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Monirabbasi S Gibson S 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2010,27(11):A84-A96
This paper presents results from an adaptive optics experiment in which an adaptive control loop augments a classical adaptive optics feedback loop. Closed-loop wavefront errors measured by a self-referencing interferometer are fed back to the control loops, which drive a membrane deformable mirror to correct the wavefront. The paper introduces new frequency-weighted deformable mirror modes used as the control channels and new wavefront sensor modes for analyzing the performance of the control loops. The corrected laser beam also is imaged by a diagnostic target camera. The experimental results show reduced closed-loop wavefront errors and correspondingly sharper diagnostic target images produced by the adaptive control loop as compared with the classical AO loop. 相似文献
Real-time modal control implementation for adaptive optics 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
The electronics, computing hardware, and computing used to provide real-time modal control for a laser guide-star adaptive optics system are presented. This approach offers advantages in the control of unobserved modes, the elimination of unwanted modes (e.g., tip and tilt), and automatic handling of the case of low-resolution lens arrays. In our two-step modal implementation, the input vector of gradients is first decomposed into a Zernike polynomial mode by a least-squares estimate. The number of modes is assumed to be less than or equal to the number of actuators. The mode coefficients are then available for collection and analysis or for the application of modal weights. Thus the modal weights may be changed quickly without recalculating the full matrix. The control-loop integrators are at this point in the algorithm. To calculate the deformable-mirror drive signals, the mode coefficients are converted to the zonal signals by a matrix multiply. When the number of gradients measured is less than the number of actuators, the integration in the control loop will be done on the lower-resolution grid to avoid growth of unobserved modes. These low-resolution data will then be effectively interpolated to yield the deformable-mirror drive signals. 相似文献
Correia C Raynaud HF Kulcsár C Conan JM 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2010,27(11):A133-A144
The woofer-tweeter concept in adaptive optics consists in correcting for the turbulent wavefront disturbance with a combination of two deformable mirrors (DMs). The woofer corrects for temporally slow-evolving, spatially low-frequency, large-amplitude disturbances, whereas the tweeter is generally its complement, i.e., corrects for faster higher-order modes with lower amplitude. A special feature is that in general both are able to engender a common correction space. In this contribution a minimum-variance solution for the double stage woofer-tweeter concept in adaptive optics systems is addressed using a linear-quadratic-Gaussian approach. An analytical model is built upon previous developments on a single DM with temporal dynamics that accommodates a double-stage woofer-tweeter DM. Monte Carlo simulations are run for a system featuring an 8×8 actuator DM (considered infinitely fast), mounted on a steering tip/tilt platform (considered slow). Results show that it is essential to take into account temporal dynamics on the estimation step. Besides, unlike the other control strategies considered, the optimal solution is always stable. 相似文献
Looze DP 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2006,23(3):603-612
The adaptive optics minimum variance control problem is formulated as a linear-quadratic-Gaussian optimization. The formulation incorporates the wavefront sensor frame integration in discrete-time models of the deformable mirror and incident wavefront. It shows that, under nearly ideal conditions, the resulting minimum variance controller approaches the integral controller commonly used in adaptive optics systems. The inputs to the controller dynamics are obtained from a reconstructor with the maximum a posteriori structure that uses the estimation error covariance of the wavefront error. The ideal conditions assumed to obtain the integral controller are as follows; isotropic first-order (but nonstationary) temporal atmospheric aberrations, no computational loop delay, and no deformable mirror dynamics. The effects of variations in these conditions are examined. 相似文献
Le Roux B Conan JM Kulcsár C Raynaud HF Mugnier LM Fusco T 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2004,21(7):1261-1276
Classical adaptive optics (AO) is now a widespread technique for high-resolution imaging with astronomical ground-based telescopes. It generally uses simple and efficient control algorithms. Multiconjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) is a more recent and very promising technique that should extend the corrected field of view. This technique has not yet been experimentally validated, but simulations already show its high potential. The importance for MCAO of an optimal reconstruction using turbulence spatial statistics has already been demonstrated through open-loop simulations. We propose an optimal closed-loop control law that accounts for both spatial and temporal statistics. The prior information on the turbulence, as well as on the wave-front sensing noise, is expressed in a state-space model. The optimal phase estimation is then given by a Kalman filter. The equations describing the system are given and the underlying assumptions explained. The control law is then derived. The gain brought by this approach is demonstrated through MCAO numerical simulations representative of astronomical observation on a 8-m-class telescope in the near infrared. We also discuss the application of this control approach to classical AO. Even in classical AO, the technique could be relevant especially for future extreme AO systems. 相似文献
Poyneer L Véran JP 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2008,25(7):1486-1496
We present a modification of the closed-loop state space model for adaptive optics control that allows delays that are a noninteger multiple of the system frame rate. We derive the new forms of the predictive Fourier control Kalman filters for arbitrary delays and show that they are linear combinations of the whole-frame delay terms. This structure of the controller is independent of the delay. System stability margins and residual error variance both transition gracefully between integer-frame delays. 相似文献
