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Data obtained from real world are imprecise or uncertain due to the accuracy of positioning devices,updating protocols or characteristics of applications.On the other hand,users sometimes prefer to qualitatively express their requests with vague conditions and different parts of search region are in-equally important in some applications.We address the problem of efficiently processing the fuzzy range queries for uncertain moving objects whose whereabouts in time are not known exactly,for which the basic syntax is find objects always/sometimes near to the query issuer with the qualifying guarantees no less than a given threshold during a given temporal interval.We model the location uncertainty of moving objects on the utilization of probability density functions and describe the indeterminate boundary of query range with fuzzy set.We present the qualifying guarantee evaluation of objects,and propose pruning techniques based on the α-cut of fuzzy set to shrink the search space efficiently.We also design rules to reject non-qualifying objects and validate qualifying objects in order to avoid unnecessary costly numeric integrations in the refinement step.An extensive empirical study has been conducted to demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of algorithms under various experimental  相似文献   

针对目标对象与查询发出者皆为不确定移动对象的情况,提出了一种时间区间上的距离范围查询(DRqTI).此类查询搜索出数据集中在给定时间区间内,到查询发出者距离不超过阈值的目标对象,查询结果中包含对象满足查询条件的有效时间段和匹配度.提出了基于轨迹、基于时间区间和基于距离的三种剪枝策略,并给出了精炼和匹配度计算方法,在此基础上设计了查询处理算法.实验分析表明,三种剪枝策略中基于距离的方法性能最佳,提出的算法能有效处理DRqTI问题.  相似文献   

Incremental Processing of Continual Range Queries over Moving Objects   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Efficient processing of continual range queries over moving objects is critically important in providing location-aware services and applications. A set of continual range queries, each defining the geographical region of interest, can be periodically (re)evaluated to locate moving objects that are currently within individual query boundaries. We study a new query indexing method, called CES-based indexing, for incremental processing of continual range queries over moving objects. A set of containment-encoded squares (CES) are predefined, each with a unique ID. CESs are virtual constructs (VC) used to decompose query regions and to store indirectly precomputed search results. Compared with a prior VC-based approach, the number of VCs visited in a search operation is reduced from (4L2-1)/3 to log(L)+1, where L is the maximal side length of a VC. Search time is hence significantly lowered. Moreover, containment encoding among the CESs makes it easy to identify all those VCs that need not be visited during an incremental query (re)evaluation. We study the performance of CES-based indexing and compare it with a prior VC-based approach  相似文献   

指出不确定性和模糊性在时空语义上的区别;提出不确定移动对象的模糊时空范围查询问题,即查询条件中时间、空间范围的外延是模糊的,无清晰的边界,而目标对象的位置不确定;用模糊集表示模糊查询条件,概率密度函数表示移动对象在各自不确定区域内的可能位置分布;给出了不确定对象关于模糊查询条件匹配度的计算方法;设计了基于α截集的无效对象排除和有效对象确认规则及查询算法.算法规则适用于任意概率密度分布.现有的确定或不确定范围查询可以看成是模糊时空范围查询的特例.通过实验验证了算法的效率,在各种参数设置下,约有30%~90%的查询结果可在不计算匹配度的情况下获得.  相似文献   

在众多应用中,由于受到测量仪器精度、更新延迟、网络带宽等限制,不同形式的数据不确定性广泛存在。目前,不确定数据中的信息查询受到数据库研究领域学者的关注,并且为不确定数据寻找高效的分析方法也成为了一个热门课题。本文针对基于曼哈顿距离的不确定移动对象概率Skyline查询问题,提出一个基于曼哈顿距离的概率Skyline模型用于求解不确定移动对象在某时刻是Skyline的概率,并得到一个p-t-Skyline结果集,此集合包含所有在t时刻Skyline概率至少是p的移动对象。在实际应用中,计算大量不确定移动对象的Skyline概率过程繁琐,代价高昂。为提高概率Skyline查询过程的计算效率,本文提出包含“采样-限定-修剪-精炼”4个步骤的解决方案。同时,为进一步减少Skyline运算开销,本文使用一个多维索引结构VCI树以加快数据检索的效率。实验结果表明该解决方案在不同数据规模以及维度的数据集上均具有较高的效率。  相似文献   

