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Space heating is seen in Denmark as the area where there is greatest potential for saving in energy use; why and how is explained in this article from the Danish Building Research Institute. It summarises the new building code regulations for insulation, heating and ventilation as well as more recent rules for existing buildings. Further action planned for the future is also outlined and examples are given of the many R & D activities in the country.  相似文献   

Continuing our series, this article shows how the rate of growth of energy consumption has slowed considerably in the United States after 1973, and has then remained constant on a per capita basis. Consumption by all buildings had reached nearly 37 per cent of the total by 1978, however, spurred by the big increase in the number of houses, which explains why R & D on energy use in housing is so important in the US context.  相似文献   

A far-reaching system of subsidies and money incentives plays a major role in the official approach to energy-saving in The Netherlands, as described here by a technical officier of the Bouwcentrum. An innovation is the introduction of a ‘thermal insulation index’ in the new Dutch building standard, whose practical application is also outlined in this article.  相似文献   

Continuing our series of reports from various countries, this article shows how rising energy prices and high capital outlays for increased generating capacity are slowly changing attitudes even in a country with a benign climate and large coal reserves. Research focuses on active solar water heating and passive solar space heating for wintertime use.  相似文献   

Chernobyl's challenge to the environment: a report from Sweden   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper reports the levels of radiocesium registered in about 9000 samples collected in different parts of Sweden following the Chernobyl accident during the period May-November 1986. The maximum Cs levels were detected in reindeer, freshwater fish and mushrooms. Parameters possibly affecting the nuclide concentration in different biota are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

人们常说,三个女人一台戏。要是再多一个,四个女人会是什么样呢?在这里,来自瑞典的Sofia Lagerkvist、Charlotte von der Lancken、Anna Lindgren和Katja Snvstrom将告诉你,当美丽与智慧并存的四个女人碰到一起时,她们所创造的便不仅仅是神奇,更是男人们无法想像和触及的美妙新世界。  相似文献   

A series of special articles is being prepared for the Journal on energy conservation R & D in individual countries represented on CIB working commission W67, ‘Energy conservation in the built environment’. Appropriately, it begins with this article on the UK by Dr. Leach, who is joint co-ordinator of W67 and an Assistant Director of the Building Research Establishment. International studies show that buildings account for 40 per cent of the total primary energy consumption of ten major industrialised nations, and this could be cut by 25–30 per cent without loss of comfort or environmental quality. Against this background, the article discusses the UK energy balance and recent developments in building regulations. Research is reviewed which points to the importance of user behaviour in energy consumption, and to the scope for conservation measures with their economic assessments. A ‘low-energy’ experimental office block design in the UK is also described; its energy consumption could be only half that of similar modern offices.  相似文献   

针对工程建设报建阶段如何控制进度进行分析,针对当前工程建设在报建阶段存在的主要问题,提出了相应的改进建议。重点介绍了一种报建进度控制的模型——3W模型,这一模型不仅能够辅助制定最佳的报建进度计划,而且能够有效推进项目的实施,在实际工作中具有很强的实用性。土地征收是确保工程建设报建得以顺利进行的关键,因此要对其进度给予有效的控制,以确保工程建设报建的整体效果和质量。  相似文献   


瑞典的城市规划   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陶小兰 《规划师》2003,19(10):123-124
2002年8月,我有幸到瑞典北部的Umea大学进行为期半年的学习,期间阅读了许多有关瑞典地理、社会、经济、政治的资料,并与Stockholm、Lond大学城市规划方面的教授进行了交流,对瑞典城市规划有了初步的了解。只有详细发展规划具有法律效力在瑞典,城市规划的形式和内容由《规划和建  相似文献   

斯德哥尔摩——这座瑞典的都城,因规划兴建滨水区,现已跻身具备承办国际会议条件的城市之列。该会议中心的设计匠心独具,令斯德哥尔摩拥有了欧洲独一无二的会场设施。斯德哥尔摩港区会议中心于2011年年初对外  相似文献   

