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This paper describes the results of experimental activities carried out for verifying the possibility of reusing reclaimed wastewater originated from textile (70%) and domestic (30%) activities for the irrigation of container-grown ornamental shrubs. Aspects that concern the refinery treatment of reclaimed wastewater and the effect of irrigation on some ornamental plant species were investigated. An experimental site consisting of a refinery treatment pilot plant (filtration and disinfection) and an agronomic experimental area was set-up. The combined treatment of PAA and UV, used for the disinfection, showed to be very effective for inactivation of E. coli with most of PAA and UV dose combinations able to assure total inactivation. The plants (Buxus, Photinia, Pistacia and Viburnum), sprinkle and drip irrigated with well water (WW), reclaimed wastewater (RW) and a water mixed (MW) between reclaimed wastewater and well water (1:1 by vol), showed interesting results. A similar growth among different treatments was achieved for Buxus and Pistacia, while Viburnum and Photinia plants showed a higher sensibility to MW and RW. Photinia, in particular, turned out to be very sensitive to sprinkle irrigation with the reclaimed water, while the drip irrigation had no such bad effects, as reported in previous works.  相似文献   

The objective of the present work was to assess the short-term potential of treated wastewater and sewage sludge for ornamental lawn fertilization and irrigation. A field experiment was performed and the following treatments were considered: sewage sludge application + irrigation with public water; sewage sludge application + irrigation with treated wastewater; irrigation with public water; irrigation with treated wastewater (TW). Irrigation with treated wastewater showed a positive effect on lawn installation through higher growth of grass (1,667 cm) and higher dry matter yield (18,147 g m(-2)). These results represent a significant increase in the grass yield compared with public water irrigation. The grass height (2,606 cm) and dry matter yield (23,177 g m(-2)) increased even more, when sewage sludge produced in the wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) was applied to soil, which proves once more its benefits as an organic fertilizer. At the end of the experiment, an increase of some soil parameters (pH, electrical conductivity, organic matter, Ca2+, Na+, K+, Mg2+ and NH4+) was observed, indicating that treated wastewater irrigation can cause a soil sodization. This short-term study indicated that use of treated wastewater and sewage sludge for ornamental lawn fertilization and irrigation is an environmentally sustainable option for re-use of the WWTP by-products.  相似文献   

干旱区灌区水文及其监测体系浅议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
灌区水文是水文学适应社会发展需要的衍生分支,对干旱区水资源可持续利用研究与决策具有十分重要的实用意义.缺乏水文水资源监测体系是制约灌区水文研究的主要因素,该体系与水资源管理、开发、利用利益各方密切相关,且点多面广,运行管理任务繁重,必须走社会共管、共建之路,水文部门应该对灌区水文水资源监测实施行业管理.  相似文献   

白涛  许佳  邓铭江  慕鹏飞  李永兵  赵星 《水利学报》2021,52(8):989-1000
为提高干旱地区灌溉效率,保障河谷林草的正常生长,本文以额尔齐斯河流域为研究对象,深入阐述了漓漫灌溉理论,提出了漓漫灌溉主要技术.据此分析计算了流域内河谷林草的生态需水量,制定了河谷林草的漓漫灌溉制度,相比传统的农业灌溉,更注重于考虑生态的修复和保护.计算结果表明:(1)河谷林草的生态需水集中在4—9月,且缺水量最大在6...  相似文献   

Low effluent nutrient technologies for wastewater treatment.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The USEPA (2001) water quality nutrient criteria will have a significant impact on water pollution control industry due to stringent N and P requirements. This paper presents an update of findings on successful total N (TN) and total P (TP) technologies being implemented at existing wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) to achieve low TN and TP effluents and some key challenges in achieving lower levels. Plants consistently achieving <5 mg TN/L and < 0.5 mg TP/L were identified from a worldwide literature search and plant data collection. Technology gaps and research needs to improve successful technologies to achieve very low TN and TP effluents are summarised in this paper. The dissolved and colloidal organic N have been identified as major challenges in achieving very low levels of TN. Technical and economic challenges to achieve very low TP effluents include alkalinity deficiency, high chemical usage, high sludge production and lack of sufficient influent BOD for biological P uptake.  相似文献   

