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The role of environmental feedback within architects' offices is examined as a fundamental ingredient of sustainability. Three case study buildings are examined using a feedback exercise encompassing the whole building process from early key design decisions to occupation. Results show that sometimes design decisions are taken for aesthetic reasons without certainty on their environmental impact. Improvements are possible especially in energy consumption, glare, the usability of controls, the communication of strategies and comfort conditions. The architects report the feedback lessons relevant for their work. A systematic approach to project feedback is proposed with emphasis in feeding forward to new projects and recording decision-making. To close the information loop, briefs need explicitly to mention performance targets for energy use, management expectations, control requirements and to promote feedback itself.  相似文献   

Over forty years ago, the Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) published its Plan of Work for Design Team Operation (1963), which included Stage M - Feedback. In spite of this, designers, builders and sometimes even procuring clients do not engage closely with the performance of the buildings they have created. Hence, low-level, chronic problems tend to persist, innovations miss their targets, and true successes may be overlooked - even in some of the best buildings, as the Probe series of post-occupancy surveys revealed. This paper discusses how feedback, follow through from design and construction into occupancy, and post-occupancy evaluation could become a natural part of project delivery, and how this could improve the quality and sustainability of our buildings. It describes progress made since the Probe series of post-occupancy ended in encouraging the use of feedback, including a portfolio of established techniques, development of the Soft Landings technique, and setting up a charity to promote and support feedback. The results of tests with a user group are also discussed.  相似文献   

The importance of post-occupancy evaluation (POE) is widely acknowledged in the academic literature, industry press and, increasingly, by professional institutes. Learning from previous projects systematically is central to improving building performance, resulting in a built environment that better fits the needs of clients, end users, wider society and the environment. The key role of architects in pushing forward this agenda has been recognized, however evidence suggests that take up of POE is low across the profession. Whilst research has investigated barriers to POE across the construction industry, very little has considered the unique perspective of architects. In-depth interviews with UK-based architects are presented to explore their experiences in relation to POE and their perspectives on its potential to be a standard part of architectural practice. The findings indicate that a considerable amount of practical work is being undertaken, but uncertainty over what constitutes POE means it is often excluded from the POE label – with significant implications for the development of a rigorous evidence base. An appetite is identified for more holistic evaluation measures that move beyond the current preoccupation with energy efficiency to consider other aspects of building performance, and thereby sustainability, in a wider value framework.  相似文献   

An explorative statistical analysis of consistent non-domestic building performance studies is conducted non-domestic buildings (n?=?47) to validate the universal positions of comfort widely cited in industry guidance and standards. The Building Use Studies (BUS) methodology for evaluating occupant satisfaction employed by these studies was tested for reliability and the factor structure explored. The reliability of this method was found to be ‘excellent’ and eight latent variables that characterize a hierarchical factor structure induced. Increased visual display unit use and open-plan arrangements were found to be associated with negative occupant perceptions. This suggests that privacy and personal communication may be defining issues for occupant satisfaction, with implications for space planning. Significantly different perceptions towards air quality and conditions in winter were observed between gender and those familiar with their environments were found to have a tendency to hold more negative perceptions more broadly. It has also been found that perceptions towards seasonal conditions may be improved by providing local control to mechanical services. Such insights highlight the limitations of reliance on positivist theory. Hence, it is recommended that high-performance buildings be provided control and management systems that learn from those occupying the building over time, cautiously adapting service provision accordingly.  相似文献   


This paper examines the performance of environmental strategies in seven recently constructed or refurbished university buildings in the UK. These buildings contain a range of administrative spaces, classrooms, libraries and studios, reflecting their often complex, multi-use, heterogeneous nature. The key features of each environmental strategy are described (including passive, mixed-mode or active systems), in the context of the occupants and spaces they serve and the level of interaction that they afford. Energy performance and occupant thermal comfort (assessed by user surveys) are analysed and compared with studies of other non-domestic buildings, which have typically focused on more predictable single administrative uses (e.g. government offices), and unusually effective operation scenarios (e.g. continuous monitoring by expert building managers). The paper concludes by examining two of the case studies that reflect an increasingly common model of ‘flexible’ environmental design in more detail, identifying key features of the strategies for each building that have had a significant impact on their performance. The design assumptions leading to these features will be explored, and key lessons identified, contributing towards the development of a more robust evidential basis for choosing appropriate environmental strategies for university and other non-domestic buildings in the UK.  相似文献   