瑞典消防人员培训,由全国灾难救护管理局组织进行.该局的基本任务,是会同其他有关部门和组织,采取各项措施,提高社会安全水平,保卫与救护人民生命财产和环境.在组织培训过程中,将加强预防工作,尽力减少灾害事故的发生,摆在显要的位置.瑞典消防培训经验不仅在国内得到大力推广,而且在欧盟、北约及联合国的有关决议中得到肯定.2000年瑞典被授权依据国际标准ISO 14001颁发相应的国际证书.  相似文献   

The director of the National Swedish Institute of 1 Building Research gives a perspective view with a ‘difference, namely on why the results of building research seem to provoke little direct interest from practising architects in that country. He suggests that it has much to do with the way architects do their job but, more importantly, probably originates in the way architects and researchers are trained, and he makes comparisons with the situation in farming and medicine. His views may strike echoes in other lands. The article is based on a paper given by Professor Antoni to the Swedish Architects’ Assembly. The cartoons are by Leif Rönn.  相似文献   

Soils represent an important reservoir for persistent organic pollutants (POPs) in the terrestrial environment and thus the fate of contaminants deposited to the surface soils is important to understand. Since only a limited number of studies of the vertical distribution of POPs are available in the literature, the purpose of this study was to collect and analyze PCB concentrations in different layers of soil cores taken at agricultural and non-agricultural sites in Sweden. PCB concentrations at the agricultural site were nearly uniform on a dry weight basis throughout the depth considered (0-12 cm) while a distinct gradient with depth was observed at the five non-agricultural sites. On an organic carbon normalized basis, the concentration gradient was maintained at three of the non-agricultural sites while a more uniform distribution was observed at the other two sites. A statistically significant relationship between dry weight soil concentrations and organic carbon content was determined for all PCB congeners in the surface layers (0-1 cm) but not in the deeper layers (4-5 cm, 9-10 cm). These results were interpreted in relation to vertical soil transport processes and then the implications for environmental fate models including soil compartments were discussed.  相似文献   

王瀛 《人类居住》2009,(4):40-41
传达和维持最佳城市做法并不轻松,即使是在情况很好的时候。但是,在非洲局势紧张的偏僻角落,想努力改善现状就需要深思熟虑,考虑到细致和敏感之处。本文中,智利建筑师、教师兼插图画家Eduardo Feuerhake才巴某些真知灼见从他饱受暴风侵袭的家乡火地岛经由莫桑比克带到了南苏丹的首都朱巴区。  相似文献   

This paper describes a comprehensive study of domestic indoor temperatures in Sweden. A statistical sample survey was carried out in nine municipalities during the spring of 1982, covering a total of 144 dwellings. Temperature measurements were taken continuously, using specially designed measuring equipment comprising a microcomputer and two temperature sensors. This report presents the survey results. Average indoor temperatures for different building categories by types of room and family composition are given. Different parts of the country are compared. Finally, the generalization of the results is discussed. Implications for energy saving potentials in dwellings as a result of lowering indoor temperatures are also discussed.  相似文献   

Information provision is the softest instrument in the government's tool kit. In order to suggest some conditions that promote the effectiveness of this policy instrument, cases are drawn from Swedish housing‐related energy conservation programmes between 1977 and 1998. Information has been particularly successful in influencing consumers who have economic incentives to take conservation measures but who do not know exactly how to go about it. Information has been more successful with owner‐occupants who can influence their energy flow directly than with tenants who cannot. Specific information on how‐to‐do skills has been more instrumental than general‐motivation knowledge. Information activities with perpetual evaluation of outputs and outcomes and incessant feedback of the results not only to programme managers but also to the addressees are more successful than information efforts without a proper evaluation function. These and other conclusions are presented as rules of thumb for information provision.  相似文献   

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