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In this paper, a new numerical approximation is discussed for the two-dimensional distributed-order time fractional reaction–diffusion equation. Combining with the idea of weighted and shifted Grünwald difference (WSGD) approximation (Tian et al. in Math Comput 84:1703–1727, 2015; Wang and Vong in J Comput Phys 277:1–15, 2014) in time, we establish orthogonal spline collocation (OSC) method in space. A detailed analysis shows that the proposed scheme is unconditionally stable and convergent with the convergence order \(\mathscr {O}(\tau ^2+\Delta \alpha ^2+h^{r+1})\), where \(\tau , \Delta \alpha , h\) and r are, respectively the time step size, step size in distributed-order variable, space step size, and polynomial degree of space. Interestingly, we prove that the proposed WSGD-OSC scheme converges with the second-order in time, where OSC schemes proposed previously (Fairweather et al. in J Sci Comput 65:1217–1239, 2015; Yang et al. in J Comput Phys 256:824–837, 2014) can at most achieve temporal accuracy of order which depends on the order of fractional derivatives in the equations and is usually less than two. Some numerical results are also given to confirm our theoretical prediction.  相似文献   

In this paper, we study direct discontinuous Galerkin method (Liu and Yan in SIAM J Numer Anal 47(1):475–698, 2009) and its variations (Liu and Yan in Commun Comput Phys 8(3):541–564, 2010; Vidden and Yan in J Comput Math 31(6):638–662, 2013; Yan in J Sci Comput 54(2–3):663–683, 2013) for 2nd order elliptic problems. A priori error estimate under energy norm is established for all four methods. Optimal error estimate under \(L^2\) norm is obtained for DDG method with interface correction (Liu and Yan in Commun Comput Phys 8(3):541–564, 2010) and symmetric DDG method (Vidden and Yan in J Comput Math 31(6):638–662, 2013). A series of numerical examples are carried out to illustrate the accuracy and capability of the schemes. Numerically we obtain optimal \((k+1)\)th order convergence for DDG method with interface correction and symmetric DDG method on nonuniform and unstructured triangular meshes. An interface problem with discontinuous diffusion coefficients is investigated and optimal \((k+1)\)th order accuracy is obtained. Peak solutions with sharp transitions are captured well. Highly oscillatory wave solutions of Helmholz equation are well resolved.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to focus on one of the “building blocks” of additive manufacturing technologies, namely selective laser-processing of particle-functionalized materials. Following a series of work in Zohdi (Int J Numer Methods Eng 53:1511–1532, 2002; Philos Trans R Soc Math Phys Eng Sci 361(1806):1021–1043, 2003; Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng 193(6–8):679–699, 2004; Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng 196:3927–3950, 2007; Int J Numer Methods Eng 76:1250–1279, 2008; Comput Methods Appl Mech Eng 199:79–101, 2010; Arch Comput Methods Eng 1–17. doi: 10.1007/s11831-013-9092-6, 2013; Comput Mech Eng Sci 98(3):261–277, 2014; Comput Mech 54:171–191, 2014; J Manuf Sci Eng ASME doi: 10.1115/1.4029327, 2015; CIRP J Manuf Sci Technol 10:77–83, 2015; Comput Mech 56:613–630, 2015; Introduction to computational micromechanics. Springer, Berlin, 2008; Introduction to the modeling and simulation of particulate flows. SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics), Philadelphia, 2007; Electromagnetic properties of multiphase dielectrics: a primer on modeling, theory and computation. Springer, Berlin, 2012), a laser-penetration model, in conjunction with a Finite Difference Time Domain Method using an immersed microstructure method, is developed. Because optical, thermal and mechanical multifield coupling is present, a recursive, staggered, temporally-adaptive scheme is developed to resolve the internal microstructural fields. The time step adaptation allows the numerical scheme to iteratively resolve the changing physical fields by refining the time-steps during phases of the process when the system is undergoing large changes on a relatively small time-scale and can also enlarge the time-steps when the processes are relatively slow. The spatial discretization grids are uniform and dense enough to capture fine-scale changes in the fields. The microstructure is embedded into the spatial discretization and the regular grid allows one to generate a matrix-free iterative formulation which is amenable to rapid computation, with minimal memory requirements, making it ideal for laptop computation. Numerical examples are provided to illustrate the modeling and simulation approach, which by design, is straightforward to computationally implement, in order to be easily utilized by researchers in the field. More advanced conduction models, based on thermal-relaxation, which are a key feature of fast-pulsing laser technologies, are also discussed.  相似文献   