通过实测加主观问卷相结合的模式从人体主观热舒适方面探究造成该类建筑能耗高的原因,发现窗地面积比较大的房间受阳光照射时室内温度波动剧烈,有升温快、全天高温持续时间长的特点;通过分析主观问卷发现临窗办公人员因受到不对称热辐射影响其热中性温度比靠墙办公人员低1.9℃,且更易于产生热感,进而导致提前开启空调设备进行制冷降温,增加了建筑能耗量。  相似文献   

This study presents findings of indoor environmental quality (IEQ) investigations conducted in elementary schools׳ classrooms in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Average TVOC, CO2, O3, CO, and particle concentrations measured in the classrooms were 815 µg/m3, 1605 ppm, 0.05 ppm, 1.16 ppm, and 1730 µg/m3, respectively. Whereas, local authority known as Dubai Municipality recommended 300 µg/m3, 800 ppm, 0.06 ppm, 9 ppm, and 150–300 µg/m3 for TVOC, CO2, O3, CO, and particle, respectively. Dubai Municipality recommended temperature and relative humidity (RH) levels of 22.5 °C to 25.5 °C and 30%–60%, respectively. Average temperature and RH levels measured in the classrooms were 24.5 °C and 40.4%, respectively. Average sound level in the classrooms was 24 dB greater than recommended sound level limit of 35 dB. Six (6) classrooms had average lux levels in the range of 400–800 lux. Two (2) classrooms had average lux levels in the range of 100–200 lux. The remaining classrooms had lux levels around the recommended 300 lux. High occupancy density was observed in majority of the studied classrooms. Observations during walkthrough investigations could be used to explain measured IEQ data. Poor IEQ conditions in the studied classrooms highlight the need for further research investigation to understand how poor classrooms׳ IEQ condition could influence students׳ health, comfort, attendance rate, and academic performance.  相似文献   

建筑外遮阳是建筑节能的重要措施,但单一、不当的遮阳形式却可能阻碍房间的隔热、采光、通风和视野等,从而降低室内环境舒适性。以综合节能为目标,提出建筑外遮阳优化设计思路及方法,以重庆地区为例,基于气候特征分析研究南向和西向窗口综合性能好的外遮阳形式。模拟一般办公空间搭建外遮阳实验平台,对其隔热、采光和通风效果进行实地测试和检验。结果表明,优化后的外遮阳装置不仅遮阳和降温效果明显,而且,室内采光、通风及视野效果良好,具有综合节能的作用。  相似文献   

Building automation systems provide the potential to optimize the energy consumption of buildings as well as to detect failures in the operation of buildings. The system comprising building form–HVAC–building automation–user is becoming more complex. Providing the occupants with control over the indoor environment is widely accepted for its positive effect on their satisfaction. This paper explores what the term ‘perceived control’ means conceptually and draws implications for its application to the design and management of buildings. Personality- and environmental-psychology emphasize the importance of personal control to humans. The adaptive model of thermal comfort, findings from post-occupancy evaluations and surveys in real buildings also indicate the importance of high levels of perceived control. These models and findings exist in parallel and have not yet been interconnected and translated into models for the built environment. A new conceptual approach to explain perceived control is proposed. Satisfaction with the indoor environment occurs not only when ‘comfort’ is provided but also immediately after a successful control action, even if homeostasis has not yet been achieved (pleasure). Giving control to occupants can result in higher levels of satisfaction.  相似文献   

This paper presents a review of the recent literature on sustainability in construction and design with a focus on highrise buildings. The paper is divided into the following main sections: energy consumption, environmental effects and green practices for highrise buildings. A number of concepts in sustainable design are reviewed including passive solar design, renewable energy resources, cogeneration and tri‐generations, embodied energy reduction, net zero energy building, carbon emission reduction, envelope environment quality, green materials, efficient mechanical design and innovative structural systems. Their applications in a dozen signature and iconic structures are described. In order to achieve net zero energy in a new highrise building, first, multiple green solutions need to be evaluated using two categorical solutions: passive solar and envelop environment design and renewable energy resources along with efficient energy generators. Next, a robust optimization algorithm should be used to select the optimum set of solutions. This is worth pursuing in future sustainable design of highrise buildings because they are massive and complex structures with many components. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

