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地表比辐射率方向性研究是国际热红外定量遥感研究领域的热点与难点,现有的热红外沙地比辐射率方向性模型存在先验参数较多、精度较低、适用性差等问题。论文基于5个伪不变定标场,即Algeria3_1km、Algeria5_1km、Libya1_1km、Mauritania1_1km及Mauritania2_1km,综合利用长时序极轨卫星载荷AQUA/MODIS与静止轨道卫星载荷MSG/SEVIRI多角度观测数据,经过载荷相互校准、大气纠正、影像数据时空匹配等处理,基于热红外辐射传输方程,获取0~65°观测天顶角范围内各研究区方向性比辐射率,建立公里级像元尺度比辐射率方向性模型,并对其进行了不确定度评估。结果表明:地表比辐射率随观测天顶角增大而降低,其方向性效应随波段中心波长的增加而减小,Algeria5_1km区域的方向性效应最小,Mauritania1_1km区域的方向性效应最强;各研究区比辐射率方向性模型不确定度均随观测天顶角的增大而增大,模型不确定度均优于3%。 相似文献
随着对天基对地以及临近空间目标探测的需求增大,高性能红外相机探测及海量数据定量化迫切需要高可靠性、高精度的辐射定标技术,因此,星上辐射定标装置已成为当前空间定量遥感技术发展的重要方向。在轨红外遥感相机的辐射定标主要校正探测器响应的不均匀性(相对辐射定标)和建立遥感相机输出信号与输入辐射量的函数关系(绝对辐射定标)。在介绍红外相机星上辐射定标基本原理的基础上,综述近年来几个国内外典型星上辐射定标装置及其特点,并介绍笔者所在课题组近年来基于内部定标源+天空星图的红外相机高动态范围(HDR)相对辐射定标方法的研究进展。论文对于红外辐射定标技术及星上辐射定标装置的发展具有参考意义。 相似文献
为克服卫星遥感器常规定标方法不足,实现GF-1 卫星PMS 相机高精度在轨定标,提出了多场地宽动态辐射定标方法,分析了新方法的不确定度。首先,介绍宽动态辐射定标原理和试验场区概况,设计开展了GF-1 卫星多场地同步观测试验;接着,基于试验数据和宽动态定标模型,实现了GF-1 卫星PMS 相机的在轨辐射定标;最后,讨论GF-1 卫星PMS 相机多场地定标的不确定度和模型的稳定性。结果表明:GF-1 卫星PMS 相机自发射以来辐射响应特性与实验室定标结果相比发生了一定变化,最大变化量达到了7.72%;PMS 相机多场地辐射定标的综合不确定度为5.35%。所获取的PMS 相机定标系数满足遥感辐亮度产品生产的精度要求,且多场地定标可作为后续高分卫星的在轨定标的方法参考。 相似文献
对比分析了基于场地观测数据模拟的和FY-3A 中分辨率光谱成像仪(MERSI)红外通道星上定标观测卫星入瞳亮温值。主要的场地观测数据来自于2008、2009年青海湖以及2010年敦煌外场同步观测和2008、2009年青海湖浮标观测。利用光学仪器的同步观测数据共有7组有效结果,两年的青海湖有效浮标数据一共18组。通过对比分析发现,MERSI观测结果基本都在夜间低于浮标同步观测结果,而白天偏高。综合与场地同步和浮标的对比结果发现,MERSI星上定标观测亮温值系统性偏高于基于场地观测数据模拟的亮温值,平均偏高1.721.18 K。MERSI星上定标观测亮温值的系统性偏高可能主要由星上黑体发射率未经过修正引起。 相似文献
基于夜间大气层顶反射率方向性分布特性,提出了一个基于精确模拟夜间辐射传输过程的低照度遥感载荷在轨辐射定标性能评估新方法。即以南极雪地Dome C为研究区,以MT2009(Miller-Turner 2009)大气层顶月球辐照度模型和大气层顶双向反射分布函数(Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function, BRDF)模型模拟的夜间星上辐亮度值为基准,分析相同几何条件下,可见光近红外成像辐射计夜间光波段(Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suit Day/Night Band, VIIRS DNB)观测辐亮度与基准值之间的一致性,发现在2018-2020年两者差值保持在4.97×10-10 W?cm-2?sr-1左右,比VIIRS DNB最小探测阈值3×10-9 W?cm-2?sr-1约低一个数量级,故从可接受的仪器灵敏度误差范围内,可判定VIIRS DNB载荷在美国极轨合作卫星(Suomi National Polar-orbiting Partnership, SNPP)和美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA-20)上在轨辐射定标性能均非常优良。另外,基于距离校正后的SNPP VIIRS DNB和NOAA-20 VIIRS DNB辐亮度开展了VIIRS DNB载荷在轨辐射定标稳定性分析,发现相同月相角下两载荷辐亮度一致性在6%以内。 相似文献
介绍电涡流传感器位移测量原理,分析温度变化时传感器线圈和探头热胀冷缩在测量位移过程中造成的温度漂移现象.针对传感器的温漂,研制出具有温度补偿功能的电涡流传感器热稳定性标定装置,对传感器输出电压进行温度补偿,减小温度变化对传感器输出电压的影响.同时介绍利用该装置进行温度标定的实现方法,并进行实验验证,实现固定位移条件下环境温度变化时对电涡流传感器输出电压的标定,与无温度补偿时输出电压对比,电压变化量减小了近50%. 相似文献
FY-2扫描辐射计是中科院上海技术物理研究所研制的我国风云二号静止气象卫星的主要载荷之一,为确定其响应率,中国科学院安徽光机所对FY-2(05)扫描辐射计进行了辐亮度法定标和Langley法定标,并对定标所用的5种反射率的漫反射板均匀性、反射比、BRDF性能进行了检测,给出了基于辐射标准传递的辐亮度定标的基本原理和数据处理方法,以及辐亮度定标和Langley法定标结果,综合不确定度为6.0%~6.4%。同时,提出了独立于相对光谱响应函数的基于标准探测器的反射比定标法,并与辐亮度法和Langley法进行了对比分析,其定标结果具有一致性。 相似文献
Aiming at the problem that there isn’t any standardized calibration method for the performance index of surface plasmon resonance(SPR) sensor,the calibration method for key performance indices of SPR sensor is summarized and proposed based on the comparison of relative methods and definition of each index.Experimental data of sucrose solutions with various concentrations are obtained by the self-building SPR instrument,and then the calibration method is used to determine the performance indices,such as noise,drift,sensitivity,resolution,linearity,dynamic range and reproducibility.Experimental results show that the definition of indices is reasonable,and the calibration method is correct,which has great significance for performance evaluation of SPR sensor. 相似文献
Shahid S Walker J Lyons GM Byrne CA Nene AV 《IEEE transactions on bio-medical engineering》2005,52(7):1195-1209
The electromyographic (EMG) signal provides information about the performance of muscles and nerves. At any instant, the shape of the muscle signal, motor unit action potential (MUAP), is constant unless there is movement of the position of the electrode or biochemical changes in the muscle due to changes in contraction level. The rate of neuron pulses, whose exact times of occurrence are random in nature, is related to the time duration and force of a muscle contraction. The EMG signal can be modeled as the output signal of a filtered impulse process where the neuron firing pulses are assumed to be the input of a system whose transfer function is the motor unit action potential. Representing the neuron pulses as a point process with random times of occurrence, the higher order statistics based system reconstruction algorithm can be applied to the EMG signal to characterize the motor unit action potential. In this paper, we report results from applying a cepstrum of bispectrum based system reconstruction algorithm to real wired-EMG (wEMG) and surface-EMG (sEMG) signals to estimate the appearance of MUAPs in the Rectus Femoris and Vastus Lateralis muscles while the muscles are at rest and in six other contraction positions. It is observed that the appearance of MUAPs estimated from any EMG (wEMG or sEMG) signal clearly shows evidence of motor unit recruitment and crosstalk, if any, due to activity in neighboring muscles. It is also found that the shape of MUAPs remains the same on loading. 相似文献
