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Technological innovations of the past have extended our muscles and our senses and have also increased the number and variety of our social interactions. These increased social interactions tend to produce changes in social institutions which in turn affect child rearing and mental development. When young children experience increased social interactions this can have a negative effect upon mental development. Computer technology is unique in that it decreases as well as increases the number and frequency of social interactions. Moreover, only computers increase the number of self-self interactions. If these computer related trends continue, and if technology makes it possible for children to engage in self-self interactions, mental development will be enhanced.  相似文献   

In this paper five different recursive identification methods will be analyzed and compared, namely recursive versions of the least squares method, the instrumental variable method, the generalized least squares method, the extended least squares method and the maximum likelihood method. They are shown to be similar in structure and need of computer storage and time. Making use of recently developed theory for asymptotic analysis of recursive stochastic algorithms, these methods are examined from a theoretical viewpoint. Possible convergence points and their global and local convergence properties are studied. The theoretical analysis is illustrated and supplemented by simulations.  相似文献   

Wang  Chao  Lu  Xuantao  Wang  Wei 《Applied Intelligence》2022,52(12):13902-13915
Applied Intelligence - Although using single-instance learning methods to solve multi-instance problems has achieved excellent performance in many tasks, the reasons for this success still lack a...  相似文献   

Today's commercial satellite images enable experts to classify region types in great detail. In previous work, we considered discriminating rural and urban regions. However, a more detailed classification is required for many purposes. These fine classifications assist government agencies in many ways including urban planning, transportation management, and rescue operations. In a step toward the automation of the fine classification process, this paper explores graph theoretical measures over grayscale images. The graphs are constructed by assigning photometric straight-line segments to vertices, while graph edges encode their spatial relationships. We then introduce a set of measures based on various properties of the graph. These measures are nearly monotonic (positively correlated) with increasing structure (organization) in the image. Thus, increased cultural activity and land development are indicated by increases in these measures - without explicit extraction of road networks, buildings, residences, etc. These latter, time consuming (and still only partially automated) tasks can be restricted only to "promising" image regions, according to our measures. In some applications our measures may suffice. We present a theoretical basis for the measures followed by extensive experimental results in which the measures are first compared to manual evaluations of land development. We then present and test a method to focus on, and (pre)extract, suburban-style residential areas. These are of particular importance in many applications, and are especially difficult to extract. In this work, we consider commercial IKONOS data. These images are orthorectified to provide a fixed resolution of 1 meter per pixel on the ground. They are, therefore, metric in the sense that ground distance is fixed in scale to pixel distance. Our data set is large and diverse, including sea and coastline, rural, forest, residential, industrial, and urban areas.  相似文献   

Two algorithms for parametric piecewise polynomial evaluation and generation are described. The mathematical development of these algorithms is shown to generalize to new algorithms for obtaining curve and surface intersections and for the computer display of parametric curves and surfaces.  相似文献   

Exploring effective connectivity between neuronal assemblies at different temporal and spatial scales is an important issue in human brain research from the perspective of pervasive computing. At the same time, network motifs play roles in network classification and analysis of structural network properties. This paper develops a method of analyzing the effective connectivity of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data by using network motifs. Firstly, the directed interactions between fMRI time-series are analyzed based on Granger causality analysis (GCA), by which the complex network is built up to reveal the causal relationships among different brain regions. Then the effective connectivity in complex network is described with a variety of network motifs, and the statistical properties of fMRI data are characterized according to the network motifs topological parameters. Finally, the experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method is feasible in testing and measuring the effective connectivity of fMRI data.  相似文献   

Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a well-known linear dimensionality reduction technique in the literature. It extracts global principal components (PCs) and lacks in capturing local variations in its global PCs. To overcome the issues of PCA, Feature Partitioning based PCA (FP-PCA) methods were proposed; they extract local PCs from subpatterns and they are not sensitive to global variations across the subpatterns. Subsequently, SubXPCA was proposed as a novel FP-PCA approach which extracts PCs by utilizing both global and local information; it was proved to be efficient in terms of computational time and classification. It is observed that there is no detailed theoretical investigation done on the properties of FP-PCA methods. Such theoretical analysis is essential to provide generalized and formal validation of the properties of the FP-PCA methods. In this paper, our focus is to show SubXPCA as an alternative to PCA and other FP-PCA methods by proving analytically the various properties of SubXPCA related to summarization of variance, feature orders, and subpattern sizes. We prove analytically that (i) SubXPCA approaches PCA in terms of summarizing variance with increase in number of local principal components of subpatterns; (ii) SubXPCA is robust against feature orders (permutations) of patterns and variety of partitions (subpattern sizes); (iii) SubXPCA shows higher dimensionality reduction as compared to other FP-PCA methods. These properties of SubXPCA are demonstrated empirically upon UCI Waveform and ORL face data sets.  相似文献   

Significant issues in the representation of molecular structure and the development of the molecular connectivity paradigm are presented. In the molecular connectivity paradigm, molecular structure is represented directly. Kier and Hall developed the method by creating ways to encode electronic information based on the paradigm developed from the Randi? branching index. The simple and valence delta values were created to encode atomic and valence-state electronic information through counts of sigma, pi, and lone pair electrons. A family of indices was created to provide a wide range of structure information. The key aspects of the development are presented and discussed in such a way as to reveal, at least in part, the imaginative thinking involved in the process. Possible future roles for molecular connectivity chi indices are discussed.  相似文献   