魏峥  邹瑜  王虹 《建筑科学》2011,27(10):7-12
本文介绍了英国EEBPP项目中针对于以医院和办公楼为代表的公共建筑进行建筑能耗基准评价的方法.而后,以实测数据为依据,分析了我国寒冷地区大型公共建筑能耗的特点,并对建立我国公共建筑能耗定额方法提出了建议.  相似文献   

Existing buildings present the best opportunity for reducing greenhouse gas emissions in developed economies, given that only 2–3% of the building stock is newly built each year. Insights from a post-occupancy evaluation of a large-scale refurbishment project of a head office building in Sydney, Australia, are presented to inform future refurbishment strategies. The study evaluates occupant satisfaction and energy performance, and elicits influencing factors arising from the design process and interventions, ongoing building management, and operational performance. Occupants returned a high level of satisfaction across the range of environmental variables for overall comfort, temperature, lighting, and air quality as well as perceived productivity and health. These outcomes highlight the importance of improving indoor environmental quality for occupants particularly through increased fresh air, daylight, glare control, access to views, and noise management. The positive results reinforce the value of an integrated and user-responsive approach that was adopted for building design, development, and management. The reduction in operational energy (in this project, coupled with carbon reduction) as a consequence of refurbishment and positive user feedback demonstrates the potential to future-proof existing buildings in the context of climate change.

Les bâtiments existants offrent la meilleure possibilité de réduction des émissions de gaz à effet de serre dans les économies développées, étant donné que les constructions neuves ne représentent chaque année que 2 à 3% du parc bâti. Les enseignements retirés d'une évaluation après occupation d'une opération de rénovation à grande échelle réalisée dans l'immeuble d'un siège social de Sydney, en Australie, sont présentés afin d'infléchir les futures stratégies en matière de rénovation. L'étude évalue la satisfaction des occupants et les performances énergétiques, et met au jour les facteurs d'influence qui découlent du processus de conception et des interventions réalisées, de la gestion en cours du bâtiment et des performances de fonctionnement. Les occupants ont exprimé un degré de satisfaction élevé sur l'ensemble des variables environnementales concernant le confort global, la température, l'éclairage et la qualité de l'air, aussi bien que la productivité et la santé telles qu'ils les ont perçues. Ces résultats mettent en évidence le fait qu'il est important d'améliorer la qualité environnementale intérieure pour les occupants, tout particulièrement en apportant davantage d'air frais et de lumière du jour, un plus grand contrôle de l'éblouissement, un accès accru à des panoramas et une gestion renforcée du bruit. Ces résultats positifs renforcent l'utilité d'une approche intégrée et sensible aux besoins des utilisateurs, telle qu'elle a été adoptée pour concevoir, aménager et gérer ce bâtiment. La réduction de l'énergie de fonctionnement (dans cette opération, conjointement avec la réduction du carbone) en conséquence de la rénovation et du feedback positif des utilisateurs démontre le potentiel de cette approche pour permettre aux bâtiments existants de bien affronter l'avenir dans le contexte du changement climatique.

Mots clés: adaptation, changement climatique, confort, énergie, qualité environnementale intérieure, conception intégrée, occupants, évaluation après occupation, rénovation  相似文献   

通过对室内热环境的理论分析,建立了室内热环境质量评价模型。利用该模型并结合计算机模拟技术对地下埋管通风的低能耗建筑室内热环境质量进行了评价。评价结果表明,PD〈25%,室内热舒适性可达到令人满意的水平。  相似文献   

