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简要介绍液力透平泵的基本原理及用液力透平泵回收NHD脱碳系统富液的能量这一项目的工艺方案、工艺流程和取得的效果,达到了回收余能、降低电耗的目的。  相似文献   

介绍了液力透平的能量配置方式,分析了河南心连心化肥有限公司合成氨变脱系统液力透平能量回收效率低的问题,介绍了优化改造措施:贫液泵降扬程提流量、老式涡轮机更换为透平泵一体化直连新型液力透平,对新型液力透平开停车步骤及注意事项进行了说明。优化改造后,节电效果显著。  相似文献   

液力透平的投用,回收了部分高分油的差压势能,驱动加氢进料泵,从而使得加氢进料泵的电流有近30%的下降,每小时约回收能量450KW,年回收能量3942000KW,达到节能降耗的目的。液力透平在整个运行期间机封主密封冲洗系统循环不畅通等问题的处理办法。  相似文献   

在低温甲醇洗脱硫脱碳工艺中,吸收了H_2S和CO_2的富甲醇液通过减压闪蒸实现脱硫脱碳液的初步净化,在此过程中存在压力能的损失。采用液力透平泵一体化设备回收此部分能量并用于驱动机泵取代H_2S浓缩塔富甲醇液泵,经实际运行,节能效果明显,年可节省电费超过56万元。  相似文献   

结合某终端处理厂改造项目,对甲基二乙醇胺(MDEA)脱碳工艺装置中的核心设备贫液泵选型进行了研究,通过对电机驱动、液力透平加电机驱动方案的技术、经济对比,认为:液力透平泵在满足工况的前提下,在生命周期内具有明显的经济性,节能减排,在以后的脱碳工艺系统中可以推广应用。  相似文献   

谢亚 《贵州化工》2010,35(4):56-58
水力透平是液力能量回收装置,由于原设备在设计上有缺陷,设备故障率较高,能量回收效率较低,通过改进后,提升了设备效率,平衡了脱碳半贫液循环系统的载荷,有效的降低了设备故障率。  相似文献   

郭理东 《小氮肥》2012,(2):24-25
山西兰花科技创业股份有限公司化肥分公司现有2套合成氨装置,气体净化采用NHD脱碳工艺。由于脱碳吸收塔在高压下运行,因而需要用溶液循环泵(贫液泵)将再生后的贫液加压至高压后送入吸收塔,溶液循环泵的扬程较高,电机功率较大。离开吸收塔的富液通常经减压阀降至较低压力后进入再生系统,造成高压富液压力能的浪费。利用系统中稳定的压力采用透平泵能通过液力透平叶轮转换为机械能,再由透平泵主轴将能量传递到电机上,带动溶液循环泵,实现系统余能的回收,可降低系统电耗。  相似文献   

齐鲁石化公司第一化肥厂合成车间的脱碳系统原采用环丁砜乙醇胺脱碳。脱碳液出吸收塔时的压力为1.5MPa,流量为300m3/h,需降压至0.5MPa进再生塔。为回收这部分压差能量,在1988年改用改良苯菲尔脱碳的同时,安装了2台液力透平,通过离合器与贫液...  相似文献   

通过对单级单吸和单级双吸气体净化富液余压能量回收液力透平泵使用状况的比较,进行改造应用,采用离合器与透平机配套使用,从而实现系统余能的回收。  相似文献   

以10万t合成氨变换气碳丙脱碳净化装置为应用对象,设计了新型透平增压式能量回收系统,在国内率先将透平增压泵应用于合成氨脱碳能量回收工艺。与现有余压能量回收装置相比,透平增压泵结构独特,调节工艺简单,可很好地适应流体特性波动,因而系统运行平稳,故障率低,寿命长,综合效益明显。  相似文献   

为了降低能耗,对机力通风冷却塔引入水轮机作动力代替电机。分析水轮机作动力带动冷却塔风机的可行性和水轮机的选择与控制,分析节能效果及尚存在需要注意解决的问题。  相似文献   

热功联产汽轮机拖动锅炉给水泵节能技术改造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵昌富 《化肥设计》2009,47(1):59-60
针对化肥生产装置在集中供热过程中蒸汽梯级利用的问题,介绍了利用发电做功后的蒸汽拖动锅炉给水泵的节能改造技术;结合生产应用实例,总结了电力拖动系统节能技术改造的效果,结果表明:合成氨及其自备电厂生产中将电力拖动改为工业汽轮机拖动的节能技改措施具有明显的环保和节能效益。  相似文献   

