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A semi-empirical analysis on residual compressive strength (RCS) of carbon/epoxy woven composite laminate was developed which included the damage effects caused by impact and hygrothermal cycling. Impact damage is modelled as a soft inclusion with an exponentially reduced stiffness and the stiffness is further reduced due to hygrothermal cycling. A complex variable method was used to determine the in-plane stress distribution near the impact-induced damage and point stress failure criterion is then used to predict the failure load. Based on the semi-empirical model, the RCS can be related to damage width, damage intensity, undamaged strength and a degradation factor due to hygrothermal cycling. The results from the analysis coincide reasonably well with the experimental data for the plain-woven fabric laminates.  相似文献   

The influence of impact energy and stacking sequence on the damage resistance and Compression After Impact (CAI) strength of Carbon and Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastic (CFRP and GFRP respectively) hybrid laminates is investigated. CAI tests demonstrate that, in comparison to fully CFRP laminates, hybrid laminates show increases in structural efficiency of up to 51% for laminates subject to a 12J impact and 41% for those subject to an 18J impact. Laminates displaying the highest stresses at failure are those that exploit stacking sequences and GFRP content to prevent delaminations from forming close to the outer surface of the laminate during impact. This favourable damage morphology inhibits both sublaminate-buckling-driven delamination propagation and anti-symmetric laminate buckling failures.  相似文献   

Sixteen-ply quasi-isotropic composite laminates of plain and interleaved AS4/3501-6 composite laminates clamped all around were impact tested to assess the improvement in impact resistance of composite laminates that have been interleaved by electrospun Nylon-66 nanofabric. The impact velocity, force, and energy ranged from 2.0 to 4.0 m/s, 900 to 2100 N and 0.46 to 1.80 J, respectively. Based on this preliminary study, results showed that; polymer nanofabric interleaving marginally increased the laminate thickness, by about 2.0%. Polymer nanofabric interleaving increased the threshold impact force by about 60%, reduced the rate of impact damage growth rate to one-half with impact height and reduced impact damage growth rate from 0.115 to 0.105 mm2/N with impact force. The concept has merit for more detailed study for optimizing and for multi-functionalizing fiber reinforced composite laminates.  相似文献   

The insertion of transverse reinforcing threads by stitching is a very promising technique to restrict impact damage growth and to improve post-impact residual strength of laminates. In order to develop general models capable of addressing the issues of impact resistance and damage tolerance of stitched laminates, detailed understanding of the nature and extent of damage, identification of the dominant fracture modes and assessment of the effect of stitches on the damage development are essential. In this study, both instrumented drop-weight tests and compression-after-impact tests were carried out to examine and compare the damage responses of stitched and unstitched graphite/epoxy laminates subjected to low-velocity impact. The progression of damage and its effect on post-impact performance was investigated in detail in two classes of cross ply laminates ([03/903]s and [0/90]3s) by means of an extensive series of damage observations, conducted with various complementary techniques (X-radiography, ultrasonics, optical microscopy, deply). The results of the analyses carried out during the study to characterize the key fracture modes and to clarify their relationship with the structural performance of both stitched and unstitched laminates are reported and discussed in the paper.  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with the study of the damage resistance of laminated composite helicopter blades subjected to impact loading. Dynamic stress intensity factors are determined for composite laminate and separate layers using combined theoretical and experimental approach. The effect of the projectile size on the damage tolerance of composite blade is investigated and tolerable sizes of the defects are estimated.  相似文献   

This paper presents finite element simulations of two standardized and sequential tests performed in polymer–matrix composite laminates reinforced by unidirectional fibers: the drop-weight impact test and the compression after impact test. These tests are performed on laboratory coupons, which are monolithic, flat, rectangular composite plates with conventional stacking sequences. The impact and the compression after impact tests are simulated using constitutive material models formulated in the context of continuum damage mechanics. The material models account for both ply failure mechanisms and delamination. Comparisons with experimental data are performed in order to assess the accuracy of the predictions.  相似文献   