We use self-reduction methods to prove strong information lower bounds on two of the most studied functions in the communication complexity literature: Gap Hamming Distance (GHD) and Inner Product (IP). In our first result we affirm the conjecture that the information cost of GHD is linear even under the uniform distribution, which strengthens the Ω(n) bound recently shown by Kerenidis et al. (2012), and answers an open problem from Chakrabarti et al. (2012). In our second result we prove that the information cost of IPn is arbitrarily close to the trivial upper bound n as the permitted error tends to zero, again strengthening the Ω(n) lower bound recently proved by Braverman and Weinstein (Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity (ECCC) 18, 164 2011). Our proofs demonstrate that self-reducibility makes the connection between information complexity and communication complexity lower bounds a two-way connection. Whereas numerous results in the past (Chakrabarti et al. 2001; Bar-Yossef et al. J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 68(4), 702–732 2004; Barak et al. 2010) used information complexity techniques to derive new communication complexity lower bounds, we explore a generic way in which communication complexity lower bounds imply information complexity lower bounds in a black-box manner.  相似文献   

We study connectivity preserving multivalued functions (Kovalevsky in A new concept for digital geometry, shape in picture, 1994) between digital images. This notion generalizes that of continuous multivalued functions (Escribano et al. in Discrete geometry for computer imagery, lecture notes in computer science, 2008; Escribano et al. in J Math Imaging Vis 42:76–91, 2012) studied mostly in the setting of the digital plane \({\mathbb {Z}}^2\). We show that connectivity preserving multivalued functions, like continuous multivalued functions, are appropriate models for digital morphological operations. Connectivity preservation, unlike continuity, is preserved by compositions, and generalizes easily to higher dimensions and arbitrary adjacency relations.  相似文献   

We propose a new computing model called chemical reaction automata (CRAs) as a simplified variant of reaction automata (RAs) studied in recent literature (Okubo in RAIRO Theor Inform Appl 48:23–38 2014; Okubo et al. in Theor Comput Sci 429:247–257 2012a, Theor Comput Sci 454:206–221 2012b). We show that CRAs in maximally parallel manner are computationally equivalent to Turing machines, while the computational power of CRAs in sequential manner coincides with that of the class of Petri nets, which is in marked contrast to the result that RAs (in both maximally parallel and sequential manners) have the computing power of Turing universality (Okubo 2014; Okubo et al. 2012a). Intuitively, CRAs are defined as RAs without inhibitor functioning in each reaction, providing an offline model of computing by chemical reaction networks (CRNs). Thus, the main results in this paper not only strengthen the previous result on Turing computability of RAs but also clarify the computing powers of inhibitors in RA computation.  相似文献   

In this paper we investigate the problem of partitioning an input string T in such a way that compressing individually its parts via a base-compressor C gets a compressed output that is shorter than applying C over the entire T at once. This problem was introduced in Buchsbaum et al. (Proc. of 11th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pp. 175–184, 2000; J. ACM 50(6):825–851, 2003) in the context of table compression, and then further elaborated and extended to strings and trees by Ferragina et al. (J. ACM 52:688–713, 2005; Proc. of 46th IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science, pp. 184–193, 2005) and Mäkinen and Navarro (Proc. of 14th Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval, pp. 229–241, 2007). Unfortunately, the literature offers poor solutions: namely, we know either a cubic-time algorithm for computing the optimal partition based on dynamic programming (Buchsbaum et al. in J. ACM 50(6):825–851, 2003; Giancarlo and Sciortino in Proc. of 14th Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching, pp. 129–143, 2003), or few heuristics that do not guarantee any bounds on the efficacy of their computed partition (Buchsbaum et al. in Proc. of 11th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms, pp. 175–184, 2000; J. ACM 50(6):825–851, 2003), or algorithms that are efficient but work in some specific scenarios (such as the Burrows-Wheeler Transform, see e.g. Ferragina et al. in J. ACM 52:688–713, 2005; Mäkinen and Navarro in Proc. of 14th Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval, pp. 229–241, 2007) and achieve compression performance that might be worse than the optimal-partitioning by a Ω(log?n/log?log?n) factor. Therefore, computing efficiently the optimal solution is still open (Buchsbaum and Giancarlo in Encyclopedia of Algorithms, pp. 939–942, 2008). In this paper we provide the first algorithm which computes in O(nlog?1+ε n) time and O(n) space, a partition of T whose compressed output is guaranteed to be no more than (1+ε)-worse the optimal one, where ε may be any positive constant fixed in advance. This result holds for any base-compressor C whose compression performance can be bounded in terms of the zero-th or the k-th order empirical entropy of the text T. We will also discuss extensions of our results to BWT-based compressors and to the compression booster of Ferragina et al. (J. ACM 52:688–713, 2005).  相似文献   

