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The specialist practice designtoproduction consults on the digital production of complex architectural designs. Here, co-founder Fabian Scheurer charts the relatively recent journey that architecture has taken from the regular to the irregular. He provides a comprehensive account of how this shift to curvilinear and complex forms has impacted on design and production methods, and the strengths and pitfalls of parametric design and CNC fabrication. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

宋刚  杨昌鸣 《世界建筑》2012,(6):114-117
本文介绍了位于费尔班克斯的阿拉斯加大学北方博物馆的工程概况、设计理念和设计手法,以及各层平面功能和技术手段等细节问题。  相似文献   

随着博物馆建筑的发展融入了更多的复合功能,"符号化、景观化"的设计方向误导了人们对博物馆建筑的全面理解.博物馆建筑对传统文化传承的职能,要求博物馆建筑的设计应从地域性视角出发.以苏州博物馆新馆为例,深刻剖析博物馆建筑设计地域性表达的内涵所在.  相似文献   

Neil Spiller counters the main theme of this issue by questioning the dominant focus on production and new technologies in architectural culture, which places a premium on the generation of ‘ever more gratuitous complex surfaces and structures’. Could this inward-looking emphasis on process and obsessive love of new technologies be at the expense of the final product? Are we in danger of producing artefacts that lose sight of human expression and poetics in the competitive drive for greater complexity? Are we, in fact, heading towards a great ‘forgetting’ in which humanity is subtracted from the architectural product?  相似文献   

A hybrid term, ‘architextiles’ encompasses a wide range of projects and ways of thinking that unite architecture and textiles. By way of introduction to this issue, guest-editor Mark Garcia highlights the significant rise of interest in this confluence by theorists, architects, engineers, textile designers, materials scientists and artists. He also explains how, as a hybrid mode of design and practice, architextiles is better able to respond to society's fast-changing cultural and consumer demands, enabling the production of more dynamic, flexible, interactive, event and process-based spaces. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Over the last century, elegance as a term has been conspicuously absent from discussions centred on both architecture and the philosophy of aesthetics. Elegance's time has, however, now come. David Goldblatt describes how the maturation of digital discourse has led to the onset of a new, multifaceted, sensual rationality that is evident in recent designs and constructed works. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

作为一位对时代拥有敏锐触觉的建筑师,矶崎新对数字社会下建筑学的设计模式进行了一段有意义的探索,经历了三段设计模式的转变,在建造方式、结构效率、经济性改革方面做出了成功的示范。  相似文献   

Robert Kronenburg is one of the leading advocates of portable and flexible architecture. Over the last decade he has written substantial books and curated major international shows on the subject. Here he highlights how recent innovations in material and digital techniques have facilitated the onset of a new type of fabric architecture that is able to house increasingly larger and culturally more significant facilities. Outlining the most pertinent technological developments in the field, he also provides a comprehensive account of some of the most important projects. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

高峰  韩东 《建筑师》2013,(6):27-33
数字技术与计算机的应用拓展了当下的建筑形式,面对复杂的形式与系统,数字建筑所体现出的个性与传统工业大批量生产的矛盾如何解决?本文通过对先锋建筑师的作品进行解读。将数字建筑设计的并行化过程进行梳理,进而得出结构形态优化、多样性建造方式和制造业新技术应用是实现并行化设计不可缺少的三个方面。三者之间的相互关联使得结构、材料、建造方式在建筑实施中相对独立而又互相依存,构成并行化设计的主题。  相似文献   

梁思成先生所著《清式营造则例》自出版至今,已经三次再版。它不仅是大学生学习建筑史和古建筑测绘的主要参考书,而且是古建设计和施工单位的重要参考文献。任何著述都不可能完美无缺,其中图版中的问题较为集中。本文按照《则例》图版的顺序,分“斗拱”、“木构架”、“装修”三部分进行探讨。  相似文献   

马炳坚 《古建园林技术》1989,(23):22-29转17
梁思成先生所著《清式营造则例》自出版至今,已经三次再版。它不仅是大学生学习建筑史和古建筑测绘的主要参考书,而且是古建设计和施工单位的重要参考文献。任何著述都不可能完美无缺,其中图版中的问题较为集中。本文按照《则例》图版的顺序,分“斗拱”、“木构架”、“装修”三部分进行探讨。  相似文献   

杨阳  孙澄 《城市建筑》2013,(19):34-37
随着数字技术的快速发展.复杂曲面形态已越来越多地应用于建筑设计中,数字化的生产方式与生产工具也在不断更新与升级.曲面的建构与优化过程对于复杂曲面建筑的实际建造效果有着举足轻重的意义,已成为建筑设计实践过程研究的重要方向。针对这一问题.本文首先归纳并论述复杂曲面建筑的发展历程.进而对建筑设计中复杂曲面的建构逻辑和方法进行研究和阐释.以此作为曲面优化设计的理论基础和依据.最后通过对实际案例的分析归纳,从曲面几何形态,结构形态、环境性能等方面提出深化设计阶段相应的曲面优化策略。  相似文献   

