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The present research examined whether social anxiety moderates the potential relationship between conversation medium and interpersonal connectedness. Hypotheses predicted that individuals with high social anxiety would demonstrate greater interpersonal connectedness following instant messaging conversations; whereas, individuals with low social anxiety would report greater interpersonal connectedness following face-to-face and phone conversations. Undergraduate participants (N = 165) were randomly assigned to one of three conversation mediums (face-to-face, phone or instant messaging) during which they engaged in an interaction with an unfamiliar partner. Participants completed a measure of social anxiety before the interaction and measures of interpersonal connectedness prior to and following the interaction. Results revealed that level of social anxiety is a significant contingent condition for the association between type of conversation medium and attitude homophily (i.e., a measure of interpersonal connectedness). For individuals with low social anxiety, scores on the attitude homophily measure were significantly lower in the instant messaging condition, compared to the face-to-face and phone conditions.  相似文献   

The rapid growth and increasing convergence of social networking and e-commerce open up a new era of social commerce, wherein people are encouraged to engage in various social interactions that are conducive to commercial activities. However, current studies are limited in investigating the concept of social commerce engagement and the processes through which social commerce engagement is established. Drawing upon interpersonal attraction theory and relationship management perspective, this study proposes a research model to address the influences of technology attractiveness, which is composed of task, social, and physical attractiveness, on social commerce involvement and engagement. Considering that social interactions in social commerce community are often stimulated by users’ common interests in products and consumption activities, the moderating role of personal interest is further examined by applying personality literature to reveal how technology attractiveness and community involvement take effect in the social commerce context. Empirical results indicate that all the three aspects of technology attractiveness (i.e., task, social, and physical attractiveness) are positively associated with community involvement, which in turn affects social commerce engagement. In particular, involvement fully mediates the impact of physical attractiveness and partially mediates the effects of task and social attractiveness. Personal interest enhances the effect of social attractiveness, whereas it weakens the effect of physical attractiveness on community involvement. Personal interest also strengthens the positive relationship between community involvement and social commerce engagement. Findings emerged from this study will contribute to the current understanding of how social commerce engagement is formed and help practitioners improve community attractiveness and deliver differential attractiveness to users with different levels of personal interest.  相似文献   

Facebook (FB)1 is a popular platform for interacting with others to establish or maintain relationships. Compared to other interpersonal exchanges, FB does not require in-person interactions. Therefore, FB may represent an important social sphere for individuals with social anxiety disorder (SAD).2 Examining the relationship between social anxiety symptoms and FB activity could inform future research on the benefits or consequences of FB use in SAD individuals. This study examined the relationship between social anxiety symptoms and different FB usage patterns. We also considered the role of brooding—a known risk factor for SAD. 75 nonclinical FB users completed questionnaires about psychological symptoms, FB usage, and brooding. Greater social anxiety symptoms were associated with spending more time on FB and passively using FB (i.e., viewing other’s profiles without interacting). Brooding mediated the relationship between passive FB use and social anxiety symptoms. An alternative model demonstrated that social anxiety symptoms mediated the association between passive FB use and brooding. This study was limited by its cross-sectional, self-report design. Future research should assess FB use with objective, real-time data and use experimental designs. Results have implications for the cognitive–behavioral model of SAD.  相似文献   

Online games resemble miniature societies, in which social interactions occur within a virtual world. Previous studies have realized that the main motivation in playing games is to fulfill interpersonal needs. Players expect to own great interpersonal attraction to help them develop ideal interpersonal relationships. In the real world, individual outward appearance and social status are two important factors having influence on interpersonal attraction. In online games, the outward appearance of characters can be manipulated by changing the clothes and accessories used by those characters. This study proposes that difference in outward appearance, as in real society, affects player interpersonal attraction assessments. Additionally, when game experience and performance of players are accumulated, their grade in game would be raised. This study also proposes that the variation of role grade would influence its social status and the attitude of others. This study conducts experiments, and the results verify that a game character with high outward attractiveness and social status acquires higher online interpersonal attraction than one with low outward attractiveness and social status, and vice versa.  相似文献   

