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聚乙烯与氯化聚乙烯共混的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
杨金平 《中国塑料》1999,13(5):35-39
分别选择了氯化聚乙烯弹性和高氯化聚乙烯与聚乙烯共混,利用Brabender对共混物的相容性作了分析,对聚乙烯与氯化聚乙烯的共混比与性能的关系进行了探讨,利用红外光谱对氯化聚乙烯的结构进行了分析,得出了氯化聚乙烯弹性体和高氯化了聚乙烯的适宜用量。  相似文献   

制备了一种由氯化聚乙烯(CM)与聚氯乙烯(PVC)共混的弹性体材料,并对其各项性能进行测试表征。考察了不同CM/PVC质量比、硫化剂用量、白炭黑用量对CM/PVC共混弹性体性能的影响。结果表明,体系中CM/PVC质量比为70/30、过氧化二异丙苯(DCP)和三烯丙基异氰脲酸酯(TAIC)用量分别为3份与2份、白炭黑用量为50份时综合性能最好,其中拉伸强度为12.6MPa,断裂伸长率为554%,300%定伸应力为3.7MPa,邵尔A硬度为66,其耐油性能、热空气老化性能、耐臭氧性能良好,且CM/PVC损耗模量随剪切速率增大而增大,随应变的增加而减小,随温度增加而降低。  相似文献   

张恒云 《甘肃化工》2002,16(1):32-34
介绍了氯化聚乙烯的性能,用途,生产方法,以及影响该树脂结构和性能的主要因素。  相似文献   

研究氯化聚乙烯橡胶(CM)/丙烯酸酯橡胶(ACM)并用比、共混温度对CM/ACM共混物相容性的影响。结果表明,CM的门尼粘度对温度变化敏感,ACM不敏感,CM和ACM生胶的门尼粘度差值随着温度的升高而变小;随着共混物中CM用量的增大,CM和ACM玻璃化温度(Tg)的差值(ΔTg)逐渐减小,说明相容性和共混物各组分的用量比有关,在CM/ACM并用比为80/20时ΔTg最小;共混温度对CM和ACM的Tg影响不大,共混物拉伸强度随温度升高而增大。当CM/ACM并用比为50/50时,CM的粘度大,为分散相;ACM的粘度小,为连续相。  相似文献   

叙述了氯化聚乙烯与天然椽胶的共混过程和共混胶的物理机械性能。  相似文献   

采用氯化聚乙烯对聚丙烯进行共混增韧改性后,产品在低温下有较大冲击强度,耐热性、阻燃性及相互间粘接性也获得改善。  相似文献   

蒋焘  杨红 《中国塑料》1995,9(2):32-36
本文对PP/CPE共混合系进行了系统的研究。采用动态粘弹仪等有关设备研究了混体系的形态结构与宏观性能之间的关系,结果表明加入CPE对PP的冲击强度有显著提高,同时还改进了阻燃性,但体系的拉伸强度随CPE的加入而降低,表面硬度,维卡软化点和流动性也有下降。  相似文献   

朱元利 《橡胶工业》1994,41(1):13-14
氯化聚乙烯(CPE)与再生胶共混技术的关键在于共混物配方中硫化促进剂体系和增塑剂体系的调整。以CPE100份,鞋类再生胶200份(或300份)作硫黄,DBF(邻苯二甲酸二丁酯)变量试验,同时兼顾其它助剂配合,确定的共混胶料配方,辅之以一定的生产工艺条件,制成的CPE与再生胶共混物可用于夹布胶管,吸水胶管,特种V带压缩胶,胶鞋,胶板,车窗密封条等多种橡胶产品。  相似文献   

