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马建国  孟祥军 《四川建材》2009,35(5):65-65,67
青铜峡河东灌区,是宁夏全区四大灌区之一,也是宁夏重要的产粮基地。由于特殊的地理条件,水利历来就是当地经济、社会发展的生命线。进入20世纪90年代以来,黄河水资源日益紧缺的问题,引起了各级主管、政府部门、灌区人民的极大关注,大家逐渐认识到:在引黄水量逐年大幅度减少、供需缺口迅速拉大的情况下,灌区较为丰富的地下水资源有着广阔的开发利用前景。因此,加快发展井渠结合灌溉,将为开源节流、保证农业灌溉开辟一条新的途径。解决宁夏农业缺水问题的根本途径应是开源与节流并重,而井渠结合既可以利用地下水含水层对地面水灌溉补给的地下水进行调蓄,重复利用地表水灌区渠道渗漏和田间灌溉水深层渗漏补给的地下水进行灌溉,实行地面水、地下水联合运用,解决地面水供水与作物需水在季节上的矛盾,达到了开源的作用,一又可以显著减少地表水的灌溉用水量和自河流和渠道的取水量,起到节流的作用。因此,井渠结合地表水地下水联合运用是引黄灌区灌溉节水的重要措施。根据秦汉渠管理处近年试运行的情况,对井渠结合灌溉的有关问题分别进行论述。  相似文献   

本刊讯 11月2日,宁夏回族自治区主席王正伟在吴忠市、太阳山开发区领导陪同下,考察了宁夏建材集团有限责任公司旗下青铜峡水泥股份有限公司太阳山两条日产2000吨水泥生产线及配套4.5MW纯低温余热电站项目。宁夏建材董事长王广林,宁夏赛马实业股份有限公司董事长李永进、总经理尹自波介绍了项目投资和进展情况。  相似文献   

通过对宁夏现代化生态灌区试点建设情况的总结回顾,分析存在的问题,结合新时期治水思路和宁夏实际,提出现代化生态灌区试点建设路径。  相似文献   

石斌  刘时宁 《消防月刊》2003,(10):27-27
6月29日,109国道宁夏吴忠市青铜峡路段一过境康明斯大货车上拉运的电石遇水起火。下午5时24分,接到报警的吴忠市消防支队青铜峡中队立即出动1台消防车、7名指战员赶赴火场,经过官兵和群众12多小时的冒雨奋战,于次日凌晨5时51分将火灾扑灭。  相似文献   

“天下黄河富宁厦,塞上明珠数古峡”。位于黄河上游宁夏平原中部的青铜峡市,不仅以其境内青铜峡拦河大坝闻名遐迩,而且还以其优越的地理位置、得天独厚的农业生产条件而被誉为宁夏川上一颗璀璨的明珠。 1984年青铜峡撤县设市,城市建设得到了长足发展。2000年被列入建设部乡村城市化试点,又逢国家实施  相似文献   

近几年来,由于灌区生态的恶化,国民经济各部门用水量的持续增加,水资源日益紧张,用水矛盾日益突出,利用有限的水资源保持灌区工农业的可持续发展,建设节水型农业已成为灌区面临的主要任务。多年来,农业用水中包含洗盐用水,林草用水等,而实际上林草用水并非全部是生态用水。经济林,灌溉牧草是以经济产出为目标,而不是以生态保护为目标。本文以青铜峡河西灌区为例,区分生态用水,定量的计算出灌区的生态用水量,使得灌区的生态化建设更贴合实际,有利于指导灌区的水资源优化配置,因为我国灌区的水资源配置大多以经验为主,这种凭经验的做法很难有效的利用水资源,也很难使有效的水资源合理的优化配置。  相似文献   

据悉,2012年宁夏公路交通建设计划投资64.15亿元,截至2012年5月底,已累计完成投资15.54亿元,完成投资计划的24.2%,同比增长29.8%。据了解,目前宁夏开工建设的重点项目主要是续建项目,包括同心至沿川子高速公路、银川至巴彦浩特高速公路、国道211灵武及古窑子至青铜峡联络线公路等,完成投资8.9亿元。新开工重  相似文献   

正宁夏建材隶属于原中国中材集团,是国家重点扶持的60家水泥企业之一,也是西部地区具有较强竞争力的建材工业企业。公司现拥有10家水泥生产企业、7家商混企业,分布在宁夏、甘肃、内蒙古等省区,水泥年产能2100万吨,商品混凝土年产能1020万方,旗下"赛马"商标为中国驰名商标,"青铜峡""六盘山"商标为宁夏著名商标。公司始终坚持"始于需求,终于满意"的质量方针,通过质量管理体系、环境管理体系和职业安全健康体系认证。水泥和混凝土产品广泛应用于铁路、高  相似文献   