For the purpose of constructing a reverse osmosis [RO) sea water desalination plant of 800 m3/day capacity, a series of tests on the following themes have been carried out in the Chigasaki Laboratory:

1. Performance and durability of 8B modules made in Japan

2. Simplification of pretreatment system

3. Establishment of energy recovery system.

Domestic modules showed good and stable performance during long term operation, and water recovery ratio of these modules have been raised to 40%.

In-line coagulation and filtration system has been established for the pretreatment of feed sea water, instead of coagulation, sedimentation and filtration system.

The energy recovery equipment is consisted of a high-pressure pump, a motor and a hydraulic turbine on a common base. Recovered energy from pressurized brine is used for the auxiliary motive power of the high-pressure pump. The experimental data show that about 20% of required power for the pump was recovered.  相似文献   

为解决煤气鼓风机、循环水泵等设计余量大、能耗高的问题,开展了节能研究和改造。将煤气鼓风机液力耦合器调速系统改为高压变频调速系统,将循环水泵改为变流恒压泵,节能量可达30%以上;将循环水冷却塔风机改为水轮机驱动,可实现系统能量的二次利用。一体化节能改造项目实施后,每年可节电3 843.69×104kWh,折12 799.49 t标煤。  相似文献   

The purchased power required for operation of reverse osmosis systems can be greatly reduced or sometimes eliminated by reclaiming waste heat from diesel engines, gas turbines, flare gases, etc. This can be accomplished by using a Biphase turbine to convert low level waste heat to shaft horsepower.The system can be designed to use waste heat from existing installations or to reduce the size of the generating equipment in new supplies.The Biphase conservation turbine is driven by a two phase stream generated by flashing a superheated liquid through a nozzle to the turbine. The turbine can be directly coupled to a pump shaft, to an electrical generator or to a combination of the two. Performance of the turbine is discussed. The waste heat recovery turbine and a hydraulic turbine to recover energy from the high pressure concentrated brine can be combined into one system.This paper describes the design of a seawater reverse osmosis system using waste heat from an existing diesel generating unit. The SeaRO system is designed to produce 750 cmd of 400 ppm water at an energy consumption of approximately 2.5 KWH of purchased power per cubic meter.A discussion of available desalination capacity at various quantities and temperature levels of the waste heat source is presented. A comparison of water costs obtained using this system and a conventional electrical drive is presented.  相似文献   

介绍唐钢薄板厂液压系统在化学清洗油冲洗过程中油泵的选型及临时管路焊接过程中的注意事项,可供化学清洗专业人员在操作过程中参考,也可供冶金,液压系统的基建人员、操作人员参考。  相似文献   

齿轮泵将电机的电能转化为液压能,是液压系统中广泛采用的一种具有代表性的方式。选用四川长江液压件有限责任公司所生产的CBY-2026-174R齿轮泵,流量25 mL/r,压力20 MPa,进行无水全合成难燃液压液的应用研究,并与矿物油型抗磨液压油(中石化长城润滑油公司生产卓力牌HM-46)进行比对试验。  相似文献   

从液力透平本身的性能、回收装置的配置和装置运行工况的调节3个方面研究了液力透平能量回收装置,指出了3种液力透平各自的优势,并描述了其研究进展及后续研究中应关注的问题.  相似文献   

In reverse osmosis desalination plants large flow rates of concentrated brine are discharged at high pressure from the membrane modules. Currently this pressure energy is wasted. This paper reviews the impact of soaring energy costs on the technical alternative of hydraulic turbine energy recovery. The capital costs, operating costs, and economics in electrical energy are evaluated for both sea-water and brackish water systems. Schemes of hydraulic turbine coupled with electric generator, tied to the electric power supply are considered for various plant sizes from 1 to 10 mgd. The analysis, in parametric form, presents the interrelationships between the cost of money, cost of electrical energy, and recovery factors for the different plant sizes and for sea-water and brackish water systems. The results will serve as a guide to determine when such a power recovery system should be seriously considered and evaluated in greater details for specific applications.  相似文献   

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