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文章在界定城市边缘区毗邻隔离住区概念的基础上,归纳其形成路径,从住区类型、公共配套设施和居住人口结构三个方面总结其特征,得出空间封闭和社会经济差异是造成居住隔离的主要因素。在此基础上,引入开放住区模式,探讨消除居住隔离、促进交流的应对策略,并通过划分小尺度居住空间、引入街道、消除道路隔离效果和营造线性开放空间四个步骤探讨城市边缘区毗邻隔离住区中不同群体交往的可能性,实现城市居住空间的健康发展。  相似文献   

保障房住区的规划与设计常套用 一般城市居住区的规划设计标准,符合特定 居民需求的住区公共空间没有得到应有的关 注。对广州市7个典型保障房住区居民进行访 谈和问卷调研发现,保障房住区居民的年龄 构成、经济收入、户外活动类型等与普通住区 的居民存在明显差异。因此,保障房住区公共 空间的设计应以居民的真实需求为依据,在研 究不同人群的行为特点的基础上来进行,具 体需要关注的内容包括改善步行交通环境、 优化配置住宅周边的休息空间、拓展架空层 的功能等等。  相似文献   

近年来,上海的住房建设得到了快速发展,年均新建住宅超过1500万m^2,人均住房面积由“九五”末的11.8m^2提高到“十五”末的15.5m^2。预计到“十一五”末,市区人均住房面积将达到26m^2.居民在满足基本住房需求的同时,对住区环境提出了更高的要求。“安全、健康、舒适、优美、生态”成为衡量住区品质的总目标,但现状仍有不足之处,如树木影响到建筑的采光和通风、共享空间的缺失等。居住群体的差异性决定了需求的多样性,我国目前的住区绿化模式不能有效满足居民多样化的需求,  相似文献   

林川  裴燕 《华中建筑》2012,(1):142-144
住区商业街,继承了传统居住区商业配套功能,在城市大型住区中应用十分普遍。该文针对住区商业街在"住区内部城市空间"属性这一问题上的缺失,通过调研、分析,归纳总结了7种住区商业街的空间模式。希望能为住区商业街的规划设计,提出一些建议。  相似文献   

将混合居住理论应用于既有住区更新研究中,在对城市中普遍存在的毗邻隔离住区类型进行概念界定与特征剖析的基础上,提出了互融更新的策略,并尝试在微观层面上深化混合居住理论,增进混合的实效性.  相似文献   

郭嘉  刘晖 《华中建筑》2023,(4):61-65
中国的工人住区是新中国建立后的产物,一直以来,其作为工厂职工及其家属的居住空间见证了新中国工人阶级生活福利的变迁,又深刻地反映了各特定时期的社会、政治、经济、技术背景,遗产价值很高。广州工业发展历史悠久,工人住区遍布,而近十余年的城市更新虽对部分工人住区造成了诸如建筑遗存拆毁和工业文化灭失等损害,但同时城市更新又可以为工人住区保护带来诸如提供维护资金、服务配套升级、社区活力提升等积极影响。该文选取了广州市较具代表性的3个工人住区进行对比分析,探究城市更新对工人住区保护的影响,希望能为广州工人住区保护探索出新的路径,即利用城市更新工具为保护赋能。  相似文献   

现阶段我国乡村呈现多元异质要素并存、发展潜质差异性较大的特征。本文在解读城乡二元结构与乡村振兴耦合矛盾基础上,剖析多元生计模式的类型及生成机制,从虚化城乡二元壁垒、完善土地流转与监管制度、建立乡村剩余劳动力对接机制三方面提出多元生计模式的实施策略,实现不同群体的对接,在推进城市化进程的同时,实现乡村振兴,缩小城乡差距。  相似文献   

为缓解城市住区居民生活碳排放的高强度问题,以长沙某住区为例,基于离散选择模型,从住区空间规划、居民的生活行为方式、低碳消费心理、交通能耗标准4个方面研究城市住区居民低碳行为.结果显示:年龄、绿地配置景观绿化设计、商业设施密度、出行方式与主观规范5个变量对低碳行为选择影响显著;通过外部因素结合心理因素分析居民低碳行为的约...  相似文献   

城市化进程带来如城市内涝等诸多环境问题,使得海绵城市和低影响开发成为热点。城市住区绿地作为城市绿地的一个重要类型,既是住区居民重要的景观游憩场地,也是海绵城市低影响开发的重要海绵体,是兼具径流绩效和景观绩效等综合绩效的复合设施。如何让雨水设施在发挥径流绩效的同时兼具满足居民需求的景观绩效,是目前相关研究的难点和热点。居民喜好度的研究是住区绿地雨水设施景观绩效优化提升的重要方法之一。通过联合分析法,遴选雨水收集、雨水转输和雨水调蓄3个环节的源头减排雨水设施,模拟江南住区中心绿地雨水设施场景收集居民评价,进行不同居民群体的设施喜好度效用值相关性统计和住区绿地不同类型雨水设施效用值及相对重要性分析。并通过走访、文献查阅解析所得数据,为住区绿地雨水设施景观绩效提升和低影响开发设计提供启示和借鉴。  相似文献   

