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Exploring the design space of robots: Children''s perspectives   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Children's perceptions and evaluations of different robot designs are an important unexplored area within robotics research considering that many robots are specifically designed for children. To examine children's feelings and attitudes towards robots, a large sample of children (N = 159) evaluated 40 robot images by completing a questionnaire for each image, which enquired about robot appearance, robot personality dimensions and robot emotions. Results showed that depending on a robot's appearance children clearly distinguished robots in terms of their intentions (i.e. friendly vs. unfriendly), their capability to understand, and their emotional expression. Results of a principal components analysis of the children's ratings of the robots' personality attributes revealed two dimensions labelled ‘Behavioural Intention’ and ‘Emotional Expression’. Robots were classified according to their scores on these two dimensions and a content analysis of their appearance was conducted in an attempt to identify salient features of different robot personalities. Children judged human-like robots as aggressive, but human–machine robots as friendly. Results on children's perceptions of the robots' behavioural intentions provided tentative empirical support for the Uncanny Valley, hypothesized by (Mori, M., 1970), reflecting a situation where robots are very human-like, but still distinguishable from humans, evoking a feeling of discomfort or repulsion. The paper concludes with a discussion of design implications for robots, and the use of robots in educational contexts.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a research direction to study the development of ‘artificial social intelligence’ of autonomous robots which should result in ‘individualized robot societies’. The approach is highly inspired by the ‘social intelligence hypothesis’, derived from the investigation of primate societies, suggesting that primate intelligence originally evolved to solve social problems and was only later extended to problems outside the social domain. We suggest that it might be a general principle in the evolution of intelligence, applicable to both natural and artificial systems. Arguments are presented why the investigation of social intelligence for artifacts is not only an interesting research issue for the study of biological principles, but may be a necessary prerequisite for those scenarios in which autonomous robots are integrated into human societies, interacting and communicating both with humans and with each other. As a starting point to study experimentally the development of robots' ‘social relationships’, the investigation of collection and use of body images by means of imitation is proposed. A specific experimental setup which we use to test the theoretical considerations is described. The paper outlines in what kind of applications and for what kind of robot group structures social intelligence might be advantageous.  相似文献   

Those who study interface design still have not resolved the issue of whether the computer is a passive medium or a communicative participant with which we can hope to ‘engage in conversation’. The authors think that this controversy reflects an inadequate philosophy of interface design, which cannot account for what purpose a medium serves in a human communication. In a short history of humancomputer interface research, we trace the development of this philosophy through three generations of computer interface technology and find that its failure lies in the conceptual limitations of its driving concept of interaction.

Just as the concept of interaction provided the transition from the past (command-line interface) to the present (desktop metaphor interface), perhaps, the concept of engagement can provide the transition from our present understanding of the ‘interactive desktop’ interface to multimedia's ‘contexts of discovery’.

The development of multimedia gives interface designers the ultimate challenge to develop interface technology that will simulate human-to-human communication. Should human communication theory be able to treat the conceptual deficiencies of interface design philosophy? The authors find fundamental challenges here and briefly indicate what Charles S. Peirce's semiotic might offer as an age-old remedy.  相似文献   

The European automotive industry requires frequent interaction and transfer of data between geographically dispersed designers and engineers at all stages of the product introduction process. The RACE CAR project identified and demonstrated Integrated Broadband Communications (IBC)-supported applications to support this process and improve competitiveness. User requirements for workstation-based, multi-media facilities including conferencing were identified. Two experiments were designed to investigate the role of face-to-face video and the means by which participants organise and control their interactions. These are critical issues in the multi-cultural, international environment of the European automotive industry. In the first experiment groups of three users solved a cooperative, screen-based, object manipulation task supported by different levels of communication. ‘Linked computers plus an audio link’ resulted in significantly faster completion times than either ‘audio alone’ or ‘linked computer plus audio and face-to-face video’. ‘Linked computers plus audio’ was also perceived as the most effective communications media. The passage of cursor via verbal agreement was successfully managed. Video was generally considered beneficial for initial introductions, assessing understanding and facilitating a stronger feeling of group identity.

