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本文介绍了我国支持可再生能源发电发展的政策体系,重点对可再生能源电价附加征收以及费用分摊制度进行评述,总结了现有费用分摊方式的实施情况、效果并分析了存在的问题。提出采用基金管理方式操作可再生能源发电费用分摊,可以避免现有体系下存在的税收、财务等问题,并提高资金利用效率和工作效率,建议参考国外经验以及考虑我国的实际需求来完善现有的分摊制度。  相似文献   

《中华人民共和国可再生能源法》的实施回顾及展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2006年1月1日国务院颁布实施了《中华人民共和国可再生能源法》,它不仅成为推动我国可再生能源发展的重要法律保障,而且在国际上也产生了积极影响。《可再生能源法》建立了总量目标、强制上网、分类电价、费用分摊和专项资金5项基本法律制度,围绕这5项基本法律制度,形成了支持可再生能源发展,特别是支持可再生能源发电的比较完整的法律和政策体系。同时,重要法律制度和一些规定、规章的实施取得了一定进展,促进了可再生能源的开发利用,对缓解资源瓶颈性约束、应对气候变化做出了巨大贡献。然而《可再生能源法》在实施中也暴露出一些突出问题,如可再生能源开发利用规划同能源规划以及电力、电网规划脱节,可再生能源发电强制上网和全额收购制度难以落实,可再生能源电价附加调配方式不合理等。为此,在法律后评估工作的基础上,全国人大环资委提出了修改《可再生能源法》的相关立法建议,内容包括实行统筹规划,市场配置与政府宏观调控相结合,保证国家扶持资金集中统一使用,形成政府统一调控的可再生能源发展基金。全额保障性收购制度是此次法律修改的最大亮点。2009年12月26日,十一届全国人大常委会第十二次会议表决通过了对修改《中华人民共和国可再生能源法》的决定。  相似文献   

国家发改委、国家电监会发布《关于2006年度可再生能源电价补贴和配额交易方案的通知》(以下简称《通知》,实施可再生能源电价补贴和配额交易方案,标志着我国可再生能源发电费用分摊制度的正式启动。  相似文献   

可再生能源发电分摊制实施近日,发改委、电监会发布了《关于2006年度可再生能源电价补贴和配额交易方案的通知》(简称《通知》),这标志着中国可再生能源发电费用分摊制度正式实施。  相似文献   

近年来,德国大力推进可再生能源发展,在可再生能源快速发展的同时,也引起了电价高企、对电网稳定性和能源安全造成冲击等问题。为抑制电价上涨,系统规划可再生能源发展,使其更加贴近市场,德国对已有法案进行修订,颁布实施了可再生能源法案(2014年版)。该法案提出了控制发展规模、退坡财政支持、引入市场化机制、合理分摊可再生能源附加费等新举措,自2014年8月1日实施以来已初见成效。德国发展可再生能源在立法、系统规划及推进市场化等方面的做法值得我们学习。借鉴德国经验,并结合中国实际,建议从加强相关能源立法、创新商业模式、落实配套条件、加快技术进步等方面,系统推进我国可再生能源的健康可持续发展。同时要做好发展可再生能源与常规化石能源的结合、财政补贴等政策支持与市场化的结合、集中式与分布式的结合、储能与用能需求管理的结合。  相似文献   

正总量目标是《可再生能源法》的核心内容。它是政府采取措施,保证市场在一定时间内形成一定规模的依据,从而为依靠市场机制实现商品化生产打下基础。由于可再生能源存在成本高、风险大等问题,《可再生能源法》制定出"分类电价,费用分摊"的政策。国家征收可再生能源电力附加,用于支付可再生能源发电及相关接网的补贴费用。2006年初,国家发展和改革委员会曾组织  相似文献   

时璟丽 《中国能源》2008,30(1):23-27
本文介绍了在开放的竞争性电力市场环境下,制定和实施特殊的上网电价政策来促进可再生能源发电发展的国际经验,总结归纳了政策制定的基本原则、方法和典型的价格体系,对各类价格政策的实施效果以及对我国的适用性进行了分析。提出在竞争性电力市场环境下,采用特殊的价格政策和机制,可以起到鼓励可再生能源发电市场发展和带动技术进步、产业升级的效果。我国应吸取国外的成功经验,根据我国可再生能源电价政策的实施情况,对政策予以适时调整,完善价格政策体系。  相似文献   

2005年中国能源十大新闻分别是: (1)、2月28日,可再生能源法通过。该法规定,国家设立专项资金,制定可再生能源发电上网电价、费用分摊及税收优惠政策,支持可再生能源发展。  相似文献   