以上海市杨浦区霍山路平凉16街坊整体改造项目为研究案例,通过实地考察访谈,改造政策研究和原有居民搬迁追踪调研等方法,分析评价多元化模式进行旧住区更新过程中居民住房安置的实践尝试,旧住区更新政策从原来单一的整体搬迁模式向货币补偿安置,价值标准房调换安置和面积标准房屋调换安置等多元化安置模式转变,改造政策充分考虑原居民家庭结构和收入情况,以满足原居民不同层次的需求为前提,提供多元的搬迁模式选择,积极探索旧城改造项目中房源筹划和资金利用方面,促进了旧住区更新的可持续推进.  相似文献   

In this paper, it is demonstrated that mixed-income housing is a feasible and beneficial pattern nowadays. This pattern is propitious for good living and harmonious development of society. Based on practice, data are gathered from the field, and the social investment and social distance analysis of the social network theory are used from the perspective of cross-disciplinary fields. The hypothesis is tested and the feasible and beneficial characteristics of mixed-income housing are pointed out. __________ Translated from Architecture Journal, 2006, 4: 36–39 [译自: 建筑学报]  相似文献   

The main research purpose of this paper is to acquire a series of designed concept of “affordable housing” in key geographical areas of East China through the development of innovative, economical, flexible, reproducible and affordable residential houses using intensive steel solutions. Toward this goal, both the residential housing conditions and the development of steel residential building in China are widely investigated. Affordable housing in China is then, based on the investigation, defined as green humanized multi-storey housing comprised of medium-small type dwellings whose construction cost is not much higher than that of traditional reinforced concrete buildings and the maintenance cost is low. Taking this definition as a guiding ideology, detailed architectural and structural design of a steel affordable housing model in terms of a collective housing form with repeatable living units has been carried out. Comparisons of project cost and energy consumption between the designed steel residential housing and the corresponding reinforced concrete building show that the former is not more expensive and consumes less energy than the latter.  相似文献   

This article from the Technical University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands, describes the first steps in creating a universal model — though one especially relevant to poorer countries — for assessing the planned provision of housing on a national scale. Crucial to the approach is the separation of options for the house shell and those for infill and facilities. These options are then related to varying conditions of present and future national income, and to factors such as demographic changes and any imbalance between desired objectives and effective demand.  相似文献   

This article from the Technical University of Eindhoven, the Netherlands, describes the first steps in creating a universal model — though one especially relevant to poorer countries — for assessing the planned provision of housing on a national scale. Crucial to the approach is the separation of options for the house shell and those for infill and facilities. These options are then related to varying conditions of present and future national income, and to factors such as demographic changes and any imbalance between desired objectives and effective demand.  相似文献   

Urban fringe area is the most important space for city development. It includes several complicated elements, such as population, space, and management organization. On the basis of local population attributes in the city fringe area combined with people’s movement characteristics in time and space, this article reclassifies basic public service facilities and discusses the relationship between facility layout and housing, employment, and commuter transportation. Through a questionnaire survey in Qiaobei District of the urban fringe area in Nanjing and on the basis of comparative analysis, we discuss the impact factor on the choice of housing, urban services, and the tolerance of commuting time. Our findings indicate mutual promoting and restricting connections among living, employment, and services. Workers’ living situation determines their daily behavior, such as dining, shopping, and entertainment. Furthermore, different income levels have a great influence on residents’ choices with regard to places to live and develop their careers  相似文献   

The problem posed was to examine the implications of density and overshadowing for passive solar housing in Milton Keynes New Town, England.

Land use and solar data were fed into a simple housing layout model which output the performance of typical house types, frontages and densities. Narrow frontages and single storey houses suffer less from overshadowing. Many of the failures could be made to work with different land-use allocations, even three storey terrace houses. Semi-detached houses fare badly because their wider plots reduce spacing.

Land use policies should take account of the relationship between plot dimensions, density, the proportions of site given over to different uses and their effects as constraints on the built form. It is possible to vary the parameters in order to review the options open to a designer under different conditions. Or a local authority could examine the implications of different land-use policies on passive solar housing.  相似文献   

本文对铁路工程项目的集成管理进行了分析和探讨。首先提出了铁路工程项目集成管理的总体框架,接着对工程项目目标的集成做了定性分析,然后将赢得值法引入铁路工程项目目标集成。  相似文献   

Although postdisaster housing recovery is an important player in community recovery, its modeling is still in its infancy. This research aims to provide a spatial regression model for predicting households’ recovery decisions based on publicly available data. For this purpose, a hierarchical Bayesian geostatistical model with random spatial effects was developed. To calibrate the model, households’ data that were collected from Staten Island, New York, in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy were used. The model revealed that on the scale of census tract, residents with higher income or larger household size were significantly less likely to reconstruct. In contrast, odds of reconstruction rose with increase of long‐term residents. The model outputs were also employed to develop a reconstruction propensity score for each census tract. The score predicts probability of reconstruction/repair in each tract versus others. The model was validated through comparison of the propensity scores with the distribution of Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery assistance and its resultant reconstruction. The validation indicated capability of the model to predict the potential hotspots of reconstruction. Accordingly, the propensity score can serve as a decision‐support tool to tailor recovery policies.  相似文献   

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