Some numerical algorithms for elliptic eigenvalue problems are proposed, analyzed, and numerically tested. The methods combine advantages of the two-grid algorithm (Xu and Zhou in Math Comput 70(233):17–25, 2001), the two-space method (Racheva and Andreev in Comput Methods Appl Math 2:171–185, 2002), the shifted inverse power method (Hu and Cheng in Math Comput 80:1287–1301, 2011; Yang and Bi in SIAM J Numer Anal 49:1602–1624, 2011), and the polynomial preserving recovery enhancing technique (Naga et al. in SIAM J Sci Comput 28:1289–1300, 2006). Our new algorithms compare favorably with some existing methods and enjoy superconvergence property.  相似文献   

The latest-generation earth observation instruments on airborne and satellite platforms are currently producing an almost continuous high-dimensional data stream. This exponentially growing data poses a new challenge for real-time image processing and recognition. Making full and effective use of the spectral information and spatial structure information of high-resolution remote sensing image is the key to the processing and recognition of high-resolution remote sensing data. In this paper, the adaptive multipoint moment estimation (AMME) stochastic optimization algorithm is proposed for the first time by using the finite lower-order moments and adding the estimating points. This algorithm not only reduces the probability of local optimum in the learning process, but also improves the convergence rate of the convolutional neural network (Lee Cun et al. in Advances in neural information processing systems, 1990). Second, according to the remote sensing image with characteristics of complex background and small sensitive targets, and by automatic discovery, locating small targets, and giving high weights, we proposed a feature extraction method named weighted pooling to further improve the performance of real-time image recognition. We combine the AMME and weighted pooling with the spatial pyramid representation (Harada et al. in Comput Vis Pattern Recognit 1617–1624, 2011) algorithm to form a new, multiscale, and multilevel real-time image recognition model and name it weighted spatial pyramid networks (WspNet). At the end, we use the MNIST, ImageNet, and natural disasters under remote sensing data sets to test WspNet. Compared with other real-time image recognition models, WspNet achieve a new state of the art in terms of convergence rate and image feature extraction compared with conventional stochastic gradient descent method [like AdaGrad, AdaDelta and Adam (Zeiler in Comput Sci, 2012; Kingma and Ba in Comput Sci, 2014; Duchi et al. in J Mach Learn Res 12(7):2121–2159, 2011] and pooling method [like max-pooling, avg-pooling and stochastic-pooling (Zeiler and Fergus in stochastic-pooling for regularization of deep convolutional neural networks, 2013)].  相似文献   

By multiple realignments of density matrices, we present a new separability criterion for the multipartite quantum state, which includes the computable cross-norm or realignment criterion and the multipartite partial realignment criterion as special cases. An example is used to show that the new criterion can be more efficient than the corresponding multipartite realignment criteria given in Horodecki et al. (Open Syst Inf Dyn 13:103–111, 2006) and Shen et al. (Phys Rev A 92:042332, 2015).  相似文献   

We study the problem of site recurrence of discrete-time nearest-neighbor open quantum random walks (OQWs) on the integer line, proving basic properties and some of its relations with the corresponding problem for unitary (coined) quantum walks (UQWs). For both kinds of walks, our discussion concerns two notions of recurrence, one given by a monitoring procedure (Grünbaum et al. in Commun Math Phys 320:543–569, 2013; Lardizabal and Souza in J Stat Phys 159:772–796, 2015), and we study their similarities and differences. In particular, by considering UQWs and OQWs induced by the same pair of matrices, we discuss the fact that recurrence of these walks is related by an additive interference term in a simple way. Based on a previous result of positive recurrence, we describe an open quantum version of Kac’s lemma for the expected return time to a site.  相似文献   