Posting, reading, and responding to status updates is an integral part of many peoples' daily lives. However, the role of personality in predicting social responses to status updates remains largely unexplored. Based on the social enhancement and the social compensation hypothesis, we assessed the role of extraversion and social anxiety in predicting social responses to status updates. Moreover, we explored the influence of valence in this context. Capitalizing on the assets of a multimethod approach, personality was assessed with self-reports, and valence was evaluated by independent raters. Social responses to status updates were captured (1) by observing direct social feedback (i.e. likes and commenters) and (2) by informant reports on the interpersonal appraisal of participants’ status updates by their friends. In a German and a US sample, for direct social feedback neither extraversion nor social anxiety emerged as significant predictors. However, analyses of the informant reports showed that status updates of more socially anxious individuals were appreciated more by their friends. Furthermore, results pointed to the importance of valence in this context; revealing associations between valence and direct social feedback, valence and extraversion, and a moderation effect of personality on the association between valence and likes in the US sample.  相似文献   

Attractive people are considered by others to have many positive qualities and in the case of social skills and intelligence, these attributions are often true. In internet dating, individuals with attractive profile photos are viewed more favorably overall, but no research has yet established whether they indeed have more positive qualities. We addressed this issue by having 50 women independently rate 100 photos and free-written texts taken from males’ profiles on a popular dating website. Photos rated as physically attractive had profile texts that were rated as more attractive, even though photos and texts were rated by different judges. Perceived confidence seemed to play a mediating role, suggesting that attractive men write appealing texts because they are aware of their high mate value. Thus, contrary to popular belief, the internet does not seem to “level the playing field.”  相似文献   

This study addresses the influences of Spanish teenagers’ usage intensity of the Spanish online social networking site Tuenti on their psychological wellbeing. Tuenti is the social networking site that is most preferred and used by Spanish adolescents. Hypothesized relationships are analyzed by structural equation analysis in a sample of 344 Spanish adolescents aged 12–17 with an online Tuenti profile. Teenagers’ usage intensity of Tuenti was positively related to the degree of socializing on the social networking site. Furthermore, socializing on Tuenti had a significantly positive influence on teenagers’ perception of wellbeing. This relationship was not direct, however, but mediated by the intervening variables of self-esteem and loneliness. Results confirmed that Tuenti has become a suitable platform for the development, consolidation and growth of Spanish teenagers’ social relations. Contrary to some previous research pointing to a detrimental effect of SNS use on mental health and psychological wellbeing, the findings of this study are in line with those of a number of authors who suggest that SNS use may on the whole be positive for users, including most teenagers.  相似文献   

This paper empirically examines the effects of organizational spokesperson's physical attractiveness and their social cues usage on message effectiveness. A 2 (physical attractiveness of spokesperson) × 2 (social cues) × 2 (crisis response strategy) mixed subject design was tested. The results show that spokespeople with high physical attractiveness as communicating more credible messages, being more expert sources, and as being more persuasive. Also, social cues of spokespeople have an influence on the participants’ perceived credibility and expertise while the interaction effects suggest that the effects of social cue override the effects of physical attractiveness. This indicates that crisis communication practitioners can use social cues to boost persuasiveness and/or message credibility of less attractive spokespeople. Theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

Microblogging on sites like Twitter is a growing and popular trend among young people. Apparently, some users of these microblogs exhibit addiction-like symptoms. Until recently, there was no psychometric scale to measure the excessive use of Twitter. The development of the Microblog Excessive Use Scale (MEUS) in 2014 proved a positive step in assessing this phenomenon. In the current study, we employed the MEUS to assess excessive use of Twitter in a sample of 256 college students (53.1% female; mean age 21.4 years) in the UK. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA), calculation of criterion-related and concurrent validity and reliability were performed to assess the scale's psychometric properties. The MEUS was found to be a valid instrument for assessing excessive use of Twitter among UK college students. In addition, we found that real life social interaction was negatively associated with excessive use of Twitter and this relationship was mediated by loneliness. We compared our results with results from a previous study in which the MEUS was developed and noted some interesting differences, which might be explained by cultural differences between samples in the two studies.  相似文献   