Semi-intensive treatment plants for wastewater reuse in irrigation.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Semi-intensive technologies are a middle term between intensive ones (e.g., activated sludge with a retention time of hours) and extensive ones (e.g., stabilization ponds with a retention time of several weeks). The most common semi-intensive configuration used in Israel is made of anaerobic ponds followed by aerated lagoons. These small low-energy units remove about 75-80% of the BOD and are followed by wastewater reservoirs for storage and complementary treatment. The reduction in loading allows a flexible operation of the reservoirs for the removal of other pollutants, while providing storage capacity to cope with the changes in water demand for irrigation during the year. In schemes for wastewater reuse in irrigation, this lay-out has proved to be low-cost, low-energy, flexible, reliable and efficient. Variations of this basic configuration are the use of UASB reactors instead of anaerobic ponds, aerated lagoons in series or low-rate trickling filters instead of aerated lagoons, constructed wetlands or rock-filters for algae removal, etc. Semi-intensive technologies use less energy than intensive ones, and less land than extensive ones. They can remove as much BOD as intensive ones, and as much pathogens and refractory pollutants as extensive ones. They release no or very small amounts of sludge.  相似文献   

针对污水处理厂尾水氮素高度硝化的现状,研究了不同固体碳源在不同条件下的反硝化速率及对硝态氮的去除率。结果表明:麦秆、PBS和PHAs较其他固态碳源具有更好的脱氮效果,25℃为最适宜反应温度;进水硝态氮浓度与硝态氮去除率之间有很好的相关性;随着反应时间的延长,各碳源脱氮效率也在不断加速,至24 h时,PBS、PHAs和麦秆对应的去除率分别为98.53%、93.41%和73.26%。对三种碳源反应前后的表面进行扫描电镜分析,证实了三种碳源作为反硝化固体碳源的可行性。COD反弹和硝态氮积累试验表明,麦秆更适用于污水处理厂尾水的生态净化工艺。  相似文献   

This study examined the reuse potential of the effluents discharged from several unified wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) of industrial parks in Taiwan, with designed capacity exceeding 10,000 CMD. Parameters were selected based on the relevant reuse purposes. The "potential recycling percentage", R of the WWTP effluent was defined as the maximal percentage of pure water extractable by the "ideal reverse osmosis module" while the RO retentate still met local effluent standards and required no treatment. The analytical results demonstrated that the WWTP effluents had potential for recycling. A pilot plant was installed in one of the WWTPs. The treatment process included a sand filter, an ultrafiltration unit (UF) and a reverse osmosis module (RO). Results of this study demonstrated that the production quantity and quality are stable and appropriate for various purposes, including both industrial and domestic applications.  相似文献   

In Mediterranean countries, water shortage is becoming a problem of high concern affecting the local economy, mostly based on agriculture. The problem is not only the scarcity of water in terms of average per capita, but the high cost to make water available at the right place, at the right time with the required quality. In these cases, an integrated approach for water resources management including wastewater is required. The management should also include treated wastewater (TWW) reclamation and reuse, especially for agricultural irrigation. In Italy, TWW reuse is regulated by a quite restrictive approach (Ministry Decree, M.D. 185/03), especially for some chemical compounds and microbiological parameters. The aim of the paper is the evaluation of TWW reuse potential in Sicily. A Geographic Information System (GIS) was built at regional level to quantify and locate the available TWW volumes. In particular, the characteristics of wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) were integrated, through the GIS, with data on irrigation district areas. Moreover, in order to evaluate the Italian approach for reuse practice in agriculture, the water quality of different TWW effluents was analysed on the basis of both the Italian standards and the WHO guidelines.  相似文献   

卢选伟 《水利水电技术》2006,37(1):92-94,97
根据干旱与半干旱地区降水时空分布变化大、洪水暴涨暴落,与湿润、半湿润地区不同的特点,提出干旱与半干旱地区的主要产流方式为蓄满和超渗两者兼而有之的混合产流方式。在综合了国内外相关模型的基础上,提出了超渗和超持的双超产流模型。同时建议加强雨量观测站网规划和建设工作,增加计算划分模拟单元,以提高模拟的合理性和准确性。  相似文献   

城镇污水处理厂出水作为河道景观用水的探讨   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
一些观点认为按照现行的《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002),污水处理厂出水达到了一级A标准后就可以作为河道景观用水, 笔者以为,应根据当地情况具体分析,例如在江南平原河网地区,未必可行。  相似文献   