Pagano T.S. Aumann H.H. Hagan D.E. Overoye K. 《Geoscience and Remote Sensing, IEEE Transactions on》2003,41(2):265-273
With 2378 infrared spectral channels ranging in wavelength from 3.7-15.4 /spl mu/m, the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) represents a quantum leap in spaceborne sounding instruments. Each channel of the AIRS instrument has a well-defined spectral bandshape and must be radiometrically calibrated to standards developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology. This paper defines the algorithms, methods, and test results of the prelaunch radiometric calibration of the AIRS infrared channels and the in-flight calibration approach. Derivation of the radiometric transfer equations is presented with prelaunch measurements of the radiometric accuracy achieved on measurements of independent datasets. 相似文献
A model that estimates a relative error bound for the radiometric calibration of synthetic aperture radar (SAR) imagery is presented. This model is based on a statistical `Coefficient of Variation of Error Model', which produces a relative error bound by propagating the measured or estimated uncertainties in the radar system parameters utilized to correct digitally processed SAR image intensity values. Using this model, algorithms are generated for absolute and relative radiometric calibration of SAR imagery. These algorithms are parametrically exercised using radar system parameters from an existing airborne SAR system to determine their impact on the relative error bound 相似文献
The problem of using a quadratic test to examine the goodness-of-fit of an inverse Gaussian distribution with unknown parameters is discussed. Tables of approximate critical values of Anderson-Darling, Cramer-von Mises, and Watson test statistics are presented in a format requiring only the sample size and the estimated value of the shape parameter. A relationship is found between the sample size and critical values of these test statistics, thus eliminating a need to interpolate among sample sizes given in the table. A power study showed that the proposed modified goodness-of-fit procedures have reasonably good power 相似文献
M. I. Makoviychuk 《Russian Microelectronics》2008,37(4):226-237
The solution proposed relates to flicker-noise gas sensors under development, which differ from conventional chemical sensors in offering exceptional selectivity for the analysis of a gaseous environment. The classification and analytical justification are given of low-frequency-noise spectroscopy techniques and measures that are proposed for investigation of disordered semiconductors. The feasibility is shown of patterning processes for flicker-noise gas sensors. Some methods are proposed for these processes and for measurement procedures of gaseous-environment monitoring. 相似文献
Pommerenke D. Chundru R. Chandra S. 《Electromagnetic Compatibility, IEEE Transactions on》2005,47(2):335-343
Current probes are widely used to measure the common mode currents in electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) applications. Often, it is necessary to characterize the ratio of measured voltage to the common mode currents up to gigahertz (GHz) frequencies. Existing calibration methods for current probes suffer from the problem of not directly measuring the current within the current clamp. Instead they either reconstruct the current from measurements at other locations or they use assumptions regarding the geometry which allows them to use a current that is measured at a different location without applying a mathematical correction. For example, by maintaining a 50-/spl Omega/ transmission-line impedance the current can be determined with low uncertainty. The proposed method overcomes these disadvantages by directly measuring the current at the center of the current clamp. This way the mechanical dimensions of the test setup are not critical any more, i.e., one setup can be easily used to measure a large variety of clamps. The method is primarily applicable for current monitoring probes in the frequency domain. 相似文献