NU2RA:一种路网中不确定移动对象范围查询分析方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
目前移动对象的各类查询研究大多假设对象的位置确切可知,但实际上除了更新时刻外,其他时间对象的位置只是一个可能的范围.因而大多数基于确切位置的查询算法并不可行.而现有的涉及不确定性的查询方法大多仅针对自由移动的不确定查询或者不确定目标.针对道路网中查询和目标位置均不确定的情况,提出了一种NU2RA分析方法.根据查询范围对网络进行划分,用分布码表示目标的可能分布,得到不确定目标与不确定查询范围的22类拓扑关系,并且给出了目标在不确定查询范围内的概率计算方法.该方法不依赖于具体的不确定移动对象模型,对不确定历史轨迹和不确定的近期将来运动趋势同样适用.  相似文献   

研究了采用网络距离的道路网上移动对象连续多范围查询处理技术。设计了道路网、移动对象和查询数据在内存中存储的数据模型。基于该数据模型提出了两种道路网上的移动对象连续多范围查询处理算法。其中,增量式范围查询算法(incremental range query algorithm,IRQA)通过使用扩张树和影响列表结构减少查询的重新计算;组范围查询算法(group range query algorithm,GRQA)利用同一路径上多查询的结果具有相关性这一特点减少查询的重新计算。实验结果表明GRQA算法在查询分布比较集中时性能较优,IRQA算法在查询均匀分布时性能较优,此外,两种算法均优于重新计算所有查询结果的原始算法。  相似文献   

近年来,位置服务等领域急需解决的一个难点问题是不确定移动对象连续K近邻查询.基于此情况,文中提出高效的面向不确定移动对象的连续K近邻查询算法.首先提出2种预测移动对象可能区域算法MaxMin与Rate,利用最近一段时间窗口内的位置采样、速度和方向预测移动对象在查询时刻到未来I区间可能的位置区域.同时使用最小距离与最大距离区间描述移动对象到查询对象的距离.然后采用优化的基于模糊可能度判定的排序方法查找查询对象的K近邻.最后在真实和合成的大规模移动对象数据集上验证文中方法的有效性.  相似文献   

不确定移动对象概率Skyline集的查询更新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Skyline查询的研究已从传统的静态Skyline操作延伸到动态的、不确定数据集上的Skyline查询和计算上。研究了移动环境下,查询点位置固定、目标点处于运动状态并且位置不确定情况下的连续概率Skyline计算问题。这个过程中,移动对象与查询对象之间的距离随时间不断变化。移动对象由于其运动状态导致位置无法精确定位,因此移动对象之间的支配关系只能采用概率形式表示,且随时间不断变化。给出了移动对象间的支配概率的定义,以及移动对象Skyline概率的定义,并定义了触发事件来记录对象支配概率发生变化的时刻,实现概率Skyline计算的连续跟踪和动态更新。提出了基于事件触发的连续概率Skyline查询算法(event triggered continuous probabilistic Skyline query for uncertain moving object,U-ECPS),对移动环境下的Skyline集进行连续查询和更新。大量的实验结果验证了U-ECPS算法的有效性。  相似文献   

