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In their rapidly expanding attempts to use company web sites to e-recruit job applicants in a world-wide labor market, employers have often found their hiring systems to be unexpectedly overwhelmed by large numbers of applications from poorly qualified individuals. To both limit and understand this phenomenon, this article employs a job marketing perspective to organize and review contemporary theory-based studies of the effects of web site recruiting sources on job seeker attitudes and employment application behaviors. To accomplish this task, recruiting research based on theoretical elements of Realistic Job Previews (RJPs), Person-Organization (P-O) Fit, the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) and signaling theory is examined in terms of its implications for the ability of companies to e-recruit high quality job applicants. Overall, results of this analysis reveal that each of these theoretical areas offer useful insights but that considerably more theory-based research is needed to assess the effect of e-recruiting sources on the attitudes and decisions of highly qualified job seekers actively engaged in the job search process.  相似文献   

Previous research on Internet recruitment has made the implicit assumption that recruitment websites influence viewers’ opinions of recruiting organizations. This study tested this assumption using a pretest/posttest design. Findings revealed that participants’ organizational favorability, image as employer, and organizational attractiveness perceptions were affected by their viewing of organizational recruitment websites. Greater increases in favorable organizational evaluations from the pretest measures to the posttest measures occurred with organizations maintaining websites that were easy to navigate and/or that were appealing. Contrary to predictions made by signaling theory, recruitment websites had similar effects on the organizational impressions of all individuals, regardless of their familiarity with the organizations maintaining the recruitment websites that they viewed.  相似文献   

Web disclosure is a significant technological innovation aimed at improving organizational transparency. Organizations that voluntarily disclose high quality financial and performance information on their public websites are viewed as being more open, trustworthy, and accountable by the general public. Despite the positive benefit of enhanced public trust, many organizations have not implemented the recommended web disclosure principles and best practices. Informed by the theoretical underpinnings of organizational ecology theory, this study develops a theoretical model in order to examine the problem of differential implementation of web disclosure in nonprofit settings. Empirical evidence reveals that the majority of nonprofit websites lack high quality financial and performance information which reflects an opaque digital informative strategy. Our results further suggest that organizational inertia – particularly resistance to change in organizational form – may play an important role in the decision to voluntarily adopt and implement innovative web disclosure practices. The findings have implications for research and information systems design.  相似文献   

In today's dynamic environment, the role of employees and their level of organizational commitment are becoming increasingly important for business success, which is especially relevant for the service industry in general and for the tourism sector in particular because of problems associated with employee turnover, loyalty strategies with the customer, and so forth. Employee satisfaction is considered an essential ingredient for developing organizational commitment. The main purpose of this study is to analyze the influence of different facets of employee job satisfaction, that is, job conditions, reward system, relations with superiors and co‐workers, organizational human resources (HR) policies, on employees’ organizational commitment in the hotel industry. The research hypotheses are tested with a sample of 760 hotel employees on Gran Canaria, Spain. The results show the relevance of the working conditions, direct rewards, relationships with managers, and the HR policies in order to develop a high level of organizational commitment.  相似文献   

Cyberloafing is the personal use of the Internet by employees while at work. The purpose of this study is to examine whether employee job attitudes, organizational characteristics, attitudes towards cyberloafing, and other non-Internet loafing behaviors serve as antecedents to cyberloafing behaviors. We hypothesize that the employee job attitudes of job involvement and intrinsic involvement are related to cyberloafing. In addition, we hypothesize that organizational characteristics including the perceived cyberloafing of one’s coworkers and managerial support for internet usage are related to cyberloafing. We also hypothesize that attitudes towards cyberloafing and the extent to which employees participate in non-Internet loafing behaviors (e.g., talking with coworkers, running personal errands) will both be related to cyberloafing. One hundred and forty-three working professional from a variety of industries were surveyed regarding their Internet usage at work. As hypothesized, the employee job attitudes of job involvement and intrinsic involvement were negatively related to cyberloafing. Also as predicted, the organizational characteristics of the perceived cyberloafing of one’s coworkers and managerial support for internet usage were positively related to cyberloafing. Finally, results showed that attitudes towards cyberloafing and participation in non-Internet loafing behaviors were positively related to cyberloafing. Implications for both organizations and employees are discussed.  相似文献   