In the second experiment, subjects were grouped under ‘chaired’ or ‘free-for-all’ conditions and linked via (1) audio and linked computers or (2) audio, linked computers and face-to-face video. The task was similar to Experiment 1 and attempts to introduce contention were made through adding hidden, sub-goals. The task took significantly less time to complete in the ‘video chaired’ condition than the ‘non-video chaired’ or ‘video free-for-all’ conditions. This suggests that video has an important role in enabling a chairperson to control the meeting. Contention was not successfully achieved.

The results of the experiments suggest face-to-face video may be useful in chaired meetings and to develop ‘team’ feeling. A free-for-all method of control passing was seen as most appropriate although problems in achieving contention in Experiment 2 meant the impact of disagreement was not fully investigated. The results are discussed in relation to the European automotive industry and areas for further study identified. Relevance to industry

The European automotive industry, which maintains distinct engineering functions in disparate countries, is striving to reduce the length of its design life cycle by improving communications between designers and engineers. The studies described in this paper provide information of use to the developers and procurers of systems intended to support this process. In particular issues relating to the relevance of face-to-face video and use of control mechanisms for co-operative computer-mediated work.  相似文献   


Eye gaze is considered to be a particularly important non-verbal communication cue. Gaze research is also becoming a hot topic in human–robot interaction (HRI). However, research on social eye gaze for HRI focuses mainly on human-like robots. There remains a lack of methods for functional robots, which are constrained in appearance, to show gaze-like behavior. In this work, we investigate how we can implement gaze behavior in functional robots to assist humans in reading their intent. We explore design implications based on LED lights as we consider LEDs to be easily installed in most robots while not introducing features that are too human-like (to prevent users from having high expectations towards the robots). In this paper, we first developed a design interface that allows designers to freely test different parameter settings for an LED-based gaze display for a Roomba robot. We summarized design principles for well simulating LED-based gazes. Our suggested design is further evaluated by a large group of participants with regard to their perception and interpretation of the robot's behaviors. On the basis of the findings, we finally offer a set of design implications that can be beneficial to HRI and HCI researchers.  相似文献   

Unlike other technologies, the telephone is unusual in that it cannot be ‘turned off’. Almost uniquely, its design does not incorporate an off switch, or when it does, it tends to be located in an inaccessible position (such as on the underside of the phone). Rather than arguing that this is a special feature of telephones, this paper argues that this is an example of designers seeing rules as generators of action, rather than resources for action. That is, a rule of phone behaviour is “when a phone rings, answer it”. However, rules do not simply generate action. We can choose when not to follow it. Support for this case has been neglected by designers, forcing individuals to appropriate other technologies to support not answering the phone. These rules of use are implicit in how we conceptualise the use of technology, and in turn, how we perform design. We suggest that designers can be aided by understanding better the nature of rule following, allowing them to design technology that supports ‘deviant’, yet equally valid modes of use.  相似文献   

The new HCI? navigation of information space   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
David Benyon 《Knowledge》2001,14(8):425-430
When we use the term ‘human–computer interaction’ (HCI), the image that is conjured up is of a person sitting at a visual display unit staring in at the world of ‘information’; the person is very much outside the space of information. But when we think of other activities such as going shopping, having a meeting or driving across town, we do not think of the person as outside this space. On the contrary, we see the person as inside a space of activities, surrounded by, and interacting with, assorted artefacts and people. Navigation of Information Space is an alternative conceptualisation of HCI that sees people as existing inside information spaces. Looking at HCI in this way means looking at HCI design as the creation of information spaces. This paper explores these ideas in more detail, arguing that Navigation of Information Space is not just a metaphor for HCI; it is a ‘paradigm shift’. The paper illustrates how Semiotics has informed this conception and discusses why such a paradigm shift is needed.  相似文献   

Science fiction stories seductively portray robots as human. In present reality (early 21st century) robots are machines, even though they can do many things far better than humans (fly, swim, play chess to name a few). Any ethics for or of robots is therefore a seductive mix of fiction and reality. The key issue for rational discourse is to provide a rigorous framework for reasoning about the issues, including identifying flaws in the framework. We find such meta-reasoning in discussion about robot ethics to be ready for improvement.

