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Given a set of pointsV in the plane, the Euclidean bottleneck matching problem is to match each point with some other point such that the longest Euclidean distance between matched points, resulting from this matching, is minimized. To solve this problem, we definek-relative neighborhood graphs, (kRNG) which are derived from Toussaint's relative neighborhood graphs (RNG). Two points are calledk-relative neighbors if and only if there are less thank points ofV which are closer to both of the two points than the two points are to each other. AkRNG is an undirected graph (V,E r k ) whereE r k is the set of pairs of points ofV which arek-relative neighbors. We prove that there exists an optimal solution of the Euclidean bottleneck matching problem which is a subset ofE r 17 . We also prove that ¦E r k ¦ < 18kn wheren is the number of points in setV. Our algorithm would construct a 17RNG first. This takesO(n 2) time. We then use Gabow and Tarjan's bottleneck maximum cardinality matching algorithm for general graphs whose time-complexity isO((n logn)0.5 m), wherem is the number of edges in the graph, to solve the bottleneck maximum cardinality matching problem in the 17RNG. This takesO(n 1.5 log0.5 n) time. The total time-complexity of our algorithm for the Euclidean bottleneck matching problem isO(n 2 +n 1.5 log0.5 n).This research was partially supported by a grant from the National Science Council of the Republic of China under Grant NSC-78-0408-E-007-05.  相似文献   

We introduce two hierarchies of unknown ordinal height. The hierarchies are induced by natural fragments of a calculus based on finite types and Gödel’s T, and all the classes in the hierarchies are uniformly defined without referring to explicit bounds. Deterministic complexity classes like logspace, p, pspace, linspace and exp are captured by the hierarchies. Typical subrecursive classes are also captured, e.g. the small relational Grzegorczyk classes ? * 0 , ? * 1 and ? * 2 .  相似文献   

Vertex deletion and edge deletion problems play a central role in parameterized complexity. Examples include classical problems like Feedback Vertex Set, Odd Cycle Transversal, and Chordal Deletion. The study of analogous edge contraction problems has so far been left largely unexplored from a parameterized perspective. We consider two basic problems of this type: Tree Contraction and Path Contraction. These two problems take as input an undirected graph G on n vertices and an integer k, and the task is to determine whether we can obtain a tree or a path, respectively, by a sequence of at most k edge contractions in G. For Tree Contraction, we present a randomized 4 k ? n O(1) time polynomial-space algorithm, as well as a deterministic 4.98 k ? n O(1) time algorithm, based on a variant of the color coding technique of Alon, Yuster and Zwick. We also present a deterministic 2 k+o(k)+n O(1) time algorithm for Path Contraction. Furthermore, we show that Path Contraction has a kernel with at most 5k+3 vertices, while Tree Contraction does not have a polynomial kernel unless NP ? coNP/poly. We find the latter result surprising because of the connection between Tree Contraction and Feedback Vertex Set, which is known to have a kernel with 4k 2 vertices.  相似文献   

We consider a CNF formula F as a multiset of clauses: F={c 1,…,c m }. The set of variables of F will be denoted by V(F). Let B F denote the bipartite graph with partite sets V(F) and F and with an edge between vV(F) and cF if vc or $\bar{v} \in c$ . The matching number ν(F) of F is the size of a maximum matching in B F . In our main result, we prove that the following parameterization of MaxSat (denoted by (ν(F)+k)-SAT) is fixed-parameter tractable: Given a formula F, decide whether we can satisfy at least ν(F)+k clauses in F, where k is the parameter. A formula F is called variable-matched if ν(F)=|V(F)|. Let δ(F)=|F|?|V(F)| and δ ?(F)=max F′?F δ(F′). Our main result implies fixed-parameter tractability of MaxSat parameterized by δ(F) for variable-matched formulas F; this complements related results of Kullmann (IEEE Conference on Computational Complexity, pp. 116–124, 2000) and Szeider (J. Comput. Syst. Sci. 69(4):656–674, 2004) for MaxSat parameterized by δ ?(F). To obtain our main result, we reduce (ν(F)+k)-SAT into the following parameterization of the Hitting Set problem (denoted by (m?k)-Hitting Set): given a collection $\mathcal{C}$ of m subsets of a ground set U of n elements, decide whether there is X?U such that CX≠? for each $C\in \mathcal{C}$ and |X|≤m?k, where k is the parameter. Gutin, Jones and Yeo (Theor. Comput. Sci. 412(41):5744–5751, 2011) proved that (m?k)-Hitting Set is fixed-parameter tractable by obtaining an exponential kernel for the problem. We obtain two algorithms for (m?k)-Hitting Set: a deterministic algorithm of runtime $O((2e)^{2k+O(\log^{2} k)} (m+n)^{O(1)})$ and a randomized algorithm of expected runtime $O(8^{k+O(\sqrt{k})} (m+n)^{O(1)})$ . Our deterministic algorithm improves an algorithm that follows from the kernelization result of Gutin, Jones and Yeo (Theor. Comput. Sci. 412(41):5744–5751, 2011).  相似文献   