Age invaders (AI), is a novel interactive intergeneration social-physical game which allows the elderly to play harmoniously together with children in the physical space, while parents can participate in the game play in real time remotely in the virtual world through the internet. Traditional digital games are designed for the young where normally the player sits in front of a computer or game console. Unlike standard computer games, age invaders brings the game play to a physical platform, and requires and encourages physical body movements rather than constraining the user in front of a computer for many hours. Age invaders is an interactive social-physical family digital game designed specially for a harmonious game play between the elderly and young. Adjusting game properties automatically compensates for potential elderly disadvantages, for example slower reaction time and slow movement.  相似文献   

Based on theory and previous research, we examined relationships among gender, social anxiety, self-disclosure, quality of real-world friendships and online communication by Chinese adolescent Internet users. Results indicated that online communication and self-disclosure are not related to quality of friendship, and online communication is positively related to self-disclosure. For adolescent boys and adolescents with high social anxiety, online communication can explain more variance in users’ self-disclosure, indicating that gender and social anxiety moderate the relationship between online communication and online self-disclosure.  相似文献   

The Internet has become increasingly popular as a way to administer self-report questionnaires, especially in the field of Internet delivered psychological treatments. Collecting questionnaire data over the Internet has advantages, such as ease of administration, and automated scoring. However, psychometric properties cannot be assumed to be identical to the paper-and-pencil versions. The aim of this study was to test the equivalence of paper-and-pencil and Internet administered versions of self-report questionnaires used in social phobia research. We analyzed data from two trials in which samples were recruited in a similar manner. One sample (N = 64) completed the paper-and-pencil version of questionnaires and the second sample (N = 57) completed the same measures online. We included the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale-self-assessment (LSAS-SR), the Social Interaction and Anxiety Scale (SIAS), and the Social Phobia Scale (SPS) as measures of social anxiety. Also included were the Montgomery Åsberg Depression Rating Scale-self-assessment (MADRS-S), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and the Quality of Life Inventory (QOLI). Results showed equivalent psychometric properties across administration formats. Cronbach’s α ranged between 0.77 and 0.94. There was an indication of a somewhat higher construct validity when participants filled out questionnaires using paper-and-pencil. We conclude that the LSAS-SR, SIAS, and SPS can be administered via the Internet with maintained psychometric properties.  相似文献   

Serious games are supposed to instigate engagement and, in turn, improve learning. High engagement is frequently connected with a positive affective state and a high flow state. However, the alleged link between a learner’s affective state, his/her flow state and learning outcomes has not been investigated in detail in the context of serious games. Even less information is available on how serious games may influence markers of physiological arousal. To fill this gap, participants of this exploratory study (N = 171) played one of the six different serious game-based treatments, while we measured their affect, flow, cortisol secretion and learning achievement. The treatments were supposed to generate different levels of engagement and cortisol responses, because some of them were designed for a single user, while others were team-based, featuring so-called social-evaluative threat (ST) components. Our results revealed that flow was positively related to positive affect and negatively to negative affect. While flow and positive affect were related to learning gains, almost no relationship between either of these three variables and cortisol levels was found. Negative affect and cortisol were elevated in social interaction anxious males in team-based conditions. This study contributes to the limited body of research on the relationship between engagement and learning in serious games. We provide new perspectives on the relationships between flow, positive/negative affect and cortisol. Our findings highlight the fact that team-based serious games with ST components may have adverse effects on learners, particularly males, with high social interaction anxiety.  相似文献   

In this study, 150 undergraduates answered questions about their Internet usage and completed a loneliness and an Internet self-efficacy questionnaire. A factor analysis of the Internet usage items revealed three facets of online recreation, including, using the Internet for: computer-based entertainment, to facilitate offline entertainment, and for information about the entertainment world. Those who scored higher on loneliness were more likely to use the Internet for computer-based entertainment, as well as, use the Internet to obtain information about the entertainment world. Individuals higher in Internet self-efficacy were more likely to use the Internet for computer-based entertainment and to facilitate offline entertainment. Implications for the study of the psychological influences of the Internet are discussed in this paper.  相似文献   

