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We show that the category \(L\) - \(\mathbf{Top}_{0}\) of \(T_{0}\) - \(L\) -topological spaces is the epireflective hull of Sierpinski \(L\) -topological space in the category \(L\) - \(\mathbf{Top}\) of \(L\) -topological spaces and the category \(L\) - \(\mathbf{Sob}\) of sober \(L\) -topological spaces is the epireflective hull of Sierpinski \(L\) -topological space in the category \(L\) - \(\mathbf{Top}_{0}\) .  相似文献   

For any graph class \(\mathcal{H}\) , the \(\mathcal{H}\) -Contraction problem takes as input a graph \(G\) and an integer \(k\) , and asks whether there exists a graph \(H\in \mathcal{H}\) such that \(G\) can be modified into \(H\) using at most \(k\) edge contractions. We study the parameterized complexity of \(\mathcal{H}\) -Contraction for three different classes \(\mathcal{H}\) : the class \(\mathcal{H}_{\le d}\) of graphs with maximum degree at most  \(d\) , the class \(\mathcal{H}_{=d}\) of \(d\) -regular graphs, and the class of \(d\) -degenerate graphs. We completely classify the parameterized complexity of all three problems with respect to the parameters \(k\) , \(d\) , and \(d+k\) . Moreover, we show that \(\mathcal{H}\) -Contraction admits an \(O(k)\) vertex kernel on connected graphs when \(\mathcal{H}\in \{\mathcal{H}_{\le 2},\mathcal{H}_{=2}\}\) , while the problem is \(\mathsf{W}[2]\) -hard when \(\mathcal{H}\) is the class of \(2\) -degenerate graphs and hence is expected not to admit a kernel at all. In particular, our results imply that \(\mathcal{H}\) -Contraction admits a linear vertex kernel when \(\mathcal{H}\) is the class of cycles.  相似文献   

We consider discrete-time projective semilinear control systems \(\xi _{t+1} = A(u_t) \cdot \xi _t\) , where the states \(\xi _t\) are in projective space \(\mathbb {R}\hbox {P}^{d-1}\) , inputs \(u_t\) are in a manifold \(\mathcal {U}\) of arbitrary finite dimension, and \(A :\mathcal {U}\rightarrow \hbox {GL}(d,\mathbb {R})\) is a differentiable mapping. An input sequence \((u_0,\ldots ,u_{N-1})\) is called universally regular if for any initial state \(\xi _0 \in \mathbb {R}\hbox {P}^{d-1}\) , the derivative of the time- \(N\) state with respect to the inputs is onto. In this paper, we deal with the universal regularity of constant input sequences \((u_0, \ldots , u_0)\) . Our main result states that generically in the space of such systems, for sufficiently large \(N\) , all constant inputs of length \(N\) are universally regular, with the exception of a discrete set. More precisely, the conclusion holds for a \(C^2\) -open and \(C^\infty \) -dense set of maps \(A\) , and \(N\) only depends on \(d\) and on the dimension of \(\mathcal {U}\) . We also show that the inputs on that discrete set are nearly universally regular; indeed, there is a unique non-regular initial state, and its corank is 1. In order to establish the result, we study the spaces of bilinear control systems. We show that the codimension of the set of systems for which the zero input is not universally regular coincides with the dimension of the control space. The proof is based on careful matrix analysis and some elementary algebraic geometry. Then the main result follows by applying standard transversality theorems.  相似文献   

If the length of a primitive word \(p\) is equal to the length of another primitive word \(q\) , then \(p^{n}q^{m}\) is a primitive word for any \(n,m\ge 1\) and \((n,m)\ne (1,1)\) . This was obtained separately by Tetsuo Moriya in 2008 and Shyr and Yu in 1994. In this paper, we prove that if the length of \(p\) is divisible by the length of \(q\) and the length of \(p\) is less than or equal to \(m\) times the length of \(q\) , then \(p^{n}q^{m}\) is a primitive word for any \(n,m\ge 1\) and \((n,m)\ne (1,1)\) . Then we show that if \(uv,u\) are non-primitive words and the length of \(u\) is divisible by the length \(v\) or one of the length of \(u\) and \(uv\) is odd for any two nonempty words \(u\) and \(v\) , then \(u\) is a power of \(v\) .  相似文献   

