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Treatment of mouse bone marrow (BM) with rabbit anti-mouse brain serum (RAMBS) plus complement (C') depletes several cell types, including T cells and facilitating cells (FCs), that is, cells that facilitate engraftment of sorted allogeneic stem cells (SCs) in vivo. In the present study, treatment of BM with RAMBS+C' resulted in the depletion of approximately half of the late cobblestone area (CA)-forming stem cells as assayed on irradiated long-term bone marrow culture (LTBMC) stroma. In addition, LTBMC of RAMBS+C'-treated BM produced functionally impaired stroma with reduced ability to support CA formation by nontreated exogenous SCs. This stromal impairment was not due to depletion of TCRalphabeta T cells in the BM, because BM cultures from TCR alpha-chain knockout mice supported normal numbers of exogenous CAs. Because CD8+/TCR- cells are enriched for FCs, we tested the effect of adding these cells back to the treated BM prior to culture. The sorted FCs alone did not produce CAs, but did improve the ability of the impaired stroma to support late CA formation by sorted SCs. These studies provide a new model for dissecting the roles of different cellular components of BM in producing functional stroma that supports CA formation by SCs, and show that the number of CAs formed depends on the "quality" of the stroma as well as the number of SCs seeded. These findings further suggest that CD8+/TCR- BM cells may be important for the establishment of functional stroma.  相似文献   

Stem cell localization, conservation, and differentiation is believed to occur in niches in the marrow stromal microenvironment. Our recent observation that long-term in vitro human hematopoiesis requires a stromal heparan sulfate proteoglycan (HSPG) led us to hypothesize that such HSPG may orchestrate the formation of the stem cell niche. We compared the structure and function of HS from M2-10B4, a hematopoiesis-supportive cell line, with HS from a nonsupportive cell line, FHS-173-We. Long-term culture-initiating cell (LTC-IC) maintenance was enhanced by PG from supportive cells but not by PG from nonsupportive cells (P <.005). The supportive HS were significantly larger and more highly sulfated than the nonsupportive HS. Specifically, supportive HS contained higher 6-O-sulfation on the glucosamine residues. In agreement with these observations, purified 6-O-sulfated heparin and highly 6-O-sulfated bovine kidney HS similarly maintained LTC-IC. In contrast, completely desulfated heparin, N-sulfated heparin, and unmodified heparin did not support LTC-IC maintenance. Moreover, the supportive HS promoted LTC-IC maintenance but not differentiation of CD34(+)/HLA-DR- cells into colony-forming cells (CFCs) and mature blood cells. The supportive HS but not the nonsupportive HS bound both cytokines and matrix components critical for hematopoiesis, including interleukin-3 (IL-3), macrophage inflammatory protein-1 (MIP-1), and thrombospondin (TSP). Significantly more CD34(+) cells adhered directly to immobilized O-sulfated heparin than to N-sulfated or desulfated heparin. Thus, hematopoiesis-supportive stromal HSPG possessing large, highly 6-O-sulfated HS mediate the juxtaposition of hematopoietic progenitors with stromal cells, specific growth-promoting (IL-3) and growth-inhibitory (MIP-1 and platelet factor 4 [PF4]) cytokines, and extracellular matrix (ECM) proteins such as TSP. We conclude that the structural specificity of stromal HSPG that determines the selective colocalization of cytokines and ECM components leads to the formation of discrete niches, thereby orchestrating the controlled growth and differentiation of stem cells. These findings may have important implications for ex vivo expansion of and gene transfer into primitive hematopoietic progenitors.  相似文献   

