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Common Lisp [25],[26] includes a dynamic datatype system of moderate complexity, as well as predicates for checking the types of language objects. Additionally, an interesting predicate of two type specifiers—SUBTYPEP—is included in the language. Thissubtypep predicate provides a mechanism with which to query the Common Lisp type system regarding containment relations among the various built-in and user-defined types. Whilesubtypep is rarely needed by an applications programmer, the efficiency of a Common Lisp implementation can depend critically upon the quality of itssubtypep predicate: the run-time system typically calls uponsubtypep to decide what sort of representations to use when making arrays; the compiler calls uponsubtypep to interpret userdeclarations, on which efficient data representation and code generation decisions are based.As might be expected due to the complexity of the Common Lisp type system, there may be type containment questions which cannot be decided. In these casessubtypep is expected to return can't determine, in order to avoid giving an incorrect answer. Unfortunately, most Common Lisp implementations have abused this license by answering can't determine in all but the most trivial cases.In particular, most Common Lisp implementations of SUBTYPEP fail on the basic axioms of the Common Lisp type system itself [25][26]. This situation is particularly embarrassing for Lisp-the premier symbol processing language—in which the implementation of complex symbolic logical operations should be relatively easy. Sincesubtypep was presumably included in Common Lisp to answer thehard cases of type containment, this lazy evaluation limits the usefulness of an important language feature.  相似文献   

We present the language CRStL (Control Rule Strategy Language, pronounce “crystal”) to formulate mathematical reasoning techniques as proof strategies in the context of the proof assistant Ωmega. The language is arranged in two levels, a query language to access mathematical knowledge maintained in development graphs, and a strategy language to annotate the results of these queries with further control information. The two-leveled structure of the language allows the specification of proof techniques in a declarative way. We present the syntax and semantics of CRStL and illustrate its use by examples.  相似文献   

Abstract. We show that the counting classes AWPP and APP [FFKL], [L] are more robust than previously thought. Our results identify a sufficient condition for a language to be low for PP, and we show that this condition is at least as weak as other previously studied criteria. We extend a result of Köbler et al. by proving that all sparse co-C = P languages are in APP, and are thus PP-low. Our results also imply that AWPP ?eq APP, and thus APP contains many other established subclasses of PP-low, thereby reducing several different lowness results to membership in APP. We also show that AWPP and APP are Σ 0 2 -definable classes. Some of our results are reminiscent of amplifying certainty in probabilistic computation.  相似文献   

Chemical reaction networks (CRNs) formally model chemistry in a well-mixed solution. CRNs are widely used to describe information processing occurring in natural cellular regulatory networks, and with upcoming advances in synthetic biology, CRNs are a promising language for the design of artificial molecular control circuitry. Nonetheless, despite the widespread use of CRNs in the natural sciences, the range of computational behaviors exhibited by CRNs is not well understood. CRNs have been shown to be efficiently Turing-universal (i.e., able to simulate arbitrary algorithms) when allowing for a small probability of error. CRNs that are guaranteed to converge on a correct answer, on the other hand, have been shown to decide only the semilinear predicates (a multi-dimensional generalization of “eventually periodic” sets). We introduce the notion of function, rather than predicate, computation by representing the output of a function \({f:{\mathbb{N}}^k\to{\mathbb{N}}^l}\) by a count of some molecular species, i.e., if the CRN starts with \(x_1,\ldots,x_k\) molecules of some “input” species \(X_1,\ldots,X_k, \) the CRN is guaranteed to converge to having \(f(x_1,\ldots,x_k)\) molecules of the “output” species \(Y_1,\ldots,Y_l\) . We show that a function \({f:{\mathbb{N}}^k \to {\mathbb{N}}^l}\) is deterministically computed by a CRN if and only if its graph \({\{({\bf x, y}) \in {\mathbb{N}}^k \times {\mathbb{N}}^l | f({\bf x}) = {\bf y}\}}\) is a semilinear set. Finally, we show that each semilinear function f (a function whose graph is a semilinear set) can be computed by a CRN on input x in expected time \(O(\hbox{polylog} \|{\bf x}\|_1)\) .  相似文献   