We introduce the informational correlation \(E^{AB}\) between two interacting quantum subsystems \(A\) and \(B\) of a quantum system as the number of arbitrary parameters \(\varphi _i\) of a unitary transformation \(U^A\) (locally performed on the subsystem \(A\) ) which may be detected in the subsystem \(B\) by the local measurements. This quantity indicates whether the state of the subsystem \(B\) may be effected by means of the unitary transformation applied to the subsystem \(A\) . Emphasize that \(E^{AB}\ne E^{BA}\) in general. The informational correlations in systems with tensor product initial states are studied in more details. In particular, it is shown that the informational correlation may be changed by the local unitary transformations of the subsystem \(B\) . However, there is some non-reducible part of \(E^{AB}(t)\) which may not be decreased by any unitary transformation of the subsystem \(B\) at a fixed time instant \(t\) . Two examples of the informational correlations between two parties of the four-node spin-1/2 chain with mixed initial states are studied. The long chains with a single initially excited spin (the pure initial state) are considered as well.  相似文献   

Any fuzzy set \(X\) in a classical set \(A\) with values in a complete (residuated) lattice \( Q\) can be identified with a system of \(\alpha \) -cuts \(X_{\alpha }\) , \(\alpha \in Q\) . Analogical results were proved for sets with similarity relations with values in \( Q\) (e.g. \( Q\) -sets), which are objects of two special categories \({\mathbf K}={Set}( Q)\) or \({SetR}( Q)\) of \( Q\) -sets, and for fuzzy sets defined as morphisms from an \( Q\) -set into a special \(Q\) -set \(( Q,\leftrightarrow )\) . These fuzzy sets can be defined equivalently as special cut systems \((C_{\alpha })_{\alpha }\) , called f-cuts. This equivalence then represents a natural isomorphism between covariant functor of fuzzy sets \(\mathcal{F}_{\mathbf K}\) and covariant functor of f-cuts \(\mathcal{C}_{\mathbf K}\) . In this paper, we prove that analogical natural isomorphism exists also between contravariant versions of these functors. We are also interested in relationships between sets of fuzzy sets and sets of f-cuts in an \(Q\) -set \((A,\delta )\) in the corresponding categories \({Set}( Q)\) and \({SetR}( Q)\) , which are endowed with binary operations extended either from binary operations in the lattice \(Q\) , or from binary operations defined in a set \(A\) by the generalized Zadeh’s extension principle. We prove that the resulting binary structures are (under some conditions) isomorphic.  相似文献   

In this paper, we evaluate the security of lightweight block ciphers PRESENT-80 and PRESENT-128 applicable to hybrid information systems against biclique cryptanalysis. To recover the secret key of PRESENT-80/128, our attacks require \(2^{79.76}\) full PRESENT-80 encryptions and \(2^{127.91}\) full PRESENT-128 encryptions, respectively. These results are superior to known biclique cryptanalytic results on them.  相似文献   

With more than 300 million cards sold, HID iClass is one of the most popular contactless smart cards on the market. It is widely used for access control, secure login and payment systems. The card uses 64-bit keys to provide authenticity and integrity. The cipher and key diversification algorithms used in iClass are proprietary, and little information about them is publicly available. In this paper, we have reverse engineered all security mechanisms in the card including cipher, authentication protocol and also key diversification algorithms, which we publish in full detail. Furthermore, we have found six critical weaknesses that we exploit in two attacks, one against iClass Standard and one against iClass Elite (a.k.a., iClass High Security). In order to recover a secret card key, the first attack requires one authentication attempt with a legitimate reader and \(2^{22}\) queries to a card. This attack has a computational complexity of \(2^{40}\) MAC computations. The whole attack can be executed within a day on ordinary hardware. Remarkably, the second attack which is against iClass Elite is significantly faster. It directly recovers the system-wide master key from only 15 authentication attempts with a legitimate reader. The computational complexity of this attack is lower than \(2^{25}\) MAC computations, which means that it can be fully executed within 5 seconds on an ordinary laptop.  相似文献   