We have screened the p53 status of 156 human cell lines, including 142 tumor cell lines from 27 different tumor types and 14 cell lines from normal tissues by using functional analysis of separated alleles in yeast. This assay enables us to score wild-type p53 expression on the basis of the ability of expressed p53 to transactivate the reporter gene HIS3 via the p53-responsive GAL1 promotor in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Of 142 tumor cell lines, at least 104 lines (73.2%) were found to express the mutated p53 gene: 94 lines (66.2%) were mutated in both alleles, three lines (2.1%) were heterozygous, and no p53 cDNA was amplified from seven lines (4.9%). Of the 14 cell lines originating from normal tissues, all the transformed or immortalized cell lines expressed mutant p53 only. Yeast cells expressing mutant p53 derived from 94 cell lines were analyzed for temperature-sensitive growth. p53 cDNA from eight cell lines showed p53-dependent temperature-sensitive growth, growing at 30 degrees C but not at 37 degrees C. Four temperature-sensitive p53 mutations were isolated: CAT-->CGT at codon 214 (H214R), TAC-->TGC at codon 234 (Y234C), GTG-->ATG at codon 272 (V272M), and GAG-->AAG (E285K). Functionally wild-type p53 was detected in 38 tumor cell lines (26.8%) and all of the diploid fibroblasts at early and late population doubling levels. These results strongly support the previous findings that p53 inactivation is one of the most frequent genetic events that occurs during carcinogenesis and immortalization.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that primitive human hematopoietic cells detectable as long-term culture-initiating cells (LTC-ICs) and colony-forming cells (CFCs) can be amplified when CD34(+) CD38(-) marrow cells are cultured for 10 days in serum-free medium containing flt3 ligand (FL), Steel factor (SF), interleukin (IL)-3, IL-6, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor. We now show that the generation of these two cell types in such cultures is differentially affected at the single cell level by changes in the concentrations of these cytokines. Thus, maximal expansion of LTC-ICs (60-fold) was obtained in the presence of 30 times more FL, SF, IL-3, IL-6, and granulocyte colony-stimulating factor than could concomitantly stimulate the near-maximal (280-fold) amplification of CFCs. Furthermore, the reduced ability of suboptimal cytokine concentrations to support the production of LTC-ICs could be ascribed to a differential response of the stimulated cells since this was not accompanied by a change in the number of input CD34(+) CD38(-) cells that proliferated. Reduced LTC-IC amplification in the absence of a significant effect on CFC generation also occurred when the concentrations of FL and SF were decreased but the concentration of IL-3 was high (as compared with cultures containing high levels of all three cytokines). To our knowledge, these findings provide the first evidence suggesting that extrinsically acting cytokines can alter the self-renewal behavior of primary human hematopoietic stem cells independent of effects on their viability or proliferation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Recently, micronucleus assay is expected to be one of the radiosensitivity tests. The usefulness of micronucleus assay was compared with MTT assay and clonogenic assay using 5 human derived urological cancer cell lines, NBT-2, T24, PC3, OS-RC-2, and RERF-LC-AI in vitro. The correlation between the results in vitro assay and the radiation effects of nude mouse in vivo was investigated. METHODS: In vitro, the micronucleus frequency of 2 Gy radiation was scored in micronucleus assay. The survival fraction of 2 Gy radiation was obtained in MTT assay and clonogenic assay. The correlation between 3 assays was investigated. In vivo, cancer cells was inoculated to nude mouse and the tumor volume was measured at 3-7 days interval in control group and 10 Gy irradiated group. The tumor volume ratio in irradiated group to control group was calculated as a radiation effect in each cell lines, the correlation between this ratio in vivo and each value of 2 Gy radiation in vitro was studied. RESULTS: The correlation between micronucleus frequency and survival fraction in clonogenic assay was statistically significant (r = 0.941, p = 0.0169). But the correlation of the survival fraction between MTT assay and clonogenic assay is not statistically significant. The correlation between micronucleus frequency and the tumor volume ratio in vivo was statistically significant (r = 0.990, p = 0.0011). The correlation between survival fraction in clonogenic assay and the tumor volume ratio in vivo was also statistically significant (r = 0.914, p = 0.0298). However, the correlation between survival fraction in MTT assay and the tumor volume ratio in vivo was not statistically significant (r = 0.782, p = 0.118). CONCLUSION: In this 5 cell lines, micronucleus assay was most correlated to nude mouse radiation effect. This result suggested the possibility of micronucleus assay to be a better predictive method than clonogenic assay for radiosensitivity test.  相似文献   

