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Theories and key technologies of metamorphic bedrock oil and gas accumulations leading to discovery of reserves in Bohai Bay Basin To highlight some important geological issues related to mature basins and discovery of large-scale  相似文献   

CNPC attaches great importance to technological research and development,and makes steady progress every year relying on the intelligence and diligence of its people.Major breakthrough in molecular geochemical tracing of complex oil/gas reservoir forming This important breakthrough addresses the difficulty in predicting hydrocarbon properties and understanding their enrichment levels and distribution laws in the key exploration areas of China,such as deep and ultra-deep,carbonate and unconventional reservoirs.It has provided a theoretical basis for quantitative evaluation of the potential of multi-source hydrocarbon accumulation,dynamic tracing of hydrocarbon generation-migrationaccumulation process and the related secondary changes,and effective prediction of the properties of major formations and hydrocarbon fluids.  相似文献   

##正##Breakthrough in systematic technology for exploration of Qikou oil-enriched depression in Bohai Bay Basin Qikou oil-enriched depression is one of the largest depressions of the Tertiary deposit in Bohai Bay Basin. The oil and gas exploration of this area faces a number  相似文献   

Sinopec confirmed in late September that it has signed a deal to buy Canada's Tanganyika Oil Co. Ltd. for 2.07 billion Canadian dollars (US$2 billion or 13.7 billion yuan). According to an agreement signed between the two companies, the Chinese refiner has agreed to pay 31.50 Canadian dollars per share. However, the deal is subject to approval from China's government. Sinopec International Petroleum Exploration and Production Corp. (SIPC)made the bid to buy all Tanganyika outstanding shares.  相似文献   

With practice for several decades,CNPC has developed a complete set of continental petroleum theories in line with China‘s geological characteristics as well as global marine hydrocarbon generation theoretical system.Those theories include classification of oil areas and basins, compound oil and gas accumulation theory, low mature oil theory and hydrocarbon generation of coal and coal stratum series, leading to recent discoveries of Kala-2 and Sulige giant gas fields in addition to large oil fields such as Daqing, Liaohe, Xinjiang and Huabei. In the field petrochemical industry, CNPC has catalytic hydrogeneration technique,ethylene cracking technique,propylene technique and some high value-added refining products.More than 100 items of technology from CNPC are patented each year.……  相似文献   

On August 16, 2006, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) signed technological cooperation agreement with Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) at the Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing. Vice President of CNPC Zhou Jiping and Vice President of CAS Li Jiayang signed the agreement on behalf of both sides, marking a new era of unite brainstorm in petroleum technology. It will boost the development of petrochemical technology, especially the technology for the exploration and development of oil and gas field, engineering, oil refining and chemicals.  相似文献   

"十一五"以来,中国石油天然气集团公司坚持创新驱动发展战略,不断完善"一个整体、两个层次"的科技创新体系,自主创新能力稳步提升,但制约科技创新发展的深层次问题依旧突出。在学习北京市政府深化科技体制改革的创新举措,分析国外大石油公司科技创新管理模式,剖析中国石油科技创新面临形势的基础上,对公司深化科技体制改革的有关问题进行了思考,提出了建立集中统一的科技管理新体制、科研机构差异化管理、促进成果转化与推广、落实项目长负责制、统一科研管理系统与研发平台等建议。  相似文献   

On June 27^th, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) held a public recruitment to appoint chief experts in Beijing for its important technological projects, which is the first time for CNPC to appoint chief managers by the means of competitive recruitment. This recruitment covers four projects, such as drilling, logging, geophysical survey and ground engineering with 15 projects. Of those, there are 8 drilling projects, which make up 50 percent of all the important technological projects for public recruitment. CNPC expects to further boost the chief expert responsibility system and promote the research and development (R&D) of technological project on the basis of the public recruitment. The company completes the recruitment following the procedure of making announcement, conducting competitive recruitment and giving publicity. On July 25^th, the appointment ceremony was held by CNPC and 15 experts were awarded the certificates. CNPC is entering a new stage for the implementation of the technology and talent strategy for the 11^th Five-Year Plan. What's more, a new management mode is taking shape for the technological project and for the construction of technological personnel pool.  相似文献   

会议的主要任务是,认真学习贯彻胡锦涛主席访问苏丹时的重要讲话和有关指示精神,贯彻党中央、国务院对石油工业、包括海外油气业务一系列部署和要求,落实集团公司工作会议精神,进一步提升集团公司国际竞争力。  相似文献   

With the efforts strengthened for integrated geological study in the recent years, PetroChina has made breakthroughs in three major fields—lithologic oil and gas exploration,foreland basin thrust belt and marine facies carbonate rock oil and gas exploration.  相似文献   