We consider the \(k\) -strong conflict-free ( \(k\) -SCF) coloring of a set of points on a line with respect to a family of intervals: Each point on the line must be assigned a color so that the coloring is conflict-free in the following sense: in every interval \(I\) of the family there are at least \(k\) colors each appearing exactly once in \(I\) . We first present a polynomial-time approximation algorithm for the general problem; the algorithm has approximation ratio 2 when \(k=1\) and \(5-\frac{2}{k}\) when \(k\ge 2\) . In the special case of a family that contains all possible intervals on the given set of points, we show that a 2-approximation algorithm exists, for any \(k \ge 1\) . We also provide, in case \(k=O({{\mathrm{polylog}}}(n))\) , a quasipolynomial time algorithm to decide the existence of a \(k\) -SCF coloring that uses at most \(q\) colors.  相似文献   

The quantum entropy-typical subspace theory is specified. It is shown that any \(\rho ^{\otimes n}\) with von Neumann \(\hbox {entropy}\le h\) can be preserved approximately by the entropy-typical subspace with \(\hbox {entropy}=h\) . This result implies an universal compression scheme for the case that the von Neumann entropy of the source does not exceed \(h\) .  相似文献   

Recently, we derived some new numerical quadrature formulas of trapezoidal rule type for the integrals \(I^{(1)}[g]=\int ^b_a \frac{g(x)}{x-t}\,dx\) and \(I^{(2)}[g]=\int ^b_a \frac{g(x)}{(x-t)^2}\,dx\) . These integrals are not defined in the regular sense; \(I^{(1)}[g]\) is defined in the sense of Cauchy Principal Value while \(I^{(2)}[g]\) is defined in the sense of Hadamard Finite Part. With \(h=(b-a)/n, \,n=1,2,\ldots \) , and \(t=a+kh\) for some \(k\in \{1,\ldots ,n-1\}, \,t\) being fixed, the numerical quadrature formulas \({Q}^{(1)}_n[g]\) for \(I^{(1)}[g]\) and \(Q^{(2)}_n[g]\) for \(I^{(2)}[g]\) are $$\begin{aligned} {Q}^{(1)}_n[g]=h\sum ^n_{j=1}f(a+jh-h/2),\quad f(x)=\frac{g(x)}{x-t}, \end{aligned}$$ and $$\begin{aligned} Q^{(2)}_n[g]=h\sum ^n_{j=1}f(a+jh-h/2)-\pi ^2g(t)h^{-1},\quad f(x)=\frac{g(x)}{(x-t)^2}. \end{aligned}$$ We provided a complete analysis of the errors in these formulas under the assumption that \(g\in C^\infty [a,b]\) . We actually show that $$\begin{aligned} I^{(k)}[g]-{Q}^{(k)}_n[g]\sim \sum ^\infty _{i=1} c^{(k)}_ih^{2i}\quad \text {as}\,n \rightarrow \infty , \end{aligned}$$ the constants \(c^{(k)}_i\) being independent of \(h\) . In this work, we apply the Richardson extrapolation to \({Q}^{(k)}_n[g]\) to obtain approximations of very high accuracy to \(I^{(k)}[g]\) . We also give a thorough analysis of convergence and numerical stability (in finite-precision arithmetic) for them. In our study of stability, we show that errors committed when computing the function \(g(x)\) , which form the main source of errors in the rest of the computation, propagate in a relatively mild fashion into the extrapolation table, and we quantify their rate of propagation. We confirm our conclusions via numerical examples.  相似文献   

Information-theoretically secure (ITS) authentication is needed in quantum key distribution (QKD). In this paper, we study security of an ITS authentication scheme proposed by Wegman & Carter, in the case of partially known authentication key. This scheme uses a new authentication key in each authentication attempt, to select a hash function from an Almost Strongly Universal \(_2\) hash function family. The partial knowledge of the attacker is measured as the trace distance between the authentication key distribution and the uniform distribution; this is the usual measure in QKD. We provide direct proofs of security of the scheme, when using partially known key, first in the information-theoretic setting and then in terms of witness indistinguishability as used in the universal composability (UC) framework. We find that if the authentication procedure has a failure probability \(\varepsilon \) and the authentication key has an \(\varepsilon ^{\prime }\) trace distance to the uniform, then under ITS, the adversary’s success probability conditioned on an authentic message-tag pair is only bounded by \(\varepsilon +|\mathcal T |\varepsilon ^{\prime }\) , where \(|\mathcal T |\) is the size of the set of tags. Furthermore, the trace distance between the authentication key distribution and the uniform increases to \(|\mathcal T |\varepsilon ^{\prime }\) after having seen an authentic message-tag pair. Despite this, we are able to prove directly that the authenticated channel is indistinguishable from an (ideal) authentic channel (the desired functionality), except with probability less than \(\varepsilon +\varepsilon ^{\prime }\) . This proves that the scheme is ( \(\varepsilon +\varepsilon ^{\prime }\) )-UC-secure, without using the composability theorem.  相似文献   