The effect of the host system on the pathogenicity, immunogenicity, and antigenicity of infectious bursal disease virus (IBDV) was investigated. One classic (SAL) and one variant strain (IN) of IBDV were passaged separately six times in three host systems, namely BGM-70 continuous cell line, primary chicken embryo fibroblast (CEF) cells, or embryonating chicken eggs (embryos) or one time in the bursa of Fabricius (BF) of specific-pathogen-free (SPF) chickens. Passage in BGM-70 cells or CEF cells resulted in loss of pathogenicity, but viruses passaged in embryos or BF maintained their pathogenicity. For the immunogenicity study, the viruses described above were used to prepare live and inactivated vaccines, containing 10(3) mean embryo infectious doses (EID50s) and 10(5) EID50s respectively. These vaccines induced different levels of protection. It was concluded that the antigen titration methodology employing embryonating chicken eggs was not suitable for titration of viruses propagated in other host systems because of varying degrees of adaptation and/or pathogenicity of the viruses resulting in variability in antigen mass of the tested vaccines. To test this assumption, an antigen-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay was used as a titration system to compare the antigenicity of viruses propagated in BGM-70 cells or BF. Preparations containing similar antigen masses were inactivated then inoculated into two age groups of SPF chickens and antibody titers were monitored. During the experimental period, the geometric mean virus-neutralizing (VN) antibody titers of the vaccinated groups did not differ significantly (P > 0.05).  相似文献   

The aim of this clinical study was to investigate the influence of beclomethasone dipropionate (BDP) inhalation therapy on respiratory bacterial infection in patient with an asthmatic attack. We studied 267 asthmatic attack episodes of 241 patients with/without BDP inhalation therapy. There was no difference between two groups in %peak flow, body temperature, CRP, WBC count, bacterial culture of sputum on admission. BDP inhalation therapy has little influence on respiratory bacterial infection at an asthmatic attack.  相似文献   

A non-radioisotopic method for assessment of human natural killer (NK) cell activity in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) was established by labelling K562 erythroleukemia target cells with a fluorescent dye, rhodamine-123 (Rh-123). The labelling and assay conditions were determined for minimizing spontaneous release (SR). In order to investigate whether NK activity assessed by measuring Rh-123 release agrees with the activity determined by a 51Cr release assay, the NK activity of PBMC was measured simultaneously by both assay methods. Statistical analysis demonstrates that NK activities determined by Rh-123 release correlate well with those measured by 51Cr release. The Rh-123 release assay under the conditions determined was found to be applicable to measurement of the enhanced NK activity resulting from pretreatment of effector leukocytes with interferon-alpha. It is concluded that the Rh-123 release assay with use of K-562 labelled target cells is practical for the assessment of human NK activity in laboratories where use of radioisotopes is not permitted or undesirable.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study is to determine the possibility of measuring the bone mineral density (BMD) around implants by dual energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA). Therefore, the trabecular BMD was measured close to 127-600 microns and at a distance from various uncoated and Ca-P-coated implants inserted into the femoral condyle of goals. The implants were left in situ for 12 weeks. In addition, the bone-implant interface was evaluated histologically. For comparative reasons the BMD of non-implanted lateral and medial femoral condyles was also measured. The reproducibility of the measurements, expressed as a coefficient of variation, was found to be 0.44%. Moreover, the regions closest to the implants exhibited a higher BMD than all other regions, and the regions located in the medial condyle showed a higher BMD than the lateral condylar regions. Although the histological sections of the implants in the medial condyle demonstrated more bone contact with the coated than with the uncoated implants, a higher density was measured around the uncoated implants. The results regarding the non-implanted condyles indicated a higher density in the medial than in the lateral condyle. In view of these results, we conclude that BMD around dental implants depends on the location of the implant and that DEXA appears to be an excellent tool for analysing bone-implant reactions.  相似文献   

