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Examined the extent to which chronic intrahypothalamic (IH) insulin infusions that alter circadian patterns of food intake (FIN) affect the regulation of other diurnally varying behavior in the rat. One-week IH insulin infusion (1.5 μU/hr) significantly decreases rats' night FIN and increases day FIN but does not alter the diurnal pattern of activity. Mean daily core temperature increased slightly but significantly during insulin infusion, the daily peak of the body temperature rhythm did not shift significantly, and the daily range of body temperature increased. IH insulin infusion in rats living in constant light and thus without circadian rhythm of FIN led to significant decreases in FIN and body weight. These data support the conclusion that IH insulin infusion alters FIN and body weight through a specific effect on a neural system that regulates FIN and body weight, and not by altering circadian rhythms. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studied the postoperative regulation of food and water intake in a total of 103 male Wistar albino rats with aspiration lesions to either the medial frontal or orbital frontal projection fields of thalamic nucleus medialis dorsalis (prefrontal cortex). These projection fields proved functionally dissociable in that orbital frontal lesions impaired immediate postoperative regulation of food and water intake for up to 2 wks, while medial frontal lesions produced finickiness. Neither lesion affected response to cellular dehydration or recovery from extended deprivation. Data are consistent with data from rhesus monkeys with prefrontal lesions and differ from animals with lateral hypothalamic lesions. (27 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In a study with 24 female albino Sherman rats, it was found that after ovariectomy most Ss increased food intake while continuing to eat discrete meals. Meal size increased in ovariectomized Ss, whereas meal frequency decreased. It is suggested that ovariectomy impairs the onset of satiety during a meal but not the ability to regulate total intake through modification of intermeal interval. (21 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In 4 experiments, a total of 478 suckling Charles River rats were subjected to deprivation periods of 6-8 hrs. Intake following deprivation was greater in deprived than in nondeprived Ss but did not increase with increasing deprivation. Gastric loads of NaCl solutions depressed subsequent intake; 3% NaCl was more effective than .9% NaCl. Other gastric loads of varying osmotic and caloric values also depressed subsequent intake. In order of increasing effectiveness in depressing intake, the gastric loads were protein hydrolystate, heavy cream, water, milk, lactose, glucose, and corn oil. Effectiveness was unrelated to osmotic or caloric value of the load. Gastric fill and, possibly, some property of carbohydrate appeared to be important determinants of satiety in the S. (22 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The effects of chronic peripheral administration of 5-HT on food intake and body weight was investigated. In normal male Wistar rats, normal female Wistars, obese Zucker males, ovariectomised Wistar females, or normal Wistar males free fed a cafeteria diet, suppression of the creeping weight gain typical of control animals is observed. In females, this effect is not dependent on the local hormonal environment, because intact and ovariectomised females showed similar responses to treatment. One sex difference is that the weight suppressive effect in males is accompanied by an anorectic effect, whereas this anorectic effect is absent in females. Thus, although reduced food intake may partially explain the suppression of weight gain in males, in females it must be due to other, perhaps metabolic, effects. It is possible that these metabolic effects may also occur in males, suggesting one possible explanation of why the effect was typically larger in males than females.  相似文献   

Insulin, a primary metabolic hormone, plays a dominant role in the regulation of food intake. An increase in the level of circulating insulin produced by its prandial release from endogenous stores is associated with the state of satiety. On the other hand, an increase in the insulin level produced by its exogenous administration, as well as by its excessive and prolonged release in certain pathological states or during the period of nocturnal overeating, paradoxically gives rise to the sensation of hunger. This differential effect of endogenous and exogenous insulin is analyzed in view of experimental and clinical evidence concerning the principal mechanisms in the regulation of food intake. These include the interrelation of central and peripheral glucosensitive systems, the involvement of the enteroinsular axis, and the effects on these regulatory mechanisms of the physiological state produced by changes in circulating insulin levels. The essential role of the vagus nerve in mediating the hunger and satiety induced by the lack of excess of glucose for cellular oxidation places the short-term glucostatic control in the periphery where the insulin is primarily acting. A unifying hypothesis concerning the role of insulin in the regulation of good intake is proposed and its clinical implications suggested.  相似文献   

