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Copyright protection of digital media has become an important issue in the creation and distribution of digital content. As a solution to this problem, digital watermarking techniques have been developed for embedding specific information identifying the owner in the host data imperceptibly. Most watermarking methods developed to date mainly focused on digital media such as images, video, audio, and text. Relatively few watermarking methods have been presented for 3D graphical models. In this paper we propose a robust 3D graphical model watermarking scheme for triangle meshes. Our approach embeds watermark information by perturbing the distance between the vertices of the model to the center of the model. More importantly, to make our watermarking scheme robust against various forms of attack while preserving the visual quality of the models our approach distributes information corresponds to a bit of the watermark over the entire model, and the strength of the embedded watermark signal is adaptive with respect to the local geometry of the model. We also introduce a weighting scheme in the watermark extraction process that makes watermark detection more robust against attacks. Experiments show that this watermarking scheme is able to withstand common attacks on 3D models such as mesh simplification, addition of noise, model cropping as well as a combination of these attacks.  相似文献   

Automatic facial expression recognition constitutes an active research field due to the latest advances in computing technology that make the user's experience a clear priority. The majority of work conducted in this area involves 2D imagery, despite the problems this presents due to inherent pose and illumination variations. In order to deal with these problems, 3D and 4D (dynamic 3D) recordings are increasingly used in expression analysis research. In this paper we survey the recent advances in 3D and 4D facial expression recognition. We discuss developments in 3D facial data acquisition and tracking, and present currently available 3D/4D face databases suitable for 3D/4D facial expressions analysis as well as the existing facial expression recognition systems that exploit either 3D or 4D data in detail. Finally, challenges that have to be addressed if 3D facial expression recognition systems are to become a part of future applications are extensively discussed.  相似文献   

3D face scans have been widely used for face modeling and analysis. Due to the fact that face scans provide variable point clouds across frames, they may not capture complete facial data or miss point-to-point correspondences across various facial scans, thus causing difficulties to use such data for analysis. This paper presents an efficient approach to representing facial shapes from face scans through the reconstruction of face models based on regional information and a generic model. A new approach for 3D feature detection and a hybrid approach using two vertex mapping algorithms, displacement mapping and point-to-surface mapping, and a regional blending algorithm are proposed to reconstruct the facial surface detail. The resulting models can represent individual facial shapes consistently and adaptively, establishing facial point correspondences across individual models. The accuracy of the generated models is evaluated quantitatively. The applicability of the models is validated through the application of 3D facial expression recognition using the static 3DFE and dynamic 4DFE databases. A comparison with the state of the art has also been reported.  相似文献   

An efficient video retrieval system is essential to search relevant video contents from a large set of video clips, which typically contain several heterogeneous video clips to match with. In this paper, we introduce a content-based video matching system that finds the most relevant video segments from video database for a given query video clip. Finding relevant video clips is not a trivial task, because objects in a video clip can constantly move over time. To perform this task efficiently, we propose a novel video matching called Spatio-Temporal Pyramid Matching (STPM). Considering features of objects in 2D space and time, STPM recursively divides a video clip into a 3D spatio-temporal pyramidal space and compares the features in different resolutions. In order to improve the retrieval performance, we consider both static and dynamic features of objects. We also provide a sufficient condition in which the matching can get the additional benefit from temporal information. The experimental results show that our STPM performs better than the other video matching methods.  相似文献   

Facial expression is central to human experience. Its efficiency and valid measurement are challenges that automated facial image analysis seeks to address. Most publically available databases are limited to 2D static images or video of posed facial behavior. Because posed and un-posed (aka “spontaneous”) facial expressions differ along several dimensions including complexity and timing, well-annotated video of un-posed facial behavior is needed. Moreover, because the face is a three-dimensional deformable object, 2D video may be insufficient, and therefore 3D video archives are required. We present a newly developed 3D video database of spontaneous facial expressions in a diverse group of young adults. Well-validated emotion inductions were used to elicit expressions of emotion and paralinguistic communication. Frame-level ground-truth for facial actions was obtained using the Facial Action Coding System. Facial features were tracked in both 2D and 3D domains. To the best of our knowledge, this new database is the first of its kind for the public. The work promotes the exploration of 3D spatiotemporal features in subtle facial expression, better understanding of the relation between pose and motion dynamics in facial action units, and deeper understanding of naturally occurring facial action.  相似文献   

