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边东明  冉崇森 《电子学报》2003,31(10):1473-1475
本文从OFDM信号的二倍钟采样出发,给出了一种载波偏差估计算法,该算法直接利用时域信号的采样来估计载波偏差,克服了频域实现算法受载波偏差影响大的缺点,使得算法在不同的载波偏移下具有相同的估计精度,载波偏差估计范围大,同时该算法充分利用信号的有效能量,估计精度高,优于采用循环前缀的算法;论文同时给出了算法性能的理论分析和计算机仿真结果.  相似文献   

对采用时频块组帧的OFDM(正交频分复用)上行链路信道估计进行了研究,给出了基于二维DFT(离散傅里叶变换)的信道估计算法,针对传统二维信道估计方法的边缘效应提出了一种改进办法,即采用分块拟合的方法对信道曲面边缘部分进行补偿估计。仿真表明,改进的二维DFT信道估计方法可以有效地消减边缘效应,从而获得更好的系统性能。  相似文献   

在分析载波频偏OFDM系统信号模型基础上,提出了基于前导符号循环前缀相关和前导符号相关的混合结构载波同步的算法,将基于循环前缀相关的方法和前导符号相关的方法融合,从链路级研究了易于实现的载波同步算法,在高速无线多径Rayleigh信道下,车速120km/h时,比较了两种不同的载波同步算法仿真结果。  相似文献   

一种基于自相关矩阵的OFDM信号同步参数盲估计算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文提出了利用自相关矩阵实现OFDM信号符号定时参数和频偏估计算法。该算法不需要数据辅助,通过使得接收信号自相关矩阵非对角线元素的模值之和达到最小实现分数倍频偏的跟踪,通过判断对角线元素位置发生的移动可以准确地估计整数倍频偏,同时通过使得对角线上对应虚载波位置的元素的模值之和最小实现符号同步。文中给出了算法的推导过程和具体应用的步骤。仿真结果表明该算法具有较大的估计范围以及良好的估计精度。  相似文献   

针对无人飞行器大动态运动特点,提出利用地空测控窄带扩频链路的信道估计,辅助OFDM传输方式的下行宽带链路进行信道估计的方法。基于OFDM信道估计基带模型,设计了奇偶OFDM符号分组交错导频插入方式,设计了基于窄带链路多普勒频偏、多径时延信道估计的宽带链路信道估计算法。在大多普勒与多径传输信道下对算法误码率性能进行了仿真,验证了下行宽带链路具有较强的抗大多普勒、抗多径衰落的性能。  相似文献   

载波同步是正交频分复用(OFDM)系统的一项关键技术.利用帧前导字中的重复性训练序列进行频偏估计是一种简便有效的处理方法.本文根据Morelli和Mengali[3]算法,提出适用于无线局域网系统IEEE802.11a OFDM[1]的载波频偏估计算法和性能界.在此基础上,提出将短和长训练序列的估计结果综合考虑的两种估计算法,进一步改善估计性能.  相似文献   

该文针对采用虚子载波的OFDM通信系统,提出了一种基于DFT的低复杂度信道估计算法,并与最小二乘(Least Square,LS)估计算法和线性最小均方误差(Linear Minimum Mean Square Error,LMMSE)算法进行了详细的性能和复杂度比较。所提DFT算法较好地降低了高斯白噪声的影响,相对于LS算法获得了较大的性能增益。该算法在复杂度与性能之间取得了较好的折衷,具有很好的实用价值。  相似文献   

一种新的OFDM系统载波频率偏移估计和跟踪方案   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对载波偏移使OFDM系统出现严重的子载波干扰和性能的下降,该文提出一种OFDM频偏估计和跟踪方案,载频捕获阶段频偏估计采用时域内插入等值导频的方法,载频跟踪阶段不需要导频,而是利用循环前缀来估计频率偏移并进行校正。仿真结果证实,该方案中导频辅助的频率偏移估计和载频跟踪不仅估计范围大,而且估计值准确,频偏校正后系统的性能能达到信道理想估计条件下的误比特率。  相似文献   

彭端  尹长川  乐光新 《无线电工程》2006,36(1):33-35,58
在分析OFDM系统载波频偏信号模型的基础上,提出了基于单OFDM前导符号载波同步的高效算法。将基于前导符号相关的方法和基于循环前缀相关的方法融合,应用信道估计和均衡补偿信道中的残留频偏,从链路级研究易于实现的载波同步算法,在高速无线多径Rayleigh信道下,相对频偏ε<±0·5的条件下车速120km/h时获得十分理想的载波同步结果。  相似文献   

多用户OFDM系统上行链路的粗频偏及定时估计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
上行链路中的粗频偏及定时估计是多用户 OFDM系统的关键技术之一。如果粗频偏估计不准 ,将带来严重的子载波间干扰 ( ICI) ,而定时估计引入的符号间干扰 ( ISI)虽然可以通过加入保护间隔予以消除 ,但是如果定时估计不稳定将影响整频偏移的估计及均衡的效果。本文提出了一种基于 PN序列的粗频偏及定时估计 ,仿真结果表明该方法具有良好的性能  相似文献   

Orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) systems are more sensitive to carrier frequency offset (CFO) compared to the conventional single carrier systems. CFO destroys the orthogonality among subcarriers, resulting in inter-carrier interference (ICI) and degrading system performance. To mitigate the effect of the CFO, it has to be estimated and compensated before the demodulation. The CFO can be divided into an integer part and a fractional part. In this paper, we investigate a maximum-likelihood estimator (MLE) for estimating the integer part of the CFO in OFDM systems, which requires only one OFDM block as the pilot symbols. To reduce the computational complexity of the MLE and improve the bandwidth efficiency, a suboptimum estimator (Sub MLE) is studied. Based on the hypothesis testing method, a threshold Sub MLE (T-Sub MLE) is proposed to further reduce the computational complexity. The performance analysis of the proposed T-Sub MLE is obtained and the analytical results match the simulation results well. Numerical results show that the proposed estimators are effective and reliable in both additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and frequency-selective fading channels in OFDM systems.
Feng YangEmail:

