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The existing building stock in European countries accounts for over 40% of final energy consumption in the European Union (EU) member states, of which residential use represents 63% of total energy consumption in the buildings sector. Consequently, an increase of building energy performance can constitute an important instrument in the efforts to alleviate the EU energy import dependency (currently at about 48%) and comply with the Kyoto Protocol to reduce carbon dioxide emissions. This is also in accordance to the European Directive (EPBD 2002/91/EC) on the energy performance of buildings, which is currently under consideration in all EU member states. This paper presents an overview of the EU residential building stock and focuses on the Hellenic buildings. It elaborates the methodology used to determine the priorities for energy conservation measures (ECMs) in Hellenic residential buildings to reduce the environmental impact from CO2 emissions, through the implementation of a realistic and effective national action plan. A major obstacle that had to overcome was the need to make suitable assumptions for missing detailed primary data. Accordingly, a qualitative and quantitative assessment of scattered national data resulted to a realistic assessment of the existing residential building stock and energy consumption. This is the first time that this kind of aggregate data is presented on a national level. Different energy conservation scenarios and their impact on the reduction of CO2 emissions were evaluated. Accordingly, the most effective ECMs are the insulation of external walls (33–60% energy savings), weather proofing of openings (16–21%), the installation of double-glazed windows (14–20%), the regular maintenance of central heating boilers (10–12%), and the installation of solar collectors for sanitary hot water production (50–80%).  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to obtain the environmentally optimal design of a building with the following starting conditions: constant constructed surface, constant volume, square floor layout, and a variable number of floors. For this purpose, the study evaluated the impact of CO2 emissions stemming from the energy needed to maintain the building at a constant temperature of 19 °C in winter and 25 °C in the summer. Furthermore, one of the results was the CO2 emissions curve from the manufacturing of the materials used in the construction of the building and the building envelope.  相似文献   

The growing worldwide demand for energy is basically satisfied through natural resources such as oil or natural gas generally acknowledged as being responsible for climate change through greenhouse gas emissions. The building sector accumulates approximately a third of the final energy consumption. Consequently, the improvement of the energy efficiency in buildings has become an essential instrument in the energy policies to ensure the energy supply in the mid to long term, and to meet the targets stated in the Kyoto Protocol. During the last decade and being sensitive to this fact, many national governments and international organizations have developed new regulations to achieve those targets. One of these regulations is the European Energy Performance of Buildings Directive but, to date this certification does not follow a standard procedure which is universally accepted.This paper aims to contribute to this standardization, proposing an energy efficiency index for buildings that relates the energy consumption within a building to reference consumption. The proposed energy index can be obtained in a simple manner by combination standard measurements of energy consumption, simulation and public databases. Furthermore, the index is upgradable whenever new data are available.  相似文献   

Tourism is the most developed economic sector in the Balearic Islands. The great rise in construction activities within the last 50 years, the increase in energy use, in CO2 emissions and in waste production due to tourism, as well as an electrical energy production system mainly based on coal and fossil fuels is not an environmentally sustainable scenario. The aim of this study is to identify the processes that have had the greatest impact on the life cycle of a tourist building. In order to do this, the energy uses, CO2 emissions and waste materials generated have been estimated, assuming a life cycle of 50 years, within a sample of hotels from the Balearic Islands. The results show that the operating phase, which represents between 70% and 80% of the total energy use, is the one with the greatest impact; that the energy use due to the manufacture of materials represents a fifth of the total and that electric consumption is the main cause of CO2 emissions because of the regional energy system.  相似文献   

A 100-year lifecycle carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions analysis is reported for a two-bedroom, 65 m2 floor area, semi-detached house in south-east England. How the balance between the embodied (ECO2) and operational CO2 emissions of the building are affected by the inclusion of thermal mass and the impacts of climate change is quantified. Four ‘weights’ of thermal mass were considered, ranging from lightweight timber frame to very heavyweight concrete construction. For each case, total ECO2 quantities were calculated and predictions for operational CO2 emissions obtained from a 100-year dynamic thermal modelling simulation under a medium-high emissions climate change scenario for south-east England. At the start of the lifecycle, the dwellings were passively cooled in summer, but air conditioning was installed when overheating reached a certain threshold. The inclusion of thermal mass delayed the year in the lifecycle when this occurred, due to the better passive control of summertime overheating. Operational heating and cooling energy needs were also found to decrease with increasing thermal mass due to the beneficial effects of fabric energy storage. The calculated initial ECO2 was higher in the heavier weight cases, by up to 15% (4.93 t) of the lightweight case value, but these difference were offset early in the lifecycle due to the savings in operational CO2 emissions, with total savings of up to 17% (35.7 t) in lifecycle CO2 found for the heaviest weight case.  相似文献   

