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民国历史遗存是南京整体城市形象的重要组成部分,但随着时间的推移,民国建筑日益出现物质性老化、功能性衰退、结构性衰退等问题,原本的建筑功能难以适应城市功能发展的需求。民国建筑改造是对民国建筑的保护利用手段中,比修缮更进一步、更具有明确使用目和时代特征的做法。首先需要对民国建筑的价值从经济、技术和使用三方面进行了评估,随后在此基础上展开适应性改造设计,从空间、结构、表皮三个方面分析了民国建筑改造设计的策略,并进一步探讨了其中的矛盾与制约。  相似文献   

我国西部地区 ,分布着大量历史文化名城 ,随着西部大开发战略的实施 ,亟待探索适合西部社会、经济状况的保护方法 ,避免重蹈东部沿海地区在名城保护方面失误的覆辙。本文以天水历史文化名城的保护规划为例 ,对西部名城保护方法进行了初步讨论 ,指出西部城市应尽快改变旧城更新中大拆大建的做法 ,名城保护不能沿用冻结保存方式 ,更不应为发展旅游 ,拆真古迹、造“假古董”。  相似文献   

Paerl HW  Xu H  McCarthy MJ  Zhu G  Qin B  Li Y  Gardner WS 《Water research》2011,45(5):1973-1983
Harmful cyanobacterial blooms, reflecting advanced eutrophication, are spreading globally and threaten the sustainability of freshwater ecosystems. Increasingly, non-nitrogen (N2)-fixing cyanobacteria (e.g., Microcystis) dominate such blooms, indicating that both excessive nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) loads may be responsible for their proliferation. Traditionally, watershed nutrient management efforts to control these blooms have focused on reducing P inputs. However, N loading has increased dramatically in many watersheds, promoting blooms of non-N2 fixers, and altering lake nutrient budgets and cycling characteristics. We examined this proliferating water quality problem in Lake Taihu, China’s 3rd largest freshwater lake. This shallow, hyper-eutrophic lake has changed from bloom-free to bloom-plagued conditions over the past 3 decades. Toxic Microcystis spp. blooms threaten the use of the lake for drinking water, fisheries and recreational purposes. Nutrient addition bioassays indicated that the lake shifts from P limitation in winter-spring to N limitation in cyanobacteria-dominated summer and fall months. Combined N and P additions led to maximum stimulation of growth. Despite summer N limitation and P availability, non-N2 fixing blooms prevailed. Nitrogen cycling studies, combined with N input estimates, indicate that Microcystis thrives on both newly supplied and previously-loaded N sources to maintain its dominance. Denitrification did not relieve the lake of excessive N inputs. Results point to the need to reduce both N and P inputs for long-term eutrophication and cyanobacterial bloom control in this hyper-eutrophic system.  相似文献   

Using two nationally representative samples from 1988 and 1995, this study examines the comparison of housing quality determinants between Communist Party members and non‐Communist Party members. This study finds that, although Communist Party membership tenure is an important factor in determining housing size and quality among the members themselves, the significant factors that influence housing size and quality do not greatly differ from those of non‐members or the general population. However, several key variables have widely varying impacts on housing size and quality across groups and/or time. These variables include: housing type, education, primary work unit, public‐financed health care, household size, occupational rank of primary employment and total family assets and disposable family income.  相似文献   

We surveyed 40 010 three‐ to six‐year‐old children in seven Chinese cities (Beijing, Taiyuan, Urumqi, Shanghai, Nanjing, Changsha, and Chongqing) during 2010‐2012 so as to investigate possible links between home renovation and childhood eczema. Their parents responded to questions on home renovation and childhood eczema. Multivariate and two‐level (city‐child) logistic regression analyses yielding odds ratios with 95% confidence intervals were performed. Sensitivity analyses stratifying data for region, climate, and income level were also performed. The prevalences of childhood eczema in children with different floor and wall covering materials were significantly different and were significantly higher with home renovation during early lifetime. Exposure to synthetic materials significantly increased the risk of childhood eczema by 20%‐25%. The risks (AOR, 95% CI) of current eczema among children in families with solid wood flooring and oil paint wall covering were 1.25 (1.04‐1.49) and 1.35 (1.14‐1.60), respectively. Home renovation during pregnancy was related to children's lifetime and current eczema.  相似文献   

梅州传统客家民居是中国古民居中重要的一部分,民居材料的选用对绿色建筑发展有启示作用。通过对国家级古村落茶山村建筑材料的选用进行现场调研,调研结果表明,民居建造时根据当时经济条件就地取材,其中黏土和木材是建筑材料主要组成部分,建造时以土掺石或土夹木的结构形式制作成土坯砖墙和三合土墙等,其中三合土应用最广泛。结合实验对三合土的物理力学性能进行分析评价,以期为古民居保护和修缮提供参考。  相似文献   