Background: Conclusion Instability in software effort estimation (SEE) refers to the inconsistent results produced by a diversity of predictors using different datasets. This is largely due to the “ranking instability” problem, which is highly related to the evaluation criteria and the subset of the data being used. Aim: To determine stable rankings of different predictors. Method: 90 predictors are used with 20 datasets and evaluated using 7 performance measures, whose results are subject to Wilcoxon rank test (95 %). These results are called the “aggregate results”. The aggregate results are challenged by a sanity check, which focuses on a single error measure (MRE) and uses a newly developed evaluation algorithm called CLUSTER. These results are called the “specific results.” Results: Aggregate results show that: (1) It is now possible to draw stable conclusions about the relative performance of SEE predictors; (2) Regression trees or analogy-based methods are the best performers. The aggregate results are also confirmed by the specific results of the sanity check. Conclusion: This study offers means to address the conclusion instability issue in SEE, which is an important finding for empirical software engineering.  相似文献   

Given any [c], [a], [d] xxxxxxxxR/M such that [d] ≤ [a] ≤ [c], [a] is locally noncuppable between [c] and [d] if [d] < [a] ≤ [c] and [a] ∨ [b] < [c] for any [b] xxxxxxxxR/M such that [d] ≤ [b] < [c]. It will be shown that given any nonzero [c] xxxxxxxxR/M, there are [a], [d] xxxxxxxxR/M such that [d] < [a] ≤ [c] and [a] is locally noncuppable between [c] and [d].  相似文献   

We present our experience withEuLisp as a teaching language, focussing on the level of the language which was specifically designed for this purpose (level-0).EuLisp has been used in undergraduate and postgraduate teaching since 1990, in lectures and laboratories, where in many cases it has replaced Scheme or Common Lisp. It has been used extensively in programming courses, parallelism courses, as a vehicle for advanced courses in symbolic computing and programming language design; it has also been used as a platform for final year undergraduate projects. This experience has demonstrated thatEuLisp is well suited to teaching and far reaching in its capabilities: it supports the relevant concepts in a consistent and versatile framework, so that the language serves to facilitate the educational process. The discussion is illustrated with examples, and where appropriate we draw a comparison with the Lisp dialects used previously in these courses.  相似文献   

P. Waldvogel 《Computing》1982,28(2):171-180
Some extensions of the bisection method and of the inverse vector iteration for the general eigenvalue problemAx=λBx with symmetric matrices are given. A version with restricted pivoting is applied to sparse matricesA andB in which case the decomposition ofAB can be performed within an extended envelope with respect to the envelopeA andB. The effect of these refinements is illustrated by an example.  相似文献   

The Mizar Mathematical Library is one of the largest libraries of formalized and mechanically verified mathematics. Its language is highly optimized for authoring by humans. As in natural languages, the meaning of an expression is influenced by its (mathematical) context in a way that is natural to humans, but harder to specify for machine manipulation. Thus its custom file format can make the access to the library difficult. Indeed, the Mizar system itself is currently the only system that can fully operate on the Mizar library. This paper presents a translation of the Mizar library into the OMDoc format (Open Mathematical Documents), an XML-based representation format for mathematical knowledge. OMDoc is geared towards machine support and interoperability by making formula structure and context dependencies explicit. Thus, the Mizar library becomes accessible for a wide range of OMDoc-based tools for formal mathematics and knowledge management. We exemplify interoperability by indexing the translated library in the MathWebSearch engine, which provides an “applicable theorem search” service (almost) out of the box.  相似文献   