The method behind the UK Display Energy Certificate (DEC) improves the comparability of benchmarking by accounting for variations in weather and occupancy. To improve the comparability further, the incorporation of other features that are intrinsic to buildings (e.g. built form and building services) deserve exploration. This study investigates the impact of these features and explores ways to improve further comparability in benchmarking the energy performance of schools. Statistical analyses of approximately 7700 schools were performed, followed by analyses of causal factors in 465 schools in greater detail using artificial neural networks (ANNs), each designed to understand and identify the factors that have significant impact on the pattern of energy use of schools. Changes in the pattern of energy use of schools have occurred over the past four years. This fact highlights issues associated with static benchmarks. A significant difference in energy performance between primary and secondary schools meant that it was necessary to re-examine the way non-domestic buildings are classified. Factors were identified as having significant impact on the pattern of energy use. The characteristics raise new possibilities for developing sector-specific methods and improving comparability.  相似文献   


A simulation tool was developed to evaluate variations in exhaust emissions from cars when replacing conventional powertrains with electric or hybrid propulsion systems. The model permits calculation of direct emissions (released at the vehicles’ exhaust) and indirect emissions (released when producing electricity for batteries recharging). To verify model outputs, a reference scenario was defined selecting the urban area of Genoa, Italy, considering the number of vehicles and mileage of eight vehicle categories. A simulated scenario was then designed, replacing cars belonging to older legally defined classes with electric and hybrid ones. Significant reductions were estimated for regulated pollutants, with higher benefits estimated for CO and NOX emissions, deriving from calculated reductions and contributions of cars in the reference scenario. No advantages were estimated for CO2, outlining that a change in the national mix for electricity production is also required.  相似文献   

The UK non-domestic sector accounts for 2 million buildings and 19% of national CO2 emissions, representing a significant opportunity for emission reductions. However, substantial improvement of the stock requires a greater understanding of current energy performance characteristics. This paper explores energy consumption in English schools, using data from the Display Energy Certificates (DECs) database. DECs are a key step in understanding the non-domestic stock, incorporating national-scale statistical data, covering bottom-up details of the individual buildings. Significant variations in emissions between primary and secondary schools and academies exist, primarily caused by large differences in electricity consumption. Considering pupil numbers is shown to accentuate the differences, revealing a 47% rise in CO2 emissions per pupil from primary to secondary schools, and a further increase between secondary schools and academies. The extent to which building characteristics, including location, heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC) and size, influence performance has also been evaluated. Location, HVAC and school density are shown to correlate with variations in energy use. Finally, a comparison of current school performance against past data reveals considerable reductions in fossil-thermal energy consumption over the last decade. However, this has been offset by a significant increase in electricity consumption, resulting in rising typical emissions across the school types.

Le secteur non domestique britannique représente 2 millions de bâtiments et 19% des émissions de CO2 du pays, ce qui constitue une importante opportunité de réduction des émissions. Cependant, une amélioration substantielle du parc exige une plus grande compréhension des caractéristiques actuelles des performances énergétiques. Cet article examine la consommation d'énergie dans les écoles anglaises, en utilisant les données provenant de la base de données des Display Energy Certificates (DEC – Certificats de Performance Energétique à afficher). Les certificats DEC sont une étape clé pour mieux connaître le parc non domestique, intégrant des données statistiques à l'échelle nationale et couvrant en détail selon une approche ascendante les différents bâtiments. D'importantes variations des émissions entre les écoles primaires, les écoles secondaires et les académies existent, principalement dues à de grandes différences dans la consommation électrique. Il est démontré que la prise en compte du nombre d'élèves accentue les différences, révélant une hausse de 47% des émissions de CO2 par élève entre les écoles primaires et secondaires, une hausse supplémentaire intervenant entre les écoles secondaires et les académies. A également été évalué le degré d'influence sur les performances des caractéristiques des bâtiments, au nombre desquelles l'emplacement, le chauffage, la ventilation mécanique et la climatisation (CVCA), ainsi que la taille. Il est démontré que l'emplacement, la CVCA et la densité des écoles sont en corrélation avec les variations de la consommation d'énergie. Enfin, une comparaison des performances actuelles des écoles par rapport aux données passées révèle des réductions considérables de la consommation d'énergie thermique fossile au cours de la dernière décennie. Cependant, ceci a été contrebalancé par une augmentation importante de la consommation d'électricité, qui s'est traduite par une hausse des émissions moyennes sur l'ensemble des types d'écoles.

