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江天一  郑宁 《建筑遗产》2021,(2):122-131
建成遗产保护修缮设计策略的制定是一个随着项目推进,不断深入挖掘遗产价值、完善价值体系的动态过程.在此过程中重新审视、修正建筑的价值判定,从管理、文化、技术等多个层面评估设计方案,使遗产保护、活化、利用策略得到最优选择.文章以白公馆修缮项目为例,对历史建筑和场所价值进行深入挖掘,探讨了建筑活态遗产保护修缮的动态设计实践以及历史、文化等多元价值的融合与拓展.其场所空间演变、文化传承的独特属性和正面的改造结果也渗透至历史建筑的价值体系中,从而形成建筑活态遗产保护利用的正向反馈,为建成遗产的保护利用展现了新思路.  相似文献   

随着传统村落建成遗产保护模式逐渐多样化,除了对于传统建筑的修缮,还有更多的可行性措施可以引入。文章通过对长岭村实践中一系列的乡村振兴项目进行分析,根植于中国乡村生活方式和文脉环境,探寻适宜传统村落遗产保护与活化的主体,提出合理构建工作营活化模式的建议,促进乡村建成遗产的活化和保护。对长岭村进行了长期实践研究后,通过专家工作营模式达到了传统村落建成遗产保护和活化效果。文章在借鉴国内外乡村建成遗产保护中的工作营模式的基础上,重点介绍了山西省昔阳县长岭村工作营的工作方式和推广其实践经验的可行性,并提出若干保障建议。  相似文献   

基于传统建筑保护与修缮的重要性及特殊性,阐述传统建筑与现代建筑监理工作的异同,为进一步规范传统建筑监理制度工作提供参考依据,文章结合福州市朱紫坊芙蓉园工程修缮过程中出现的问题采取的协调、把控方法,归纳总结传统建筑保护修缮工程监理工作需要注意的要点。  相似文献   

历史上在海上贸易和移民传统影响下华侨在东南亚等地营建聚落,当代海内外华人协同推进东南亚华侨建筑遗产跨境保护工作,两者在不同时间维度下共同促进了华侨建筑文化的跨洋传播交流与保护传承。文章以越海移民参与侨居地建设的历史脉络为背景分析华侨建筑遗产特征,通过对重点修缮项目的田野调查、个案解读及相关人员口述访谈,从实践基础、工作方式、合作机制等方面总结槟城华侨建筑遗产跨境合作保护模式。通过对华侨建筑遗产海洋文化内涵的探讨,归纳海外华侨建筑保护未成体系、地缘割裂影响逐步消除、文化情感联结加深等跨境保护模式形成动因,以期为海外华侨建筑遗产保护修缮提供借鉴和思考。  相似文献   

本文通过整理与研究日本东洋文化研究所藏清代建筑修缮档案,初步探讨中国古代建筑修缮的技术措施与思想理念,尝试将中国"传统修缮保护话语"区别于当下西方"权威化遗产话语",构建并完善具有中国特色的保护理论和技术,使中国的遗产保护获得相应的国际地位。  相似文献   

涂小锵  陈志宏 《建筑师》2024,(2):113-124
已故马来西亚华人建筑师陈耀威先生是东南亚华侨建筑保护领域知名专家,曾荣获联合国教科文亚太区文化遗产保护奖。文章基于多次赴马对其进行口述访谈,结合对槟城和马六甲的华侨建筑遗产保护修缮项目的实地考察,进一步梳理陈先生对华侨建筑遗产价值的认知及其保护修复理念的形成发展历程,并就海外华侨社会在不同阶段对建筑遗产守护传承的多元路径展开探讨,指出华侨建筑遗产保护工作对于促进中华文化海外传播的重要意义。  相似文献   

祁英涛 《古建园林技术》1985,(8):28-34转40
维修是保护古建筑的重要手段之一。对于自然力的破坏,就需用工程手段来维修。本文介绍了修理原则的制定过程;木结构建筑的维修按工程性质,分为保养、抢救、修缮、修复、迁建和复原等六类工程的修缮方法,以及砖石建筑的维修方法,传统的维修技术与新技术、新材料的应用。  相似文献   

梁思成于 1935 年为曲阜孔庙修缮工程编制的《曲阜孔庙之建筑及其修葺计划》,是我国古建筑修缮设计方案的最早蓝本,对中国遗产保护事业影响深远。这部为国家工程而制定的方案体系完整、理念科学、技术合理,为当时方兴未艾的建筑遗产保护修缮事业提供了范例和标准。虽是工程方案,但梁思成并未完全着眼于技术,而是致力于以科学精神重新定义遗产修缮,创制基于现代保护观念的保护体系,并着力向社会展示宣传孔庙建筑的价值,以期完善国家遗产保护制度,提升国民对优秀遗产的价值认同。 该方案的学术识见及工程经验来自中国营造学社研究古代建筑、主持修缮工程多年的积累,以及源于西方的科学修缮理念。其不仅为中国的古建筑保护工作带来完整的思想体系、科学的修缮理念、正确的程序和保障体制,更提供了理念超前且符合我国遗产特点的实施技术,并为设计方案的编制提供了标准的范本。  相似文献   