A theoretical analysis of bagging as a linear combination of classifiers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We apply an analytical framework for the analysis of linearly combined classifiers to ensembles generated by bagging. This provides an analytical model of bagging misclassification probability as a function of the ensemble size, which is a novel result in the literature. Experimental results on real data sets confirm the theoretical predictions. This allows us to derive a novel and theoretically grounded guideline for choosing bagging ensemble size. Furthermore, our results are consistent with explanations of bagging in terms of classifier instability and variance reduction, support the optimality of the simple average over the weighted average combining rule for ensembles generated by bagging, and apply to other randomization-based methods for constructing classifier ensembles. Although our results do not allow to compare bagging misclassification probability with the one of an individual classifier trained on the original training set, we discuss how the considered theoretical framework could be exploited to this aim.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates that the imbalanced data sets have a negative effect on the performance of LDA theoretically. This theoretical analysis is confirmed by the experimental results: using several sampling methods to rebalance the imbalanced data sets, it is found that the performances of LDA on balanced data sets are superior to those of LDA on imbalanced data sets.  相似文献   

This article reports a replication of a quasi-experimental study analyzing how personality factors and team climate influence software development team effectiveness, product quality and team member satisfaction. The replication was designed on the basis of the original quasi-experimental study, both of which were run in an academic setting. In the original study, data were collected from a sample of 35 three-member developer teams. All these teams used an adaptation of extreme programming (XP) to the academic environment to develop the same software system. In the replication, the data were collected from a sample of 34 three- or four-member developer teams working on the same software project. Student teams used a common object-oriented software development paradigm to solve the set problem and applied the Unified Process. In both studies all teams were formed at random, and their members were blind to the quasi-experimental conditions and hypotheses. The replication of this empirical study aims to verify the results of the original quasi-experiment. It examines, first, whether personality factors (neuroticism, extroversion, agreeableness, openness to experience and conscientiousness) are related to the quality of the developed software and team member satisfaction and, second, whether the preferences, perceptions and preferences-perceptions fit for the four team climate factors (participative safety, support for innovation, team vision and task orientation) are related to the quality of the developed software and team member satisfaction. The results of the replication corroborate some of the findings of the original study. On the one hand, the results revealed that there is a significant correlation between the extroversion personality factor and software quality, but no significant correlation between the extroversion personality factor and team satisfaction. Also, we found that the perception of team climate where participative safety is high is related to better quality software. We observed significant relationships between the perception of the four team climate factors and team member satisfaction. Additionally, the results showed a positive relationship between software quality and teams in which the real climate perception at the end of the project is better than preferences stated by team members at the outset of the project for the participative safety factor. Finally, we found that teams where the real climate is better than the stated preferences for the team orientation factor exhibit a direct and positive relationship to team member satisfaction.  相似文献   

Firms invest millions of dollars in the introduction of new information systems for long-term benefit. If employees are not willing to accept a new information system, such investments may be wasted. Employee acceptance of a new information system is in part determined by external influences. However, previous research has neglected the paths of persuasive strategies and external social influences on information system acceptance. Linkages between persuasive strategies and external social influences are also scarce. By integrating social influence theory and an elaboration likelihood model, this study explores the influence of persuasive messages (source credibility and argument quality) on social influence, affective response and cognitive response. This study also investigates the interrelationships among affective response, cognitive response and behavior intention. Furthermore, the moderating roles of social influences on the impact of affective response and cognitive response on behavior intention are identified.  相似文献   

Research and practice on knowledge management (KM) have shown that information technology alone cannot guarantee that employees will volunteer and share knowledge. While previous studies have linked motivational factors to knowledge sharing (KS), we took a further step to thoroughly examine this theoretically and empirically. We developed a unified model that is comprehensive and yet parsimonious, based on the decomposed theory of planned behaviour (DTPB) with three sets of critical antecedents: psychological, organisational and technological that are theorised to influence KS behaviours. Results of a field survey of knowledge workers support the majority of hypothesised relationships, and explained 41.3% of the variance in the actual KS behaviours and 60.8% of the variance in the intention to share knowledge. These results far exceed the predictive powers achieved by previous studies. Among our significant findings include a strong positive influence of perceived enjoyment in helping others (PEH) and a strong negative influence of perceived loss of knowledge power (PLK). Based on the findings, we discussed the study's implications for research and practice.  相似文献   

In interacting with artificial social agents, novel forms of sociality between humans and machines emerge. The theme of Social Agency between humans and robots is of emerging importance. In this paper key theoretical issues are discussed in a preliminary exploration of the concept. We try to understand what Social Agency is and how it is created by, negotiated with, and attributed to artificial agents. This is done in particular considering socially situated robots and by exploring how people recognize and accept social agents. The interplay between humans and agents is investigated through dynamics of interpretation, signification and attribution. The ultimate goal of this research is to explore the challenges and opportunities brought by the design of socially intelligent agents.
Alessandro PolliniEmail:

Note on the connectivity of line graphs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Let G be a connected graph with vertex set V(G), edge set E(G), vertex-connectivity κ(G) and edge-connectivity λ(G).A subset S of E(G) is called a restricted edge-cut if GS is disconnected and each component contains at least two vertices. The restricted edge-connectivity λ2(G) is the minimum cardinality over all restricted edge-cuts. Clearly λ2(G)?λ(G)?κ(G).In 1969, Chartrand and Stewart have shown that

针对传统非基于测距的定位算法仅用二进制数评估连接与否而没有基于单纯的连通性导致定位误差增加的问题,基于1跳内相邻节点间距离的远近关系,提出了一种调整特征距离(CSD)算法.作为一个透明的支撑层,只需较少额外成本.仿真实验表明:嵌入CSD后的定位算法可以有效提高定位精度.  相似文献   

A note on the theoretical convergence properties of the SIMP method   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The solid isotropic material with penalization (SIMP) method is used in topology optimization to solve problems where the variables are 0 or 1. The theoretical convergence properties have not been exhaustively studied. In this paper a convergence theorem with weaker assumptions than earlier conditions is given.  相似文献   

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