Tempered fractional diffusion equations (TFDEs) involving tempered fractional derivatives on the whole space were first introduced in Sabzikar et al. (J Comput Phys 293:14–28, 2015), but only the finite-difference approximation to a truncated problem on a finite interval was proposed therein. In this paper, we rigorously show the well-posedness of the models in Sabzikar et al. (2015), and tackle them directly in infinite domains by using generalized Laguerre functions (GLFs) as basis functions. We define a family of GLFs and derive some useful formulas of tempered fractional integrals/derivatives. Moreover, we establish the related GLF-approximation results. In addition, we provide ample numerical evidences to demonstrate the efficiency and “tempered” effect of the underlying solutions of TFDEs.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a secure and efficient transaction protocol that provides the anonymity and can detect the double spending. The proposed payment system is based on the ElGamal encryption scheme, the ElGamal signature scheme and the ElGamal blind signature protocol. We show that our transaction protocol is secure and efficient. We give the definitions of unlinkability and unforgeability of our security model and we prove that the proposed transaction protocol is unforgeable and satisfies the unlinkability property. We show that the proposed system is more efficient, in terms of the computation and communication cost, than the compared payment systems (Eslami et al. in Electron Commer Res Appl 10:59–66, 2011; Chen et al. in Electron Commer Res Appl 10:279–287, 2011; Liu et al. in Proceedings of second European PKI workshop: research and applications. Lecture notes in computer science, vol 3545, pp 206–214, 2005 and Chen et al. in Electron Commer Res Appl 10:673–682, 2011) for a customer who withdraws and spends an e-coin and for the merchant who verifies an electronic coin. Also, the proposed e-cash system is useful for the electronic transactions when the connection between the bank and the merchant is not available during the payment protocol. This means a less bandwidth of the payment protocol and then increases the speed of the electronic transaction.  相似文献   

Very recently, the experimental demonstration of quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) with state-of-the-art atomic quantum memory has been reported (Zhang et al. in Phys Rev Lett 118:220501, 2017). Quantum dialogue (QD) falls under QSDC where the secrete messages are communicated simultaneously between two legitimate parties. The successful experimental demonstration of QSDC opens up the possibilities for practical implementation of QD protocols. Thus, it is necessary to analyze the practical security issues of QD protocols for future implementation. Since the very first proposal for QD by Nguyen (Phys Lett A 328:6–10, 2004), a large number of variants and extensions have been presented till date. However, all of those leak half of the secret bits to the adversary through classical communications of the measurement results. In this direction, motivated by the idea of Lo et al. (Phys Rev Lett 108:130503, 2012), we propose a measurement device-independent quantum dialogue scheme which is resistant to such information leakage as well as side-channel attacks. In the proposed protocol, Alice and Bob, two legitimate parties, are allowed to prepare the states only. The states are measured by an untrusted third party who may himself behave as an adversary. We show that our protocol is secure under this adversarial model. The current protocol does not require any quantum memory, and thus, it is inherently robust against memory attacks. Such robustness might not be guaranteed in the QSDC protocol with quantum memory (Zhang et al. 2017).  相似文献   

The recently proposed (Güney and Hillery in Phys Rev A 90:062121, 2014; Phys Rev A 91:052110, 2015) group theoretical approach to the problem of violating the Bell inequalities is applied to \(S_4\) group. The Bell inequalities based on the choice of three orbits in the representation space corresponding to standard representation of \(S_4\) are derived and their violation is described. The corresponding nonlocal games are analyzed.  相似文献   

Phononic crystals (PnC) with a specifically designed liquid-filled defect have been recently introduced as a novel sensor platform (Lucklum et al. in Sens Actuators B Chem 171–172:271–277, 2012). Sensors based on this principle feature a band gap covering the typical input span of the measurand as well as a narrow transmission peak within the band gap where the frequency of maximum transmission is governed by the measurand. This approach has been applied for determination of volumetric properties of liquids (Lucklum et al. in Sens Actuators B Chem 171–172:271–277, 2012; Oseev et al. in Sens Actuators B Chem 189:208–212, 2013; Lucklum and Li in Meas Sci Technol 20(12):124014, 2009) and has demonstrated attractive sensitivity. One way to improve sensitivity requires higher probing frequencies in the range of 100 MHz and above. In this range surface acoustic wave (SAW) devices are an established basis for sensors. We have performed first tests towards a PnC microsensors (Lucklum et al. in Towards a SAW based phononic crystal sensor platform. In: 2013 Joint European frequency and time forum and international frequency control symposium (EFTF/IFC), pp 69–72, 2013). The respective feature size of the PnC SAW sensor has dimensions in the range of 10 µm and below. Whereas those dimensions are state of the art for common MEMS materials, etching of holes and cavities in piezoelectric materials that have an aspect ratio diameter/depth is still challenging. In this contribution we describe an improved technological process able to realize considerably deep and uniform holes in a SAW substrate.  相似文献   