Mutations in the acid beta-glucuronidase gene lead to systemic accumulation of undegraded glycosaminoglycans in lysosomes and ultimately to clinical manifestations of mucopolysaccharidosis VII (Sly disease). Gene transfer by retrovirus vectors into murine mucopolysaccharidosis VII hematopoietic stem cells or fibroblasts ameliorates glycosaminoglycan accumulation in some affected tissues. The efficacy of gene therapy for mucopolysaccharidosis VII depends on the levels of beta-glucuronidase secreted by gene-corrected cells; therefore, enrichment of transduced cells expressing high levels of enzyme prior to transplantation is desirable. We describe the development of a fluorescence-activated cell sorter-based assay for the quantitative analysis of beta-glucuronidase activity in viable cells. Murine mucopolysaccharidosis VII cells transduced with a beta-glucuronidase retroviral vector can be isolated by cell sorting on the basis of beta-glucuronidase activity and cultured for further use. In vitro analysis revealed that sorted cells have elevated levels of beta-glucuronidase activity and secrete higher levels of cross-correcting enzyme than the population from which they were sorted. Transduced fibroblasts stably expressing beta-glucuronidase after subcutaneous passage in the mucopolysaccharidosis VII mouse can be isolated by cell sorting and expanded ex vivo. A relatively high percentage of these cells maintain stable expression after secondary transplantation, yielding significantly higher levels of enzymatic activity than that generated in the primary transplant.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Previous studies have suggested a variety of factors that may be associated with the presence of hippocampal formation (HF) atrophy in patients with complex partial seizures (CPS), including a history of complex or prolonged febrile seizures (FS), age at seizure onset, and epilepsy duration. OBJECTIVE: To determine whether epilepsy duration is related to HF atrophy. Methods: We performed MRIs on 35 patients with uncontrolled CPS who had temporal lobe ictal onset on video-EEG. None had evidence for an alien tissue lesion or extra-hippocampal seizure onset. All had a history of secondary generalization. Brain structures were drawn on consecutive images and pixel points summed from successive pictures to calculate volumes. RESULTS: Nine patients with a history of complex or prolonged FS had smaller ipsilateral HF volume and ipsilateral/contralateral ratio than did patients without a history of FS. Epilepsy duration had a significant relation to ipsilateral HF volume and ipsilateral/contralateral ratio. In a multivariate analysis, the effect of duration, but not age at onset or scan, was significant. Patients with a history of FS did not have earlier age at epilepsy onset or longer duration. Conclusions: A history of FS predicted the severity of HF atrophy in our patients. Age at onset or study was not a significant factor. Epilepsy duration, however, did have a significant effect, suggesting that, after an initial insult, progressive HF damage may occur in patients with persistent seizures.  相似文献   

Pluripotent hematopoietic stem cells (PHSC) are rare cells capable of multilineage differentiation, long-term reconstituting activity and extensive self-renewal. Such cells are the logical targets for many forms of corrective gene therapy, but are poor targets for retroviral mediated gene transfer owing to their quiescence, as retroviral transduction requires that the target cells be cycling. To try and surmount this problem we have constructed a retroviral producer line that expresses the membrane-bound form of human stem cell factor (SCF) on its cell surface. These cells are capable, therefore, of delivering a growth signal concomitant with recombinant retroviral vector particles. In this report we describe the use of this cell line to transduce a highly quiescent population of cells isolated from adult human bone marrow using the 5-fluorouracil (FU) resistance technique of Berardi et al. Quiescent cells selected using this technique were transduced by cocultivation with retroviral producers expressing surface bound SCF or with the parent cell line that does not. Following coculture, the cells were plated in long-term bone marrow culture for a further 5 weeks, before plating the nonadherent cells in semisolid media. Colonies forming in the semisolid media over the next 14 days were analyzed by polymerase chain reaction for the presence of the retroviral vector genome. Over six experiments, the transduction frequency of the quiescent 5-FU resistant cells using the SCF-expressing producer line averaged about 20%, whereas those transduced using the parent producer line showed evidence of reduced levels or no transduction.  相似文献   

Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) envelope glycoproteins present at the surface of infected cells are known to mediate fusion with CD4-positive target cells. In this study we have developed a novel Env-expressing cell line for investigating the fusion process in a biologically significant system. Cell surface expression of the HIV-1 env gene, isolated from the highly fusogenic strain SF33, was obtained in the CD4-negative T cell line A2.01. To render the system versatile and efficient, HIV-1 regulatory proteins Tat and Rev were supplied in trans. The presence of Env at the cell surface was shown by cytofluorometry and immunofluorescence and precursor processing of gp160 to gp120/gp41 was demonstrated by Western blot. The fusion capacity of A2.01-Env cells was assessed by coculture with CD4-positive T lymphocytes or the fusion indicator cell line, HeLa-CD4-LTR-beta-Gal. By coincubation with CD4-positive T cells such as SupT1, A2.01-Env cells were observed to mediate rapidly numerous well-defined syncytia in a reproducible fashion. By expressing Tat, they also had the capacity to trans-activate the LTR-linked reporter beta-Gal gene following fusion with HeLa-CD4-LTR-beta-Gal cells. The fusion-inhibiting anti-CD4 monoclonal antibodies Q425 and Q428 were used to block specifically Env-mediated fusion with CD4-positive cells and to demonstrate application of this system to the search for potential fusion-blocking agents. Our system thus offers a biologically significant model for studying fusion events with the advantages of being rapid, reproducible and versatile.  相似文献   

To test whether primitive hematopoietic stem cells (PHSCs) are stimulated by Steel (SI) factor (c-kit ligand) in vivo, donor mice were studied after three or seven daily injections of SI factor. PHSC activity was measured as long-term erythroid and lymphoid competitive repopulating ability. Cells to be tested (usually marrow or spleen cells from treated donors) were mixed with untreated competitor marrow that produces erythrocytes and lymphocytes that are genetically distinguishable from the donors by differences in hemoglobin (Hb) and glucosephosphate isomerase (GPI) markers. These cell mixtures were injected into lethally irradiated hosts, and after 111 to 293 days, functional abilities of donor PHSC populations were assessed and expressed as percentages of donor-type Hb and GPI in the host's circulating erythrocytes and lymphocytes, respectively. A striking increase in splenic PHSC activity occurred after seven daily injections of SI factor, with a much smaller increase after three daily injections. Both three and seven daily injections of SI factor slightly reduced marrow PHSC activity. Rapid cycling greatly increases PHSC vulnerability to 5-fluorouracil (5FU). To test whether SI factor stimulates PHSCs into rapid cycling, donor mice were given a dose of 5FU in addition to SI factor. The increase in splenic PHSCs after 7 days of treatment with SI factor occurred to a similar degree whether donors were or were not treated with 5FU on day 8. However, a dose of 5FU on day 4 of the SI factor treatments almost totally prevented the increase in splenic PHSC activity. Apparently this increased activity requires PHSC cycling throughout the period of SI factor treatment.  相似文献   