作为现代运动的产物,现代建筑遗产是国家身份的象征,也是城市文化和记忆的组成部分。然而,作为中国现代化的无声见证,许多现代建筑遗产由于一些原因仍然缺乏保护。如今,现代建筑遗产问题因未受到重视而面临极大隐患。现代建筑遗产保护需要科学的保护方法,而其保护方法又应该建立在准则基础上。文章通过对中国现代建筑遗产保护重要性进行研究,阐明中国现代建筑遗产的基本概念和价值体系,回顾遗产管理制度和法律,对中国现代建筑遗产保护的研究案例进行评估,对中国现代建筑遗产保护的问题、困境和挑战,以及如何更好地解决这些问题进行讨论。  相似文献   

"真实性"在建筑遗产保护中至关重要,厘清"真实性"是建筑遗产保护的基础.文章通过对部分岭南现代建筑遗产的现状及其变更情况进行调查,从遗产保护视角探析"真实性"、表现特征及其相互之间的关联,并对岭南现代建筑遗产的"真实性"保护进行探讨.  相似文献   

The field of urban heritage conservation calls for a new understanding of authenticity, given the influence of the tourism industries and the creative city ideal in the contemporary renovation of heritage areas. This has become a relevant issue after the 2011 UNESCO Historic Urban Landscape Recommendation withdrew its call for authenticity from the forefront of urban heritage conservation. This paper will develop a framework for a value-based assessment of urban heritage authenticity beginning with a review of heritage conservation theory confronting it to a study of this concept in the fields of tourism and the creative city. The proposed value-based approach to urban heritage authenticity will determine two series of attributes: the first comes from the specific field of heritage, and the second relates heritage with tourism and the creative city ideal. This framework will be used to evaluate heritage authenticity in the ongoing development of the Shanghai Music Valley (SMV) initiative in Shanghai's Hongkou district. This evaluation, from an architectural and urban point of view, will point to the inconsistencies that result when authenticity criteria based on the interests of tourism and the creative city are used for heritage conservation, especially, when it appears as a consequence of the atomization of heritage management among an unbalanced landscape of stakeholders.  相似文献   

针对当前工业遗产个体保护和利用中忽略整体的现象,从工业遗产的文化属性入手,提出整体保护的思路。并以武汉市工业遗产保护为例,分别从城市发展的角度对工业遗产进行文化整合,从工业遗产的文化类型进行空间整合,以此构建武汉工业遗产的整体保护框架。  相似文献   

杨晨  韩锋  刘春 《风景园林》2018,25(5):37-42
点云技术为提升乡村景观遗产保护方法带来了重要机遇。从乡村景观的遗产价值保护出发,以识别乡村景观空间模式为目标,探索如何运用点云技术定量化记录和表现乡村景观的空间信息。以贵州安顺鲍家屯古村落为研究案例,全面集成数字近景摄影测量技术、激光雷达技术和点云可视化技术,构建了一套多尺度的空间信息数字化采集、处理和分析方法,能够快速、精确、全面地记录和表现乡村景观的空间特征,为识别其空间模式提供数据基础,也为遗产保护和发展提供新的视角和工具。  相似文献   

张陆琛  唐岳兴  朱逊 《中国园林》2023,39(3):112-118
相较于对城市遗产日臻成熟的理解,中国现行城市遗产保护方法仍处于滞后状态。引入城市历史景观(HUL)理念,以历史文化传承为目标,在中国传统和现实语境下,提出将景观特质作为遗产活化利用的着力点,以景观特质为核心的HUL理念中国化技术性策略。提出在空间、时间、感知3个维度下采取递进式的方法进行HUL单元识别,再以融入衔接、动态监测2条路径实现HUL变化管理。为中国高质量人居城市特色营造提供新思路,为城市遗产保护提供技术性策略支持。  相似文献   

真实性原则是文化遗产保护的关键,历史图像记录是建筑文化遗产保护、修复和研究工作中“真实性”的重要依据。从20世纪初开始,多位外国学者对中国进行了摄影记录,其中又以日本学者的记录最具系统性和代表性,开创了专业研究者对中国建筑摄影纪录的先河。这些庞大的摄影和研究成果资料群共同构成了中国最早的文化遗产图像数据库,真实地反映了20世纪初中国建筑遗产的状况,同时也是日本从明治末期开始的对亚洲国家遗产记录体系的重要组成部分。本文介绍了日本东洋建筑史研究回顾及为什么要进行历史图像的研究,日本对中国的建筑文化遗产研究概况和该研究的内容。  相似文献   