We present a PDE-based approach for finding optimal paths for the Reeds–Shepp car. In our model we minimize a (data-driven) functional involving both curvature and length penalization, with several generalizations. Our approach encompasses the two- and three-dimensional variants of this model, state-dependent costs, and moreover, the possibility of removing the reverse gear of the vehicle. We prove both global and local controllability results of the models. Via eikonal equations on the manifold \(\mathbb {R}^d \times {\mathbb {S}}^{d-1}\) we compute distance maps w.r.t. highly anisotropic Finsler metrics, which approximate the singular (quasi)-distances underlying the model. This is achieved using a fast-marching (FM) method, building on Mirebeau (Numer Math 126(3):515–557, 2013; SIAM J Numer Anal 52(4):1573–1599, 2014). The FM method is based on specific discretization stencils which are adapted to the preferred directions of the Finsler metric and obey a generalized acuteness property. The shortest paths can be found with a gradient descent method on the distance map, which we formalize in a theorem. We justify the use of our approximating metrics by proving convergence results. Our curve optimization model in \(\mathbb {R}^{d} \times \mathbb {S}^{d-1}\) with data-driven cost allows to extract complex tubular structures from medical images, e.g., crossings, and incomplete data due to occlusions or low contrast. Our work extends the results of Sanguinetti et al. (Progress in Pattern Recognition, Image Analysis, Computer Vision, and Applications LNCS 9423, 2015) on numerical sub-Riemannian eikonal equations and the Reeds–Shepp car to 3D, with comparisons to exact solutions by Duits et al. (J Dyn Control Syst 22(4):771–805, 2016). Numerical experiments show the high potential of our method in two applications: vessel tracking in retinal images for the case \(d=2\) and brain connectivity measures from diffusion-weighted MRI data for the case \(d=3\), extending the work of Bekkers et al. (SIAM J Imaging Sci 8(4):2740–2770, 2015). We demonstrate how the new model without reverse gear better handles bifurcations.  相似文献   

There are two prominent ways of formally modelling human belief. One is in terms of plain beliefs (yes-or-no beliefs, beliefs simpliciter), i.e., sets of propositions. The second one is in terms of degrees of beliefs, which are commonly taken to be representable by subjective probability functions. In relating these two ways of modelling human belief, the most natural idea is a thesis frequently attributed to John Locke: a proposition is or ought to be believed (accepted) just in case its subjective probability exceeds a contextually fixed probability threshold \(t<1\). This idea is known to have two serious drawbacks: first, it denies that beliefs are closed under conjunction, and second, it may easily lead to sets of beliefs that are logically inconsistent. In this paper I present two recent accounts of aligning plain belief with subjective probability: the Stability Theory of Leitgeb (Ann Pure Appl Log 164(12):1338–1389, 2013; Philos Rev 123(2):131–171, 2014; Proc Aristot Soc Suppl Vol 89(1):143–185, 2015a; The stability of belief: an essay on rationality and coherence. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 2015b) and the Probalogical Theory (or Tracking Theory) of Lin and Kelly (Synthese 186(2):531–575, 2012a; J Philos Log 41(6):957–981, 2012b). I argue that Leitgeb’s theory may be too sceptical for the purposes of real life.  相似文献   

Quantum correlations (QCs) in some separable states have been proposed as a key resource for certain quantum communication tasks and quantum computational models without entanglement. In this paper, a family of nine-parameter separable states, obtained from arbitrary mixture of two sets of bi-qubit product pure states, is considered. QCs in these separable states are studied analytically or numerically using four QC quantifiers, i.e., measurement-induced disturbance (Luo in Phys Rev A77:022301, 2008), ameliorated MID (Girolami et al. in J Phys A Math Theor 44:352002, 2011),quantum dissonance (DN) (Modi et al. in Phys Rev Lett 104:080501, 2010), and new quantum dissonance (Rulli in Phys Rev A 84:042109, 2011), respectively. First, an inherent symmetry in the concerned separable states is revealed, that is, any nine-parameter separable states concerned in this paper can be transformed to a three-parameter kernel state via some certain local unitary operation. Then, four different QC expressions are concretely derived with the four QC quantifiers. Furthermore, some comparative studies of the QCs are presented, discussed and analyzed, and some distinct features about them are exposed. We find that, in the framework of all the four QC quantifiers, the more mixed the original two pure product states, the bigger QCs the separable states own. Our results reveal some intrinsic features of QCs in separable systems in quantum information.  相似文献   

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