We use the concept of negativity to study the entanglement of spin-1/2 and spin-5/2 antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model with an inhomogeneous magnetic field. Analytical conclusions of the model are acquired. It is found that the critical temperature \(T_\mathrm{c}\) goes up, as the increase of anisotropy parameter \(k\) . The temperature \(T_\mathrm{c}\) becomes bigger than the results of spin-1/2 and spin-3/2 Heisenberg XXZ chain for the same value of \(k\) . And we can gain more entanglement at higher temperature by coordinating the value of inhomogeneity \(b\) .  相似文献   

Recent years have seen various rapid prototyping (RP) processes such as fused deposition modelling (FDM) and three-dimensional printing being used for fabricating prototypes, leading to shorter product development times and less human intervention. The literature reveals that the properties of RP built parts such as surface roughness, strength, dimensional accuracy, build cost, etc are related to and can be improved by the appropriate settings of the input process parameters. Researchers have formulated physics-based models and applied empirical modelling techniques such as regression analysis and artificial neural network for the modelling of RP processes. Physics-based models require in-depth understanding of the processes which is a formidable task due to their complexity. The issue of improving trustworthiness of the prediction ability of empirical models on test (unseen) samples is paid little attention. In the present work, a hybrid M5 \(^{\prime }\) -genetic programming (M5 \(^{\prime }\) -GP) approach is proposed for empirical modelling of the FDM process with an attempt to resolve this issue of ensuring trustworthiness. This methodology is based on the error compensation achieved using a GP model in parallel with a M5 \(^{\prime }\) model. The performance of the proposed hybrid model is compared to those of support vector regression (SVR) and adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system (ANFIS) model and it is found that the M5 \(^{\prime }\) -GP model has the goodness of fit better than those of the SVR and ANFIS models.  相似文献   

The Manhattan product of directed cycles \(C_{n}\) and directed paths \(P_{m}\) is a diagraph. Recently, in quantum probability theory, several authors have studied the spectrum of graph, as mentioned also by A. Hora and N. Obata. In the paper, we study asymptotic spectral distribution of the Manhattan products of simple digraphs- \(C_{n}\sharp P_{m}\) . The limit of the spectral distribution of \(C_{n}\sharp P_{2}\) as \(n\rightarrow \infty \) exists in the sense of weak convergence, and its concrete form is obtained. We insist on the fact that this note does not contain any new results, which is only some parallel results with Obata (Interdiscip Inf Sci 18(1):43–54, 2012) or Obata (Ann Funct Anal 3:136–144, 2012). But, we have only been written to convey the information from quantum probability to spectral analysis of graph.  相似文献   

We initiate a deep study of Riesz MV-algebras which are MV-algebras endowed with a scalar multiplication with scalars from \([0,1]\) . Extending Mundici’s equivalence between MV-algebras and \(\ell \) -groups, we prove that Riesz MV-algebras are categorically equivalent to unit intervals in Riesz spaces with strong unit. Moreover, the subclass of norm-complete Riesz MV-algebras is equivalent to the class of commutative unital C \(^*\) -algebras. The propositional calculus \({\mathbb R}{\mathcal L}\) that has Riesz MV-algebras as models is a conservative extension of ?ukasiewicz \(\infty \) -valued propositional calculus and is complete with respect to evaluations in the standard model \([0,1]\) . We prove a normal form theorem for this logic, extending McNaughton theorem for ? ukasiewicz logic. We define the notions of quasi-linear combination and quasi-linear span for formulas in \({\mathbb R}{\mathcal L},\) and relate them with the analogue of de Finetti’s coherence criterion for \({\mathbb R}{\mathcal L}\) .  相似文献   