This paper takes its inspiration from B. Whitby, “Sometimes it’s hard to be a robot: A call for action on the ethics of abusing artificial agents,” Interacting with Computers, this issue, 2008.  相似文献   

Current state-of-the-art security systems incorporate ‘passive’ and/or ‘human’ elements, the effectiveness of which can only be measured by their ability to ‘deter’ intruders. However, rapidly changing economic and cultural conditions have weakened the strengths associated with such systems. In the not too distant future, the need for an ‘active’ security system will become necessary in order to reduce the onslaught of crime.

This paper presents a conceptual basis for the incorporation of artificial intelligence concepts in the design and implementation of ‘active’ security systems. Specifically, the paper discusses issues pertaining to a real-time model for visual perception and tracking of possible intruders.  相似文献   

The following discussion considers computer-aided mechanism design in terms of the practical designer's concern — cost effectiveness. Applied design philosophy is reviewed to examine various types of software, both traditional and innovative. The situation of small/medium companies considering acquisition of such software is primarily addressed. The development of the ‘Subroutine Package’ approach is described and its merits compared to conventional general purpose software packages.

A subroutine package approach to mechanism design, considers a system to be composed of a limited number of constituent elements. Each subroutine in a package models the behaviour of such an element. An example, which has been developed, is the Linkage Analysis Package (LAP), and an example of its use is given. The user writes a simple (Fortran) calling program to input/output data and call the appropriate subroutines. This represents a ‘self-customized’ interface that is inherently highly cost effective. As the design problem changes, the same interface may be used after limited modification and reselection of the necessary subroutines. Thus a flexible, user-friendly and low-cost computer-aided design tool is available to designers, solving all but the most specialized problems.  相似文献   

A survey of socially interactive robots   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
This paper reviews “socially interactive robots”: robots for which social human–robot interaction is important. We begin by discussing the context for socially interactive robots, emphasizing the relationship to other research fields and the different forms of “social robots”. We then present a taxonomy of design methods and system components used to build socially interactive robots. Finally, we describe the impact of these robots on humans and discuss open issues. An expanded version of this paper, which contains a survey and taxonomy of current applications, is available as a technical report [T. Fong, I. Nourbakhsh, K. Dautenhahn, A survey of socially interactive robots: concepts, design and applications, Technical Report No. CMU-RI-TR-02-29, Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University, 2002].  相似文献   

Anthropomorphism and the social robot   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper discusses the issues pertinent to the development of a meaningful social interaction between robots and people through employing degrees of anthropomorphism in a robot’s physical design and behaviour. As robots enter our social space, we will inherently project/impose our interpretation on their actions similar to the techniques we employ in rationalising, for example, a pet’s behaviour. This propensity to anthropomorphise is not seen as a hindrance to social robot development, but rather a useful mechanism that requires judicious examination and employment in social robot research.  相似文献   

The notions of ‘loosely-coupled’ and ‘tightly-coupled’ processes have been used in an intuitive way for many years by system designers. In this paper, we propose a precise characterization. All point-to-point message-communicating processes are loosely-coupled under our characterization. Furthermore, a number of common paradigms of process interactions - e.g. broadcast or accumulating a result - satisfy our characterization of loose-coupling. Restricting our designs to loosely-coupled processes has several advantages, among them a design methodology in which each process implements a progress property and a simple solution to the cache coherence problem.  相似文献   