研究了增容剂氯化聚乙烯(CPE)的用量对三元乙丙橡胶/尼龙(EPDM/PA)硫化胶热空气老化前后和用非极性油处理后力学性能及耐磨性能、耐油性能的影响。结果表明,随着CPE用量的增大,EPDM/PA硫化胶热空气老化后拉伸强度和100%定伸应力呈上升趋势,扯断伸长率和永久变形均缓慢下降,邵尔A硬度保持不变。用非极性油处理后EPDM/PA硫化胶的拉伸强度和扯断伸长率随CPE用量的增大呈上升趋势,100%定伸应力基本不变。CPE的加入对硫化胶的拉伸强度、撕裂强度、扯断伸长率等性能有一定的提高,说明EPDM和PA两相的相容性改善,在用量为6份时硫化胶的力学性能较佳。随着CPE用量的增大,DIN磨耗呈下降趋势,耐磨性能提高;质量变化率和体积变化率略有降低,耐油性能有所提高。  相似文献   

TPU与CPE、HPVC共混物的研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
邬素华 《中国塑料》2001,15(5):36-38
以CPE和CPE/HPVC为改性剂,用熔融共混的方式对TPU的共混体系进行了系统的研究。对TPU/CPE和TPU/CPE/HPVC共混体系的力学、耐寒及流变性能进行了测试及分析。实验结果表明:CPE及CPE/HPVC的加入,虽使体系的力学性能有所降低,但能明显改善TPU的加工性能,并且基本保持了TPU优异的耐寒性。  相似文献   

聚氨酯丙烯酸酯/环氧丙烯酸酯分散体系的制备   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
申辉  王久芬 《应用化工》2005,34(1):30-31,35
用水性聚氨酯丙烯酸酯改性环氧丙烯酸酯,制备了聚氨酯丙烯酸酯/环氧丙烯酸酯分散体系。随着分散体中聚氨酯丙烯酸酯浓度的增加,体系稳定性增加,当其浓度达到30%时,可制得稳定的分散体系。这种分散体系可作为一种紫外光固化水性涂料,其涂膜的耐磨性、柔韧性都比环氧丙烯酸酯涂膜增强,而硬度变化不大。  相似文献   

A series of urethane acrylate resins (UARs) having various amounts of hard segment were synthesized from poly(oxypropylene) diols (PPOs) with different molecular weights and characterized. The relationship between the morphologies and mechanical properties of these UAR (UARX‐Y‐Z, in which X means the molecular weight of PPO, Y means the content of hard segment, and Z means the content of comonomer) networks was investigated in detail. It was found that the morphology of the UARX‐Y‐Z network was related to the contents of hard segment and the comonomer (methyl methyacrylate—MMA) as well as the molecular weight of PPOs. The UAR1000‐0‐34 network synthesized from PPO210(Mn = 1000) is a homogeneous system due to the good compatibility between the PPO210 and the MMA segment. TheUAR1000‐0‐60 network exhibits the morphology of partial microphase separation resulting from increasing the length of the MMA segment, so as to decrease the miscibility between the soft and hard segment. For the UAR1000‐30‐34 network having a higher content of the hard segment, the hard segments tend to form domains with the limited short‐range and long‐range order, leading to the formation of the microcrystallites, and therefore it shows higher tensile strength and elastic modulus. For UAR400‐0‐34 network with lower molecular weight PPO204 (Mn=400), a high glass transition temperature and some microcrystallites were observed. Such a network exhibits the best mechanical properties over all UAR networks studied. © 2000 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 77: 1532–1537, 2000  相似文献   

有机硅聚氨酯丙烯酸酯预聚物的合成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史金  孙芳  杜洪光 《粘接》2009,(7):37-41
以异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯(IPDI)、烷羟基硅油(SD9134)和丙烯酸β-羟乙酯(HEA)为原料,合成了一种UV固化有机硅聚氨酯丙烯酸酯预聚物(PSUA)。探讨了原料、催化剂用量、反应温度等因素对反应的影响。确定最佳反应条件为:以烷羟基硅油SD9134和IPDI为主要原料,DBTDL为催化剂,其加入量为0.05%~0.1%,反应前3步在20~40℃下反应,第4步反应温度不超过70℃,并通过IR和GPC表征了PSUA的结构。  相似文献   

在高密度聚乙烯(HDPE)装置上采用於浆法工艺开发生产了氯化聚乙烯用的HDPE粉料树脂QL505P。QL505P的熔体流动速率为0.3~0.6 g/10 min,密度为0.953~0.958 g/cm3,熔流比为7~16,粉料堆密度大于或等于0.36 g/cm3。产品生产过程稳定,可满足用户要求。  相似文献   