In the k-Feedback Arc/Vertex Set problem we are given a directed graph D and a positive integer k and the objective is to check whether it is possible to delete at most k arcs/vertices from D to make it acyclic. Dom et al. (J. Discrete Algorithm 8(1):76–86, 2010) initiated a study of the Feedback Arc Set problem on bipartite tournaments (k-FASBT) in the realm of parameterized complexity. They showed that k-FASBT can be solved in time O(3.373 k n 6) on bipartite tournaments having n vertices. However, until now there was no known polynomial sized problem kernel for k-FASBT. In this paper we obtain a cubic vertex kernel for k-FASBT. This completes the kernelization picture for the Feedback Arc/Vertex Set problem on tournaments and bipartite tournaments, as for all other problems polynomial kernels were known before. We obtain our kernel using a non-trivial application of “independent modules” which could be of independent interest.  相似文献   

We study the Cutwidth problem, where the input is a graph G, and the objective is find a linear layout of the vertices that minimizes the maximum number of edges intersected by any vertical line inserted between two consecutive vertices. We give an algorithm for Cutwidth with running time O(2 k n O(1)). Here k is the size of a minimum vertex cover of the input graph G, and n is the number of vertices in G. Our algorithm gives an O(2 n/2 n O(1)) time algorithm for Cutwidth on bipartite graphs as a corollary. This is the first non-trivial exact exponential time algorithm for Cutwidth on a graph class where the problem remains NP-complete. Additionally, we show that Cutwidth parameterized by the size of the minimum vertex cover of the input graph does not admit a polynomial kernel unless NP?coNP/poly. Our kernelization lower bound contrasts with the recent results of Bodlaender et al. (ICALP, Springer, Berlin, 2011; SWAT, Springer, Berlin, 2012) that both Treewidth and Pathwidth parameterized by vertex cover do admit polynomial kernels.  相似文献   

Zeev Nutov 《Algorithmica》2012,63(1-2):398-410
We consider the (undirected) Node Connectivity Augmentation (NCA) problem: given a graph J=(V,E J ) and connectivity requirements $\{r(u,v): u,v \in V\}$ , find a minimum size set I of new edges (any edge is allowed) such that the graph JI contains r(u,v) internally-disjoint uv-paths, for all u,vV. In Rooted NCA there is sV such that r(u,v)>0 implies u=s or v=s. For large values of k=max? u,vV r(u,v), NCA is at least as hard to approximate as Label-Cover and thus it is unlikely to admit an approximation ratio polylogarithmic in k. Rooted NCA is at least as hard to approximate as Hitting-Set. The previously best approximation ratios for the problem were O(kln?n) for NCA and O(ln?n) for Rooted NCA. In this paper we give an approximation algorithm with ratios O(kln?2 k) for NCA and O(ln?2 k) for Rooted NCA. This is the first approximation algorithm with ratio independent of?n, and thus is a constant for any fixed k. Our algorithm is based on the following new structural result which is of independent interest. If $\mathcal{D}$ is a set of node pairs in a graph?J, then the maximum degree in the hypergraph formed by the inclusion minimal tight sets separating at least one pair in $\mathcal{D}$ is O(? 2), where ? is the maximum connectivity in J of a pair in $\mathcal{D}$ .  相似文献   

Dr. G. Merz 《Computing》1974,12(3):195-201
Using generating functions we obtain in the case ofn+1 equidistant data points a method for the calculation of the interpolating spline functions(x) of degree 2k+1 with boundary conditionss (κ) (x0)=y 0 (κ) ,s (κ) (x n )=y n (κ) , κ=1(1)k, which only needs the inversion of a matrix of orderk. The applicability of our method in the case of general boundary conditions is also mentioned.  相似文献   

We consider a system of N points x 1 < ... < x N on a segment of the real line. An ideal system (crystal) is a system where all distances between neighbors are the same. Deviation from idealness is characterized by a system of finite differences ? i 1 = x x+1 ? x i , ? i k+1 = ? i+1 k ? ? i k , for all possible i and k. We find asymptotic estimates as N ?? ??, k????, for a system of points minimizing the potential energy of a Coulomb system in an external field.  相似文献   

