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The differential expression and association of cytoplasmic beta-subunits with pore-forming alpha-subunits may contribute significantly to the complexity and heterogeneity of voltage-gated K+ channels in excitable cells. Here we examined the association and colocalization of two mammalian beta-subunits, Kvbeta1 and Kvbeta2, with the K+ channel alpha-subunits Kv1.1, Kv1.2, Kv1.4, Kv1.6, and Kv2.1 in adult rat brain. Reciprocal coimmunoprecipitation experiments using subunit-specific antibodies indicated that Kvbeta1 and Kvbeta2 associate with all the Kv1 alpha-subunits examined, and with each other, but not with Kv2.1. A much larger portion of the total brain pool of Kv1-containing channel complexes was found associated with Kvbeta2 than with Kvbeta1. Single- and multiple-label immunohistochemical staining indicated that Kvbeta1 codistributes extensively with Kv1.1 and Kv1.4 in cortical interneurons, in the hippocampal perforant path and mossy fiber pathways, and in the globus pallidus and substantia nigra. Kvbeta2 codistributes extensively with Kv1.1 and Kv1.2 in all brain regions examined and was strikingly colocalized with these alpha-subunits in the juxtaparanodal region of nodes of Ranvier as well as in the axons and terminals of cerebellar basket cells. Taken together, these data provide a direct demonstration that Kvbeta1 and Kvbeta2 associate and colocalize with Kv1 alpha-subunits in native tissues and provide a biochemical and neuroanatomical basis for the differential contribution of Kv1 alpha- and beta-subunits to electrophysiologically diverse neuronal K+ currents.  相似文献   

We tested a mixture of Calcium-Green-1 (CG-1) and Brilliantsulfaflavine (BS) for dual excitation ratiometric measurements of the intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) in bovine adrenal chromaffin cells. Dyes were coloaded (without being molecularly linked to each other) in the whole-cell configuration of the patch clamp technique. We compared the loading time-courses of CG-1 and BS, investigated their intracellular distribution patterns and studied the time course of photobleaching. We determined the apparent dissociation constant of CG-1, both optically and by potentiometric titration. Our findings indicate that: (i) with excitation at 420/488 nm, calibrated fluorescence signals could be derived using a Grynkiewicz-type equation; (ii) BS is an ideal reference dye that displayed no interaction with CG-1 or cellular constituents; and (iii) that calibration requires diffusional equilibration between pipette and the accessible volume of the cell. Spatially resolved recordings of fluorescence excitation spectra revealed elevated fluorescence of CG-1 in the nucleus such that reported [Ca2+]i levels seemed 25% higher compared to cytosolic values. Comparing fluorescence emission from in vitro dye solutions with in vivo values, we could estimate the accessible volume fraction and amount of Ca(2+)-insensitive dye.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE--Endothelin-1, in concentrations similar to that present in cerebrospinal fluid after fluid percussion brain injury (FPI), increases superoxide anion (O2-) production. Endothelin-1 also contributes to altered cerebral hemodynamics after FPI through impairment of ATP-sensitive K+ (KATP) channel function through protein kinase C (PKC) activation. Generation of O2- additionally occurs after FPI. Nitric oxide and cGMP elicit pial artery dilation through KATP channel activation. The present study was designed to determine whether PKC activation generates O2-, which, in turn, could link such activation to impaired KATP channel function after FPI. METHODS--Injury of moderate severity (1.9 to 2.1 atm) was produced by the lateral FPI technique in anesthetized newborn pigs equipped with a closed cranial window. Superoxide dismutase-inhibitable nitroblue tetrazolium (NBT) reduction was determined as an index of O2- generation. RESULTS--Phorbol 12, 13-dibutyrate (10(-6) mol/L), a PKC activator, increased superoxide dismutase-inhibitable NBT reduction from 1+/-1 to 37+/-5 pmol/mm2. Staurosporine (10(-7) mol/L), a PKC antagonist, blocked the NBT reduction after phorbol 12,13-dibutyrate and blunted the NBT reduction observed after FPI (1+/-1 to 15+/-2 versus 1+/-1 to 5+/-1 pmol/mm2 after FPI in the absence versus presence of staurosporine). Exposure of the cerebral cortex to a xanthine oxidase O2--generating system increased NBT reduction in a manner similar to FPI and blunted pial artery dilation to the KATP channel agonists cromakalim and calcitonin gene-related peptide, the nitric oxide releasers sodium nitroprusside and S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine, and the cGMP analogue 8-bromo-cGMP (10+/-1% and 21+/-1% versus 4+/-1% and 9+/-1% for 10(-8) and 10(-6) mol/L cromakalim before and after activated oxygen-generating system exposure). CONCLUSIONS--These data show that PKC activation increases O2- production and contributes to such production observed after FPI. These data also show that an activated system that generates an amount of O2- similar to that observed with FPI blunted pial artery dilation to KATP channel agonists and nitric oxide/cGMP. These data suggest, therefore, that O2- generation links PKC activation to impaired KATP channel function after FPI.  相似文献   