indicateurs de référence, parc immobilier, émissions de CO2, Certificats de Performance Energétique (DEC), consommation d'énergie, écoles  相似文献   

The construction of buildings has a very important impact on the environment, and the process of manufacturing and transporting of building materials, and installing and constructing of buildings consumes great energy and emits large quantity of greenhouse gas (GHG). The present paper defines four sources of GHG emissions in building construction, which are: manufacture and transportation of building materials; energy consumption of construction equipment; energy consumption for processing resources; and disposal of construction waste, and then establishes the calculation method of GHG emissions. This paper presents a case study of GHG emissions in building construction in Hong Kong. The results show that 82–87% of the total GHG emissions are from the embodied GHG emissions of building materials, 6–8% are from the transportation of building materials, and 6–9% are due to the energy consumption of construction equipment. The results also indicate that embodied GHG emissions of concrete and reinforced steel account for 94–95% of those of all building materials, and thus the use of recycled building materials, especially reinforced steel, would decrease the GHG emissions by a considerable amount.  相似文献   

Wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) are energy-intensive facilities. Thus, reducing their carbon footprint is particularly important, both economically and environmentally. Knowing the real operating energy efficiency of WWTPs is the starting point for any energy-saving initiative. In this article, we applied a non-radial Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) methodology to calculate energy efficiency indices for sampling of WWTPs located in Spain. In a second stage analysis, we examined the operating variables contributing to differences in energy efficiency among plants. It is verified that energy efficiencies of the analyzed WWTPs were quite low, with only 10% of them being efficient. We found that plant size, quantity of organic matter removed, and type of bioreactor aeration were significant variables in explaining energy efficiency differences. In contrast, age of the plant was not a determining factor in energy consumption. Lastly, we quantified the potential savings, both in economic terms and in terms of CO2 emissions, that could be expected from an improvement in energy efficiency of WWTPs.  相似文献   

The study described in this paper aims to evaluate comparatively the interest of an implementation of a ceramic evaporative cooler (CEC) compared to the use of a conventional device such as an air-source heat pump. This comparison is presented in three closely related ways: energy consumption, environmental impact and economic costs. This analysis is based on the hypothetical cooling of a specific room in a dwelling in six Spanish cities, each characterised by a different climate. The behaviour of the CEC in each climate is determined experimentally, reproducing the typical air conditions by an air-treatment unit. The total cooling demand in each city during the summer months is obtained from the data of the thermal load evolution in the room, provided by thermal load calculation software.  相似文献   

Energy usage and energy efficiency are of increasing concern in Mexico, electricity generation principally depends upon fossil fuels. On one hand, the stocks of these fuels have been confirmed to be critically limited. On the other hand, in process of electricity generation by means of these fuels, a number of poisonous by-products adversely affect the conservation of natural eco-system.This paper focuses on estimation of energy consumption, energy savings, reduction of emissions of CO2 for use of urban and rural household appliances in Mexico between 1996 and 2021.The analysis concentrates on six major energy end uses in the residential sector: refrigerators, air conditioners, washing machines, TV set, iron and heater.It is estimated that by 2021 there will be a cumulative saving of 22,605 GWh, as a result of the implementation of government programs on energy efficiency that represents a cumulative reduction of CO2 emissions of 15,087 Tg CO2.It means that Mexico can reduce in 5650 MW the generation capacity of national electricity system, which is to avoid burning 40.35 MM barrels of oil.The findings can be useful to policy makers as well as household appliances users.  相似文献   

The influence of internal and external characteristics on energy use in the public sector office stock in England and Wales is explored using a database of 2600 Display Energy Certificates (DECs) combined with other sources of disaggregated office information. The DEC office benchmarks are shown to match the median fossil thermal and electrical consumptions well. Analyses of heating, ventilation and air-conditioning (HVAC), size, occupancy density, building age, location and rateable value are considered. While newer offices are shown to have lower typical fossil-thermal consumption than older offices, this is counterbalanced by higher electrical consumption, resulting in higher typical CO2 emissions. This has implications for the UK's emissions reduction targets for 2050, indicating that while building regulations that focus on thermal performance have been successful, a focus on electrical consumption (both regulated and unregulated) is key. The results are also compared with existing benchmarks for all UK offices, splitting the sample into four generic types, and compared with a similar smaller study of private offices. This indicates that public offices typically used less energy than the general benchmarks had previously predicted, particularly for prestige offices.  相似文献   

