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Tag systems were invented by Emil Leon Post and proven recursively unsolvable by Marvin Minsky. These production systems have proved to be very useful in constructing small universal (Turing complete) systems for several different classes of computational systems, including Turing machines, and are thus important instruments for studying limits or boundaries of solvability and unsolvability. Although there are some results on tag systems and their limits of solvability and unsolvability, there are hardly any that consider both   the shift number vv and the number of symbols μμ. This paper aims to contribute to research on limits of solvability and unsolvability for tag systems, taking into account these two parameters. The main result is the reduction of the 3n+13n+1-problem to a surprisingly small tag system. It indicates that the present unsolvability line–defined in terms of μμ and vv–for tag systems might be significantly decreased.  相似文献   

The local bb-function bf,p(s)bf,p(s) of an nn-variate polynomial f∈C[x]fC[x] (x=(x1,…,xn)x=(x1,,xn)) at a point p∈CnpCn is constant on each stratum of a stratification of CnCn. We propose a new method for computing such a stratification and bf,p(s)bf,p(s) on each stratum. In the existing method proposed in Oaku (1997b), a primary ideal decomposition of an ideal in C[x,s]C[x,s] is needed and our experiment shows that the primary decomposition can be a bottleneck for computing the stratification. In our new method, the computation can be done by just computing ideal quotients and examining inclusions of algebraic sets. The precise form of a stratum can be obtained by computing the decomposition of the radicals of the ideals in C[x]C[x] defining the stratum. We also introduce various techniques for improving the practical efficiency of the implementation and we show results of computations for some examples.  相似文献   

This paper aims at investigating properties of homomorphisms which preserve the bordered words. The bordered words are classified into d1d1-words and d2d2-words, where the length of the proper border of d2d2-word is greater than half of it. Some characterizations of d1d1-word-preserving homomorphism are studied. Some relationships among d-primitivity-preserving homomorphisms, d1d1-word-preserving homomorphisms, and d2d2-word-preserving homomorphisms are investigated. We show that every d-primitivity-preserving homomorphism is d1d1-word-preserving and every d1d1-word-preserving homomorphism is d2d2-word-preserving.  相似文献   

The present paper investigates two-parameter families of spheres in R3R3 and their corresponding two-dimensional surfaces ΦΦ in R4R4. Considering a rational surface ΦΦ in R4R4, the envelope surface ΨΨ of the corresponding family of spheres in R3R3 is typically non-rational. Using a classical sphere-geometric approach, we prove that the envelope surface ΨΨ and its offset surfaces admit rational parameterizations if and only if ΦΦ is a rational sub-variety of a rational isotropic hyper-surface in R4R4. The close relation between the envelope surfaces ΨΨ and rational offset surfaces in R3R3 is elaborated in detail. This connection leads to explicit rational parameterizations for all rational surfaces ΦΦ in R4R4 whose corresponding two-parameter families of spheres possess envelope surfaces admitting rational parameterizations. Finally we discuss several classes of surfaces sharing this property.  相似文献   

Given a graph GG, an integer kk, and a demand set D={(s1,t1),…,(sl,tl)}D={(s1,t1),,(sl,tl)}, the kk-Steiner Forest problem finds a forest in graph GG to connect at least kk demands in DD such that the cost of the forest is minimized. This problem was proposed by Hajiaghayi and Jain in SODA’06. Thereafter, using a Lagrangian relaxation technique, Segev et al. gave the first approximation algorithm to this problem in ESA’06, with performance ratio O(n2/3logl)O(n2/3logl). We give a simpler and faster approximation algorithm to this problem with performance ratio O(n2/3logk)O(n2/3logk) via greedy approach, improving the previously best known ratio in the literature.  相似文献   

A real xx is called hh-bounded computable  , for some function h:N→Nh:NN, if there is a computable sequence (xs)(xs) of rational numbers which converges to xx such that, for any n∈NnN, at most h(n)h(n) non-overlapping pairs of its members are separated by a distance larger than 2-n2-n. In this paper we discuss properties of hh-bounded computable reals for various functions hh. We will show a simple sufficient condition for a class of functions hh such that the corresponding hh-bounded computable reals form an algebraic field. A hierarchy theorem for hh-bounded computable reals is also shown. Besides we compare semi-computability and weak computability with the hh-bounded computability for special functions hh.  相似文献   

For a set TT of nn points (terminals) in the plane, a Manhattan network   on TT is a network N(T)=(V,E)N(T)=(V,E) with the property that its edges are horizontal or vertical segments connecting points in V⊇TVT and for every pair of terminals, the network N(T)N(T) contains a shortest l1l1-path between them. A minimum Manhattan network   on TT is a Manhattan network of minimum possible length. The problem of finding minimum Manhattan networks has been introduced by Gudmundsson, Levcopoulos, and Narasimhan [J. Gudmundsson, C. Levcopoulos, G. Narasimhan, Approximating a minimum Manhattan network, Nordic Journal of Computing 8 (2001) 219–232. Proc. APPROX’99, 1999, pp. 28–37] and its complexity status is unknown. Several approximation algorithms (with factors 8, 4, and 3) have been proposed; recently Kato, Imai, and Asano [R. Kato, K. Imai, T. Asano, An improved algorithm for the minimum Manhattan network problem, ISAAC’02, in: LNCS, vol. 2518, 2002, pp. 344–356] have given a factor 2-approximation algorithm, however their correctness proof is incomplete. In this paper, we propose a rounding 2-approximation algorithm based on an LP-formulation of the minimum Manhattan network problem.  相似文献   