Replication is a standard technique for fault tolerance in distributed systems modeled as deterministic finite state machines (DFSMs or machines). To correct \(f\) crash or \(\lfloor f/2 \rfloor \) Byzantine faults among \(n\) different machines, replication requires \(nf\) backup machines. We present a solution called fusion that requires just \(f\) backup machines. First, we build a framework for fault tolerance in DFSMs based on the notion of Hamming distances. We introduce the concept of an ( \(f\) , \(m\) )-fusion, which is a set of \(m\) backup machines that can correct \(f\) crash faults or \(\lfloor f/2 \rfloor \) Byzantine faults among a given set of machines. Second, we present an algorithm to generate an ( \(f\) , \(f\) )-fusion for a given set of machines. We ensure that our backups are efficient in terms of the size of their state and event sets. Third, we use locality sensitive hashing for the detection and correction of faults that incurs almost the same overhead as that for replication. We detect Byzantine faults with time complexity \(O(n f)\) on average while we correct crash and Byzantine faults with time complexity \(O(n \rho f)\) with high probability, where \(\rho \) is the average state reduction achieved by fusion. Finally, our evaluation of fusion on the widely used MCNC’91 benchmarks for DFSMs shows that the average state space savings in fusion (over replication) is 38 % (range 0–99 %). To demonstrate the practical use of fusion, we describe its potential application to two areas: sensor networks and the MapReduce framework. In the case of sensor networks a fusion-based solution can lead to significantly fewer sensor-nodes than a replication-based solution. For the MapReduce framework, fusion can reduce the number of map-tasks compared to replication. Hence, fusion results in considerable savings in state space and other resources such as the power needed to run the backups.  相似文献   

Minghua Lin 《Calcolo》2014,51(3):363-366
This short note proves that if \(A\) is accretive-dissipative, then the growth factor for such \(A\) in Gaussian elimination is less than \(4\) . If \(A\) is a Higham matrix, i.e., the accretive-dissipative matrix \(A\) is complex symmetric, then the growth factor is less than \(2\sqrt{2}\) . The result obtained improves those of George et al. in [Numer. Linear Algebra Appl. 9, 107–114 (2002)] and is one step closer to the final solution of Higham’s conjecture.  相似文献   

In this paper we study decentralized routing in small-world networks that combine a wide variation in node degrees with a notion of spatial embedding. Specifically, we consider a variant of J. Kleinberg’s grid-based small-world model in which (1) the number of long-range edges of each node is not fixed, but is drawn from a power-law probability distribution with exponent parameter \(\alpha \ge 0\) and constant mean, and (2) the long-range edges are considered to be bidirectional for the purposes of routing. This model is motivated by empirical observations indicating that several real networks have degrees that follow a power-law distribution. The measured power-law exponent \(\alpha \) for these networks is often in the range between 2 and 3. For the small-world model we consider, we show that when \(2 < \alpha < 3\) the standard greedy routing algorithm, in which a node forwards the message to its neighbor that is closest to the target in the grid, finishes in an expected number of \(O(\log ^{\alpha -1} n\cdot \log \log n)\) steps, for any source–target pair. This is asymptotically smaller than the \(O(\log ^2 n)\) steps needed in Kleinberg’s original model with the same average degree, and approaches \(O(\log n)\) as \(\alpha \) approaches 2. Further, we show that when \(0\le \alpha < 2\) or \(\alpha \ge 3\) the expected number of steps is \(O(\log ^2 n)\) , while for \(\alpha = 2\) it is \(O(\log ^{4/3} n)\) . We complement these results with lower bounds that match the upper bounds within at most a \(\log \log n\) factor.  相似文献   

We revisit the problem of finding \(k\) paths with a minimum number of shared edges between two vertices of a graph. An edge is called shared if it is used in more than one of the \(k\) paths. We provide a \({\lfloor {k/2}\rfloor }\) -approximation algorithm for this problem, improving the best previous approximation factor of \(k-1\) . We also provide the first approximation algorithm for the problem with a sublinear approximation factor of \(O(n^{3/4})\) , where \(n\) is the number of vertices in the input graph. For sparse graphs, such as bounded-degree and planar graphs, we show that the approximation factor of our algorithm can be improved to \(O(\sqrt{n})\) . While the problem is NP-hard, and even hard to approximate to within an \(O(\log n)\) factor, we show that the problem is polynomially solvable when \(k\) is a constant. This settles an open problem posed by Omran et al. regarding the complexity of the problem for small values of \(k\) . We present most of our results in a more general form where each edge of the graph has a sharing cost and a sharing capacity, and there is a vulnerability parameter \(r\) that determines the number of times an edge can be used among different paths before it is counted as a shared/vulnerable edge.  相似文献   

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