We examined sources of Internet anxiety; specifically modeling the ties from broad dispositional traits (computer anxiety, computer self-efficacy, and personal innovativeness with IT), beliefs about the work environment (about the adequacy of resources and trust in technology), and two forms of social support for IT (leader and peer support) to individuals’ anxiety about using Internet applications. We tested our model using respondents who participated in virtual teams during a 16-week period. Our findings suggested that Internet anxiety was affected both by the users’ personality and by beliefs that can be influenced by providing adequate resources to support the technology, encourage trust in technology, and working to assure users that leaders and peers are supportive of their using the technology. Our findings suggest that by providing appropriate resources and fostering a supportive environment, leaders could reduce Internet anxiety and thus influence the use of technology in the workplace in ways that benefit organizations.  相似文献   

Drawing on attachment theory, the present study examines the attachment styles of individuals relative to two ways of building social capital – bonding social capital and bridging social capital. In trying to relate attachment theory to the use of SNS, the present study argues that bonding social capital is reflected in the use of SNS for forming attachment bonds from trust-based strong ties, while bridging social capital is reflected in the use of SNS for causal affiliations among more socially distant people. The conceptual model was validated through an online survey completed by 368 Facebook users. Two hierarchical multiple regression analyses indicated several results. First, avoidance attachment was significant and negatively predictive of both bonding social and bridging social capital. Second, both bonding social capital and bridging social capital reported by respondents appeared to be greatest under conditions of low anxiety attachment coupled with low avoidance attachment. Third, levels of Facebook usage were significant and independently predictive of bridging social capital.  相似文献   

Human Pacman is a novel interactive entertainment system that ventures to embed the natural physical world seamlessly with a fantasy virtual playground by capitalizing on mobile computing, wireless LAN, ubiquitous computing, and motion-tracking technologies. Our human Pacman research is a physical role-playing augmented-reality computer fantasy together with real human–social and mobile gaming. It emphasizes collaboration and competition between players in a wide outdoor physical area which allows natural wide-area human–physical movements. Pacmen and Ghosts are now real human players in the real world, experiencing mixed computer graphics fantasy–reality provided by using the wearable computers. Virtual cookies and actual tangible physical objects are incorporated into the game play to provide novel experiences of seamless transitions between real and virtual worlds. We believe human Pacman is pioneering a new form of gaming that anchors on physicality, mobility, social interaction, and ubiquitous computing.
Adrian David CheokEmail:

Virtual Reality - Technologies such as virtual reality (VR), an immersive computer-based environment that induces a feeling of mental and physical presence, are becoming increasingly popular for...  相似文献   

Investigation of the underlying mechanisms responsible for measurement variance has received little attention. The primary objective of this study is to examine whether paper and social media surveys produce convergent results and investigate the underlying psychological mechanisms for the potential measurement nonequivalence. Particularly, we explored the role of social desirability and satisficing on the measurement results. We collected data via five different survey modes, including paper survey, ad hoc Web survey, online forum (message boards)-based, SNS-based and microblog-based surveys. The findings show that socially desirable responding does not lead to inconsistent results. Rather we found that satisficing causes inconsistent results in paper versus online surveys. Sociability reduces the possibility of engaging in satisficing that results in inconsistent results between traditional Web surveys and social media-based Web surveys.  相似文献   

Millions of people use social networking sites (SNSs), but it is unclear how these sites shape personality traits and identity. In Experiment 1, college students were randomly assigned to either edit their MySpace page or complete a control task online (interacting with Google Maps). Those who focused on their MySpace page scored significantly higher on the Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI) than a control group. In Experiment 2, those who focused on their Facebook page scored significantly higher in general self-esteem, but not narcissism, than a control group. Thus, spending time on SNSs profiles causes young people to endorse more positive self-views, although the specific form this takes depends on the site. Consistent with previous research, narcissism was associated with a larger number of SNSs “friends” in both experiments.  相似文献   

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