The objective was to test the hypothesis that transient activation of the alpha1-adrenergic receptor mimics the beneficial effects of Ca2+ preconditioning on the Ca2+ paradox (Ca2+ PD) injury in rat hearts, and that the protection is mediated by protein kinase C (PKC) signaling pathway. Langendorff-perfused rat hearts were subjected to the Ca2+ PD (10 min of Ca2+ depletion followed by 10 min of Ca2+ repletion). The effects of alpha1-adrenergic receptor activation and other interventions on functional, biochemical and pathological changes were assessed. In hearts pretreated with 50 micromol/l phenylephrine, left ventricular end-diastolic pressure and coronary flow were significantly preserved after Ca2+ PD; furthermore, peak loss of lactate dehydrogenase was significantly decreased while ATP was significantly preserved. A remarkable preservation of cell structure was observed in phenylephrine-treated hearts in contrast to non-treated Ca2+ PD hearts. However, pre-conditioning elicited by phenylephrine caused only a mild improvement in left ventricular developed pressure (LVDP) as opposed to its impressive recovery of left ventricular end-diastolic pressure (LVEDP), heart rate (HR), or coronary flow (CF). The salutary effects of phenylephrine on the Ca2+ PD injury were almost similar to those observed in hearts which underwent Ca2+ pre-conditioning (CPC) or were pretreated with 1-stearoyl-2-arachidonoyl-glycerol (SAG), a potent PKC activator. In phenylephrine pretreated hearts, PKC isoform-alpha was localized in the sarcolemma and nucleus, while PKC-delta and PKC-epsilon were localized in the cell membrane, and intercalated disk respectively. Prazosin, a specific alpha1-adrenergic receptor antagonist completely abolished the beneficial effects of phenylephrine on the Ca2+ PD and blocked translocation of PKC isoforms. In addition, prazosin (1 micromol/l) also reversed salutary effects of CPC. Moreover, the beta-adrenergic antagonist, propranolol, had no effect on the protection provided by phenylephrine against the Ca2+ PD injury. This study suggests that the activation of the alpha1-adrenergic receptor confers protection against the lethal injury of the Ca2+ PD via PKC-mediated signaling pathways. The protection is shared by stimuli common with calcium pre-conditioning.  相似文献   