Wastewater reuse in arid regions is important for the production of a water resource to be utilised for non-potable purposes and to prevent the environmental transmission of disease-causing agents. This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of water quality on the comparative disinfection efficiency of viruses, bacteria and spores by UV irradiation. Furthermore, the microbial quality of effluent produced by coagulation, high rate filtration (HRF) and either UV irradiation or chlorination was determined. Using low pressure collimated beam, a UV dose of 80 mWs/cm2 was needed to achieve a 3-log10 inactivation of either rotavirus SA-11 or coliphage MS2, whereas over 5-log10 inactivation of E. coli was reached with a dose of only 20 mWs/cm2. B. subtilis inactivation was found to be linear up to a dose of 40 mWs/cm2 and then a tailing up to a UV dose of 120 mWs/cm2 was observed. It is worth noting that effluent turbidity of < 5 NTU did not influence the inactivation efficiency of UV irradiation. Operation of a pilot plant to treat secondary effluent by coagulation, HRF and UV disinfection at a UV dose of 80 mWs/cm2 resulted in the production of high quality effluent in compliance with the Israel standards for unrestricted irrigation (< 10 CFU/100 mL faecal coliform and turbidity of < 5 NTU). Sulphite reducing clostridia (SRC) were found to be more resistant than coliphages and F coliform for UV irradiation. The results of this study indicated that UV disinfection is suitable for the production of effluents for unrestricted irrigation of food crops.  相似文献   

Field experiments are in progress for secondary wastewater upgrading for unrestricted utilization for agricultural irrigation. The integrative approach of secondary effluent polishing is based on using a hybrid UltraFiltration (UF) and Reverse Osmosis (RO) membrane pilot system with a capacity of around 1 m3/hr. The UF effluent is used to feed the RO membranes. The RO permeate is subsequently applied for vegetable irrigation. Field results indicate the importance of the UF component in the removal of the organic matter and the pathogens that are still contained in the secondary effluent. Under specific conditions, when the dissolved solids content is relatively low, regarding sanitary and health aspects, the UF effluent can be applied for unrestricted irrigation. During the RO stage most nutrients are removed, allowing application of the effluent without jeopardizing the soil fertility and the aquifers. Preliminary economic assessment indicates that the extra cost for effluent polishing via the UF stage only is in the range of 5 to 15 US cents/m3. The extra cost for the RO stage is also assessed at 10 to 25 US cents/m3. The additional cost depends to a large extent on the quality of the incoming raw secondary effluent and local requirements of the command region.  相似文献   

More than 1,600 prefabricated on-site wastewater treatment plants are in operation in the Morsa watershed in Norway. As of 2010 a monitoring program on the performance of these plants is in effect. Sampling methods for wastewater treatment plants is discussed, and different methods are compared. The study includes six different plant models, of which all are prefabricated package plants. The parameters investigated were total phosphorus (Tot-P), orthophosphate (PO(4)-P) and suspended solids (SS). Diurnal curves showed no apparent repetitive variation over 24 h intervals, indicating good equalization and robust design to compensate for highly variable loadings. A comparison of grab samples and time proportional composite samples showed almost identical average values, and a paired two-tailed Student's t-test indicates no statistically significant difference between the sampling methods. The results indicate that equivalent results should be expected irrespective of sampling method, and, as composite sampling is attributed to much higher costs, it is recommended that grab sampling should be used when a large number of plants are evaluated.  相似文献   

Olive mill wastewater (OMW) results from the production of olive oil, which is an important traditional agro-industry in Mediterranean countries. In continuous three-phase centrifugation 1.0-1.2 m(3) of OMW are produced per ton of processed olives. Discharge of OMW is of serious environmental concern due to its high content of organic matter with phytotoxic properties, namely phenolic compounds. Meanwhile, drinking water treatment sludge (DWTS) is produced in high amounts and has long been considered as a waste for landfill. The aim of this work was the assessment of reusing DWTS for OMW treatment. High performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis was carried out to determine the phenolic compounds present and to evaluate if they are recalcitrant. Treatability assays were performed using a dosage of DWTS from 50 to 300 g L(-1). Treatment efficiency was evaluated based on the removal of chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), total solids (TS), total suspended solids (TSS), total volatile solids (TVS), oil and grease (OG), phenols (total phosphorous (TP) and HPLC fraction). Results from OMW HPLC characterization identified a total of 13 compounds; the major ones were hydroxytyrosol, tyrosol, caffeic acid, p-cumaric acid and oleuropein. Treatability assays led to a maximum reduction of about 90% of some of the phenolic compounds determined by HPLC. Addition of 200-300 g L(-1) of DWTS reduced 40-50% of COD, 45-50% of TP, a maximum of nearly 70% TSS and 45% for TS and TVS. The OG fraction showed a reduction of about 90%, achieved adding 300 g L(-1) od DWTS. This study points out the possibility of establishing an integrated management of OMW and DWTS, contributing to a decrease in the environmental impact of two industrial activities, olive oil production and drinking water treatment.  相似文献   

位于昆明市下游的滇池,因受市区排放的生活污水、工业废水以及当地污水的影响,水污染问题十分突出,急需治理。污水灌溉与污水处理相结合的土地系统是一种可供选择的技术措施。本文阐述了将该系统用于公厕污水处理的工程构造型式与运行管理方式,建立了示范应用工程,开展了污染物去除效果研究和效益分析。结果表明,采用污水灌溉与污水土地处理系统处理公厕污水,处理后回用于厕所冲洗,可获得良好的污水处理效果,并可节约宝贵的淡水资源。该技术在实际应用中具有经济可行性。  相似文献   