The contrasting characteristics of damage evolution have been examined in a multidirectional carbon/epoxy composite laminate (IM7/8551-7) subjected to both quasi-static and dynamic loading. Our experiments were performed on bend-test bars that were loaded either in ‘supported' four-point bending or under ‘unsupported' conditions with a Hopkinson pressure bar to induce dynamic loading. We found differences in the damage that occurred in specimens loaded by the two techniques, in terms of the number of cracks and the length of the cracks. In the case of quasi-static loading, there were many matrix cracks within individual plies and only a few delamination cracks between plies; the maximum ratio of numbers of matrix to delamination cracks observed was 6:1. Despite their small number, the delamination cracks had a greater total length than the matrix cracks, and specimen failure occurred as a result of delamination crack propagation. During dynamic loading, the ratio between numbers of matrix and delamination cracks was 3:1, and in this case the ratio between the total crack lengths was unity. A quantitative assessment of damage induced during quasi-static bending was made from specimen stiffness results. Using simple beam theory and knowing the location of the damage, we correlated beam stiffness to the materials effective elastic modulus. We found that the composite's effective modulus decreased rapidly with small amounts of initial damage, but that subsequent increases in damage decreased the effective modulus at a much lower rate.  相似文献   

Thin-ply composites are currently receiving specific attention from researchers due to their capabilities to delay matrix cracking. In this paper, the aim is to design a hybrid laminate that contains both thin- and normal plies. The objective is to improve the tolerance of normal plies by adding thin-plies to the composite in different configurations. Two alternatives were designed, tested, and compared to the specimens made of traditional plies. Impact and compression after impact tests were conducted on each configuration at different impact energies. After being impacted, the specimens were c-scanned to define the delamination pattern. Results showed that surrounding each normal ply with two thin-plies improved the delamination threshold by 15% as compared to the specimens made all of normal plies. Under compression, 15% improvements in the compression after impact strength were obtained. By using thin-plies, the size of each individual delamination was reduced, resulting in small threads instead of peanut delaminations.  相似文献   

Carbon fiber (CF) reinforced epoxy (CF/EP) laminates laid up in different ways (cross-ply and quasi-isotropic) with and without various adhesive interlayers (A) were studied under three-point bending using instrumented low-energy impact at single and multiple bounces. Interleaves were a modified EP resin on polyester fabric, a modified EP resin, and a polyethersulphone (PES) film. The impact response depends strongly on whether the CFs are oriented longitudinally (L) or transversely (T) to the hammer edge in the outer bounced ply. The threshold incident energy (E in,th) associated with severe damage to the laminates was much lower with the longitudinal outer ply.The impact fatigue response of the transverse cross-ply (TCP) and quasi-isotropic (TQI) composite beams showed that stiffness degradation starts at a certain a threshold number of impact (NOI) and follows a logarithmic decay as a function of NOI. This is in close analogy to fatigue tests under usual conditions. Deterioration in stiffness can be assigned to the relative change in the secant slope (E max/x max) of the load-displacement (F-x) traces. The related load-time (F-t) traces flatten due to impact fatigue so that their load maximum (F max) shifts toward higher contact time.The efficiency of the interleaving was assessed in both single (atE in,th3 J) and repeated impact (atE in=1 J). The first technique allowed us to differentiate between the various interleaves, whereas the latter contributed to finding the optimum stacking and position of the interleaves.  相似文献   

As carbon fibers are electrical conductors, the measurement of the electrical resistance appears to be a valuable technique for the in situ detection of various types of damage in carbon fiber reinforced polymers (CFRP) laminates. In such cases, carbon fibers are both the reinforcement and the sensor to detect damage in CFRP laminates. The damage-detecting method of CFRP laminates by electrical resistance measurement that are investigated in this study is made possible by attaching electrodes on the surface of the CFRP structures without special manufacturing.