This article is about defining a suitable logic for expressing classical game theoretical notions. We define an extension of alternating-time temporal logic (ATL) that enables us to express various rationality assumptions of intelligent agents. Our proposal, the logic ATLP (ATL with plausibility) allows us to specify sets of rational strategy profiles in the object language, and reason about agents’ play if only these strategy profiles were allowed. For example, we may assume the agents to play only Nash equilibria, Pareto-optimal profiles or undominated strategies, and ask about the resulting behaviour (and outcomes) under such an assumption. The logic also gives rise to generalized versions of classical solution concepts through characterizing patterns of payoffs by suitably parameterized formulae of ATLP. We investigate the complexity of model checking ATLP for several classes of formulae: It ranges from $\Delta_{\mathbf{3}}^{\mathbf{P}}$ to PSPACE in the general case and from $\Delta_{\mathbf{3}}^{\mathbf{P}}$ to $\Delta_{\mathbf{4}}^{\mathbf{P}}$ for the most interesting subclasses, and roughly corresponds to solving extensive games with imperfect information.  相似文献   

In this paper we study real linear dynamical systems \(\dot x = Fx + Gu,y = Hx,x \in R^n \) = state space,u ∈ R m = input space,y ∈ R p = output space, under the equivalence relation induced by base change in state space; or in other words we study triples of matrices with real coefficients (F, G, H) of sizesn × n, n × m, p × n respectively, under the action(F, G, H.) →(TFT ?1,TG, HT ?1) ofGL n (R), the group of invertible realn × n matrices. One of the central questions studied is: “do there exist continuous canonical forms for this equivalence relation?”. After various trivial obstructions to the existence of such forms have been removed the answer is very roughly: no ifm ≥ 2, p ≥ 2, yes ifm = 1, orp = 1. For a precise statement cf. theorem 1.7. Existence or nonexistence of continuous canonical forms is related to the existence of a universal family of real linear dynamical systems. More precisely continuous canonical forms exist if such a universal family exists and if the underlying vector bundle of this family is the trivial vector bundle. In the case studied we show that a universal family in the appropriate sense does exist. The methods used are purely (differential) topological and in particular do not involve any algebraic geometry. There is a corresponding algebraic theory over any fieldk instead ofR which is the subject of part III of this series of papers.  相似文献   

Given a rewriting system G (its alphabet, the set of productions and the axiom) one can define the language of G by
  1. taking out of all strings generated by G only those which are over a distinguished subalphabet of G, or
  2. translating the set of all strings generated by G by a fixed homomorphism.
The “trade-offs” between these two mechanisms for defining languages are discussed for both “parallel” rewriting systems from the developmental systems hierarchy and “sequential” rewriting systems from the Chomsky hierarchy.  相似文献   

In this paper we present LSJ, a contraction-free sequent calculus for Intuitionistic propositional logic whose proofs are linearly bounded in the length of the formula to be proved and satisfy the subformula property. We also introduce a sequent calculus RJ for intuitionistic unprovability with the same properties of LSJ. We show that from a refutation of RJ of a sequent σ we can extract a Kripke counter-model for σ. Finally, we provide a procedure that given a sequent σ returns either a proof of σ in LSJ or a refutation in RJ such that the extracted counter-model is of minimal depth.  相似文献   