Human-centered concepts for exploration and understanding of Earth observation images 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
The progress in information retrieval, computer vision, and image analysis makes it possible to establish very complete bases of algorithms and operators. A specialist in remote sensing or image processing now has the tools that allow him, at least in theory, to configure applications solving complex problems of image understanding. However, in reality, earth observation (EO) data analysis is still performed in a very laborious way at the end of repeated cycles of trial and error. To overcome this, we proposed a novel advanced remote sensing information processing system knowledge-driven information mining (KIM). KIM is based on human-centered concepts (HCCs), which implements new features and functions allowing improved feature extraction, search on a semantic level, the availability of collected knowledge, interactive knowledge discovery, and new visual user interfaces. We assess the HCC methodology for solving several difficult tasks in EO image interpretation, using a broad variety of sensor data, from meter-resolution synthetic aperture radar and optical images to hyperspectral data. 相似文献
Soft actuators made from compliant materials are superior to conventional rigid robots in terms of flexibility, adaptability and safety. However, an inherent drawback of soft actuator is the low actuation precision. Implementing closed loop control is a possible solution, but the soft actuator shape can hardly be measured directly by commercially available sensors, which either are too stiff for integration or cause performance degradation of the actuator. Although 3D printing has been applied to print bendable sensors from conductive materials, they either have larger stiffness than the soft actuator or are made from specially designed materials that are difficult to reproduce. In this study, easily accessible commercial soft conductive material is applied to directly 3D print soft sensors on soft actuators. Different configurations of the printed sensors are studied to investigate how the sensor design affects the performance. The best sensor configuration is selected to provide shape feedback using its changing resistance during deformation. Compared with a commercial flexible bending sensor, the printed sensor has less influences on the soft actuator performance and enjoys higher shape estimation accuracy. Closed loop shape control of the actuator using feedback from the 3D printed sensor is then designed, implemented and compared with the control results using image feedback. A gripper consisting of three individually controlled soft actuators demonstrates the applications of the soft sensor. 相似文献
W. Keydel Dr. rer. nat. 《e & i Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik》2004,121(1):12-16
Future satellite SAR systems must be small, easy to handle, and cost effective. Starting from the status quo and from user requirements as well as trends, expected developments and perspectives for innovative SAR techniques, technologies and systems for the next two decades will be presented. 相似文献
作为一种新型紫外可见线阵图像传感器,紫外可见NMOS已经应用于国外的空间遥感探测中,但是目前在国内相关研究甚少。在紫外可见波段针对NMOS的重要光电性能参量量子效率进行了定标研究,为NMOS线阵图像传感器在紫外空间遥感探测的应用奠定了基础。基于美国标准技术研究院(NIST)标定的标准探测器,构建了一套NMOS量子效率高精度定标系统。在250~700 nm波段范围内,通过直接标定NMOS入射窗口处接收到的光子数,结合NMOS信号处理及读出单元得到NMOS的响应电子数,标定其量子效率。结果表明NMOS线阵图像传感器的量子效率在紫外波段达到34%@275 nm,在可见波段达到80%@550 nm。通过不确定度分析,量子效率的测量不确定度为2.5%。 相似文献
Data is presented from an airborne experiment designed to evaluate electromagnetic pulse scattering from a variety of terrain types for the application of overland height finding. The one-way propagation data was collected at ultrahigh frequency (UHF) and very high frequency (VHF) frequencies using a 3-MHz pulsed CW signal with the radars mounted on two aircraft. A statistical analysis of the data shows that the probability of a detectable ground reflection and the strength of that reflection vary as a function of the terrain roughness. We introduce a broad-band synthesis technique in which Fourier theory is used to generate a time-domain response from a CW propagation model. Results from this technique agree well with the experimental observations, but the lack of detailed terrain information does not allow exact reproduction of the fine details 相似文献