In this paper, we investigate the electrical resistance change as a damage parameter of fatigue damage such as the degradation of residual strength and stiffness. The measured stiffness and electrical resistance change during fatigue tests showed a very similar trend of change. This is because cumulative fatigue damage is represented by the degradation of residual stiffness; these damages also cause change in electrical resistance. Thus, we can use this change in electrical resistance as a damage parameter. We also predict the future damage of composite laminates in fatigue loading from electrical resistance damage model by following a stiffness degradation model. Electrical resistance gradually increased as the stiffness reduced, and showed a very abrupt change when final fatigue failure was imminent. The predicted value showed good agreement with the experimental data except in the final stage, where stiffness and electrical resistance changed abruptly.  相似文献   

This paper presents a model for the numerical simulation of impact damage, permanent indentation and compression after impact (CAI) in CFRP laminates. The same model is used for the formation of damage developing during both low-velocity/low-energy impact tests and CAI tests. The different impact and CAI elementary damage types are taken into account, i.e. matrix cracking, fiber failure and interface delamination. Experimental tests and model results are compared, and this comparison is used to highlight the laminate failure scenario during residual compression tests. Finally, the impact energy effect on the residual strength is evaluated and compared to experimental results.  相似文献   

This paper presents an experimental study of low energy impacts on composite plates covered with a protective layer. In service, composite materials are subjected to low energy impacts. Such impacts can generate damage in the material that results in significant reduction in material strength. In order to reduce the damage severity, one solution is to add a mechanical protection on composite structures. The protection layer is made up of a low density energy absorbent material (hollow spheres) of a certain thickness and a thin layer of composite laminate (Kevlar). Energy absorption ability of these protective layers can be deduced from the load/displacement impact curves. First, two configurations of protection are tested on an aluminium plate in order to identify their performance against impact, then the same are tested on composite plates. Test results from force–displacement curves and C-scan control are compared and discussed and finally a comparison of impact on composite plates with and without protection is made for different configurations.  相似文献   

The compression after impact (CAI) strength of fully orthotropic composite laminates with up to 21 plies is presented, as analysed by an existing strip model. Candidate layups, which can be symmetric, anti-symmetric or non-symmetric, are preselected to exhibit no elastic coupling response, with manufacturing rules applied. These criteria, along with the use of a simple surrogate sublaminate buckling model, were chosen to allow analysis of all feasible laminates in the design space without excessive computation time. Results indicate that although the inclusion of non-symmetric layups in the design space does not give benefits with respect to maximum achievable damage tolerance, these laminates can exhibit damage tolerance close to that of an anti-symmetric design for some ply counts, and better than symmetric solutions in most cases. It is also noted that in some instances increasing the number of plies in a laminate can actually reduce the highest achievable threshold load for damage tolerance, as a result of the large influence Poisson’s ratio has on sublaminate buckling. Average errors in the surrogate model were low in all cases, with maximum non-conservative errors less than 1%. The surrogate buckling model reduced computational time by over 99% when compared to the fully exhaustive search.  相似文献   

The work described herein is part of a larger context in which the effect of damage in sandwich composite structures for marine applications has been investigated. The overall aim of this effort has been twofold: to develop and verify existing damage assessment models to be used to assess the effect of damage on marine sandwich structures, and to develop a damage assessment scheme to be used by shipyards, ship owners and navies.More specifically, this paper presents a sub-set of this overall effort looking at impact and indentation damage and its effect on the load carrying capacity of state-of-the-art carbon composite sandwich panels for marine applications. Damage types are modelled based on physical observations from tests. Testing is then performed on different scales in order to validate the models. The overall aim is to use such models to produce information that can be used for decision-making at two levels. The first is to evaluate the damage tolerance of ship structural components and thus to calculate the size and extent of damage that a component can have without risk of growth or failure at ultimate local or global loads on the entire ship. The second is to have information at hand to decide if, and when, a structural part needs to be repaired if damage has been detected. A scheme developed for this purpose is presented herein. Finally the paper will briefly describe a common framework for damage assessment in composite sandwich structures. Herein, models are used in conjunction with the design specifics and functional requirements to create a scheme for repair decisions.  相似文献   