This study proposes a novel deep learning approach for the fusion of 2D and 3D modalities in in-the-wild facial expression recognition (FER). Different from other studies, we exploit the 3D facial information in in-the-wild FER. In particular, in-the-wild 3D FER dataset is not widely available; therefore, 3D facial data are constructed from available 2D datasets thanks to recent advances in 3D face reconstruction. The 3D facial geometry features are then extracted by deep learning technique to exploit the mid-level details, which provides meaningful expression for the recognition. In addition, to demonstrate the potential of 3D data on FER, the 2D projected images of 3D faces are taken as additional input to FER. These features are then jointly fused with 2D features obtained from the original input. The fused features are then classified by support vector machines (SVMs). The results show that the proposed approach achieves state-of-the-art recognition performances on Real-World Affective Faces (RAF) and Static Facial Expressions in the Wild (SFEW 2.0), and AffectNet dataset. This approach is also applied to a 3D FER dataset, i.e. BU-3DFE, to compare the effectiveness of reconstructed and available 3D face data for FER. This is the first time such a deep learning combination of 3D and 2D facial modalities is presented in the context of in-the-wild FER.  相似文献   

The 3D Morphable Model (3DMM) and the Structure from Motion (SfM) methods are widely used for 3D facial reconstruction from 2D single-view or multiple-view images. However, model-based methods suffer from disadvantages such as high computational costs and vulnerability to local minima and head pose variations. The SfM-based methods require multiple facial images in various poses. To overcome these disadvantages, we propose a single-view-based 3D facial reconstruction method that is person-specific and robust to pose variations. Our proposed method combines the simplified 3DMM and the SfM methods. First, 2D initial frontal Facial Feature Points (FFPs) are estimated from a preliminary 3D facial image that is reconstructed by the simplified 3DMM. Second, a bilateral symmetric facial image and its corresponding FFPs are obtained from the original side-view image and corresponding FFPs by using the mirroring technique. Finally, a more accurate the 3D facial shape is reconstructed by the SfM using the frontal, original, and bilateral symmetric FFPs. We evaluated the proposed method using facial images in 35 different poses. The reconstructed facial images and the ground-truth 3D facial shapes obtained from the scanner were compared. The proposed method proved more robust to pose variations than 3DMM. The average 3D Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) between the reconstructed and ground-truth 3D faces was less than 2.6 mm when 2D FFPs were manually annotated, and less than 3.5 mm when automatically annotated.  相似文献   

In this paper we address the problem of 3D facial expression recognition. We propose a local geometric shape analysis of facial surfaces coupled with machine learning techniques for expression classification. A computation of the length of the geodesic path between corresponding patches, using a Riemannian framework, in a shape space provides a quantitative information about their similarities. These measures are then used as inputs to several classification methods. The experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. Using multiboosting and support vector machines (SVM) classifiers, we achieved 98.81% and 97.75% recognition average rates, respectively, for recognition of the six prototypical facial expressions on BU-3DFE database. A comparative study using the same experimental setting shows that the suggested approach outperforms previous work.  相似文献   

为了保证存储网格中数据的高可获取性,提出了一种对数据资源进行RS编码和LT编码级联的新方法,使RS码和LT码互相促进,同时实现纠删和纠错,这是单独采用两种编码都无法达到的。仿真结果表明,RS-LT级联编码可提高LT码译码成功概率,能够以较小的系统代价大幅度提高数据的可获取性。  相似文献   

3D facial expression recognition has great potential in human computer interaction and intelligent robot systems. In this paper, we propose a two-step approach which combines both the feature selection and the feature fusion techniques to choose more comprehensive and discriminative features for 3D facial expression recognition. In the feature selection stage, we utilize a novel normalized cut-based filter (NCBF) algorithm to select the high relevant and low redundant geometrically localized features (GLF) and surface curvature features (SCF), respectively. Then in the feature fusion stage, PCA is performed on the selected GLF and SCF in order to avoid the curse-of-dimensionality challenge. Finally, the processed GLF and SCF are fused together to capture the most discriminative information in 3D expressional faces. Experiments are carried out on the BU-3DFE database, and the proposed approach outperforms the conventional methods by providing more competitive results.  相似文献   