While the indoor environment can affect occupants' perceptions of their comfort, health and productivity in buildings, little information exists on what would constitute appropriate benchmarks for these matters. If users' perceptions of building performance are to be addressed and improved, then it is essential to have a reliable, standardized set of benchmarks against which to measure them. A pilot study is presented that tested a range of benchmarking approaches using a small dataset of 30 commercial and institutional buildings. The database included the mean scores from each of the 30 buildings for each indoor environmental quality question in the Building Use Studies (BUS) questionnaire, including those on lighting, comfort, noise and the like. This dataset allowed exploration of the construction of potential benchmarks and the demonstration of systems that could be replicated internationally. It was found to be feasible to establish benchmarks from the questionnaire data received. The variety of forms these benchmarks can take is demonstrated; and the advantages and disadvantages of each are described. For example, absolute benchmarks had the advantage of being able to be assessed without the need for a representative sample, while relative benchmarks gave an assessment of how each variable rated against a larger dataset.  相似文献   

A new approach to the creation of design tools is proposed that addresses the real information needs of designers in the early stages of design of non-residential buildings. Traditional simplified design tools are typically too limited to be of much use, even in conceptual design. The proposal is to provide access to the power of detailed simulation tools at a stage in design when little is known about the final building, but at a stage also when the freedom to explore options is greatest and the ability to improve the design is greatest. The concept of the building performance sketch forms the basis of the proposed design tool. It was derived from consultation with design analysis teams as part of the development of the COMFEN tool for fenestration design. Tools like COMFEN are explored to understand how they were shaped by consultation and how requests from these teams for real-world relevance might shape such tools in the future. The simulation process can effectively utilize some of the as-built, as-occupied and as-managed lessons on behaviours and technical outcomes from the Post-occupancy Evaluation (PoE) of buildings.

Il est proposé pour la création des outils de conception une nouvelle approche répondant aux véritables besoins d'information des concepteurs dans les premières phases de conception des bâtiments non résidentiels. Les outils de conception simplifiée traditionnels sont habituellement trop limités pour être très utiles, même en design conceptuel. Ce qui est proposé est de pouvoir accéder à la puissance d'outils de simulation détaillée à un stade de la conception où l'on sait encore peu de choses concernant le bâtiment final, mais également à un stade auquel la liberté d'exploration des options possibles comme la capacité d'amélioration de la conception sont les plus grandes. Le concept du schéma de performance du bâtiment constitue la base de l'outil de conception proposé. Il découle de la consultation des équipes chargées de l'analyse de la conception dans le cadre du développement de l'outil COMFEN de conception du fenêtrage. Des outils tels que COMFEN sont examinés afin de comprendre comment ils ont été modelés par la consultation et comment les demandes de ces équipes en termes de pertinence réelle pourraient façonner ces outils à l'avenir. Le processus de simulation peut tirer efficacement parti de certaines des leçons, conformes à l'exécution, à l'occupation et à la gestion, en matière de comportements et de résultats techniques, retirées de l'Evaluation Après Occupation des bâtiments.

modèles d'information du bâtiment?bâtiments?processus de conception?outils de conception?début de conception?efficacité énergétique?retour d'information?simulation des performances?évaluation après occupation  相似文献   

Vast quantities of energy are consumed in heating and cooling to provide what are now regarded as acceptable standards of thermal comfort. In the UK as in a number of other countries, there is a real danger that responses in anticipation of global warming and climate change – including growing reliance on air-conditioning – will increase energy demand and CO2 emissions even further. This is an appropriate moment to reflect on the history and future of comfort, both as an idea and as a material reality. Based on interviews and discussions with UK policy makers and building practitioners involved in specifying and constructing what will become the indoor environments of the future, four possible scenarios are identified each with different implications for energy and resource consumption. By actively promoting debate about the indoor environment and associated ways of life, it may yet be possible to avoid becoming locked into social and technical trajectories that are ultimately unsustainable. The aim of this paper is to inspire and initiate just such a discussion through demonstrating that comfort is a highly negotiable socio-cultural construct.  相似文献   

酒店建筑能耗及空调系统能耗合理性评价   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
以实例分析了国内有代表性的大型酒店建筑近三年的建筑能耗、空调系统能耗和营业额现状,提出了可反映使用水平和营业水平的建筑能耗占用率Ijn作为建筑能耗的评价指标和空调系统能耗占用率Ijkn作为空调系统能耗的评价指标;通过统计分析给出了Ijn和Ijkn对应的节能型、合理型和浪费型三个评价标准的取值范围。通过对八家酒店使用该两项评价指标进行评价的结果,认为新指标的评价结论更准确、符合实际,可为酒店节能潜力分析和建筑能耗管理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

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