The significant overhead related to frequent location updates from moving objects often results in poor performance. As most of the location updates do not affect the query results, the network bandwidth and the battery life of moving objects are wasted. Existing solutions propose lazy updates, but such techniques generally avoid only a small fraction of all unnecessary location updates because of their basic approach (e.g., safe regions, time or distance thresholds). Furthermore, most prior work focuses on a simplified scenario where queries are either static or rarely change their positions. In this study, two novel efficient location update strategies are proposed in a trajectory movement model and an arbitrary movement model, respectively. The first strategy for a trajectory movement environment is the Adaptive Safe Region (ASR) technique that retrieves an adjustable safe region which is continuously reconciled with the surrounding dynamic queries. The communication overhead is reduced in a highly dynamic environment where both queries and data objects change their positions frequently. In addition, we design a framework that supports multiple query types (e.g., range and c-kNN queries). In this framework, our query re-evaluation algorithms take advantage of ASRs and issue location probes only to the affected data objects, without flooding the system with many unnecessary location update requests. The second proposed strategy for an arbitrary movement environment is the Partition-based Lazy Update (PLU, for short) algorithm that elevates this idea further by adopting Location Information Tables (LITs) which (a) allow each moving object to estimate possible query movements and issue a location update only when it may affect any query results and (b) enable smart server probing that results in fewer messages. We first define the data structure of an LIT which is essentially packed with a set of surrounding query locations across the terrain and discuss the mobile-side and server-side processes in correspondence to the utilization of LITs. Simulation results confirm that both the ASR and PLU concepts improve scalability and efficiency over existing methods.  相似文献   

The significant overhead related to frequent location updates from moving objects often results in poor performance. As most of the location updates do not affect the query results, the network bandwidth and the battery life of moving objects are wasted. Existing solutions propose lazy updates, but such techniques generally avoid only a small fraction of all unnecessary location updates because of their basic approach (e.g., safe regions, time or distance thresholds). Furthermore, most prior work focuses on...  相似文献   

针对连续多范围查询处理,结合多核多线程技术和大容量内存技术,通过将移动对象和查询放在内存中处理,提出了一种基于多线程的连续多范围查询处理框架.该框架基于多核处理器平台采用多线程技术周期性地处理查询和移动对象的更新,并周期性地计算多范围查询的结果.提出了基于移动对象数据均匀划分的多线程连续多范围查询处理算法,该算法以为查询建立的格网索引为基础.给出了该索引的构建思想和更新算法.考虑到基于内存的算法受Cache访问性能影响,提出了基于空间填充曲线的移动对象存储优化方法.实验证明,基于多核平台的多线程处理能够高效地处理连续多范围查询,同时通过移动对象存储优化能够提高算法运行中Cache访问命中率,进而提高算法性能.  相似文献   

Continuous Skyline Queries for Moving Objects   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The literature on skyline algorithms has so far dealt mainly with queries of static query points over static data sets. With the increasing number of mobile service applications and users, however, the need for continuous skyline query processing has become more pressing. A continuous skyline query involves not only static dimensions, but also the dynamic one. In this paper, we examine the spatiotemporal coherence of the problem and propose a continuous skyline query processing strategy for moving query points. First, we distinguish the data points that are permanently in the skyline and use them to derive a search bound. Second, we investigate the connection between the spatial positions of data points and their dominance relationship, which provides an indication of where to find changes in the skyline and how to maintain the skyline continuously. Based on the analysis, we propose a kinetic-based data structure and an efficient skyline query processing algorithm. We concisely analyze the space and time costs of the proposed method and conduct an extensive experiment to evaluate the method. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first work on continuous skyline query processing  相似文献   

移动对象的连续最近邻查询算法   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
介绍了一种索引结构———TPR树和静态环境中基本的最近邻查询算法,并提出了影响时间这一概念,将其运用到最近邻查询算法中,可以完成移动对象的连续最近邻查询。  相似文献   

随着室内定位技术的广泛应用,室内位置服务快速发展.移动对象索引技术作为支撑位置服务的核心技术,大多数都基于室外环境,难以直接应用于室内空间.现有的室内移动对象索引,仅关注对移动对象历史数据的查询,且支持的查询类型单一.为此,提出MQII(multiple queries indoor index)索引结构,对移动对象历史和当前位置信息进行索引,能够同时支持对象位置查询、轨迹查询以及时空范围查询.索引采用对象链表和桶链表结构,实现从对象和时空范围2个方面对移动对象数据的管理;提出针对该索引结构的有效更新、查询算法;实验结果表明,与现有室内移动对象索引相比,索引不仅能够支持历史查询和当前查询,还能够同时高效支持对象位置查询、轨迹查询和范围查询.该方法可应用于办公楼、医院等多种室内空间.  相似文献   