Two different irrigation systems, subsurface drip irrigation and furrow irrigation, are tested to investigate the level of viral contamination and survival when tertiary effluent is used in arid and semi-arid regions. The effluent was injected with bacteriophages of PRD1 and MS2. A greater number of PRD1 and MS2 were recovered from the lettuce in the subsurface drip-irrigated plots as compared to those in the furrow-irrigated plots. Shallow drip tape installation and preferential water paths through cracks on the soil surface appeared to be the main causes of high viral contamination in subsurface drip irrigation plots, which led to the direct contact of the lettuce stems with the irrigation water which penetrated the soil surface. The water use efficiency of the subsurface drip irrigation system was higher than that of the furrow irrigation system. Thus, subsurface drip irrigation is an efficient irrigation method for vegetable crops in arid and semi-arid regions if viral contamination can be reduced. Deeper installation of drip tapes, frequent irrigations, and timely harvests based on cumulative heat units may further reduce health risks by ensuring viral die-off under various field conditions.  相似文献   

Due to the strict regulations and reuse policies that govern wastewater's use as an irrigation water resource for agricultural purposes, especially in dry climates, optimization of the disinfection process is of the utmost importance. The effects of solar radiation along with Titanium dioxide(TiO_2) nanoparticles applied to optimization of the photolysis and photocatalysis processes for inactivating heterotrophic bacteria were investigated. Temperature, p H, and dissolved oxygen fluctuations in the dairy wastewater effluent treated by activated sludge were examined. In addition,different dosages of TiO_2 were tested in the solar photocatalysis(ph-C S) and concentrated solar photocatalysis(ph-C CS) processes. The results show that the disinfection efficiencies of the solar photolysis(ph-L S) and concentrated solar photolysis(ph-L CS) processes after 30 min were about 10.5% and 68.9%, respectively, and that the ph-C S and ph-C CS processes inactivated 41% and 97% of the heterotrophic bacteria after 30 min, respectively. The p H variation in these processes was negligible. Using the ph-L CS and ph-C CS processes, the synergistic effect between the optical and thermal inactivation caused complete disinfection after three hours. However, disinfection was faster in the ph-C CS process than in the ph-L CS process. Significant correlations were found between the disinfection efficiency and the variation of the dissolved oxygen concentration in the ph-C S and ph-C CS processes, while the correlations between the disinfection efficiency and temperature variation were not significant in the ph-L S and ph-C S processes. Moreover, the oxygen consumption rate was greatest(3.2 mg··L~(-1)) in the ph-C CS process. Hence,it could be concluded that the ph-C CS process is an efficient photocatalysis process for disinfection of dairy wastewater effluent.  相似文献   

New stricter nitrogen effluent standards and increasing influent loads require existing wastewater treatment plans (WWTPs) to extend or optimize. At WWTPs with limited aeration capacity, limited denitrification capacity or shortage of aerobic sludge age, implementation of SHARON to improve nitrogen effluent quality can be a solution. SHARON is a compact, sustainable and cost-effective biological process for treatment of nitrogen-rich rejection waters. At WWTP Rotterdam-Dokhaven and WWTP Utrecht a SHARON has been in operation for several years. For both WWTPs the effect of SHARON on the nitrogen effluent quality has been evaluated. WWTP Rotterdam-Dokhaven has limited aeration capacity. By implementation of SHARON, the ammonia load of the effluent was reduced by 50%. WWTP Utrecht had limited denitrification capacity. The implementation of SHARON improved the effluent nitrate load by 40%. The overall TN removal efficiency increased from 65% to over 75% and strict nitrogen effluents standards (TN = 10 mg N/l) could be reached. Through modelling and supported by full scale practice it has been shown that by implementation of SHARON in combination with enhanced influent pre-treatment, the aerobic sludge age can be extended to maintain total nitrogen removal at lower temperatures.  相似文献   

Wastewater is increasingly regarded as a valuable resource, but to fully and safely exploit the potential, sound institutional arrangements governing its reuse are crucial. This article presents a case study of a self-managed irrigation scheme in Western Cape, South Africa, that uses treated effluent directly, formally and safely. By applying the Institutional Analysis and Development framework, the variables within the context, action arena and patterns of interaction that have enabled this outcome are systematically identified and evaluated. Key variables include: water scarcity; an effective policy and regulatory framework; public pollution prevention awareness; self-organization; and capital-intensive water use linked to profitable markets.  相似文献   

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