正自2006年《可再生能源法》实施后,我国可再生能源在政策支持下发展迅猛,成为推动能源生产与消费革命的重要力量。但由于可再生能源的电价基本高于传统化石能源,且可再生能源发电具有间歇性和不连续性,在经济上和电力产品的品质上与传统能源相比竞争力较弱,因此可再生能源的发展十分受阻。此时,适当的财政激励政策是推动可再生能源发展的根本保证。  相似文献   

先进国家可再生能源发展补贴政策动向及对我国的启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文总结了具有国际可再生能源发展领先水平的代表性国家的可再生能源补贴政策机制及其最新动向。德国形成了成熟的固定电价降价机制和电价附加征收联动体系;丹麦采取以电力市场交易为基础的固定补贴制度;意大利最新的政策变化是非光伏项目逐渐实施固定电价政策替代配额制;美国沿用联邦税收抵免和可再生能源配额制。基于国际经验,提出对我国目前面临的可再生能源补贴资金不足问题的一些建议。  相似文献   

Amol Phadke   《Energy》2009,34(11):1917-1924
I analyze the determinants of the stated capital cost of IPPs' power projects which significantly influences their price of power. I show that IPPs face a strong incentive to overstate their capital cost and argue that effective competition or regulatory scrutiny will limit the extent of the same. I analyze the stated capital costs of combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) IPP projects in eight developing countries which became operational during 1990–2006 and find that the stated capital cost of projects selected without competitive bidding is 44–56% higher than those selected with competitive bidding, even after controlling for the effect of cost differences among projects. The extent to which the stated capital costs of projects selected without competitive bidding are higher compared those selected with competitive bidding, is a lower bound on the extent to which they are overstated. My results indicate the drawbacks associated with a policy of promoting private sector participation without an adequate focus on improving competition or regulation.  相似文献   

Current UK Government support for nuclear power has in part been informed by cost estimates that suggest that electricity from new nuclear power stations will be competitive with alternative low carbon generation options. The evidence and analysis presented in this paper suggests that the capital cost estimates for nuclear power that are being used to inform these projections rely on costs escalating over the pre-construction and construction phase of the new build programme at a level significantly below those that have been experienced by past US and European programmes. This paper applies observed construction time and cost escalation rates to the published estimates of capital costs for new nuclear plant in the UK and calculates the potential impact on levelised cost per unit of electricity produced. The results suggest that levelised cost may turn out to be significantly higher than expected which in turn has important implications for policy, both in general terms of the potential costs to consumers and more specifically for negotiations around the level of policy support and contractual arrangements offered to individual projects through the proposed contract for difference strike price.  相似文献   

Electric utilities now face the risk that existing assets, costs or contract commitments may be ‘stranded’ by increased competition, leaving shareholders rather than customers to bear the costs. An important policy question is whether shareholders have already been compensated for this risk under traditional cost of service regulatory principles. The economic principles of asymmetric risk imply that even if investors are fully cognizant of the risks of stranded costs, capital market prices fully reflected such risks and regulators always set the allowed rate of return equal to the true cost of capital, it is mathematically impossible for investors to have been previously compensated for these risks.  相似文献   

This paper analyzes the relationship between current renewable energy technology costs and cumulative production, research, development and demonstration expenditures, and other institutional influences. Combining the theoretical framework of ‘learning by doing’ and developments in ‘learning by searching’ with the fields of organizational learning and institutional economics offers a complete methodological framework to examine the underlying capital cost trajectory when developing electricity cost estimates used in energy policy planning models. Sensitivities of the learning rates for global wind and solar photovoltaic technologies to changes in the model parameters are tested. The implications of the results indicate that institutional policy instruments play an important role for these technologies to achieve cost reductions and further market adoption.  相似文献   

The OECD electricity sector has witnessed significant institutional restructuring over the past three decades. As a consequence, many power generation utilities now act as unregulated companies that technically compete to sell power on an open market. This paper analyses the performance in term of cost efficiency for electricity generation in OECD power sector while accounting for the impact of electricity market structures. We employ the short-run cost function in which capital stock is treated as a quasi-fixed factor input. Empirical models are developed for the cost function as a translog form and analysed using panel data of 25 countries during the period 1980 to 2009. We show that it is necessary to model latent country-specific heterogeneity in addition to time-varying inefficiency. The estimated economies of scale are adjusted to take account of the importance of the quasi-fixed capital input in determining cost behaviour, and long run constant returns to scale are verified for the OECD generation sector. The research findings suggest there is a significant impact of electricity market regulatory indicators on cost. In particular, public ownership and vertical integration are found to have significant and sizable increasing impacts on cost, thereby indicating policy lessons on the desirable ways to implement structural electricity generation reforms.  相似文献   