A zero-sum k-flow for a graph G   is a vector in the null-space of the 0,10,1-incidence matrix of G   such that its entries belong to {±1,?,±(k−1)}{±1,?,±(k1)}. Akbari et al. (2009) [5] conjectured that if G is a graph with a zero-sum flow, then G   admits a zero-sum 6-flow. (2,3)(2,3)-semiregular graphs are an important family in studying zero-sum flows. Akbari et al. (2009) [5] proved that if Zero-Sum Conjecture is true for any (2,3)(2,3)-semiregular graph, then it is true for any graph. In this paper, we show that there is a polynomial time algorithm to determine whether a given (2,3)(2,3)-graph G   has a zero-sum 3-flow. In fact, we show that, there is a polynomial time algorithm to determine whether a given (2,4)(2,4)-graph G with n   vertices has a zero-sum 3-flow, where the number of vertices of degree four is O(log?n)O(log?n). Furthermore, we show that it is NP-complete to determine whether a given (3,4)(3,4)-semiregular graph has a zero-sum 3-flow.  相似文献   

Motivated by recent applications of wireless sensor networks in monitoring infrastructure networks, we address the problem of optimal coverage of infrastructure networks using sensors whose sensing performance decays with distance. We show that this problem can be formulated as a continuous p-median problem on networks. The literature has addressed the discrete p-median problem   on networks and in continuum domains, and the continuous pp-median problem in continuum domains extensively. However, in-depth analysis of the continuous pp-median problem on networks has been lacking. With the sensing performance model that decays with distance, each sensor covers a region equivalent to its Voronoi partition on the network in terms of the shortest path distance metric. Using Voronoi partitions, we define a directional partial derivative of the coverage metric with respect to a sensor’s location. We then propose a gradient descent algorithm to obtain a locally optimal solution with guaranteed convergence. The quality of an optimal solution depends on the choice of the initial configuration of sensors. We obtain an initial configuration using two approaches: by solving the discrete pp-median problem on a lumped   network and by random sampling. We consider two methods of random sampling: uniform sampling and D2D2-sampling. The first approach with the initial solution of the discrete pp-median problem leads to the best coverage performance for large networks, but at the cost of high running time. We also observe that the gradient descent on the initial solution with the D2D2-sampling method yields a solution that is within at most 7% of the previous solution and with much shorter running time.  相似文献   

We show how to calculate three low degree set-theoretic generators (i.e., algebraic surfaces) for all rational space curves of low degree (degree ≤66) as well as for all higher degree rational space curves where at least one element of their μμ-basis has degree 1 from a μμ-basis of the parametrization. In addition to having low degree, at least two of these surface generators are always ruled surfaces. Whenever possible we also show how to compute two set-theoretic complete intersection generators for these rational space curves from a μμ-basis of their parametrization.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the multicriteria 0-1 knapsack problem (KP) with kk-min objectives (MkMIN-KP) in which the first objective is of classical sum type and the remaining objectives are kk-min objective functions. The kk-min objectives are ordinal objectives, aiming at the maximization of the kk th smallest objective coefficient in any feasible knapsack solution with at least kk items in the knapsack. We develop efficient algorithms for the determination of the complete nondominated set of MkMIN-KP.  相似文献   

This article studies the expressive power of finite-state automata recognizing sets of real numbers encoded positionally. It is known that the sets that are definable in the first-order additive theory of real and integer variables 〈R,Z,+,<〉R,Z,+,< can all be recognized by weak deterministic Büchi automata, regardless of the encoding base r>1r>1. In this article, we prove the reciprocal property, i.e., a subset of RR that is recognizable by weak deterministic automata in every base r>1r>1 is necessarily definable in 〈R,Z,+,<〉R,Z,+,<. This result generalizes to real numbers the well-known Cobham’s theorem on the finite-state recognizability of sets of integers. Our proof gives interesting insight into the internal structure of automata recognizing sets of real numbers, which may lead to efficient data structures for handling these sets.  相似文献   

The ΔΔ-timed uniform consensus is a stronger variant of the traditional consensus and it satisfies the following additional property: every correct process terminates its execution within a constant time ΔΔΔ-timeliness), and no two processes decide differently (uniformity). In this paper, we consider the ΔΔ-timed uniform consensus problem in presence of fcfc crash processes and ftft timing-faulty processes, and propose a ΔΔ-timed uniform consensus algorithm. The proposed algorithm is adaptive in the following sense: it solves the ΔΔ-timed uniform consensus when at least ft+1ft+1 correct processes exist in the system. If the system has less than ft+1ft+1 correct processes, the algorithm cannot solve the ΔΔ-timed uniform consensus. However, as long as ft+1ft+1 processes are non-crashed, the algorithm solves (non-timed) uniform consensus. We also investigate the maximum number of faulty processes that can be tolerated. We show that any ΔΔ-timed uniform consensus algorithm tolerating up to ftft timing-faulty processes requires that the system has at least ft+1ft+1 correct processes. This impossibility result implies that the proposed algorithm attains the maximum resilience about the number of faulty processes. We also show that any ΔΔ-timed uniform consensus algorithm tolerating up to ftft timing-faulty processes cannot solve the (non-timed) uniform consensus when the system has less than ft+1ft+1 non-crashed processes. This impossibility result implies that our algorithm attains the maximum adaptiveness.  相似文献   

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