We apply robust control techniques to an adaptive optics system including a dynamic model of the deformable mirror. The dynamic model of the mirror is a modification of the usual plate equation. We propose also a state-space approach to model the turbulent phase. A continuous time control of our model is suggested, taking into account the frequential behavior of the turbulent phase. An H(infinity) controller is designed in an infinite-dimensional setting. Because of the multivariable nature of the control problem involved in adaptive optics systems, a significant improvement is obtained with respect to traditional single input-single output methods. 相似文献
Poyneer LA Véran JP 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2010,27(11):A223-A234
In many scenarios, an adaptive optics (AO) control system operates in the presence of temporally non-white noise. We use a Kalman filter with a state space formulation that allows suppression of this colored noise, hence improving residual error over the case where the noise is assumed to be white. We demonstrate the effectiveness of this new filter in the case of the estimated Gemini Planet Imager tip-tilt environment, where there are both common-path and non-common-path vibrations. We discuss how this same framework can also be used to suppress spatial aliasing during predictive wavefront control assuming frozen flow in a low-order AO system without a spatially filtered wavefront sensor, and present experimental measurements from Altair that clearly reveal these aliased components. 相似文献
Johnson LC Gavel DT Wiberg DM 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2011,28(8):1566-1577
We present a wind-predictive controller for astronomical adaptive optics (AO) systems that is able to predict the motion of a single windblown layer in the presence of other, more slowly varying phase aberrations. This controller relies on fast, gradient-based optical flow estimation to identify the velocity of the translating layer and a recursive mean estimator to account for turbulence that varies on a time scale much slower than the operating speed of the AO loop. We derive the Cramer-Rao lower bound for the wind estimation problem and show that the proposed estimator is very close to achieving theoretical minimum-variance performance. We also present simulations using on-sky data that show significant Strehl increases from using this controller in realistic atmospheric conditions. 相似文献
Hou J 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2004,21(2):223-230
Based on the concept of common-path/common-mode adaptive optics, the time-sharing wave-front-sensing adaptive optics system contains only one Hartmann-Shack (H-S) wave-front sensor, which detects two aberrations in the beam path alternately. After data fusion of the two aberrations, the actuator voltage of the deformable mirror (DM) is obtained. How the disturbances of the slope data and the response matrix influence the DM's actuator voltage in the data fusion methods is discussed, and the effective upper limits are given. Feasible data fusion methods are tested, and experiments verify that the performance of the system is good. The time-sharing technique is limited in sampling rate and is suitable only for corrections of slowly changing phases, because the H-S wave-front sensor's sampling frequency must be adequate for the alternate detection of two aberrations. 相似文献
We present an analysis of the geometric optics of spherically curved arrays of reflective surfaces. In particular we consider optical devices in which reflective surfaces are arranged on a spherical interface and every ray reflects once from a reflector. The orientation of the reflective surfaces is not necessarily related in any way to the orientation of the interface. The analysis can be applied to any radiation that may specularly reflect from the reflectors. This may be reflection from stacks of mirrors or diffraction from the atomic planes. The principles are applied to x-ray optical systems such as capillary arrays and curved crystals. The calculations are used to find optimum configurations of reflective arrays for applications such as x-ray condensers and telescopes, to find the tolerances to which reflective arrays must be constructed, and to find the conditions in which primary aberrations are eliminated. 相似文献
Lavigne JF Véran JP 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2008,25(9):2271-2279
Future adaptive optics systems seeking a higher degree of correction may need to split the command between two deformable mirrors (DMs), the woofer and the tweeter. We first present a method to specify the order of correction of the woofer DM for a given tweeter stroke requirement using an analytical and Monte Carlo approach. We then develop a computationally efficient algorithm to split the command between the two DMs in the case where a Fourier reconstructor is used. We find that the computational efficiency can be dramatically improved by splitting the command in Fourier space and by sending to the woofer only the modes it can reproduce accurately. 相似文献
A class of adaptive-optics problems is described in which phase distortions caused by atmospheric turbulence are corrected by adaptive wave-front reconstruction with a deformable mirror, i.e., the control loop that drives the mirror adapts in real time to time-varying atmospheric conditions, as opposed to the linear time-invariant control loops used in conventional adaptive optics. The basic problem is posed as an adaptive disturbance-rejection problem with many channels. The solution given is an adaptive feedforward control loop built around a multichannel adaptive lattice filter. Simulation results are presented for a 1-m telescope with both one-layer and two-layer atmospheric turbulence profiles. These results demonstrate the significant improvement in imaging resolution produced by the adaptive control loop compared with a classical linear time-invariant control loop. 相似文献
Hampton PJ Agathoklis P Conan R Bradley C 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2010,27(11):A145-A156