Protein kinase C (PKC) is a phospholipid-dependent isozyme family that plays a pivotal role in mammalian signal-transduction pathways that mediate cell growth and differentiation and pathological developments, such as the acquisition of drug resistance by cancer cells. Several peptide-substrate analogs have been shown to reversibly inhibit PKC with high potency and selectivity, but peptide-substrate analogs that antagonize PKC by forming a covalent complex with the enzyme have not been reported. The development of active site-directed irreversible inactivators of PKC could provide new insights into the catalytic mechanism and might ultimately lead to the design of novel therapeutics targeted at PKC. In this report, we show that the peptide-substrate analog Arg-Lys-Arg-Cys-Leu-Arg-Arg-Leu (RKRCLRRL) irreversibly inactivates PKC in a dithiothreitol-sensitive manner. The inactivation mechanism most consistent with our results is the formation of a covalent linkage between the inhibitor-peptide and the enzyme at its active-site. Limited proteolysis of PKC produces a catalytic-domain fragment that is independent of the phospholipid cofactor. RKRCLRRL antagonized the histone kinase activity of PKC and its catalytic-domain fragment with similar efficacies, achieving > 50% inactivation at an RKRCLRRL concentration of 10 microM. In contrast, RKRCLRRL analogs with single amino acid substitutions at Cys were non-inhibitory. The inactivated complex of the catalytic-domain fragment and RKRCLRRL was stable upon dilution, and the inactivation of PKC and the catalytic-domain fragment by RKRCLRRL was quenched by dithiothreitol, providing evidence that the enzyme and the synthetic peptide may be covalently linked in an inactivated complex by a disulfide bond. Substrates and substrate analogs protected the catalytic-domain fragment against inactivation by RKRCLRRL, providing evidence that inactivation entailed binding of RKRCLRRL at the active-site of the enzyme. S-Thiolation is the formation of mixed disulfides between proteins and low molecular weight thiols. PKC is thought to have a highly reactive Cys residue in its active-site, and Cys residues that are flanked by basic residues, as is the case in RKRCLRRL, display enhanced reactivity. Our results support an inactivation mechanism that entails S-thiolation of the active-site of PKC by RKRCLRRL. This is the first report of irreversible inactivation of PKC by an active site-directed peptide.  相似文献   

The Internet, as a global computer network, provides opportunities to make available multimedia educational materials, such as teaching files and image databases, that can be accessed using "World-Wide Web" client browser to provide continuing medical education. Since August, 1995, at the Institute of Radiology-University of Palermo, we developed a World-Wide Web server on the Internet to provide a collection of interactive radiology educational resources such as teaching files and image database for continuing medical education in radiology. Our server is based on a UNIX workstation connected to the Internet via our campus Ethernet network and reachable at the uniform resource locator (URL) address: http:/(/)mbox.unipa.it/approximately radpa/ radpa.html. Digital CT and MR images for teaching files and image database are downloaded through an Ethernet local area network from a GE Advantage Windows workstation. US images will be acquired on-line through a video digitizing board. Radiographs will be digitized by means of a Charge Coupled Device (CCD) scanner. To set up teaching files, image database and all other documents, we use the standard "HyperText Markup Language" (HTML) to edit the documents, and the Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) or Joint Photographic Expert Group (JPEG) format to store the images. Nine teaching files are presently available on the server, together with 49 images in the database, a list of international radiological servers, a section devoted to the museum of radiology hosted by our Institute, the electronic version of the Journal Eido Electa. In the first 12 months of public access through the Internet, 12,280 users accessed the server worldwide: 45% of them to retrieve teaching files; 35% to retrieve images from the database; the remaining 20% to retrieve other documents. Placing teaching files and image database on a World-Wide Web server makes these cases more available to residents and radiologists to provide continuing medical education in radiology.  相似文献   

We have recently established that local exposure to a 929.2 MHz electromagnetic near-field, used for cellular phones, does not promote rat liver carcinogenesis in a medium-term bioassay system. In the present study, a 1.439 GHz electromagnetic near-field (EMF), another microwave band employed for cellular phones in Japan, was similarly investigated. Time division multiple access (TDMA) signals for the Personal Digital Cellular (PDC) Japanese cellular telephone standard system were directed to rats through a quarter-wavelength monopole antenna. Numerical dosimetry showed that the peak SARs within the liver were 1.91-0.937 W/kg, while the whole-body average specific absorption rates (SARs) were 0.680-0.453 W/kg, when the time-averaged antenna radiation power was 0.33 W. Exposure was for 90 min a day, 5 days a week, over 6 weeks, to male F344 rats given a single dose of diethylnitrosamine (200 mg/kg, i.p.) 2 weeks previously. At week 3, all rats were subjected to a two-thirds partial hepatectomy. At week 8, the experiment was terminated and the animals were killed. Carcinogenic potential was scored by comparing the numbers and areas of the induced glutathione S-transferase placental form (GST-P)-positive foci in the livers of exposed (48) and sham-exposed rats (48). Despite increased serum levels of corticosterone, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and melatonin, the numbers and the areas of GST-P-positive foci were not significantly altered by the exposure. These findings clearly indicated that local body exposure to a 1.439 GHz EMF, as in the case of a 929.2 MHz field, has no promoting effect on rat liver carcinogenesis in the present model.  相似文献   