"儿童虚拟体验馆"以数字媒体技术及艺术为基础,是一个供儿童亲近科技、理解科技、体验科技、享受科技的创意平台,其建设目前在国内尚无可供参照的实例。本文围绕"如何将其复杂的出身折衷为的可供理解和接受的文化价值?如何使这一展馆模式具有商业的可复制性?"这两个问题展开讨论,提出两个相应的解决路径:其一,以构建一个藉"体验性"为特征的儿童社会公共活动平台为终极价值;其二,以从展品形式到展馆建筑为一体的"模块化设计"作为展馆复制模式的基本思路。  相似文献   

The world around us is evolving. We are living inside evolution. As a practicing architect I find nothing more natural than to look around me and implement relevant changes into my own profession. Taking this seriously means implementing new digital technologies in the very fabric of design methods, from the first conceptual thought and from the first accurately described design proposal. Mass production is soon to be overhauled by the principles of customization, in the form of both industrial mass customization and in the form of distributed small scale household fabrication. Customization, which is the modern made to measure, will change architecture from its very foundations. A completely new esthetic will be the natural outcome of the digital parametric design process that connects the file to factory CNC production methods— a new kind of beauty for a new kind of building. Complexity based on simple rules characterizes the dramatic paradigm shift from mass production to customization. The new kind of building is complex yet systemic in its design method. The new kind of building dramatically enhances the potential of today's architectural expression while keeping strict control on its data, including costs. Truly nonstandard architecture is cost-effective and simply complex.  相似文献   

The onset of digital design has enabled a new level of experimentation with free-form shapes in contemporary architecture, which has made geometry a fertile area of research over the last decade or so. Helmut Pottmann describes how geometry not only has the potential to inform a more exciting generative approach for architects, but can also make design much more construction aware for the whole design team, enabling a wholly digital workflow from design to fabrication. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

建筑创造的过程中存在着对立的两种趋势,知之甚多与知之甚少,作者的实践就持续在这两极之间进行,当开展一个项目时,他们首先与经验丰富的工匠一起,寻找,发展出建筑设计中的关键要素,让工匠们成为设计发展过程中的重要成员,工匠与建筑师一起,深入开发设计之中。通过提出天真的问题,不断探索新的解决方法,筑造大样测试设计的可行性,制订出经济有效的细部节点,使设计方案得以实施,他们称此为“总营造师”方法。北美普遍存在的建造承包商和设计师的隔离,已经成为创新的障碍,他们认为“总营造师”的建造过程,将重塑两者间应有的历史角色,激发出优秀的建筑设计。  相似文献   

本文通过辨析酒与酒瓶两者的重要性,引出笔者对博物馆建筑的若干思考,并归纳出数学公式作为本文对博物馆建筑思考的初步结论。  相似文献   

The New York artist Vito Acconci has chosen to work through architecture, seeing the potential of it as a medium to engage ‘the public with the world around them’. He explains why he believes the location of his highly successful cultural centre for Mur Island, Graz, in Austria missed the opportunity to rejuvenate areas of the city beyond the historic core. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

代尔夫特理工大学建筑学院成立于1904年,是欧洲规模最大的建筑学院之一,开设有建筑学、建筑技术、土地与项目管理、城市规划等专业,并在"技术与精神、自然与人工"等辩证哲学思想的指导下开展工作。创新与多元是代尔夫特理工大学建筑学院教学的重要特色。在科学技术,特别是信息化、数字化技术飞速发展的背景下,建筑学院基于"网络学院(NetworkFaculty)"理念,借助信息化技术,将校内校外、国内国外的多家研究教学机构整合起来,强调国际化氛围与视野。在对该建筑学院介绍分析之后,进一步探讨了荷兰建筑师的特征及其值得学习之处。  相似文献   

进入21世纪以来, 建筑领域内的数字技术运用突飞猛进, 设计和建造的关系在数字技术的平台上得以整合。世界各地掀起了数字建筑设计的浪潮, 国内外出现了一大批优秀的数字建筑。这些建筑都蕴含其自身的几何规律,通过这些规律,可以编程或利用几何造型软件,建立参数化的几何模型。联合专业软件成为物理模型,导入有限元软件或结构计算软件,便可进行分析计算。数字建筑具有数学韵律,当建筑和结构完美融合在一起时,往往能创造出与传统迥异、令人叹为观止的奇妙建筑形态。本文以经典的boy's曲面和椭球面碳笼造型为例,介绍数字建筑参数化建模与结构分析的详细过程。  相似文献   

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