A novel closed-loop control technique for adaptive optics (AO) systems based on a wavelet-based phase reconstruction technique and a woofer-tweeter controller is presented. The wavelet-based reconstruction technique is based on obtaining a Haar decomposition of the phase screen directly from gradient measurements and has been extended here with the use of a Poisson solver to improve performance. This method is O(N) (i.e., a linear computation cost as number of actuators increases) and is the fastest of the known O(N) reconstruction techniques. The controller configuration is based on the woofer-tweeter controller to control low- and high-spatial-frequency aberrations, respectively. The separation of the woofer and tweeter signals is done using a computationally efficient method that is based on the availability of a low-spatial-resolution reconstruction during the wavelet synthesis process. The performance of the proposed technique is evaluated using a simulated AO system and phase screens generated to reflect atmospheric turbulence with various dynamic characteristics. Results indicate that the combination of the wavelet-based phase reconstruction and woofer-tweeter controller leads to very good results with respect to speed and accuracy. 相似文献
A Lagrange multiplier-based damped least-squares control algorithm for woofer-tweeter (W-T) dual deformable-mirror (DM) adaptive optics (AO) is tested with a breadboard system. We show that the algorithm can complementarily command the two DMs to correct wavefront aberrations within a single optimization process: the woofer DM correcting the high-stroke, low-order aberrations, and the tweeter DM correcting the low-stroke, high-order aberrations. The optimal damping factor for a DM is found to be the median of the eigenvalue spectrum of the influence matrix of that DM. Wavefront control accuracy is maximized with the optimized control parameters. For the breadboard system, the residual wavefront error can be controlled to the precision of 0.03 μm in root mean square. The W-T dual-DM AO has applications in both ophthalmology and astronomy. 相似文献
Durham adaptive optics real-time controller 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The Durham adaptive optics (AO) real-time controller was initially a proof of concept design for a generic AO control system. It has since been developed into a modern and powerful central-processing-unit-based real-time control system, capable of using hardware acceleration (including field programmable gate arrays and graphical processing units), based primarily around commercial off-the-shelf hardware. It is powerful enough to be used as the real-time controller for all currently planned 8 m class telescope AO systems. Here we give details of this controller and the concepts behind it, and report on performance, including latency and jitter, which is less than 10 μs for small AO systems. 相似文献
Laag EA Ammons SM Gavel DT Kupke R 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2008,25(8):2114-2121
We report on the development of wavefront reconstruction and control algorithms for multiconjugate adaptive optics (MCAO) and the results of testing them in the laboratory under conditions that simulate an 8 meter class telescope. The University of California Observatories (UCO) Lick Observatory Laboratory for Adaptive Optics multiconjugate testbed allows us to test wide-field-of-view adaptive optics systems as they might be instantiated in the near future on giant telescopes. In particular, we have been investigating the performance of MCAO using five laser beacons for wavefront sensing and a minimum-variance algorithm for control of two conjugate deformable mirrors. We have demonstrated improved Strehl ratio and enlarged field-of-view performance when compared to conventional AO techniques. We have demonstrated improved MCAO performance with the implementation of a routine that minimizes the generalized isoplanatism when turbulent layers do not correspond to deformable mirror conjugate altitudes. Finally, we have demonstrated suitability of the system for closed loop operation when configured to feed back conditional mean estimates of wavefront residuals rather than the directly measured residuals. This technique has recently been referred to as the "pseudo-open-loop" control law in the literature. 相似文献
Flicker RC Rigaut FJ 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2005,22(3):504-513
A modified method for maximum-likelihood deconvolution of astronomical adaptive optics images is presented. By parametrizing the anisoplanatic character of the point-spread function (PSF), a simultaneous optimization of the spatially variant PSF and the deconvolved image can be performed. In the ideal case of perfect information, it is shown that the algorithm is able to perfectly cancel the adverse effects of anisoplanatism down to the level of numerical precision. Exploring two different modes of deconvolution (using object bases of pixel values or stellar field parameters), we then quantify the performance of the algorithm in the presence of Poissonian noise for crowded and noncrowded stellar fields. 相似文献
Christou JC Roorda A Williams DR 《Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision》2004,21(8):1393-1401
We quantitatively demonstrate the improvement to adaptively corrected retinal images by using deconvolution to remove the residual wave-front aberrations. Qualitatively, deconvolution improves the contrast of the adaptive optics images. In this work we demonstrate that quantitative information is also increased by investigation of the improvement to cone classification due to the reduction in confusion of adjacent cones because of the extended wings of the point-spread function. The results show that the error in classification between the L and M cones is reduced by a factor of 2, thereby reducing the number of images required by a factor of 4. 相似文献
A 32 x 32 microelectricalmechanical systems mirror is controlled in a closed-loop adaptive optics test bed with a spatially filtered wavefront sensor (WFS), Fourier transform wavefront reconstruction, and calibration of references with a high-precision interferometer. When correcting the inherent aberration of the mirror, 0.7 nm rms phase error in the controllable band is achieved. When correcting an etched phase plate with atmospheric statistics, a dark hole 10(3) deeper than the uncontrollable phase is produced in the phase power spectral density. Compensation of the mirror's influence function is done with a Fourier filter, which results in improved loop convergence. Use of the spatial filter is shown to reduce the gain variability of the WFS in a quadcell configuration. 相似文献