灌区地下水动态受外界影响呈现季节性周期变化,本文选取3 种较好反映季节性周期变化特征的时间序列预测法, 对宁夏河套灌区地下水动态进行预测预报。这3 种方法各具特色, 有较高的模拟、预报精度和实用性。  相似文献   

南山台扬灌区位于宁夏中卫市香山北麓,现有有效灌溉面积21.78万亩,其中农田灌溉面积9.58万亩,自然行政村18个,人口38400人,多属移民搬迁户,分属永康、宣和两镇管理。本文旨在全面分析南山台扬灌区农业用水负担现状及面临的问题,提出降低扬黄灌区农民水费支出的建议,使南山台扬灌区农业经济得到良性发展。  相似文献   

因肃州区洪临灌区处于干旱地区的多种农业土壤中,灌区的水渠和农田水分渗漏损失较大,以致大量水分无效消耗且灌溉水利用率不高,也不利于农作物生长。因此提高灌区输水渠道的防渗性和改进灌区灌溉措施,不仅缓解干旱地区水资源不足的问题还可提高灌溉水利用率,针对灌区渠道情况提出一些防渗措施。  相似文献   

汀溪灌区作为汀溪水库群的农业供水对象,其灌溉用水量的大小直接关系到汀溪水库群向翔安、同安两区的水资源供需平衡,甚至影响厦门市水资源配置方案。但由于灌溉面积和渠道功能发生变化,有必要进行洪水分析复核从而重新确定工程规模。本文对汀溪灌区总干渠洪水复核方法进行探讨,供参考。  相似文献   

Agricultural water demand is weather and climate driven. Irrigated crop production which makes the largest agricultural demands is highly seasonal, water only being required in a few summer months. A 'droughtiness'factor which is based on crop type and potential soil moisture deficit indicates large differences in the amount and timing of water demand for different crops. Soils with low water retention capacity are shown to be marginal for the potato crop unless irrigation is available in these areas. Economic data are presented which indicate that potato production realizes a considerable benefit from investment in irrigation, but this leads to inertia in the relocation of agricultural production centres in dry years. It is concluded that investment in on-farm winter water storage for irrigation should be a priority investment in eastern England.  相似文献   

Global stress on water and land resources is increasing as a consequence of population growth and higher caloric food demand. Many terrestrial ecosystems have already massively been degraded for providing agricultural land, and water scarcity related to irrigation has damaged water dependent ecosystems. Coping with the food and biomass demand of an increased population, while minimizing the impacts of crop production, is therefore a massive upcoming challenge. In this context, we developed four strategies to deliver the biotic output for feeding mankind in 2050. Expansion on suitable and intensification of existing areas are compared to assess associated environmental impacts, including irrigation demand, water stress under climate change, and the productivity of the occupied land. Based on the agricultural production pattern and impacts of the strategies we identified the trade-offs between land and water use. Intensification in regions currently under deficit irrigation can increase agricultural output by up to 30%. However, intensified crop production causes enormous water stress in many locations and might not be a viable solution. Furthermore, intensification alone will not be able to meet future food demand: additionally, a reduction of waste by 50% along the food supply chain or expansion of agricultural land is required for satisfying current per-capita meat and bioenergy consumption. Suitable areas for such expansion are mainly located in Africa, followed by South America. The increased land stress is of smaller concern than the water stress modeled for the intensification case. Therefore, a combination of waste reduction with expansion on suitable pastures generally results as the best option, along with some intensification on selected areas. Our results suggested that minimizing environmental impacts requires fundamental changes in agricultural systems and international cooperation, by producing crops where it is most environmentally efficient and not where it is closest to demand or cheapest.  相似文献   

Field studies were undertaken at the Oyo North Agricultural Development Project (ONADEP), Shaki, Nigeria in 1988 and 1989 to evaluate the reliability and quality of subsurface water sources in relation to irrigation and livestock usage. Based on data from 22 water samples, 15 soil types, seasonal consumption of water for 10 major crops and extensive hydrogeological records, it was established that (i) alkalinity and salinity hazards are low, hence the groundwater of the study area is suitable for irrigation, (ii) excessive boron levels might restrict the usage of the groundwater of the study area for livestock, (iii) subsurface water sources, estimated at about 31,000 ML per annum is capable of satisfying only 12% of agricultural and livestock water demand of the study area, and (iv) the area under consideration is not endowed with abundant surface and subsurface water as shown by previous studies.  相似文献   