Conducted an experiment with 48 female adrenalectomized Sprague-Dawley rats, who were injected daily with aldosterone (.25 mg/kg) or deoxycorticosterone (3 mg/kg) in combination with corticosterone. The mineralocorticoids increased food intake and weight gain well beyond that of controls receiving only corticosterone injections. The weight gain was not wholly dependent on increased food intake, as separate groups of Ss maintained on a restricted diet (10 g of laboratory chow/day) also displayed significant mineralocorticoid-stimulated weight gain. Although carcass composition was not directly determined, the undifferentiated wet/dry tissue ratios, hematocrit values, and nasoanal lengths found across groups suggested that the observed effect of mineralocorticoids was on body fat. Aldosterone and deoxycorticosterone can have important actions on energy metabolism as well as on sodium regulation. (9 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In ob/ob mice a 12-wk period of food restriction led to a reduced rate of somatic growth and a decreased lean body mass, along with small but reliable reductions in systemic immunoreactive insulin levels and evidence of increased insulin sensitivity. However, no effects of limited access to food were noted on the basal hyperglycemia, the elevated percent carcass lipid, or on the significantly higher levels of serum corticoids that occur in obese animals. These data indicate that hyperphagia alone is not responsible for the maintenance of many of the commonly reported characteristics of the obese-hyperglycemic syndrome, but do not exclude the contribution of factors secondary to the quantity of ingested food. Additionally, the present data lend support to recent work suggesting that chronic hyperinsulinemia or an elevated set point of total carcass lipid may be instrumental in the development of this syndrome.  相似文献   

In the past 8 years, analysis of mutant mice and development of gene-knockout mice have provided important new avenues to identify disease genes and to study gene functions in the skin. Targeted disruption of genes in mice is a powerful means to investigate the contribution of a particular gene defect to a given phenotype and to generate murine models of hereditary skin disorders with epidermal and hair follicular abnormalities. This review summarizes recent studies of knockout mouse models with abnormalities in epidermal and/or hair follicular development.  相似文献   

The total caloric and specific nutrient intakes of smokers who became abstinent were compared with those of a control group. Both groups were composed of volunteer inpatients housed in a research ward for 7 days. After smoking ad libitum for 3 days, the experimental group was required to abstain from tobacco for the next 4 days while the control group continued to smoke. Significant increases in total caloric intake and in grams of carbohydrates, protein, fat, and sucrose were observed in the experimental relative to the control group, whereas no significant differences were found in fructose intake. The increase in caloric intake was not specific to increases in snacking. Preliminary analyses showed gender differences in food intake as a result of tobacco abstinence. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Results of 2 experiments with 96 CFE female rats show that both ovariectomy and hypothalamic knife cuts produced hyperphagia and obesity in Ss. The ovarian obesity, however, unlike hypothalamic obesity, was virtually independent of diet palatability. Ovariectomized Ss became obese on quinine-adulterated diets which completely blocked hypothalamic obesity, and they displayed little further weight gain when given a high-fat diet which greatly potentiated hypothalamic obesity. Ovarian and hypothalamic obesity were also found to be additive irrespective of diet condition when both surgical treatments were combined in the same S; that is, ovariectomy increased the food intake and body weight of knife-cut Ss given the quinine or high-fat diet. In contrast to their dissimilar feeding effects, ovariectomy, hypothalamic cuts, and the combined surgeries did not differentially alter the aversion to a 0.01% quinine solution. Results indicate that ovarian obesity and hypothalamic obesity represent 2 different feeding disorders and are mediated by separate neural mechanisms. The functional nature of these disorders is discussed in light of recent body weight set point interpretations. (40 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Conducted 6 experiments with 33 rats with bilateral lesions in the lateral amygdaloid region and 22 intact controls. Drinking response to hypertonic saline, a cellular thirst stimulus, and to isoproterenol, probably an extracellular thirst stimulus, was normal in lesioned Ss. The overnight water intake of the lesioned Ss was a little higher than normal. However, the lesioned Ss showed a major impairment in learning to avoid ingesting a poisonous solution of LiCl when they were thirsty and an increased preference of 25% sucrose in a 2-bottle sucrose-water test. It is concluded that the basolateral region of the amygdala is involved in the effects of previous experience on drinking and not primarily in the cellular or extracellular controls of drinking. (25 ref.) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