Multimedia Tools and Applications - Facial expression is the most common technique is used to convey the expressions of human beings. Due to different ethnicity and age, faces differ from one...  相似文献   

Sun  Zhe  Hu  Zheng-ping  Wang  Meng 《Multimedia Tools and Applications》2018,77(13):16947-16963
Multimedia Tools and Applications - The performance of facial expression recognition (FER) would be degraded due to the influenced factors such as individual differences and limited number of...  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a fully-automatic and real-time approach for person-independent recognition of facial expressions from dynamic sequences of 3D face scans. In the proposed solution, first a set of 3D facial landmarks are automatically detected, then the local characteristics of the face in the neighborhoods of the facial landmarks and their mutual distances are used to model the facial deformation. Training two hidden Markov models for each facial expression to be recognized, and combining them to form a multiclass classifier, an average recognition rate of 79.4 % has been obtained for the 3D dynamic sequences showing the six prototypical facial expressions of the Binghamton University 4D Facial Expression database. Comparisons with competitor approaches on the same database show that our solution is able to obtain effective results with the advantage of being capable to process facial sequences in real-time.  相似文献   

In this paper we propose a method that exploits 3D motion-based features between frames of 3D facial geometry sequences for dynamic facial expression recognition. An expressive sequence is modelled to contain an onset followed by an apex and an offset. Feature selection methods are applied in order to extract features for each of the onset and offset segments of the expression. These features are then used to train GentleBoost classifiers and build a Hidden Markov Model in order to model the full temporal dynamics of the expression. The proposed fully automatic system was employed on the BU-4DFE database for distinguishing between the six universal expressions: Happy, Sad, Angry, Disgust, Surprise and Fear. Comparisons with a similar 2D system based on the motion extracted from facial intensity images was also performed. The attained results suggest that the use of the 3D information does indeed improve the recognition accuracy when compared to the 2D data in a fully automatic manner.  相似文献   

This paper presents an approach to recognize Facial Expressions of different intensities using 3D flow of facial points. 3D flow is the geometrical displacement (in 3D) of a facial point from its position in a neutral face to that in the expressive face. Experiments are performed on 3D face models from the BU-3DFE database. Four different intensities of expressions are used for analyzing the relevance of intensity of the expression for the task of FER. It was observed that high intensity expressions are easier to recognize and there is a need to develop algorithms for recognizing low intensity facial expressions. The proposed features outperform difference of facial distances and 2D optical flow. Performances of two classifiers, SVM and LDA are compared wherein SVM performs better. Feature selection did not prove useful.  相似文献   

Spontaneous facial expression recognition is significantly more challenging than recognizing posed ones. We focus on two issues that are still under-addressed in this area. First, due to the inherent subtlety, the geometric and appearance features of spontaneous expressions tend to overlap with each other, making it hard for classifiers to find effective separation boundaries. Second, the training set usually contains dubious class labels which can hurt the recognition performance if no countermeasure is taken. In this paper, we propose a spontaneous expression recognition method based on robust metric learning with the aim of alleviating these two problems. In particular, to increase the discrimination of different facial expressions, we learn a new metric space in which spatially close data points have a higher probability of being in the same class. In addition, instead of using the noisy labels directly for metric learning, we define sensitivity and specificity to characterize the annotation reliability of each annotator. Then the distance metric and annotators' reliability is jointly estimated by maximizing the likelihood of the observed class labels. With the introduction of latent variables representing the true class labels, the distance metric and annotators' reliability can be iteratively solved under the Expectation Maximization framework. Comparative experiments show that our method achieves better recognition accuracy on spontaneous expression recognition, and the learned metric can be reliably transferred to recognize posed expressions.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a spectral graph wavelet framework for the analysis and design of efficient shape signatures for nonrigid 3D shape retrieval. Although this work focuses primarily on shape retrieval, our approach is, however, fairly general and can be used to address other 3D shape analysis problems. In a bid to capture the global and local geometry of 3D shapes, we propose a multiresolution signature via a cubic spline wavelet generating kernel. The parameters of the proposed signature can be easily determined as a trade-off between effectiveness and compactness. Experimental results on two standard 3D shape benchmarks demonstrate the much better performance of the proposed shape retrieval approach in comparison with three state-of-the-art methods. Additionally, our approach yields a higher retrieval accuracy when used in conjunction with the intrinsic spatial partition matching.  相似文献   

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