and crystalline phases. The crystalline alkali silica reaction products are characterized by quantitative X-ray energy dispersive spectrometry (EDX) and X-ray diffraction (XRD). The broad extent of the reactivity is likely due to elevated alkali levels in the cements used.  相似文献   

Surface alteration of typical aggregates with alkali-silica reactivity and alkali-carbonate reactivity, i.e. Spratt limestone (SL) and Pittsburg dolomitic limestone (PL), were studied by XRD and SEM/EDS after autoclaving in KOH, NaOH and LiOH solutions at 150 °C for 150 h. The results indicate that: (1) NaOH shows the strongest attack on both ASR and ACR aggregates, the weakest attack is with LiOH. For both aggregates autoclaved in different alkali media, the crystalline degree, morphology and distribution of products are quite different. More crystalline products are formed on rock surfaces in KOH than that in NaOH solution, while almost no amorphous product is formed in LiOH solution; (2) in addition to dedolomitization of PL in KOH, NaOH and LiOH solutions, cryptocrystalline quartz in PL involves in reaction with alkaline solution and forms typical alkali-silica product in NaOH and KOH solutions, but forms lithium silicate (Li2SiO3) in LiOH solution; (3) in addition to massive alkali-silica product formed in SL autoclaved in different alkaline solutions, a small amount of dolomite existing in SL may simultaneously dedolomitize and possibly contribute to expansion; (4) it is promising to use the duplex effect of LiOH on ASR and ACR to distinguish the alkali-silica reactivity and alkali-carbonate reactivity of aggregate when both ASR and ACR might coexist.  相似文献   

以试验室焙烧锂辉石(DS)为原材料,研究了在40℃和80℃养护条件下,单掺DS和双掺DS与粉煤灰(FA)取代部分水泥,对沸石化珍珠岩集料和某高活性集料M成型不同砂浆碱集料反应膨胀的影响.试验表明:碱含量为2.5%时,在40℃和80℃养护条件下,DS掺量10%对沸石化珍珠岩集料砂浆试件ASR有效抑制,90 d龄期时试件膨胀值仍小于0.1%.DS掺量10%对高活性集料M砂浆试件ASR抑制效果不大.养护温度不同膨胀值变化趋势不同.DS掺量固定,随着FA掺量的增加,对2种集料砂浆碱集料反应膨胀抑制效果越好.  相似文献   

The objective of this experimental study was to use ground clay brick (GCB) as a pozzolanic material to minimize the alkali-silica reaction expansion. Two different types of clay bricks were finely ground and their activity indices were determined. ASTM accelerated mortar bar tests were performed to investigate the effect of GCB when used to replace cement mass. The microstructure of the mortar was investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that the GCBs meet the strength activity requirements of ASTM. In addition, the GCBs were found to be effective in suppressing the alkali-silica reaction expansion. The expansion decreased as the amount of GCBs in the mortar increased.  相似文献   

Alkali-silica reaction (ASR) can induce the premature distress and loss in serviceability of concrete structures. The internal crack pattern produced by ASR affects both transport and mechanical properties. Usually linear expansions are considered as indicative of the grade of damage into the material (internal crack pattern), nevertheless as diverse types of ASR have been recognized (rapid or slow reactive aggregates, fine or coarse aggregates) the effects on strength and rheological properties could be different for a same expansion. This paper compares the mechanical response of a reference concrete (without reactive aggregates) and concretes prepared with three different types of reactive aggregates, with the same mixture proportions. The first concrete incorporated 10% of a highly reactive siliceous orthoquartzite as a part of the coarse aggregate, the second included a highly reactive sand, and the third prepared with a slow reactive granitic migmatite as coarse aggregate. Concretes were moist cured at 38 °C. When linear expansions ranging between 0.11 and 0.18% took place, the stress strain behavior in compression and the load-displacement response in flexure were measured. The same tests were performed on reference concrete at different ages, between 75 and 745 days. Microscopic observations were performed on polished and thin sections in order to analyze concrete microstructure. It appears that the failure mechanism of concrete in compression is clearly affected by ASR, the shape of the stress-strain curves reflects the presence of internal fissures, showing that the capability of controlling crack propagation decreases. Differences in the crack pattern are also reflected in the shape of the load-deflection curves in tension, damaged concretes show an increased non-linearity and a more gradual softening. However, it was found that the modifications in the mechanical properties cannot be directly associated with a level of expansion, as the behavior depends on the component materials and mechanisms involved in the reaction.  相似文献   

Scanning Electron Microscopy Image Analysis (SEM-IA) was used to quantify the degree of alkali silica reaction in affected microbars, mortar and concrete prisms. It was found that the degree of reaction gave a unique correlation with the macroscopic expansion for three different aggregates, stored at three temperatures and with two levels of alkali. The relationships found for the concretes and the mortars overlap when normalised by the aggregate content. This relationship seems to be linear up to a critical reaction degree which coincides with crack initiation within the reactive aggregates.  相似文献   

王晓燕  封孝信 《水泥工程》2010,(4):21-24,27
研究几种含铝物质对碱—硅酸反应的抑制作用,结合XRD、SEM/EDS分析其抑制机理。结果显示,烧铝矾土、Al(OH)3对碱—硅酸具有良好的抑制作用,掺加30%烧铝矾土或20%Al(OH)3能使碱—硅酸膨胀反应膨胀率下降至1%。而铝盐——化学试剂Al(NO3)3、Al2(SO4)3不能有效的抑制碱—硅酸反应。  相似文献   

Lithium salts are being externally supplied for mitigating the progress of deterioration of ASR-affected concrete structures. However, it is not clear whether the sodium or potassium in the ASR gel in concrete is replaced by the lithium supplied from the outside. In this article, we examine changes in the composition of the ASR gel, previously formed in mortar specimens, after they are immersed in LiOH solution, using backscattered electron (BSE) imaging and energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) analysis, associated with length change measurement of the mortar prisms. The intrusion of lithium ions into mortar specimens containing a reactive aggregate could arrest their further expansion within a relatively short time after immersion in 0.50 N LiOH solution. The alkali ions incorporated in most ASR gels, located not far away from interfaces between the cement paste and reactive aggregate particles, appear to be replaced by the lithium ions supplied from the solution. However, the ASR gel within the reacted aggregate particles did not appear to have been affected by the lithium ions.  相似文献   

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