In this work, a new method, consists of synthesis of urethane acrylate (UA) followed by in situ polymerization of pyrrole using cerium (IV) as an oxidant and UV‐curing of the composites, for preparing polypyrrole–UA (PPy–UA) composite films was described. It appeared that dielectric constants of the composites increased with increasing the PPy content and decreased with increasing the frequency from 10?2 to 107, indicating an interfacial Maxwell–Wagner contribution to the permittivity. An incorporation of a small amount of PPy (15% Py) to UA matrix increased their dielectric constants more than 4 × 104 (41,259) at 10?2 Hz. So, the incorporation of PPy was very effective for enhancing the dielectric properties of UA matrix. Furthermore, the significant enhancement in dielectric properties (loss tangent and dielectric constant) contributes to the improvement in electromagnetic interference shielding efficiency. Composite films were characterized using Fourier transform infrared attenuated total reflectance (FTIR‐ATR) spectrophotometer and 1H‐NMR. It was seen that PPy is blended with the UA matrix at the molecular level through H‐bonding interactions. A linear relationship was also observed between the characteristic groups' absorbances of PPy (from FTIR‐ATR) and dielectric constant values (from dielectric spectrometer). © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J. Appl. Polym. Sci. 2013  相似文献   

光敏有机硅聚氨酯丙烯酸酯预聚体性能的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
考查了光引发剂、活性单体对光敏有机硅聚氨酯丙烯酸酯预聚体(PSUA)胶膜的耐水性、拉伸强度、伸长率、硬度、柔韧性和热稳定性的影响。结果表明,胶膜具有优良的耐水性,吸水性低于4%。含单官能度单体的PSUA胶膜的接触角大于含多官能度单体的,含有IBOA的体系接触角达103.6°;当选择引发效率高的裂解型光引发剂,用量为0.5%~1%时,胶膜具有较高的接触角。含多官能度单体胶膜的拉伸强度高于含单官能度单体的体系,但伸长率较小。含TMPTA体系的胶膜的硬度最大,为0.575。胶膜具有较好的柔韧性和热稳定性,其柔韧性达到1mm级,在300℃时失重为4.61%。  相似文献   

研究了不同辐照剂量下苯乙烯-丁二烯-苯乙烯嵌段聚合物(SBS)/氯化聚乙烯(CPE)共混物的动态流变性能及力学性能。结果表明:随着辐照剂量的增大,共混物的粘流活化能降低,温度敏感性减弱;共混物拉伸强度和断裂伸长率下降,凝胶含量增加。  相似文献   

Ten different formulations were developed with Ebcryl 264, a urethane acrylate in combination with other monofunctional monomers in the presence of some additives and coadditives. Thin films prepared from these formulations under ultraviolet (UV) radiation were characterized. Natural fibers such as cotton, rayon, and silk were treated with the formulations and cured under UV radiation. Their physical and mechanical properties were studied. It was found that the tensile strength (TS) of cotton, rayon, and silk was significantly increased as a result of this treatment under UV radiation (TScotton = 150%, TSrayon = 30%, and TSsilk = 40%). Elongation of cotton and silk increased to 380 and 50%, respectively. © 1997 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 63: 1703–1711, 1997  相似文献   

采用机械共混法制备了硅橡胶/氯化聚乙烯泡沫合金材料,研究了硅橡胶/氯化聚乙烯共混胶相容性及热处理时间对泡沫合金材料密度、泡孔结构及阻尼性能的影响。结果表明,硅橡胶/氯化聚乙烯共混胶具有较好的相容性;与实心共混胶相比,泡沫合金材料的阻尼性能显著提高,损耗因子从0.43提高到0.68,损耗因子大于0.3的有效阻尼温域从16℃拓宽到45℃,玻璃化转变温度向高温偏移了13℃左右;当受到热处理之后,泡沫合金材料的阻尼性能降低。  相似文献   

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