过去30年里,欧洲的工业生产体系逐步从高度集中于工业区的福特主义向分散制造的后福特主义转变。随着这种转型,西方国家城市普遍出现旧工业区。这些地方依然有着潜在的经济价值,但荒废弃置阻碍了这些价值的发挥。为释放其经济价值,迫切需要以保护和循环利用的策略来取代拆迁和重建。自20世纪70年代以来,工业遗产地的实验性更新策略已成为设计实践的保留节目。   文章通过对德国鲁尔河谷埃姆歇公园、荷兰阿姆斯特丹废弃旧港区NDSM 码头和Sulzerareal——一座位于瑞士Winterthur的旧钢铁联合企业——3个案例的批判性对比,提出讨论"自适应再利用"方法。这些设计通过实验性的新替代策略实现工业区的更新,尽量减少必须的干预和激活长周期过程,与完全修复相比,这显得更有效率也更经济。这个过程通常始于大片场地中一小块剩余场地的物质性修复,从而引发周围环境和城市关系的改进。这种方法通常提高地区的可达性,增加其孔隙度和均质性,避免产生与毗邻用地没有联系的社会隔离的飞地。这也可能激活与该地区有影响力的正式或非正式社会组织协商的进程,实践以人为本的治理和问责。这一转型进程吸引或排斥哪些人,他们的水平如何,将决定新的市民中心能否巩固,也关乎后工业时代的身份认同。   除了物质空间影响之外,对这些转型的分析突出了该进程对社会融合、生态和文化意识的提升的影响,这些都是环境转型中的关键问题。  相似文献   

Historic urban sites and traditional houses are the most important evidence of the past life style. The conservation of these traditional values in the context of conservation and revitalization of architectural heritage is in a sense the preservation of culture. The main goal of conservation is to enliven cultural properties by evaluating their architectural, historical, environmental, visual and aesthetic characteristics. These evaluation studies, which are essential in the context of conservation plans, are inevitable phases to determine the principles of the plans. This study is aimed to propose a method for the architectural evaluation phase, which is essential before conservation decisions. The proposed method is based on a gradation system. Odunpazar? district in Eski?ehir/Turkey is determined as the area to test this gradation method. It is proposed that this method explains the systematic way for evaluating architectural features belonging to historic sites whose conservation plans are to be prepared. In the study, traditional buildings are evaluated from the point of their exterior and interior architectural characteristics and classified as different value groups: A, B, C and D. This grouping will be advantageous to conservation decisions. Different technical teams may be organized to be responsible for these various value groups. As a result, a systematic approach for the determination of specialized teams and required equipment will be achieved. Thus, an accurate determination of required time and cost estimates will be realized.  相似文献   

This paper provides a deeper understanding of Hong Kong’s built heritage conservation policies as they have been developed during the city’s colonial and post-colonial periods, especially the political and social factors that have prompted and influenced their development and evolution. Initial observations and thoughts are derived from the authors’ extensive conservation involvement with UNESCO and local and overseas governments as well as their experience with some of Hong Kong’s key statutory boards and government committees that deal with built heritage conservation. Through their first-hand experience, coupled with extensive research, the authors argue that conservation policies in Hong Kong have not been created with a local vision, but instead have been catalysed by external factors, in particular, those relating to economics and politics. The paper concludes with a recommendation that Hong Kong should focus on social considerations in reshaping future conservation policy, as articulated in UNESCO’s Historic Urban Landscape approach.  相似文献   

《Progress in Planning》2007,68(3):97-199
In recent years increasing numbers of new tall buildings have been proposed across the world leading to growing concern amongst heritage bodies about their potential impact on the fabric of cities generally and upon the built heritage in particular. Tall buildings are defining 21st century urban growth by their sheer size and numbers. Decision-makers are responding to the challenges of tall buildings in a variety of ways on a spectrum that ranges from outright opposition to wholehearted embrace. The impact of tall buildings on the built heritage is one particular challenge that is addressed through conservation planning mechanisms. Conservation planning attempts to regulate the rate and direction of physical change through a framework of policies and controls. The assessment of proposals reflects that conservation planning is a multi-scaled political negotiation related to mechanisms of protection.The research focused on how the potential impacts of tall building proposals on the built heritage are regulated and assessed. The aim of this research has been to examine the tools and practices of assessing the impact of tall building proposals on the built heritage. This paper explores four case studies of tall buildings in England (Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham and Newcastle-upon-Tyne) and the assessment processes involved during decision making. The research showed that the effectiveness of techniques for regulating and assessing tall building proposals depends upon the local context for decision making. There was evidence that regulatory frameworks led to tall buildings being banned in certain locations, yet it remained crucial to maintain an active conservation policy and a capacity to assess proposals. The effectiveness of specific regulatory frameworks and assessment techniques reflects the tensions and tradeoffs, which occur around development in each location. However, characterisation studies are found to prove their worth in providing a robust basis for development control of tall buildings.  相似文献   

工业遗产的保护与再利用是城镇化高速发展中的紧迫课题。从宏观战略层面出发,对山西晋华纺织厂工业遗产资源的现状和价值因素进行分析,提出对其保护与再利用的方法和策略,在原址上建立"山西近代民族工业博物院",以期更好地发挥该厂在工业遗产资源保护与再利用中的积极引导和促进作用。  相似文献   

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