It's hard to deny that robots will become increasingly capable and that humans will increasingly exploit these capabilities by deploying them in ethically sensitive environments, such as hospitals, where ethically incorrect robot behavior could have dire consequences for humans. How can we ensure that such robots will always behave in an ethically correct manner? How can we know ahead of time, via rationales expressed clearly in natural language, that their behavior will be constrained specifically by the ethical codes selected by human overseers? In general, one approach is to insist that robots only perform actions that can be proved ethically permissible in a human-selected deontic logic--that is, a logic that formalizes an ethical code. Ethicists themselves work by rendering ethical theories and dilemmas in declarative form and reasoning over this information using informal and formal logic. The authors describe a logicist methodology in general terms, free of any commitment to particular systems, and show it solving a challenge regarding robot behavior in an intensive care unit.This article is part of a special issue on Machine Ethics.  相似文献   

Blossoms are polar forms   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Consider the functions H(t):=t2 and h(u,v):=uv. The identity H(t)=h(t,t) shows that h is the restriction of h to the diagonal u=v in the uv-plane. Yet, in many ways, a bilinear function like h is simpler than a homogeneous quadratic function like H. More generally, if F(t) is some n-ic polynomial function, it is often helpful to study the polar form of F, which is the unique symmetric, multiaffine function ƒ(u1,…un) satisfying the identity F(t)=f(t,…,t). The mathematical theory underlying splines is one area where polar forms can be particularly helpful, because two pieces F and G of an n-ic spline meet at a point r with Ck parametric continuity if and only if their polar forms ƒ and g agree on all sequences of n arguments that contain at least n-k copies of r.

The polar approach to the theory of splines emerged in rather different guises in three independent research efforts: Paul de Faget Casteljau called it ‘shapes through poles’; Carl de Boor called it ‘B-splines without divided differences’; and Lyle Ramshaw called it ‘blossoming’. This paper reviews the work of de Casteljau, de Boor, and Ramshaw in an attempt to clarify the basic principles that underly the polar approach. It also proposes a consistent system of nomenclature as a possible standard.  相似文献   

An automated method of testing a 5 mm diameter flextensional ultrasonic motor has been assembled using off-the-shelf components, which derives performance measurements from the transient start up and stopping behaviour of the motor using a non-contact position encoder. The method gives full performance characteristics in less than a second and it is scaleable for use with other sizes and other types of motor. Furthermore, it provides a relatively simple technique for non-contact measurements of position, angle or velocity that can be rapidly cycled as part of a development programme.

The method has shown sufficient sensitivity, using basic components, to measure torque in the range 10–200 μN m and speed in the range from 0 to over 2000 rpm. The torque and speed ranges are only dependant on the sensitivity of encoder instrumentation, inertial load on the motor and data acquisition. This system is believed to be a significant improvement over previously reported work that has detailed friction brake or manual ‘one-off’ systems and the test format has greater applicability for micro-motors that are used for their positioning capabilities.  相似文献   

An ecotone is a zone of vegetation transition between two communities, often resulting from a natural or anthropogenic environmental gradient. In remotely sensed imagery, an ecotone may appear as an edge, a boundary of mixed pixels or a zone of continuous variation, depending on the spatial scale of the vegetation communities and their transition zone in relation to the spatial resolution of the imagery. Often in image classification, an ecotone is either ignored if it falls within a width of one or two pixels, or part of it may be mapped as a separate vegetation community if it covers an area of several pixel widths. A soft classification method, such as probability mapping, is inherently appealing for mapping vegetation transition. Ideally, the probability of membership each pixel has to each vegetation class corresponds with the proportional composition of vegetation classes per pixel. In this paper we investigate the use of class probability mapping to produce a softened classification of an alpine treeline ecotone in Austria using a SPOT 5 HRG image. Here the transition with altitude is from dense subalpine forest to treeless alpine meadow and herbaceous vegetation. The posterior probabilities from a Maximum Likelihood algorithm are shown to reflect the land-cover composition of mixed pixels in the ecotone. The relationships between the posterior probability of class membership for the two end-member classes of ‘scrub and forest’ and ‘non-forest vegetation’ and the percentage ground cover of these vegetation classes (enumerated in 15 quadrats from 1:1500 aerial photographs) were highly significant: r2 = 0.83 and r2 = 0.85 respectively (p < 0.001, n = 15). We identify thresholds (alpha-cuts) in the posterior probabilities of class membership of ‘scrub and forest’ and ‘non-forest vegetation’ to map the alpine treeline ecotone as a transition zone of five intermediate vegetation classes between the end-member communities. In addition, we investigate the representation of the ecotone as a ratio between the posterior probabilities of ‘scrub and forest’ and ‘non-forest vegetation’. This displays the vegetation transition without imposing subjective boundaries, and has greater emphasis on the ecotone transition rather than on the end-member communities. We comment on the fitness for purpose of the different ways investigated for representing the alpine treeline ecotone.  相似文献   