In this study, the effects of IS strategic leadership on organizational outcomes are examined from the perspective of CIO strategic roles. A field survey is conducted that collects data from 110 matched pairs of CIOs and business executives within organizations. Our findings suggest that strategic leadership significantly affects both organizational benefits and information system quality. Further, we found that IS quality significantly mediates the relationship between IS strategic leadership and organizational benefits. We also note that IS vision significantly moderates the relationship between IS strategic leadership and IS quality, although it does not moderate the relationship between IS strategic leadership and organizational benefits or the relationship between IS quality and organizational benefits.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine whether job characteristics, the work environment, participation in quality improvement activities and facility quality improvement environment predicted employee commitment and job satisfaction in nursing homes, and whether those same predictors and commitment and satisfaction predicted turnover intention. A total of 6584 nursing home employees from 76 nursing homes in a midwestern state participated. A self-administered questionnaire was used to collect the data. The results supported the hypotheses that job and organizational factors predicted commitment and satisfaction while commitment and satisfaction predicted turnover intentions. The implications for retaining nursing home employees are discussed.  相似文献   

Organizational insiders have considerable influence on the effectiveness of information security efforts. However, most research conducted in this area fails to examine what these individuals believe about organizational security efforts. To help bridge this gap, this study assesses the mindset of insiders regarding their relationship with information security efforts and compares it against the mindset of information security professionals. Interviews were conducted with 22 ordinary insiders and 11 information security professionals, an effort that provides insight into how insiders gauge the efficacy of recommended responses to information security threats. Several key differences between insiders’ and professionals’ security mindsets are also discussed.  相似文献   

Many organizations recognize the need to continuously adapt and learn in order to survive and remain competitive. Learning and therefore change in organizations is driven in two ways. First, there is strategically driven learning, motivated by high-level factors such as market changes, company mergers and newly emerging approaches to organizational management and workplace learning. These changes reveal themselves in the introduction of new training programmes, recruitment strategies and knowledge management methodologies. Second, there is local, continuous learning occurring from the ground up. This is revealed as workers become more adept at their job through experience and collaboration with colleagues. Continuous learning is more gradual and requires local autonomy. This paper describes an experiment in supporting local, continuous learning, and its dissemination, but driven by a strategic initiative of the organization. This work raised many issues concerning the difficulty of integrating local and global organizational influences on learning. We outline lessons learned and suggestions as to the extent to which it is possible to align continuous learning with a company-wide perspective.  相似文献   

We drew on institutional and learning theories to develop a research model assessing how organizations influence standards deployment and integration by creating institutional pressures and learning opportunities. We also examined how standards deployment and integration differentially influenced operational and strategic benefits. Survey data was collected from organizations in China who have implemented RosettaNet. Overall, the study extended research on standards adoption by examining how the learning perspective complemented institutional pressures, generating an integrated view of how pressures and learning from other organizations influence standards deployment and integration as important dimensions of standards use, as well as the benefits arising from their use.  相似文献   

This paper employs artificial neural network and decision tree to derive knowledge about the job attitudes of Generation Xers. The sample frame consisted of 1000 large Manufacturing Industries and 500 large Service Industries, randomly selected from the Common Wealth Magazine 1000 index of Taiwan Manufacturing Industries and Service Firms. Then, we exploited the ART2 neural model to take the collected data as inputs and form performance classes according to their similarities. Finally, the decision tree was employed to determine definitions for each class, resulting in 52 rules associated with certainty factors. The results could be used to develop an intelligent decision support system for the recruitment and management of Generation Xers.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on the issue of ontological analysis for organizational structure modeling in the ARIS method with the following contributions: (i) an interpretation of the language in terms of real-world entities in the UFO foundational ontology; (ii) the identification of inappropriate elements of the language, using a systematic ontology-based analysis approach; and (iii) recommendations for improvements of the language to resolve the issues identified.  相似文献   



Systems development normally takes place in a specific organizational context, including organizational culture. Previous research has identified organizational culture as a factor that potentially affects the deployment systems development methods.


The purpose is to analyze the relationship between organizational culture and the post-adoption deployment of agile methods.


This study is a theory development exercise. Based on the Competing Values Model of organizational culture, the paper proposes a number of hypotheses about the relationship between organizational culture and the deployment of agile methods.


Inspired by the agile methods thirteen new hypotheses are introduced and discussed. They have interesting implications, when contrasted with ad hoc development and with traditional systems development methods.