Based on development of five decades, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) has developed its own petroleum scientific theories and advanced applicable petroleum technologies to back China's oil industrial development. Meanwhile, CNPC depends on those theories and technologies to raise its international competitiveness, accelerating implementation of the multi-national operation strategy.  相似文献   

YangQing 《中国油气》2002,9(1):60-60,64
Facing the tremendous changes taking place both at home and abroad, China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) has recently formulated a series of major business strategies to highlight its main businesses and maintain its sustainable and coordinated growth in the future.First of all, CNPC will continue to focus the efforts on the upstream exploration and development business. In the next 5-10 years, CNPC will commit itself mainly to three main strategic substitute regions and two main …  相似文献   

中国石油天然气集团公司2008年的科技工作取得了突出的进展,编制和启动了“十一五”后三年的科技规划;实施了自主创新、科技攻关工程,取得了一批重要成果;在科技体制改革方面采取了一些新的举措,科技基础条件建设令人瞩目,特别是重点实验室建设和科技园区建设成效显彖科技保障体系建设得到进一步加强,科技的进步为公司的叉好又快发展做出了贡献。  相似文献   

中国石油天然气集团公司高度重视科技工作,把科技创新放到公司发展全局的核心位置,坚持"主营业务战略驱动、发展目标导向、顶层设计"的科技创新理念,实施"优势领域持续保持领先、赶超领域实现跨越式发展、超前储备领域占领制高点"的三大科技创新工程,坚持理念创新、思路创新、制度创新和管理创新,集中力量组织集团公司重大科技攻关和成果推广应用,努力解决制约主营业务发展的关键瓶颈技术难题,取得了一系列重大理论技术创新成果,为公司主营业务有质量、有效益、可持续发展提供了有力的科技支撑。文章围绕近年来集团公司科技管理创新,重点介绍了上游领域科技项目顶层设计理念、方法,以及科学规范的项目管理措施和取得的成效。  相似文献   

Editor's note: To make a timely introduction of the latest technologies developed by CNPC, Technological Development Department of CNPC entrusted Petroleum Economic & Technological Research Center of CNPC to appraise the oil company 's major technological developments. Based on three rounds of voting by nearly 100 oil experts, ten major technological events in 2004 are finally selected from more than 1 00 technological projects of CNPC according to the measurement standards of innovation, technological maturity, function and scientific value.  相似文献   

对我国石油安全形势的五个基本判断以科学发展观指导企业发展树立机遇意识、风险意识、创新意识履行经济责任,政治责任、社会责任任何时候都要保持清醒的头脑  相似文献   

In 2006, CNPC has cumulatively fulfilled more than 20 billion dollars of electric purchase (e-purchase), 1/4 of the gross material purchase of the company and 108% of the purchasing target of tile whole year. The purchase in exploration and development, oil refining and chemicals is fidfilled well. CNPC now owns mere than 3,100 internet-suppliers and has supplied more than 200,000 material products of close to 60 categories so far. Among them, 501 suppliers use e-purchase systems to supply more than 170,000 type Ⅰ material products of 13 big categories. 76 middle categories, and 313 small categories, while 2,598 use e-market systems to supply 30,000 type Ⅱ material products of 59 big categories and 1,800 mid-small categories. The statistics show that the e-purchase of CNPC takes up 1/4 of the total material procurement of the company and the secondary e-procurement occupies more than 50% of the total. CNPC therefore comes out at the top of the major petroleum cornpanies in China and also remains at high level in the world.  相似文献   

超深井测井突破极限   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多项技术进步已开发出能对付高压、高温井况下的测井系统。  相似文献   

进军深水——中国石油可持续发展的战略思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
当前中国石油勘探开发重点正逐步由常规向非常规、由陆上向海上、由滩浅海向深水海域转移。目前中国石油在资源、服务能力、技术能力等方面具备了走向深水的现实基础,但因自身深水工程技术能力不足,与国际先进水平比差距大,需要走有别于传统陆上的发展之路。围绕中国石油天然气集团公司深水探区勘探开发的迫切需求,提出了中国石油走向深水的目标,并绘制了发展路线图,对经营方式、装置配备、关键技术、人才培养和HSE管理等重点工作进行了论证。在此基础上,提出了制定深水工程技术能力发展规划及实施方案并推进实施、尽快开展推进核心装备与设施项目前期工作、积极争取政策支持等建议。  相似文献   

China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC) is taking on the world with great success. The nation's top oil producer began energy-exploration projects for the first time in a number of countries last year, such as Equatorial Guinea, Uzbekistan and Argentina. This brings the total number of overseas countries where CNPC has a total of 66 projects in operation to 26, forming five major operational regions including Africa, Central Asia, South America, the Middle East and Asia Pacific. With the overseas oil and gas business brought under rapid development, the newly additional recoverable reserves of the company worldwide reached 65.40 million tons.  相似文献   

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