In the practice of concurrent engineering, the factors that are considered early in the product design process include manufacturability, assembly, and cost. A set of issues that are not typically considered revolve around the operational requirements for human workers in the manufacturing system. What tasks will human workers accomplish? How will these tasks be organized and coordinated? What information and resources need to be shared? Will the workers have a coherent set of job responsibilities? How should the manufacturing environment be designed to support effective work practices? How can a manufacturing process be designed that also informs organizational structure and takes into account the quality of working life?

The field of sociotechnical systems theory (STS) focuses on exactly these kinds of issues. Rather than subscribing to the usual view of technological determinism — that a complex human-machine system is designed solely with respect to optimization of technical criteria — the goal of STS is to jointly optimize both human and technological considerations in system design and operation. The spirit of STS has much in common with recent work in cognitive systems engineering that advocates the design of joint cognitive systems in which machines serve as flexible, context-sensitive resources for human problem solving. Furthermore, a focus on design teams necessitates the study of the relationship between group work and technology as studied in the field of computer-supported cooperative work (CSCW). This paper briefly reviews current research in sociotechnical systems theory, computer-supported cooperative work, and cognitive systems engineering and proposes a framework for integrating operational concerns into the concurrent engineering process. Relevance to industry

To be competitive, organizations need to effectively manage human and technological resources. A key issue is the nature of the information and technological infrastructure that both enables and supports ‘best practice’ across the enterprise. This paper describes such an approach in the context of the ‘operational enterprise’ and provides both a philosophical stance as well as specific examples of software support.  相似文献   

Spatially referenced methods of processing raster and vector data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The authors consider a general method of constructing addressing and arithmetic systems for two-dimensional image data using the hierarchy of ‘molecular’ tilings based on an original isohedral ‘atomic’ tiling. (Each molecular title at level k is formed from a constant number of tiles at level k−1; this is termed the ‘aperture’ property of the hierarchy.) In addition they present 11 objective criteria (which are of significance in cartographic image processing), by which these hierarchies and tilings may be described and compared.

Of the 11 topologically distinct types of isohedral tiling, three ([36], [44] and [63]) are composed of regular polygons, and two of these ([36] and[44]) satisfy the condition that all tiles have the same ‘orientation’. In general, although each level in a hierarchy is topologically equivalent, the tiles may differ in shape at different levels and only [63], [44], [4.82] and [4.6.12] are capable of giving rise to hierarchies in which the tiles at all levels are the same shape. The possible apertures of hierarchies obeying this condition are n2 (for any n > 1)in the cases of [63] and [44]; n2 or 2n2 in the case of [4.82]; and n2 or 3n2 in the case of [4.6.12].

In contrast the only tiling exhibiting the uniform ‘adjacency’ criterion is[36]. However, hierarchies based on this atomic tiling generate molecular tiles with different shapes at every level. If these disadvantages are accepted, hierarchies based on first-level molecular tiles referred to as the 4-shape, 4′-shape, 7-shape and 9-shape are generated. Of these the 4-shape and the 9-shape appear to satisfy many of the cartographically desirable properties in addition to having an atomic tiling which exhibits uniform adjacency.

In recent years the generalized balanced ternary addressing system has been developed to exploit the image processing power of the 7-shape. The authors have generalized and extended this system as ‘tesseral addressing and arithmetic’, showing how it can be used to render a 4-shape into a spatially correct linear quadtree.  相似文献   

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