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In this paper, we give an operational and denotational semantics for a meta-language of the 3APL agent programming language. With this meta-language, various 3APL interpreters can be programmed. We prove equivalence of the operational and denotational semantics. Furthermore, we give an operational semantics for object-level 3APL. Using this semantics, we relate the 3APL meta-language to object-level 3APL by providing a specific interpreter, the semantics of which will prove to be equivalent to object-level 3APL.  相似文献   

The parallel language FORK [1], based on a scalable shared memory model, is a PASCAL-like language with some additional parallel constructs. A PRAM (Parallel Random Access Machine) algorithm can be expressed on a high level of abstraction as a FORK program which is translated into efficient PRAM code guaranteeing theoretically predicted runtimes.

In this paper, we concentrate on those features of the language FORK related to parallelism, such as the group concept, a shared memory access and synchronous or asynchronous execution. We present a trace-based denotational interleaving semantics where processes describe synchronous computations. Processes are created or deleted dynamically and run asynchronously. Interleaving rules reflect the underlying CRCW (concurrent-read-concurrent-write) PRAM model.  相似文献   

Understanding Programming Languages   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
We document the influence on programming language semantics of the Platonism/formalism divide in the philosophy of mathematics.
Raymond TurnerEmail:

Bialgebras for structural operational semantics: An introduction   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Bialgebras and distributive laws are an abstract, categorical framework to study various flavors of structural operational semantics. This paper aims to introduce the reader to the basics of bialgebras for operational semantics, and to sketch the state of the art in this research area.  相似文献   

An abstract machine called a string automaton (SA) is introduced in this paper. SAs are motivated by the need to formally define the semantics of programming languages in a manner accessible to the users of the language. The SA notation can be used to represent functions and computations in a clear, concise, graphical, and natural manner. After the class of SAs has been formally defined, it is shown how logic modules (resembling hardware circuit elements) and function modules (which define functions) can be expressed by SAs. Networks of SAs and their application to the construction of parsers is discussed. The definition of the language and hardware components of an interactive programming system by means of SAs is outlined.  相似文献   

This paper considers how the algebraic semantics for Verilog relates with its denotational semantics. Our approach is to derive the denotational semantics from the algebraic semantics. We first present the algebraic laws for Verilog. Every program can be expressed as a guarded choice that can model the execution of a program. In order to investigate the parallel expansion laws, a sequence is introduced, indicating which instantaneous action is due to which exact parallel component. A head normal form is defined for each program by using a locality sequence. We provide a strategy for deriving the denotational semantics based on head normal form. Using this strategy, the denotational semantics for every program can be calculated. Program equivalence can also be explored by using the derived denotational semantics. A short version of this paper appeared in Proc. ICECCS 2006: 11th IEEE International Conference on Engineering of Complex Computer Systems [48]. This work is partially supported by the National Basic Research Program of China (No. 2005CB321904), the National High Technology Research and Development Program of China (No. 2007AA010302) and the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 90718004). Jonathan Bowen is a visiting professor at King’s College London and an emeritus professor at London South Bank University.  相似文献   

SIGNAL is a part of the synchronous languages family, which are broadly used in the design of safety-critical real-time systems such as avionics, space systems, and nuclear power plants. There exist several semantics for SIGNAL, such as denotational semantics based on traces (called trace semantics), denotational semantics based on tags (called tagged model semantics), operational semantics presented by structural style through an inductive definition of the set of possible transitions, operational semantics defined by synchronous transition systems (STS), etc. However, there is little research about the equivalence between these semantics. In this work, we would like to prove the equivalence between the trace semantics and the tagged model semantics, to get a determined and precise semantics of the SIGNAL language. These two semantics have several different definitions respectively, we select appropriate ones and mechanize them in the Coq platform, the Coq expressions of the abstract syntax of SIGNAL and the two semantics domains, i.e., the trace model and the tagged model, are also given. The distance between these two semantics discourages a direct proof of equivalence. Instead, we transformthem to an intermediate model, which mixes the features of both the trace semantics and the tagged model semantics. Finally, we get a determined and precise semantics of SIGNAL.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a semantic framework to debug synchronous message passing-based con- current programs, which are increasingly useful as parallel computing and distributed systems become more and more pervasive. We first design a concurrent programming language model to uniformly represent exist- ing concurrent programming languages. Compared to sequential programming languages, this model contains communication statements, i.e., sending and receiving statements, and a concurrent structure to represent com- munication and concurrency. We then propose a debugging process consisting of a tracing and a locating procedure. The tracing procedure re-executes a program with a failed test case and uses specially designed data structures to collect useful execution information for locating bugs. We provide for the tracing procedure a struc- tural operational semantics to represent synchronous communication and concurrency. The locating procedure backward locates the ill-designed statement by using information obtained in the tracing procedure, generates a fix equation, and tries to fix the bug by solving the fix equation. We also propose a structural operational semantics for the locating procedure. We supply two examples to test our proposed operational semantics.  相似文献   

SIGNAL is a part of the synchronous languages family, which are broadly used in the design of safety-critical real-time systems such as avionics, space systems, and nu- clear power plants. There exist several semantics for SIG- NAL, such as denotational semantics based on traces (called trace semantics), denotational semantics based on tags (called tagged model semantics), operational semantics presented by structural style through an inductive definition of the set of possible transitions, operational semantics defined by syn- chronous transition systems (STS), etc. However, there is lit- tle research about the equivalence between these semantics. In this work, we would like to prove the equivalence be- tween the trace semantics and the tagged model semantics, to get a determined and precise semantics of the SIGNAL language. These two semantics have several different defini- tions respectively, we select appropriate ones and mechanize them in the Coq platform, the Coq expressions of the abstract syntax of SIGNAL and the two semantics domains, i.e., the trace model and the tagged model, are also given. The dis- tance between these two semantics discourages a direct proof of equivalence. Instead, we transform them to an intermediate model, which mixes the features of both the trace semantics and the tagged model semantics. Finally, we get a determined and precise semantics of SIGNAL.  相似文献   