In several housing development projects in Norway the requirements related to the mandatory connection to district heating plants have shown to be a barrier for building low-energy residential buildings. The developers have considered the costs related to both low-energy measures and a space heating system that can utilize district heat to be too high to give the project acceptable profitability. In these projects the developers wanted to use a cheaper electric space heating system. Based on models representative for the range of the Norwegian district heating plants, calculations show that the CO2 emissions related to heating in residential buildings with an energy standard in accordance with the new building regulations and that are connected to the district heating grid, are lower than for similar buildings with a low-energy standard and with heating based on electricity. However, in a long term perspective the differences are marginal when considering the national annual CO2 emissions. Similarly, increased peak power demand due to electricity-based heating may also be regarded as marginal when compared to the present maximum peak power capacity in Norway.  相似文献   

A great quantity of CO2 is emitted to the atmosphere through the different phases of a building life cycle: in the production of materials and products, in the construction of the building itself, in the setting on site, in the exploitation, the renovations, the later rehabilitations, up to the final demolition. The present paper shows the possibility of reducing the CO2 emissions up to 30% in the construction phase, through a careful selection of low environmental impact materials. The purpose of this study is to quantify the total amount of CO2 emissions saved by the method presented in the particular phase of material selection within the life cycle of a building. This material selection, as well as the bioclimatic characteristics, must be defined from the early design project phase.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate the relationships between sustainable building design and occupant well-being. It starts with a definition of sustainable design and well-being, and focuses on the relationships between energy performance and occupant feedback. Methodologically it draws on detailed monitoring and surveys of 12 case study office buildings in the UK and India, and the paper uses the data to explore whether energy use and associated CO2 emissions are correlated to occupant satisfaction and comfort. The results demonstrate that increased energy use in the case study buildings is associated with increased mechanisation (e.g. centralised air conditioning) and reduced occupant control. This reduced control in turn is shown to relate to reduced occupant comfort and satisfaction. Finally, the paper reveals that the reported health conditions of occupants correlates strongly with their levels of satisfaction. The overall conclusion is that energy use in typical office buildings is inversely correlated with the well-being of the occupants: more energy use does not improve well-being.  相似文献   

Hassan Radhi   《Building and Environment》2009,44(12):2451-2462
There is significant evidence that the world is warming. The International Panel of Climate Change stated that there would be a steady increase in the ambient temperature during the end of the 21st century. This increase will impact the built environment, particularly the requirements of energy used for air-conditioning buildings. This paper discusses issues related to the potential impact of global warming on air-conditioning energy use in the hot climate of the United Arab Emirates. Al-Ain city was chosen for this study. Simulation studies and energy analysis were employed to investigate the energy consumption of buildings and the most effective measures to cope with this impact under different climate scenarios. The paper focuses on residential buildings and concludes that global warming is likely to increase the energy used for cooling buildings by 23.5% if Al-Ain city warms by 5.9 °C. The net CO2 emissions could increase at around 5.4% over the next few decades. The simulation results show that the energy design measures such as thermal insulation and thermal mass are important to cope with global warming, while window area and glazing system are beneficial and sensitive to climate change, whereas the shading devices are moderate as a building CO2 emissions saver and insensitive to global warming.  相似文献   

Conditional probability was used to establish persistence of CO2 concentrations at a rural site. Measurements extended over three years and were performed with a CO2 continuous monitor and a sodar. Concentrations in the usual range at this site were proposed as the truncation level to calculate conditional probability, allowing us to determine the extent of CO2 sequences. Extension of episodes may be inferred from these values. Persistence of wind directions revealed two groups of sectors, one with a persistence of about 16 h and another of about 9 h. Cumulative distribution of CO2 was calculated in each wind sector and three groups, associated with different concentration origins, were established. One group was linked to transport and local sources, another to the rural environment, and a third to transport of clean air masses. Daily evolution of concentrations revealed major differences during the night and monthly analysis allowed us to associate group 1 with the vegetation cycle and group 3 with wind speed from December to April. Persistence of concentrations was obtained, and group 3 values were lower for concentrations above the truncation level, whereas persistence of groups 1 and 2 was similar. However, group 3 persistence was, in general, between group 1 and 2 persistence for concentrations below the truncation level.  相似文献   

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