1 Introduction OrthogonalFrequencyDivisionMultiplexing(OFDM )isaneffectivetransmissionschemetocombatmultipathfading[1 ] .Byinsertingaguardin tervalbetweensymbolblockscalledcyclicprefix ,theInterSymbolInterference (ISI)canbemitigat ed.OFDMwasadoptedasthemodulationschemeforaDigitalAudioBroadcasting(DAB)system[2 ]andADSL (AsymmetryDigitalSubscriberLoop) [3]andwasalsoproposedastheterrestrialHDTVtransportinEurope[4] . OFDMsystemsareverysensitivetocarrierfre quencyoffset,andcarrie…  相似文献   

任意子载波分配OFDMA上行链路CFO估计及补偿方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正交频分多址(OFDMA)技术是正交频分复用技术(OFDM)的扩展。与OFDM一样,它对载波频偏(CFO)相当敏感。该文针对多用户任意子载波分配的OFDMA上行链路系统提出一种基于导频辅助的CFO估计方法,并在此基础上给出一种低复杂度CFO补偿方法。仿真结果表明,该方法计算复杂度低,性能良好。  相似文献   

In this paper the problem of data-aided symbol timing and frequency offset estimation in OFDM systems is considered. A synchronization scheme based on a pilot symbol containing two identical parts obtained by transmitting BPSK data symbols on the even subcarriers and setting zero on the remaining subcarriers is proposed. In this case, if the number of subcarriers is sufficiently large, the pilot symbol can be modeled as a noncircular (NC) complex Gaussian random vector (CGRV). By exploiting the joint probability density function of NC-CGRVs, the joint maximum likelihood estimator for the parameters of interest is derived. Since its implementation complexity is high, a simpler synchronization scheme is obtained. Moreover, refined symbol timing and frequency offset estimators, that assure relevant performance in multipath channels, are proposed. T. Fusco was born in Naples, Italy, on March 22, 1977. She received the Dr. Eng. degree (summa cum laude) in electronic engineering from the Second University of Napoli in 2002. Since November 2002 she has been a Ph.D. student at the Department of Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering of the University of Napoli Federico II. Her current research and study interests lie in the area of statistical signal processing, with emphasis on parameter estimation problems in the context of OFDM communications. M. Tanda was born in Aversa, Italy, on July 15, 1963. He received the Dr. Eng. degree (summa cum laude) in electronic engineering in 1987 and the Ph.D. degree in electronic and computer engineering in 1992, both from the University of Napoli Federico II. Since 1995, he has been an Appointed Professor of Signal Theory an the University of Napoli Fe-de-ri-co II. Moreover, he has been an Appointed Professor of Electrical Communications (from 1996 until 1997) and Telecommunication Systems (from 1997) at the Second University of Napoli. He is currently Associate Professor of Signal Theory at the University of Napoli Federico II. His research activity is in the area of signal detection and estimation, multicarrier, and multiple access communication systems.  相似文献   

在正交频分复用(OFDM)系统中,频率偏移会破坏子载波间的正交性,降低整个系统的性能。在研究传统频偏估计算法的基础上,利用简单的实数训练序列,进行OFDM系统的载波频偏估计,只需要一个训练序列,就可以有效地在时域内同时对小数倍和整数倍的频率偏移进行估计。仿真结果表明,基于实数训练序列的载波频偏估计算法不仅方法简单,易于实现,而且可提高频偏估计精度。  相似文献   

1 IntroductionOrthogonalFrequencyDivisionMultiplexing(OFDM )isaneffectivetransmissionschemetocombatmultipathfading[1~ 2 ,1 7] .Byinsertingaguardintervalbetweensymbolblockscalledcyclicprefix,theInter SymbolInterference (ISI)canbemitigated .OFDMisadoptedasthemodulationschemeforaDigitalAudioBroadcasting (DAB)sys tem[3] andAsymmetryDigitalSubscriberLoop(ADSL) [4] andisalso proposedastheterrestrialHDTVtransportinEurope[5] .OFDMsystemisverysensitivetocarrierfre quencyoffset.Manymet…  相似文献   

This paper introduces a novel method to estimate fractional carrier frequency offset (CFO) under time-varying multipath channels in OFDM systems based on the approximation of Basis Expansion Model (BEM). Due to the symmetrical character of the BEM basis, we propose a new design of training sequence with trailing zeros. This training sequence can be used at the receiver to estimate the frequency offset without channel estimation only in one OFDM symbol. We also compare our method with Beek’s ML estimator and Lv’s fine synchronization estimator. The numerical results demonstrate that the proposed method provides an improved performance when the training sequence has a short length.
Chunming ZhaoEmail:

吴虹  袁佳杰  刘军  梁裕民  张冀  丁勇 《电子学报》2007,35(7):1357-1359
针对OFDM系统存在的对载波频偏非常敏感的问题,提出一种低复杂度无导频小数倍频偏的同步方法.根据OFDM符号本身以及循环前缀的特性,在MLE算法之后对残余小数频偏进行同步.在频域完成子载波数据相位差的提取.通过重新利用MLE算法中的取复数相位运算模块,节约了硬件资源.仿真证明该方法能够有效纠正采样引起的频率偏差.  相似文献   

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