The aim of the paper is to give a compositional semantics in the style of the Structural Operational Semantics (SOS) and to study behavioral equivalence notions for P Systems. Firstly, we consider P Systems with maximal parallelism and without priorities. We define a process algebra, called P Algebra, whose terms model membranes, we equip the algebra with a Labeled Transition System (LTS) obtained through SOS transition rules, and we study how some equivalence notions defined over the LTS model apply in our case. Then, we consider P Systems with priorities and extend the introduced framework to deal with them. We prove that our compositional semantics reflects correctly maximal parallelism and priorities.  相似文献   

This work is motivated by the fact that a “compact” semantics for term rewriting systems, which is essential for the development of effective semantics-based program manipulation tools (e.g. automatic program analyzers and debuggers), does not exist. The big-step rewriting semantics that is most commonly considered in functional programming is the set of values/normal forms that the program is able to compute for any input expression. Such a big-step semantics is unnecessarily oversized, as it contains many “semantically useless” elements that can be retrieved from a smaller set of terms. Therefore, in this article, we present a compressed, goal-independent collecting fixpoint semantics that contains the smallest set of terms that are sufficient to describe, by semantic closure, all possible rewritings. We prove soundness and completeness under ascertained conditions. The compactness of the semantics makes it suitable for applications. Actually, our semantics can be finite whereas the big-step semantics is generally not, and even when both semantics are infinite, the fixpoint computation of our semantics produces fewer elements at each step. To support this claim we report several experiments performed with a prototypical implementation.  相似文献   

Ken Slonneger 《Software》1993,23(12):1379-1397
Several authors have suggested translating denotational semantics into prototype interpreters written in high-level programming languages to provide evaluation tools for language designers. These implementations have generally been understandable when restricted to direct denotational semantics. This paper considers using two declarative programming languages, Prolog and Standard ML, to implement an interpreter that follows the continuation semantics of a small imperative programming language, called Gull. Each of the two declarative languages presents certain difficulties related to evaluation strategies and expressiveness. The implementations are compared in terms of their ease of use for prototyping, their resemblance to the denotational definitions, and their efficiency.  相似文献   

It is well known that for many non-deterministic programming languages there is no continuous fully abstract fixpoint semantics. This is usually attributed to “problems with continuity”, that is, the assumption that the semantic functions should be continuous supposedly plays a role in the difficulties of giving a fully abstract fixpoint semantics. We show that for a large class of non-deterministic programming languages there is no fully abstract least fixpoint semantics even if one considers arbitrary functions (not necessarily continuous) over arbitrary partial orders (not necessarily complete).  相似文献   

We develop a denotational semantics for POOL, a parallel object-oriented programming language. The main contribution of this semantics is an accurate mathematical model of the most important concept in object-oriented programming: the object. This is achieved by structuring the semantics in layers working at three different levels: for statements, objects and programs. For each of these levels we define a specialized mathematical domain of processes, which we use to assign a meaning to each language construct. This is done in the mathematical framework of complete metric spaces. We also define operators that translate between these domains. At the program level we give a precise definition of the observable input/output behaviour of a particular program, which could be used at a later stage to decide the issue of full abstractness. We illustrate our semantic techniques by first applying them to a toy language similar to CSP.This paper describes work done in ESPRIT Basic Research Action 3020,Integration.  相似文献   

We study the semantics of term rewriting systems with rule priorities (PRS), as introduced in Baeten et al. (1989). Three open problems posed in that paper are solved, by giving counter examples. Moreover, a class of executable PRSs is identified. A translation of PRSs into transition system specifications (TSS) is given. This translation introduces negative premises. We prove that the translation preserves the operational semantics.  相似文献   

In recent years many techniques have been developed for automatically verifying concurrent systems and most of them are based on the representation of the concurrent system by means of a transition system. State explosion is one of the most serious problems of this approach: often the prohibitive number of states renders the verification inefficient and, in some cases, impossible.

We propose a method for reducing the state space of the transition system corresponding to a CCS process that suites deadlock analysis. The reduced transition system is generated by means of a non-standard operational semantics containing a set of rules which are, in some sense, an abstraction, preserving deadlock freeness, of the inference rules of the standard semantics. Our method does not build the standard transition system, but directly generates an abstract system with a fewer number of states, so saving memory space. We characterize a class of processes whose abstract transition system is not exponential in the number of parallel components.  相似文献   

Semantics of imperative programming languages is traditionally described in terms of functions on global states. We propose here a novel approach based on a notion ofobjects and characterize them in terms of their observable behavior. States are regarded as part of the internal structure of objects and play no role in the observable behavior. It is shown that this leads to considerable accuracy in the semantic modelling of locality and single-threadedness properties of objects.  相似文献   

This paper provides an overview of the formal semantics of VDM-SL which currently is being standardized by ISO. This is a specification language used in the formal method known as the Vienna Development Method (or simply VDM). In this paper we will focus on the foundations and the semantics of a rather unique combination of looseness and recursion.  相似文献   

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