Calcium-dependent potassium (KCa) channels carry ionic currents that regulate important cellular functions. Like some other ion channels, KCa channels are modulated by protein phosphorylation. The recent cloning of complementary DNAs encoding Slo KCa channels has enabled KCa channel modulation to be investigated. We report here that protein phosphorylation modulates the activity of Drosophila Slo KCa channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Application of ATP-gamma S to detached membrane patches increases Slo channel activity by shifting channel voltage sensitivity. This modulation is blocked by a specific inhibitor of cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA). Mutation of a single serine residue in the channel protein also blocks modulation by ATP-gamma S, demonstrating that phosphorylation of the Slo channel protein itself modulates channel activity. The results also indicate that KCa channels in oocyte membrane patches can be modulated by an endogenous PKA-like protein kinase which remains functionally associated with the channels in the detached patch.  相似文献   

Certain beta-subunits exert profound effects on the kinetics of voltage-gated (Kv) potassium channel inactivation through an interaction between the amino-terminal "inactivation domain" of the beta-subunit and a "receptor" located at or near the cytoplasmic mouth of the channel pore. Here we used a bacterial random peptide library to examine the structural requirements for this interaction. To identify peptides that bind Kv1.1 we screened the library against a synthetic peptide corresponding to the predicted S4-S5 cytoplasmic loop of the Kv1.1 alpha-subunit (residues 313-328). Among the highest affinity interactors were peptides with significant homology to the amino terminus of Kvbeta1. We performed a second screen using a peptide from the amino terminus of Kvbeta1 (residues 2-31) as "bait" and identified peptide sequences with significant homology to the S4-S5 loop of Kv1.1. A series of synthetic peptides containing mutations of the wild-type Kvbeta1 and Kv1.1 sequences were examined for their ability to inhibit Kvbeta1/Kv1.1 binding. Amino acids Arg20 and Leu21 in Kvbeta1 and residues Arg324 and Leu328 in Kv1.1 were found to be important for the interaction. Taken together, these data provide support for the contention that the S4-S5 loop of the Kv1.1 alpha subunit is the likely acceptor for the Kvbeta1 inactivation domain and provide information about residues that may underlie the protein-protein interactions responsible for beta-subunit mediated Kv channel inactivation.  相似文献   

Hypertension-induced cardiac hypertrophy is associated with alterations in ventricular action potentials. To understand molecular mechanisms underlying this electrical abnormality, expression of cardiac voltage-gated K+ channel subunit genes was examined in ventricles of renovascular hypertensive rats. While generating a rat Kv4.3 probe, we discovered a previously unreported 19-amino acid insertion in the C-terminal intracellular region of the channel subunit. RNase protection assays indicated that this novel isoform is predominant in rat lung and heart. Effects of renovascular hypertension were then determined by using renal artery clipping models: two-kidney, one clip (2K-1C) rats, a model of high-renin hypertension with a normal plasma volume, and one-kidney, one clip (1K-1C) rats, a model of normal renin with a raised plasma volume. Expression of Kv4.2 and Kv4.3 mRNAs was diminished by > 50% in ventricles of 2K-1C rats; however, no changes in the expression of Kv1.2, Kv1.4, Kv1.5, Kv2.1, or KvLQT1 mRNAs were detected. Similar downregulation of Kv4.2 and Kv4.3 mRNAs was detected in 1K-1C rats. Chronic administration of captopril, an angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitor, blocked the development of hypertension and the suppression of Kv4 subfamily channel mRNA expression in 2K-1C rats. Furthermore, captopril administration to sham-operated rats significantly increased Kv4.2 mRNA. These results indicate that renovascular hypertension causes specific reductions in Kv4 subfamily channel mRNA expression and that this effect is likely to be mediated primarily by an increase in cardiac afterload.  相似文献   