不确定数据的查询处理是数据库领域近年来的热点研究课题.提出一种不确定数据上的范围受限的最近邻查询.给定不确定数据集D={o1,o2,…,on},范围约束R是一个简单多边形,q为一固定的查询点,范围受限的最近邻查询返回的是在数据集D中,既满足范围约束R,又能成为查询点q的最近邻的对象集合.为处理该查询,提出了范围受限的最近邻核心集的概念和范围受限的最近邻核心集的查找算法.并提出一种计算范围受限的最近邻候选集的优化方法,降低了查询代价.最后通过实验验证了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

面向不确定图的概率可达查询   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
图的可达性查询被广泛应用于生物网络、社会网络、本体网络、RDF数据库和XML数据库等.由于对数据操作时引入的噪声和错误使这些图数据具有不确定性,已经有大量的针对不确定RDF和XML数据库的研究.文中使用可能世界语义模型构建不确定图,基于该模型,研究了概率可达查询(PR).处理PR查询是#P完全问题,对此文中首先给出一个基本随机算法,可快速地估算出可达概率,并且该值有很高的精确度.进一步,文中为随机算法引入条件分布(称为"条件随机算法"),采用图的不相交路径集和割集作为条件概率分布,因此改进的随机算法可准确地并且是在多项式时间内处理查询.最后基于真实不确定图数据的大量实验结果验证了文中的设计.  相似文献   

Main Memory Evaluation of Monitoring Queries Over Moving Objects   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In this paper we evaluate several in-memory algorithms for efficient and scalable processing of continuous range queries over collections of moving objects. Constant updates to the index are avoided by query indexing. No constraints are imposed on the speed or path of moving objects or fraction of objects that move at any moment in time. We present a detailed analysis of a grid approach which shows the best results for both skewed and uniform data. A sorting based optimization is developed for significantly improving the cache hit-rate. Experimental evaluation establishes that indexing queries using the grid index yields orders of magnitude better performance than other index structures such as R*-trees.  相似文献   

We consider the problem of indexing a set of objects moving in d-dimensional spaces along linear trajectories. A simple external-memory indexing scheme is proposed to efficiently answer general range queries. The following are examples of the queries that can be answered by the proposed method: report all moving objects that will (i) pass between two given points within a specified time interval; (ii) become within a given distance from some or all of a given set of other moving objects. Our scheme is based on mapping the objects to a dual space, where queries about moving objects are transformed into polyhedral queries concerning their speeds and initial locations. We then present a simple method for answering such polyhedral queries, based on partitioning the space into disjoint regions and using a B+-tree to index the points in each region. By appropriately selecting the boundaries of each region, we guarantee an average search time that matches a known lower bound for the problem. Specifically, for a fixed d, if the coordinates of a given set of N points are statistically independent, the proposed technique answers polyhedral queries, on the average, in O((N/B)1−1/d⋅(log B N)1/d+K/B) I/O's using O(N/B) space, where B is the block size, and K is the number of reported points. Our approach is novel in that, while it provides a theoretical upper bound on the average query time, it avoids the use of complicated data structures, making it an effective candidate for practical applications. The proposed index is also dynamic in the sense that it allows object insertion and deletion in an amortized update cost of log B(N) I/O's. Experimental results are presented to show the superiority of the proposed index over other methods based on R-trees. recommend Ahmed Elmagarmid  相似文献   

移动对象KNN查询技术是当前数据库领域中的一个研究热点.实际的移动对象的应用多数存在由对象速度变化引起的动态负载问题,而现有KNN查询算法较少考虑该问题.提出了一种基于双层网格索引的移动对象KNN查询算法.算法采用粗细双层网格将不同速度的移动对象分开索引,对于速度快的对象在粗网格中索引,速度慢的在细网格中索引,减少了索引的更新次数,提高了KNN查询的效率.针对真实数据集实验结果表明,基于双层网格索引结构的移动对象KNN查询算法与以往采用单层网格的算法相比,能有效地解决动态负载问题.  相似文献   

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