In economic terminology, ‘competition intensity’ can be used to mirror to a certain degree the status of industrial competition in a specific market, while in the construction market, it particularly involves the part of project competition intensity (PCI). Based on a road project in China, two forms of PCI, overt and covert, are identified in this study. To lower project construction cost thus enabling better project tendering performance, clients can facilitate higher levels of overt PCI by tailoring their tendering procedures, whereas, through covert PCI project competitors can adopt anti‐competitive behaviours to attain the expected works. The difference between overt PCI and covert PCI indicates various practitioners' perspectives and impact on the levels of competition intensity in construction. The findings suggest a way to promote PCI studies in the future, and offer new insights into other parts of competition intensity in construction.  相似文献   

In China, 76% of all energy comes from coal consumption, which is the major cause of air pollution. One of the major barriers to developing sound policies for controlling air pollution is the lack of information related to the value of the health consequences of air pollution. We conducted a willingness-to-pay (WTP) study using contingent valuation (CV) methods in Chongqing, China to estimate the economic value of saving one statistical life through improving air quality. A sample of 500residents was chosen based on multistage sampling methods. A face-to-face household interview was conducted using a series of hypothetical, open-ended scenarios followed by bidding game questions designed to elicit the respondents' WTP for air pollution reduction. The Two-Part Model was used for estimations. The results show that 96% of respondents were able to express their WTP. Their mean annual income is $490. Their WTP to save one statistical life is $34,458. Marginal increases for saving one statistical life is $240 with 1year age increase, $14,434 with 100yuan monthly income increase, and $1590 with 1year education increase. Unlike developed country, clean air may still be considered as a "luxury" good in China based on the estimation of income elasticity.  相似文献   

The primary functions of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) are to integrate the inter-departmental operation procedures and Management Information System (MIS) modules, and to reallocate the resources of a company. How to successfully implement an ERP system in an organization is always a hot research topic for researchers as well as a pending problem for an organization that wants to implement it. This research is a case study on the selection of system suppliers and contract negotiation during the ERP implementation of a local construction company in Taiwan. After reviewing the common key success factors discussed in the literature, this study discussed seven issues: coding system, working process reengineering, priority of ERP functionality implementation, customization, participant roles, consultant role and performance level of subcontractor, which also affected the implementation. Lessons learned from the case study in discussed seven issues are valuable for a construction company in deciding to implement an ERP system. This research suggests that additional case studies are necessary for the successful application of ERP systems in the construction industry.  相似文献   

Greenspace is an important part of complex urban ecosystems and provides significant ecosystem services. It benefits urban communities environmentally, esthetically, recreationally and economically. Beijing Province is in north of China, and has a total area of 16,807.8 km2 and a population of about 13.8 million. This paper aims to develop a comprehensive conceptual framework for urban greening of Beijing Province based on landscape ecological principles. It attempts to answer how to establish an urban greening plan at the regional, city and neighborhood levels to achieve long-term sustainability. At the regional level, a big natural and semi-natural forest area in the northwest and an ecological buffer belt in the southeast are planned to protect the environmental quality of Beijing and provide habitats for wildlife. At the city level, a green network system of green wedges, parks and green corridors has been proposed. This green network helps to limit future urban expansion, improve urban environmental quality and serve as habitats and migration routes for wildlife. At the neighborhood level, green extensions and connections of riverside greenway, road greenway, parks and vertical greening permeate into the built-up areas. They provide open space close to residential areas and offer places for recreation. This three-level green system constitutes an integrated ecological network for urban sustainable development of Beijing. For future development of Beijing, urban parks, forestry, agriculture, water and infrastructure should be planned and designed in an integrated way. After this greenspace plan is legislated and completely realized, Beijing will develop an interconnected and integrated network of urban greenspaces. It has the prospect of achieving the aim of “Green Olympic City 2008” and the long-term goal of developing Beijing towards an “Eco-City”.  相似文献   

A framework is constructed that can be used to foster trust and build relationships in construction project organizations in China. The research method was based on in‐depth study of two building projects in China and data were collected via face‐to‐face interviews. The results show that as the project progresses, the dominant relationship within each stage deepens. The deepening relationship gives rise to different types of inherent risks such as a partner's self‐interest seeking behaviour and opportunistic actions. To counterbalance these risks, trust fostering tools must be employed such as careful selection and effective management of partners. The framework for fostering trust and building relationship developed in the study suggests that (1) relationship deepens from shallow dependence to deep interdependence as the project progresses; (2) different relationships bring about distinct inherent risks; and (3) different trust‐fostering tools counterbalance specific inherent risks. This framework could aid in reducing adversarial relationships by suggesting ways to foster trustworthy relationships.  相似文献   