To test the hypothesis that the addition and withdrawal of a running wheel affects food intake because of a manipulation of the proximity of the rat to the food dish, a 2nd source of food was made available to the rat when in the running wheel. Ss were 24 male and 24 female ARS/Sprague-Dawley albino rats. Results fail to support the hypothesis. Additional findings were that both sexes showed the reduction in food intake when given access to running wheels, but only the males showed an increase in food intake when deprived of access to running wheels. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Compared the effects of a model on the food intake of obese and nonobese females. 20 obese and 20 nonobese female Ss were paired with an experimental confederate who was either obese or nonobese. Analysis of the amount of food eaten revealed an interaction between weight status and type of confederate: obese Ss ate significantly more in the presence of an obese confederate. By contrast, nonobese Ss ate a similar amount in both conditions. There was a significant difference between the amount Ss ate and the amount they reported they had eaten, due largely to the fact that obese Ss underestimated the amount of food they had eaten. (French summary) (13 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The successful use of proteins in pharmaceutical and other commercial applications requires close examination of their relative fragility. Because of the resultant enhanced stability, proteins are often formulated in the solid state, even though dehydration tends to alter their structure. Even in the solid form, however, proteins may become inactivated due to various deleterious processes, e.g., aggregation. This review focuses on such mechanisms, with an emphasis on case studies conducted in our laboratory. Proteins which have both disulfide bonds and free thiols may aggregate via thiol-disulfide exchange, and this process may be facilitated by lyophilization-induced structural perturbations. For proteins possessing disulfides but not free thiols, aggregation also may occur when native disulfides are beta-eliminated, thus giving rise to thiol species which can catalyze disulfide scrambling. Other deleterious processes have also been uncovered, including a formaldehyde-mediated aggregation of formalinized vaccines. It is illustrated how knowledge of such deterioration pathways makes possible the rational development of stable solid protein formulations.  相似文献   

Previous researchers have reported that rats placed upon a feeding regimen such that they receive only 2 hrs of food/day (meal-fed rats) develop hyperinsulinemia at the time of the day associated with feeding, even in the absence of food. Controls fed ad lib show no such response. In the 3 experiments reported here, the 74 meal-fed Charles River rats had elevated insulin levels at only the specific time of the day associated with feeding, and the increment of insulin at that time could be eliminated with atropine. The 58 free-feeding controls, on the other hand, always had higher insulin levels than the meal-fed rats, did not have an elevation of insulin at the time of the day that the meal-fed rats normally ate, and had insulin values that were unaffected by atropine. Further experimentation showed that hyperinsulinemia could become associated with arbitrary stimuli always associated with eating for meal-fed rats. It is concluded that the hyperinsulinemia of meal-fed rats associated with their feeding time is a learned response. (19 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Studies were made on whether ammonia, which is an obligatory intermediate of amino acid metabolism, depresses the food intake of rats fed a low-casein (basal) diet containing imbalanced amino acid mixtures (imbalanced diets). Bilateral lesions in the prepyriform cortex caused normalization of food intake of rats fed amino acid-imbalanced diets, confirming the work of Leung and Rogers (Am. J. Physiol. 221:929-935, 1971). Unlike normal rats, animals with prepyriform cortical lesions consumed as much of a diet containing 3% NH4Cl as they did of the basal diet. However, like normal rats, they rejected a diet containing a mixture of keto acids. Unilateral injection of NH4Cl into prepyriform cortical areas reduced the food intake to a greater extent than injection of NaCl into these areas or injection of NH4Cl into other parts of the brain. These results suggest that ammonium ions influence the appetite through their effect on prepyriform cortical areas.  相似文献   

The difference in pregnancy rates following intrauterine insemination (IUI) for 1 vs. 2 days in the periovulatory period has been reported as either inconsequential or favoring the use of two consecutive inseminations, 24 hours apart. Our study compared the monthly fecundity and cumulative probability of pregnancy in a large group of women (n = 123) undergoing controlled ovarian hyperstimulation and 1- or 2-day inseminations with donor sperm prepared from frozen-thawed samples. All patients underwent controlled ovarian hyperstimulation employing either clomiphene citrate in 217 cycles or human menopausal gonadotropin in 185 cycles. The choice of single or double insemination was decided by the day of the week each patient received human chorionic gonadotropin for ovulation induction. Approximately 80% of all the patients underwent both single and double insemination treatments during the 2.5-year study period. Ninety-three patients received single inseminations in 180 cycles, whereas 103 patients received double inseminations in 222 cycles. Nine clinical pregnancies were achieved in the 1-day group (5% per cycle, 9.7% per patient), while 39 pregnancies occurred in the 2-day group (17.9% per cycle, 37.9% per patient). Two and five spontaneous abortions occurred in the 1- and 2-day groups, yielding take-home baby rates of 3.9% per cycle (7.5% per patient) and 15.3% per cycle (33.0% per patient), respectively. The cumulative probability of conception over 15 cycles of treatment was consistently twice as high or higher for the 2-day group. The results of this study support the use of 2-day IUI treatment cycles when using frozen-thawed donor sperm.  相似文献   

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