Because of the conceptual richness of organizational culture and the ambiguity of the concept of agility the relationship between organizational culture and the deployment of agile systems development forms a rich and interesting research topic. Recognizing that the Competing Values Model represents just one view of organizational culture, the paper introduces a number of alternative conceptions and identifies several interesting paths for future research into the relationship between organizational culture and agile methods deployment.  相似文献   

This study examines how organizational workers improve their perceived job performance through the use of Mobile Enterprise Systems (MES), while also investigating the impact of perceived organizational agility and location independence on technology acceptance of MES. This study also tests the moderating role of task characteristics (task significance and feedback) on the relationship between MES usage and perceived job performance. Based on the extant technology acceptance model (TAM), we proposed an extended TAM and conducted a large-scale survey among organizational workers who use MES in their workplace across industries. Our findings suggest that both positive attitude toward MES and a high level of habitual MES usage are positively associated with perceived job performance, and that task characteristics positively moderate the relationship between habitual usage (attitude toward MES) and perceived job performance. More importantly, we also found that organizational agility is positively associated with both perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, while location independence is positively associated with perceived ease of use. The present findings provide us with a deeper understanding of how organizational workers utilize MES and how they improve their perceived job performance through the use of MES. Based on these findings, we discuss further implications and limitations.  相似文献   

This study used the results from a survey of 73 senior executives, representing their Fortune 1000 or INC 500 firm, to better understand the relationship between an organization’s size and its technological-sensing and response capability on the early adoption of disruptive technology. Results indicated that an organization’s size, measured by number of employees and annual sales, was shown to be an impediment to an organization’s response capability despite its increased capability to sense the technology earlier than smaller firms.  相似文献   

Trust is generally assumed to be an important precondition for people’s adoption of electronic services. This paper provides an overview of the available research into the antecedents of trust in both commercial and non-commercial online transactions and services. A literature review was conducted covering empirical studies on people’s trust in and adoption of computer-mediated services. Results are described using a framework of three clusters of antecedents: customer/client-based, website-based, and company/organization-based antecedents. Results show that there are many possible antecedents of trust in electronic services. The majority of the research has been conducted in the context of e-commerce; only few studies are available in the domains of e-government and e-health. For many antecedents, some empirical support can be found, but the results are far from univocal. The research calls for more, and particularly more systematic, research attention for the antecedents of trust in electronic services. The review presented in this paper offers practitioners an overview of possibly relevant variables that may affect people’s trust in electronic services. It also gives a state-of-the-art overview of the empirical support for the relevance of these variables.  相似文献   

We used person–job fit theory to examine the relationships between the match in IT developers’ preferred and perceived actual role stress (role stress fit) with job satisfaction and organizational commitment. Self-esteem was considered as either a potential moderator or mediator of those relationships. Results from surveys completed by IT developers in 12 Fortune 500 companies indicated that role stress fit was positively related to both job satisfaction and organizational commitment and that self-esteem significantly moderated the relationship between role stress fit and job satisfaction. The results of our research has provided insight into staff assignment and the design of coping interventions.  相似文献   

Improving the quality of working life is now recognized as a learning process. It is one, moreover, which engages our full potential for extracting information from the environment and putting it to work for common-sense purposes. The learning shown by participants in genuinely participative QWL projects conflicts however with many of the assumptions of traditional education and the role of experts. The paper examines this conflict as it may appear in a QWL project and argues for the whole-hearted common-sense approach which leads to envolving democratically structured workplaces. At stake is the energy and motivation for change, particularly in times of economic downturn.  相似文献   

How do managers perceive and use media? Media richness theory (MRT) appears to provide persuasive answers to this, but does it work when electronic media is used? Surveys of Japanese managers showed that the perceptions of media, including electronic media, did not contradict MRT. But, even so, the use of rich media was found to be influenced more strongly by whether the media was traditional or electronic, with respect to organizational interpretation of its environment. The perception and use of electronic media may not correspond, though they have generally been assumed to do so.  相似文献   

We examined the relationships between the success of ERP system adoption, extent of business process improvement (BPI), and organizational performance and investigated the associations between the outcomes of these initiatives and such organizational factors as strategic intent, senior management support, and the status of the IT function within a company. A correlation analysis of 96 firms was made to test our hypothesis that the strategic intent to use ERP was closely related to the success of BPI, ERP, and organizational performance. The results also demonstrated that CEO-IT distance may have little direct bearing on the outcomes of ERP and BPI initiatives. A closer CEO-IT reporting relationship, however, was found to be associated with higher levels of senior management support for both types of enterprise projects. This empirical evidence reinforced the long-held assumption that organization-level benefits, BPI, and ERP success were closely related; and that these relationships were subject to the influence of the organizational variables.  相似文献   

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