Section 1—Background The conventional energy wisdoms; Alberta, oil and the tarsands—the capital cost crunch; the national energy picture and predictions for future—beginning of the end for conventional policies in [Strategies for Self-Reliance] problems of credibility for the [nuclear solution] cases for conservation and renewable energy as real alternatives to continuing, deepening crisis. Section 2—Specific Issues and Considerations Underlying components of Canadian energy crisis—capital cost pinch; lead time pinch; over-optimistic reserve forecasting; other socio-economic, environmental and political hangups. Examples: Northern energy and Dene threat to development; vast capital costs for tarsand development; environmental and cost checks on rapid, large expansion of hydro potentials; problems for nuclear energy—CANDU and Quebec separatism; overseas sales [sweeteners]. Section 3—The Mounting Crisis Ongoing thrust of energy development versus new problems and policy rationales; particular problems for nuclear power and rapid, large expansion of open-pit coal working; infrastructure and economic-social problems decreasing credibility of nuclear power and expanded coal; lead time and consumer resistance problems for electrification; transport problems for coal; strategic and political problems for nuclear; environment problems for coal; capital cost constraints. Section 4—Conservation and Renewable Energy: the New Solution Preamble to Conservation and the New Renewable Energy Sources. Section 5—Conservation Canada's energy-inefficient society; international economic and social comparisons; potentials for eliminating/reducing demand while raising GNP and showing population growth (both at decreased relative rates); economic development stages and [decoupling] high yielding conservation sectors; quantitative summaries of potentials; policy, social and economic aspects. Section 6—The Renewable Energy Sources Reasons for optimism on renewables; advantages of renewables; solar energy; wind energy; biomass energy; quantitative summaries of potentials; cost and job impacts; conclusions regarding renewable energy sources. Section 7—Programming for Conservation and Renewable Energy Outlines for a structure on which renewables and conservation are developed.  相似文献   

With a focus on the interaction between long-term climate targets and personal transport we review the electrification of light duty vehicles (LDVs) within a model that utilizes a learning-by-researching structure. By modeling the demand of vehicles, the use of fuels and emissions implied, the model solves for the optimum RD&D investments that decrease the cost of hybrid, plug-in hybrid and electric vehicles. A range of technology and climate policy scenarios provide long term projections of vehicle use that highlight the potential synergies between innovation in the transportation sector and the energy sector. We find that even when the capital cost of electric drive vehicles (EDVs) remains higher than that of traditional combustion engine alternatives, EDVs are likely to play a key role in the decarbonisation implied by stringent climate policy. Limited innovation in batteries results in notable increases in policy costs consistent with a two degree climate policy target.  相似文献   

国内利用盈亏平衡原理,建立最小经济储量规模模型应用成熟,而海外油气勘探项目由于财税条款复杂,盈亏平衡法在最小经济储量计算中的应用还是空白。在分析海外项目矿税制、产品分成制合同者收入、投资、税金等特点的基础上,力图建立合同者收入、投资、成本、税金等和储量的数学关系。假定成本回收油全部用来回收成本,较好地处理了产品分成制下合同者的收入问题;引入单位综合税金,解决海外油气项目复杂的税金问题;通过建立最小储量规模和利润油气分成系数之间的迭代计算,较好地处理滑动的分成系数和最小储量规模的关系。在此基础上,依据盈亏平衡、投入产出相等原理,建立海外勘探项目最小经济储量规模盈亏平衡模型,并给出单位综合税金、利润油气分成系数等主要参数的取值原则。利用模型,计算了中国石化某海外天然气勘探项目在不同资金时间价值下的最小油气储量规模,并与现金流法得到的最小储量规模结果进行比较,对盈亏平衡模型进行了讨论。  相似文献   

In this work a feasibility study is carried out in order to investigate whether the installation of solar dish technologies for power generation in Mediterranean regions is economically feasible. The study takes into account the available solar potential for a typical Mediterranean country, such as Cyprus, as well as all available data concerning the current renewable energy sources policy of the island, including the relevant feed-in tariff of 0.26€/kWh. In order to identify the least cost feasible option for the installation of the solar dish plant a parametric cost–benefit analysis is carried out by varying the solar dish plant capacity, the solar dish plant capital investment and the CO2 emissions trading scheme price. The results indicated that the installation of solar dish plants in Mediterranean regions is economically feasible only in some cases, when a feed-in tariff incentive scheme exists, and that the size and the capital cost of the solar dish power plant are critical parameters affecting the economic viability of the technology.  相似文献   

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