Loss of heterozygosity (LOH) is an important event in tumor formation. We have used polymorphic microsatellite repeat markers to identify and characterize LOH in spontaneous mutants of a human cell line, MR12-1, that is heterozygous for the adenine phosphoribosyltransferase gene (APRT+/-) located on chromosome 16q24.3. Initially, clones without extensive LOH (which are likely derived as a consequence of intragenic point mutations) and clones with multilocus LOH (which are likely due to major chromosome alterations) were identified. Clones with major regions of LOH were further characterized by assaying additional informative microsatellite markers. Analysis of 20 spontaneously-arising, independent APRT-/- clones from MR12-1 demonstrated that nine of the mutants retained both copies of APRT and 11 had undergone multilocus genetic alterations. The nature of LOH in four of the latter clones has been examined in detail by karyotype and fluorescence in situ hybridization analysis (Shao et al., 1996). These data demonstrate that LOH of chromosome 16 may be due to mitotic recombination, interstitial or partial deletion, or to more complex mechanisms. LOH in these clones may be a consequence of events similar to those observed in many tumors.  相似文献   

This study investigates the role of high-dose chemotherapy with haematopoietic stem cell rescue as consolidation treatment in high-risk retinoblastoma (extraocular disease at diagnosis or relapse or invasion of cut end of optic nerve). 25 patients received high-dose chemotherapy including carboplatin (250 mg/m2/day from day 1 to day 5 for the 6 first patients and 350 mg/m2/day from day 1 to day 5 for the other patients), etoposide (350 mg/m2/day from day 1 to day 5) and cyclophosphamide (1.6 g/m2/day from day 2 to day 5) (CARBOPEC) followed by autologous haematopoietic stem cell rescue. 19 patients received this drug combination for chemosensitive extraocular relapse. The other 6 patients with histological high-risk factors were given this treatment as consolidation after enucleation and conventional chemotherapy. The three year disease-free survival was 67.1%. In 7 of the 9 relapsing patients, the first site of relapse was the central nervous system. All patients with central nervous system disease died except one. The main toxicity was haematological and digestive (mucositis and diarrhoea). 2 of the 13 evaluable patients had grade III and IV ototoxicity. One patient experienced an acute grade I reversible cardiotoxicity. The CARBOPEC regimen seems to be a promising therapeutic strategy in patients with high-risk retinoblastoma, especially those with bone and/or bone marrow involvement. This treatment did not improve the outcome of patients with central nervous system disease.  相似文献   

A frequency determination of the T cell precursors in murine adult and fetal thymuses as well as in the bone marrow and fetal liver was made. Cells were serially diluted and injected into deoxyguanosine-treated fetal thymus lobes with a microinjector, and the lobes were cultured for 12 to 21 days. The lobes in which T cell development did not occur were discriminated from those in which T cells developed, and the precursor frequency was determined by Poisson probability distribution analysis. The precursor cell frequencies in adult bone marrow cells (2.4 x 10(-5)) and fetal liver cells (1.7 x 10(-4)) were comparable to those determined previously in in vivo intrathymus transfer experiments. The present study further shows that only a small fraction of fetal thymus cells (0.9-5.0 x 10(-2)), CD4-8- adult thymocytes (1.6 x 10(-2)), and Thy-1 low positive adult thymocytes (3.3 x 10-4)) retain the precursor activity.  相似文献   

In this study, we show that direct mutational analysis of genomic DNA can be performed on single somatic cells extracted from a frozen, immunohistochemically stained tissue section using laser-assisted capture microscopy. Eighty-nine single tumor cells were separately dissected from one case of human basal cell cancer (BCC) and p53 mutations were analyzed by direct semi-automated sequencing of PCR fragments. Amplification was obtained for at least one of the two analyzed exons from approximately 50% of the single tumor cells. Identical p53 mutations were found in widely spread areas of the tumor, suggesting a clonal proliferation originating from one cell. Interestingly, comparison between results of immunohistochemistry and genetic analysis of the single cells revealed the same p53 mutations irrespective of the p53 immunoreactivity. We propose that this approach has a great potential to allow investigation of genotypic differences in single cells and more specifically to resolve important and fundamental questions determining cancer heterogeneity.  相似文献   

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