This research paper focuses on evaluating the performance of the Great Wall of China in Jinshanling using the Fuzzy Performance Tree Analysis (FPTA), Baldwin’s fuzzy-set rotational model, and defuzzification using the centroid and mean methods. The inputs for the performance tree analysis and Baldwin’s model are derived from the knowledge base of the authors’ earlier study. The outputs from the defuzzification process show that the Jinshanling section of the Great Wall is fairly severe in terms of damages, and immediate repair should be performed to prevent additional damages, especially in the eastern and western Jinshanling sections. The results derived from this evaluation process provide consistent, quantitative, and systematic conclusions concerning the current performance of the structure. The authors hope that these scientific methodologies introduced in this paper would be further researched and implemented in evaluating the performance of other facilities, both ancient and modern.  相似文献   

Liu WJ  Zhang YP  Li HM  Liu YH 《Water research》2005,39(5):787-794
Rain, fog drip, shallow soil water and groundwater were collected for two years (2002-2003) for stable isotopic analysis, at a tropical seasonal rain forest site in Xshuangbanna, Southwest China. The fog drip water ranged from -30 to +27 per thousand in deltaD and -6.2 to +1.9 per thousand in delta(18)O, conforms to the equation deltaD=7.64delta(18)O+14.32, and was thought to contain water that has been evaporated and recycled terrestrial meteoric water. The rain was isotopically more depleted, and ranged from -94 to -45 per thousand in deltaD, and -13.2 to -6.8 per thousand in delta(18)O. The shallow soil water had a composition usually between those of the rain and fog drip, and was assumed to be a mixture of the two waters. However, the soil water collected in dry season appeared to contain more fog drip water than that collected in rainy season. The groundwater in both seasons had an isotopic composition similar to rainwater, suggesting that fog drip water does not play a significant role as a source of recharge for the groundwater. This groundwater was thought to be recharged solely by rainwater.  相似文献   

Spatial and temporal distributions of total gaseous mercury (TGM) concentrations in ambient air were investigated in the Mt. Gongga area (Sichuan province, PR China) from April 2006 to June 2007. The annual geometric mean TGM concentration at the Moxi baseline station was 3.90 ± 1.20 ng m− 3. Geometric mean TGM concentrations at 14 representative sampling sites during the warm season ranged from 1.60 to 20.1 ng m− 3 and varied spatially, with levels decreasing between urbanized areas and more remote regions: urban area (U1-U3: 7.76 ± 4.57 to 20.1 ± 15.1 ng m− 3), town (T1: 4.61 ± 1.15 ng m− 3) and village (V1-V4: 3.26 ± 0.63 to 8.45 ± 3.06 ng m− 3), and remote area (R1-R6: 1.60 ± 0.43 to 3.41 ± 1.26 ng m− 3). Our study suggested that industrial activities, especially non-ferrous smelting activities, were an important source of atmospheric Hg and played a vital role in the regional distribution of TGM. In addition, domestic coal and biomass combustion to heat residential homes were important sources of TGM in densely populated areas during the winter months.  相似文献   

The Mann–Kendall test, wavelet analysis was used to analyse the long‐term trends and periodicities in temperature, precipitation and streamflow in China's Shiyang River Basin since 1950. The Principal components analysis (PCA) was used to quantify the impacts of climate change and human activities on water resources. The annual mean air temperature has increased, consistent with increasing global temperatures. The annual precipitation fluctuated but has generally increased since the 1990s. The air temperature and precipitation showed changes on periods ranging from 2 to 28 years. The correlation between annual runoff and precipitation variation was 0.61 (P < 0.05), indicating precipitation is the main source of the runoff. Human activities played the dominant role in the lower reaches, accounting for 58.5% of the total effect. The results have important implications for water resources management to support harmonisation of the relationship between humans and nature to combat the effect of climate.  相似文献   

本文对上海外滩建筑群中一栋风格独特的历史建筑遗产一外滩九号"轮船招商总局大楼"的历史和现状、外部复原和内部整饬设计、以及工程施工的对策和方法进行了扼要介绍,并对使用中的历史老大楼如何获得内部空间上的再利用效果,恢复再生的活力,提出了保护性设计的策略.  相似文献   

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