With prolonged or repetitive activation, voltage-gated K+ channels undergo a slow (C-type) inactivation mechanism, which decreases current flow through the channel. Previous observations suggest that C-type inactivation results from a localized constriction in the outer mouth of the channel pore and that the rate of inactivation is controlled by the-rate at which K+ leaves an unidentified binding site in the pore. We have functionally identified two K+ binding sites in the conduction pathway of a chimeric K+ channel that conducts Na+ in the absence of K+. One site has a high affinity for K+ and contributes to the selectivity filter mechanism for K+ over Na+. Another site, external to the high-affinity site, has a lower affinity for K+ and is not involved in channel selectivity. Binding of K+ to the high-affinity binding site slowed inactivation. Binding of cations to the external low-affinity site did not slow inactivation directly but could slow it indirectly, apparently by trapping K+ at the high-affinity site. These data support a model whereby C-type inactivation involves a constriction at the selectivity filter, and the constriction cannot proceed when the selectivity filter is occupied by K+.  相似文献   

1. Precision-cut liver slices represent a suitable and convenient in vitro preparation for studying metabolism and toxicity mechanisms of drugs and toxic chemicals. Particularly in the case of human liver slices, cryopreservation would enable more efficient utilization of this scarce and irregularly available tissue. 2. Liver slices from consecutive human livers were cryopreserved using a method previously developed for rat and monkey liver slices. This procedure involves incubation in 12% dimethyl sulphoxide for 30 min on ice and direct immersion into liquid nitrogen. 3. Functional integrity of cryopreserved human liver slices, as compared with that of fresh liver slices, was maintained at 66 +/- 8% (alanine aminotransferase activity retained in the slices), 78 +/- 7% (urea synthesis), 88 +/- 14% (testosterone hydroxylation), 84 +/- 7% (N-deethylation of lidocaine) and 88 +/- 10% (total O-deethylation of 7-ethoxycoumarin). The ratios of testosterone metabolites did not change on cryopreservation. 4. These results show that the cryopreserved human liver slices retained the measured drug metabolism activities. Therefore, this cryopreservation method is suitable for storing liver slices to be used for comparing drug metabolism patterns, at least qualitatively, between species.  相似文献   

Treatment of cells with tumor-promoting phorbol esters results in the activation but then depletion of phorbol ester-responsive protein kinase C (PKC) isoforms. The ubiquitin-proteasome pathway has been implicated in regulating the levels of many cellular proteins, including those involved in cell cycle control. We report here that in 3Y1 rat fibroblasts, proteasome inhibitors prevent the depletion of PKC isoforms alpha, delta, and epsilon in response to the tumor-promoting phorbol ester 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate (TPA). Proteasome inhibitors also blocked the tumor-promoting effects of TPA on 3Y1 cells overexpressing c-Src, which results from the depletion of PKC delta. Consistent with the involvement of the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway in the degradation of PKC isoforms, ubiquitinated PKC alpha, delta, and epsilon were detected within 30 min of TPA treatment. Diacylglycerol, the physiological activator of PKC, also stimulated ubiquitination and degradation of PKC, suggesting that ubiquitination is a physiological response to PKC activation. Compounds that inhibit activation of PKC prevented both TPA- and diacylglycerol-induced PKC depletion and ubiquitination. Moreover, a kinase-dead ATP-binding mutant of PKC alpha could not be depleted by TPA treatment. These data are consistent with a suicide model whereby activation of PKC triggers its own degradation via the ubiquitin-proteasome pathway.  相似文献   

