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Over the past two months, a daily battle has been raging between oil and gas interests, states, and environmentalists in the DC Circuit over the methane new source performance standards (NSPS) for oil and gas operations.  相似文献   

In many US states and European countries, mandates providing large subsidies for preferred flavors of green energy have long been de rigeur, whether to reduce carbon emissions or spur moribund economies.  相似文献   

正Overview of global carbon neutrality Types of "carbon" Carbon is one of the primary elements in living matters and an important constituent of organic matters.It exists in the earth's atmosphere,terrestrial ecosystem,oceanic circle and lithosphere in the forms of carbon dioxide,organic matters and inorganic matters.In this article,we define fixed or utilizable carbon dioxide in the atmosphere as "grey carbon",and carbon dioxide that cannot be fixed or used and remains in the atmosphere as "black carbon".Since humans entered the industrialization era,the consumption of fossil fuels has increased dramatically.The carbon from fossil fuels in the lithosphere has been released into the atmosphere,resulting in a continuous increase in carbon dioxide concentration in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

用失重法、扫描电镜(SEM)、能谱分析(EDS)及X射线能谱(XRD)对N80S抗硫油管钢在CO2、微量H2S及高浓度Cl^-条件下的腐蚀破坏进行腐蚀实验研究,结果发现,在实验条件下,微量H2S的存在对反应系统影响较大;在膜的形成过程中硫化物腐蚀产物膜(FeS、FeS0.9)会优先形成,并进一步阻碍具有良好保护性的FeCO3腐蚀产物膜的形成;腐蚀产物膜疏松、平均腐蚀速率较大,且有轻度局部腐蚀发生。溶液中高浓度的Cl^-及材料中高含量的Cr元素会使N80S抗硫钢局部腐蚀倾向加大。  相似文献   

The late comedian Flip Wilson had a wildly popular television show back in the 1970s, and one of his most famous characters was “Geraldine Jones” (really, Wilson dressed in drag). Geraldine, an oft-misbehaving young “lady,” had a famous catchphrase, “The devil made me do it!”  相似文献   

For studying new and renewable energy as a substitute for fossil energy in primary energy consumption and its impact on carbon emissions to cope with economic uncertainties, a multi-sector DSGE model was employed to simulate the dynamic impact on carbon emissions and macroeconomic development. The structural adjustment of energy consumption and the carbon emissions mitigation policy were considered in the model. The simulation results showed that using new and renewable energy instead of fossil energy is an optimal choice for the firms to comply with the regulations of carbon emission mitigation policy. Structural adjustment of energy consumption is the best route to achieve the dual goal of economic development and carbon emission reduction. Unexpected sharp fall in free carbon quota has a negative impact on the economy.  相似文献   

In the December 2013 issue of Natural Gas & Electricity, I presented a case for the reality of climate change and described policy considerations that should be used by the electric industry when implementing adaptation measures to reduce their climate change vulnerability. In this follow-up article, I present an update that describes three events that have occurred since preparation of that article: Typhoon Haiyan, publication of an important research paper in Nature Geoscience, and publication of an assessment of abrupt climate change by the United States National Research Council (NRC).  相似文献   

The United States is not the only country with shale gas reserves. According to a 2011 report prepared by the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), 1 Europe, most of which is beholden to Russia for its natural gas supplies, has perhaps 600 trillion cubic feet of technically recoverable shale gas reserves. In comparison, that same report estimated US shale gas reserves at 862 trillion cubic feet. Of the 14 countries the EIA report evaluated, Poland and France have the largest estimated reserves by far, at 187 trillion cubic feet and 180 trillion cubic feet, respectively.  相似文献   

正On January 18,China International Energy Cooperation Forum 2018:New Era,New Opportunities,New Vision and New Ideaswas successfully held on the campus of its organizer Renmin University of China.This forum received strong support from dozens of domestic and foreign research institutes,including the Renewable Energy Professional Committee of China  相似文献   

本文论述了天然气炭黑节能新途径,即采用天然气富氧新工艺生产半补强炭黑,利用尾气联产合成氨、甲醇及其它化工产品,可获得显著的经济效益。  相似文献   

通过天然气和烟气三重整反应的原理分析,提出了新型的可回收二氧化碳生产二甲醚的多联产能源系统的概念性流程,从而为解决回收电站烟道气中的二氧化碳提供了新的思路。该能源系统中需要解决的关键性问题是开发耐二氧化硫的催化剂、高温除尘、多联产系统流程分析等。  相似文献   

凝点高、黏度大的原油输送过程中必须进行加热与保温以保持原油的良好流动性,用太阳能替代部分常规能源来加热输送原油可节省大量的能源。新型太阳能联合热泵加热输送原油系统通过太阳能与热泵的联合,充分合理地利用了太阳能资源,实现了一种更加可靠、稳定、连续、节能的输送原油的供热方式。  相似文献   

President of China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) Ma Fucai recently pointed out humanity and the environment on which it relies for existence are the two most precious resources. Protection of the nature is actually protection of humanity itself.President Ma made those remarks in a speech delivered at World Economic Development  相似文献   

储层环境岩石电阻率变化规律研究   总被引:14,自引:3,他引:11  
应用先进的模拟储层条件下岩石电阻率测试技术,利用保压密闭取心技术取得具有保持原始地层饱和状态的储层特征岩心,在储层环境下系统地研究了岩石电阻率与温度、压力、饱和度等参数之间的变化规律,同时对饱和原油及饱和水样品进行对比分析,从理论上探讨了不同流体饱体和介质在岩石电阻率测试中所产生的影响。研究储层环境下岩石电阻率的变化规律,不仅可以对测井曲线进行标定,而且可以通过饱和原油样品电阻率测定来确定储层含油饱和度。此项研究首次把保压密闭取心技术获得的岩心应用到电阻率测试技术上,开辟了电阻率研究的新领域。  相似文献   

Economists, regulators, engineers, corporations, and climate activists all search for means to decarbonize the emissions footprint of the electric power industry. It is a pressing search as global electricity demand continues to grow quickly (particularly in the developing world) and fossil fuels continue to dominate generation. (See Exhibit 1 .)  相似文献   

Intended to measure the economic damage that an additional ton of carbon dioxide creates via climate change, the social cost of carbon (SCC) estimated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) will be used in many regulatory benefit‐cost analyses. This study discusses research conducted at The Heritage Foundation analyzing two of the three main statistical models the EPA uses to estimate the SCC.  相似文献   

下世纪能源论坛:开栏寄语 对人类而言,下一个世纪将充满了希望、机遇和挑战,同时又面临资源、环境和人口问题三大困扰。其中,作为人类赖以生存的物质基础的能源,又是维系社会进步和可持续发展的头等难题。自从原始人学会用火以来,人类社会大致经历了三个能源时期,即薪柴时期、煤炭时期和石油时期,这期间发生过两次能源消费结构的重大转变。第一次转变始于18世纪60年代英国工业革命,蒸汽机的出现标志着人类学会了将热能转换为机械能,相应地,主要能源由薪柴转为煤炭。第二次转变发生在本世纪20年代,能源消费的主导地位由煤炭转换为石油。第二…  相似文献   

下世纪能源论坛:开栏寄语 人类即将跨入21世纪. 对人类而言,下一个世纪将充满了希望、机遇和挑战,同时又面临资源、环境和人口问题三大困扰.其中,作为人类赖以生存的物质基础的能源,又是维系社会进步和可持续发展的头等难题.  相似文献   

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