Thick glass/polyester laminates of four different dimensions subject to low-velocity impact have been investigated using a guided drop-weight test rig with a flat-ended impactor in ascending energy order up to 3100 J. The characteristics of impact response and energy absorption have been determined by impact force and absorbed energy histories, and impact damage incurred was examined by cross-sectioning and ultrasonic C-scanning. Residual compressive strengths were measured, and the damage tolerance of the laminates was assessed by the retaining ability of these strengths. It is found that the salient features in force-time history curves can be related to fracture processes occurring in the laminates, and that the established relationships between impact force and incident kinetic energy (IKE) can be used to identify damage initiation without examining impacted specimens, which is later confirmed by the damage force maps. The constructed damage force and energy maps have shown not only damage initiation in an unstable fashion but also increase of damage size with IKE and force until reaching their load-bearing capabilities. Residual compressive strengths are reduced very rapidly with the increase of impact damage due to extensive delamination.  相似文献   

The goal of the present study was to investigate the influence of multi-wall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) on the impact and after impact behaviour of carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) laminates. About 0.5% per weight MWCNTs were dispersed via a high shear device in the epoxy matrix (Bisphenol A) of carbon reinforced quasi-isotropic laminates. Subsequently, the modified CFRPs were subjected to low-energy impact and directly compared with unmodified laminates. In previous studies, the beneficial effect of the MWCNT inclusion to the fracture properties of CFRPs has been demonstrated. In terms of the CFRP impact performance, enhanced performance for the CNT doped specimens was observed for higher energy levels. However, the after-impact properties and more specifically compression after impact were improved for both the effective compression modulus and the compression strength. In addition, compression–compression fatigue after impact performance of the CNT modified laminates was also improved, by extending the fatigue life.  相似文献   

Impact tests were carried out on five glassceramics tiles. The ballistic resistance was evaluated by the depth of penetration of the projectile into the backing. The fragmentation behaviour of the glassceramics showed that the glassceramics compared with with alumina and displayed some advantages over it.  相似文献   

Impact response of three-dimensional stitched sandwich composite   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper aims at evaluating the damage resistance of sandwich structures composed of stitched foam core and glass facesheets subjected to low-velocity impact. To obtain a suitable baseline comparison, the equivalent set of properties was measured for an equivalent unstitched sandwich.Based on the force and energy histories, parameters have been introduced as following: load at incipient damage, maximum load, penetration depth at maximum load, total energy absorbed during impact and impact damage area. The impact resistance of the sandwich structure is greatly improved by the presence of the stitches. Skin/core delamination is limited and initial energy is used to degrade core’s stitches. Moreover the global behavior under impact is influenced by the stitching geometrical parameters.  相似文献   

Voids in composites have been a perennial problem, since the amount of porosities is deemed to bear a strong relation with the degradation of service performance of laminates. On the other side, the effect of porosity on impact resistance of laminates is often dependant on their distribution in the material, especially with respect to the location and severity of impact damage in it. In this study, the influence of void content percentage on the residual flexural strength of CFRP laminates impacted at very low energy, in the region of 1 J, at different temperatures was investigated. Laminates were fabricated using 16 layers of Cycom 977-2 prepreg material in a [0/90/90/0]2S layup with different void contents in the range from 1 to 7% by varying cure conditions. Low velocity impact tests were conducted on three categories of laminates, defined as high pressure cured, low pressure debulked and low pressure non debulked respectively, each of these at ambient temperature (30 °C) and elevated temperatures of 50, 70 and 90 °C. Post-impact residual flexural strength of the laminates was measured by three-point bending tests followed in real time by acoustic emission (AE) monitoring. From the separation of frequency bands and of their amplitude levels, identification of the different failure modes, such as matrix cracking, delamination and fibre failure, was performed. The results indicated that in the case of very low impact energy high porosity laminates, such as non debulked ones, may possess slightly higher residual flexural strength and an enhanced delamination resistance with respect to debulked ones.  相似文献   

连续玄武岩纤维增强环氧树脂基复合材料抗冲击性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
制备了连续玄武岩纤维增强的环氧树脂基复合材料靶板,并进行了抗冲击性能测试,研究了影响其抗冲击性能的主要因素及抗冲击机理.结果表明,表面处理会使复合材料抗冲击性能下降;而降低织物面密度、提高纤维体积含量可以使复合材料抗冲击性能得到提高.复合材料靶板的主要能量吸收形式为靶板局部变形、分层和纤维拉伸、剪切断裂及纤维拔脱.  相似文献   

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