High affinity sodium- and potassium-coupled L-glutamate transport into presynaptic nerve terminals and fine glial processes removes the neurotransmitter from the synaptic cleft, thereby terminating glutamergic transmission. This report describes that the purified L-glutamate transporter from pig brain is phosphorylated by protein kinase C, predominantly at serine residues. Upon exposure of C6 cells, a cell line of glial origin, to 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate, about a 2-fold stimulation of L-glutamate transport is observed within 30 min. Concomitantly, the level of phosphorylation increases with similar kinetics. The phorbol ester also stimulates L-glutamate transport in HeLa cells infected with a recombinant vaccinia virus expressing T7 RNA polymerase and transfected with pT7-GLT-1. The latter is a recently cloned rat brain glutamate transporter of glial origin. Mutation of serine 113 to asparagine does not affect the levels of expressed transport but abolishes its stimulation by the phorbol ester. To our knowledge, this is the first direct demonstration of the regulation of a neurotransmitter transporter by phosphorylation.  相似文献   

Ligation of the TCR-CD3 complex initiates a cascade of tyrosine phosphorylation that results in T cell activation. Initial activation of tyrosine kinases depends on the phosphorylation of activation motifs on CD3 chains. We previously found that a 90-kDa protein was tyrosine phosphorylated upon TCR cross-linking and the induction of the phosphorylation was dependent on the structure of the CD3 complex. In this study, we further characterized p90 phosphorylation. Phosphorylation of p90 was induced only by stimulation through the TCR-CD3 complex but not by other kinds of stimulation including CD28- or hydrogen peroxide-mediated activation and was dynamically regulated. Phosphorylated p90 was associated with the TCR-CD3 complex upon T cell activation. In a normal T cell population, thymocytes but not splenic T cells induced the tyrosine phosphorylation of p90 upon TCR cross-linking. These results suggest that p90 is a novel phosphoprotein associated with the TCR-CD3 complex and may play a role in TCR signaling during thymocyte differentiation.  相似文献   

Postnatal development and myocardial hypertrophy are associated with alterations in cardiac voltage-gated K+ channels. To investigate mechanisms underlying this K+ channel remodeling, expression of Kv4.2 and Kv1.4 K+ channel alpha-subunits was examined in cultured newborn rat ventricular myocytes by Western blot analysis using polyclonal antibodies against each of the subunits. At day 5 of cell culture, Kv1.4 protein was expressed at higher level than Kv4.2; as the age of culture progressed, Kv1.4 was significantly diminished while Kv4.2 increased with time in culture and became the predominant K+ channel protein. Such K+ channel isoform switch from Kv1.4 to Kv4.2 resembles that of the development in vivo. A 72-h treatment with exogenous triiodothyronine (T3, 0.1 microM) to cultured neonatal myocytes enhanced the expression of Kv4.2 by 73% and decreased the Kv1.4 expression by 22%. The effects of T3 were associated with an increase in the protein-to-DNA ratio indicating myocyte hypertrophy. On the other hand, a 72-h treatment with cardiac non-myocyte cell (NMC)-conditioned growth medium (NCGM) or phenylephrine (20 microM) induced similar cell hypertrophy, but in sharp contrast to T3, both markedly suppressed the Kv4.2 channel protein level. In addition, the trophic and the Kv4.2-downregulating effects of NCGM could be mimicked by exogenous endothelin-1 (0.1 microM), a paracrine factor secreted from cardiac NMCs. Our observations for the first time suggest that cardiac Kv4.2 and Kv1.4 K+ channel alpha-subunits are differentially regulated by a variety of myocardial hypertrophic factors. That T3 accelerated the developmental K+ channel isoform switch from Kv1.4 to Kv4.2 in vitro indicates the critical importance of thyroid hormone in postnatal K+ channel remodeling. Cardiac NMCs and alpha-adrenoceptor activation may contribute to the reduced outward K+ channel density in hypertrophied cardiomyocytes.  相似文献   

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