The Río Pilcomayo heads on the Cerro Rico de Potosí precious metal-polymetallic tin deposits of Southern Bolivia. Mining of the Potosí deposits began in 1545 and has led to the severe contamination of the Pilcomayo's water and sediments for at least 200 km downstream of the mines. This investigation addresses the potential human health affects of metal and As contamination on four communities located along the upper Río Pilcomayo by examining the potential significance of human exposure pathways associated with soils, crops and water (including river, irrigation and drinking water supplies). The most significantly contaminated agricultural soils occur upstream at Mondragón where Cd, Pb and Zn concentrations exceed recommended guideline values for agricultural use. Further downstream the degree of contamination decreases, and metal concentrations are below Dutch, German and Canadian guideline values. Metal and As concentrations in agricultural products from the four communities were generally below existing guidelines for heavy metal content in commercially-sold vegetables. Thus, the consumption of contaminated produce does not appear to represent a significant exposure pathway. A possible exception is Pb in carrots, lettuce and beetroots from Sotomayor and Tuero Chico; 37% and 55% of the samples, respectively, exceeded recommended guidelines. Most communities obtain drinking water from sources other than the Río Pilcomayo. In general, dissolved concentrations of metals and As in drinking water from the four studied communities are below the WHO guideline values with the exception of Sb, which was high at Tasapampa. The inadvertent ingestion of contaminated water from irrigation canals and the Río Pilcomayo represents a potential exposure pathway, but its significance is thought to be minimal. Given the degree of soil contamination in the area, perhaps the most significant exposure pathway is the ingestion of contaminated soil particles, particularly particles attached to, and consumed with vegetables. The risks associated with this pathway can be reduced by thoroughly washing or peeling the vegetables prior to consumption. Other exposure pathways that are currently under investigation include the consumption of contaminated meat from livestock and poultry, which drink polluted waters and the ingestion of contaminated wind-blown dust.  相似文献   

Aquifer water has become contaminated in regions that have been developed for agriculture. Nitrate contamination has been shown to be permeable to the aquifer and harmful to human health. An assessment of agricultural practices and their roles in contamination of aquifers has been undertaken with difficulty in the past. Nitrate concentrations have been utilized in this study to demonstrate their applicability to examining agriculture practices which contaminate aquifer water. Areas treated with nitrogenous fertilizers and subsequently irrigated were found to contain aquifer fluctuations in nitrate content directly in proportion to irrigation seasons. Agricultural industries with high animal densities per land area, and high water consumption for maintenance, were found to have high, but non-fluctuating, nitrate concentrations. Areas with high animal density per land area with low water usage for maintenance; areas with low animal density per land area; and agricultural practices for which little or no nitrogenous fertilizers were used demonstrated low aquifer nitrate concentrations regardless of water usage.  相似文献   

佘淑明 《城市建筑》2013,(24):311-311
我们国家是贫水国之一,这在世界上是所被公认的。但是我国却也是一个农业大国,并且农业灌溉的技术并不高,这造成了大量水资源的浪费。国内许多地区由于对灌溉技术的缺乏、水资源的短缺,因此造成粮食的减产。  相似文献   

Khirbet As-Samra (KA) treated wastewater is being used in irrigation in the Central Jordan Valley. The treated water is collected in King Talal Dam (KTD) and then mixed with King Abdullah Canal (KAC) water, which is diverted from the Yarmouk River for further use in agriculture. The treated water has adversely affected the water quality of Yarmouk River. Comparison of the results of water quality tests with guidelines for water to be used for irrigation, salt tolerance of agricultural crops and the influence of water quality on the potential clogging of drip irrigation systems reveals that treated effluent from KA can be used for irrigation with restrictions. Moreover, concentrations of all trace elements were found to be low and within guidelines for irrigation water. Clogging of drip emitters is expected due to high calcium and magnesium contents, besides the high bacterial counts and nutrients that promote algal growth.  相似文献   

Inappropriate irrigation practices are responsible for the deterioration of groundwater quality in a great number of developing countries, particularly in semi-arid and arid regions. The study was undertaken to determine the variation in groundwater quality of a deep aquifer after surface irrigation was started in the semi-arid Harran Plain, southeast Turkey. Physical and chemical parameters of the groundwater, including pH, temperature, electrical conductivity, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium, chloride, bicarbonate, sulphate and nitrate, were determined on a monthly basis from November 2008 to July 2009. The quality of the deep aquifer was assessed hydrochemically in order to determine its suitability for human consumption and agricultural purposes. With the exception of two wells, the measured and analyzed parameters in all the groundwater samples were below the internationally accepted maximum concentrations for human consumption and for agricultural purposes. The study identified a local contamination as a consequence of excess irrigation, high evaporation rates and drainage. It is hoped that the results will assist planners in the proper design and control of irrigation schemes to avoid further deterioration of these important aquifers.  相似文献   

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