We present several variants of the sunflower conjecture of Erd?s & Rado (J Lond Math Soc 35:85–90, 1960) and discuss the relations among them. We then show that two of these conjectures (if true) imply negative answers to the questions of Coppersmith & Winograd (J Symb Comput 9:251–280, 1990) and Cohn et al. (2005) regarding possible approaches for obtaining fast matrix-multiplication algorithms. Specifically, we show that the Erd?s–Rado sunflower conjecture (if true) implies a negative answer to the “no three disjoint equivoluminous subsets” question of Coppersmith & Winograd (J Symb Comput 9:251–280, 1990); we also formulate a “multicolored” sunflower conjecture in ${\mathbb{Z}_3^n}$ and show that (if true) it implies a negative answer to the “strong USP” conjecture of Cohn et al. (2005) (although it does not seem to impact a second conjecture in Cohn et al. (2005) or the viability of the general group-theoretic approach). A surprising consequence of our results is that the Coppersmith–Winograd conjecture actually implies the Cohn et al. conjecture. The multicolored sunflower conjecture in ${\mathbb{Z}_3^n}$ is a strengthening of the well-known (ordinary) sunflower conjecture in ${\mathbb{Z}_3^n}$ , and we show via our connection that a construction from Cohn et al. (2005) yields a lower bound of (2.51 . . .) n on the size of the largest multicolored 3-sunflower-free set, which beats the current best-known lower bound of (2.21 . . . ) n Edel (2004) on the size of the largest 3-sunflower-free set in ${\mathbb{Z}_3^n}$ .  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a thorough integration of qualitative representations and reasoning for positional information for domestic service robotics domains into our high-level robot control. In domestic settings for service robots like in the RoboCup@Home competitions, complex tasks such as “get the cup from the kitchen and bring it to the living room” or “find me this and that object in the apartment” have to be accomplished. At these competitions the robots may only be instructed by natural language. As humans use qualitative concepts such as “near” or “far”, the robot needs to cope with them, too. For our domestic robot, we use the robot programming and plan language Readylog, our variant of Golog. In previous work we extended the action language Golog, which was developed for the high-level control of agents and robots, with fuzzy set-based qualitative concepts. We now extend our framework to positional fuzzy fluents with an associated positional context called frames. With that and our underlying reasoning mechanism we can transform qualitative positional information from one context to another to account for changes in context such as the point of view or the scale. We demonstrate how qualitative positional fluents based on a fuzzy set semantics can be deployed in domestic domains and showcase how reasoning with these qualitative notions can seamlessly be applied to a fetch-and-carry task in a RoboCup@Home scenario.  相似文献   

Mobile applications and services relying on mobility prediction have recently spurred lots of interest. In this paper, we propose mobility prediction based on cellular traces as an infrastructural level service of telecom cloud. Mobility Prediction as a Service (MPaaS) embeds mobility mining and forecasting algorithms into a cloud-based user location tracking framework. By empowering MPaaS, the hosted 3rd-party and value-added services can benefit from online mobility prediction. Particularly we took Mobility-aware Personalization and Predictive Resource Allocation as key features to elaborate how MPaaS drives new fashion of mobile cloud applications. Due to the randomness of human mobility patterns, mobility predicting remains a very challenging task in MPaaS research. Our preliminary study observed collective behavioral patterns (CBP) in mobility of crowds, and proposed a CBP-based mobility predictor. MPaaS system equips a hybrid predictor fusing both CBP-based scheme and Markov-based predictor to provide telecom cloud with large-scale mobility prediction capacity.  相似文献   

We introduce a knowledge representation language ${\cal AC(C)}$ extending the syntax and semantics of ASP and CR-Prolog, give some examples of its use, and present an algorithm, $\mathcal{AC}\!solver$ , for computing answer sets of ${\cal AC(C)}$ programs. The algorithm does not require full grounding of a program and combines “classical” ASP solving methods with constraint logic programming techniques and CR-Prolog based abduction. The ${\cal AC(C)}$ based approach often allows to solve problems which are impossible to solve by more traditional ASP solving techniques. We believe that further investigation of the language and development of more efficient and reliable solvers for its programs can help to substantially expand the domain of applicability of the answer set programming paradigm.  相似文献   

We present a uniform approach to problems involving lines in 3-space. This approach is based on mapping lines inR 3 into points and hyperplanes in five-dimensional projective space (Plücker space). We obtain new results on the following problems:
  1. Preprocessn triangles so as to answer efficiently the query: “Given a ray, which is the first triangle hit?” (Ray- shooting problem). We discuss the ray-shooting problem for both disjoint and nondisjoint triangles.
  2. Construct the intersection of two nonconvex polyhedra in an output sensitive way with asubquadratic overhead term.
  3. Construct the arrangement ofn intersecting triangles in 3-space in an output-sensitive way, with asubquadratic overhead term.
  4. Efficiently detect the first face hit by any ray in a set of axis-oriented polyhedra.
  5. Preprocessn lines (segments) so as to answer efficiently the query “Given two lines, is it possible to move one into the other without crossing any of the initial lines (segments)?” (Isotopy problem). If the movement is possible produce an explicit representation of it.

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