An important result in the study of polynomial-time preprocessing shows that there is an algorithm which given an instance (G,k) of Vertex Cover outputs an equivalent instance (G′,k′) in polynomial time with the guarantee that G′ has at most 2k′ vertices (and thus $\mathcal{O}((k')^{2})$ edges) with k′≤k. Using the terminology of parameterized complexity we say that k-Vertex Cover has a kernel with 2k vertices. There is complexity-theoretic evidence that both 2k vertices and Θ(k 2) edges are optimal for the kernel size. In this paper we consider the Vertex Cover problem with a different parameter, the size $\mathop{\mathrm{\mbox{\textsc{fvs}}}}(G)$ of a minimum feedback vertex set for G. This refined parameter is structurally smaller than the parameter k associated to the vertex covering number $\mathop{\mathrm{\mbox {\textsc{vc}}}}(G)$ since $\mathop{\mathrm{\mbox{\textsc{fvs}}}}(G)\leq\mathop{\mathrm{\mbox{\textsc{vc}}}}(G)$ and the difference can be arbitrarily large. We give a kernel for Vertex Cover with a number of vertices that is cubic in $\mathop{\mathrm{\mbox{\textsc{fvs}}}}(G)$ : an instance (G,X,k) of Vertex Cover, where X is a feedback vertex set for G, can be transformed in polynomial time into an equivalent instance (G′,X′,k′) such that |V(G′)|≤2k and $|V(G')| \in\mathcal{O}(|X'|^{3})$ . A similar result holds when the feedback vertex set X is not given along with the input. In sharp contrast we show that the Weighted Vertex Cover problem does not have a polynomial kernel when parameterized by the cardinality of a given vertex cover of the graph unless NP ? coNP/poly and the polynomial hierarchy collapses to the third level.  相似文献   

The Pathwidth One Vertex Deletion (POVD) problem asks whether, given an undirected graph?G and an integer k, one can delete at most k vertices from?G so that the remaining graph has pathwidth at most 1. The question can be considered as a natural variation of the extensively studied Feedback Vertex Set (FVS) problem, where the deletion of at most k vertices has to result in the remaining graph having treewidth at most 1 (i.e., being a forest). Recently Philip et?al. (WG, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.?6410, pp.?196?C207, 2010) initiated the study of the parameterized complexity of POVD, showing a quartic kernel and an algorithm which runs in time 7 k n O(1). In this article we improve these results by showing a quadratic kernel and an algorithm with time complexity 4.65 k n O(1), thus obtaining almost tight kernelization bounds when compared to the general result of Dell and van Melkebeek (STOC, pp.?251?C260, ACM, New York, 2010). Techniques used in the kernelization are based on the quadratic kernel for FVS, due to Thomassé (ACM Trans. Algorithms 6(2), 2010).  相似文献   

Dr. P. Pottinger 《Computing》1976,17(2):163-167
Some estimations for the relative projection constantP( n+k k ,Csik[a,b]) are given. By constructing an associated polynomial operatorL n :C 0[a,b]→ n 0 to a given polynomial operatorH n+k :C k [a,b]→ n+k k we get a lower bound for the projection constant. An upper bound forP( n+k k ,C k [a,b]) is obtained by the determination of the norms of appropriate polynomial operatorsP n+k :C k [a,b]→ n+k k . Further we give a convergence property for the sequence (P n+k ) n∈?.  相似文献   

A circle graph is the intersection graph of a set of chords in a circle. Keil [Discrete Appl. Math., 42(1):51–63, 1993] proved that Dominating Set, Connected Dominating Set, and Total Dominating Set are NP-complete in circle graphs. To the best of our knowledge, nothing was known about the parameterized complexity of these problems in circle graphs. In this paper we prove the following results, which contribute in this direction:
  • Dominating Set, Independent Dominating Set, Connected Dominating Set, Total Dominating Set, and Acyclic Dominating Set are W[1]-hard in circle graphs, parameterized by the size of the solution.
  • Whereas both Connected Dominating Set and Acyclic Dominating Set are W[1]-hard in circle graphs, it turns out that Connected Acyclic Dominating Set is polynomial-time solvable in circle graphs.
  • If T is a given tree, deciding whether a circle graph G has a dominating set inducing a graph isomorphic to T is NP-complete when T is in the input, and FPT when parameterized by t=|V(T)|. We prove that the FPT algorithm runs in subexponential time, namely $2^{\mathcal{O}(t \cdot\frac{\log\log t}{\log t})} \cdot n^{\mathcal{O}(1)}$ , where n=|V(G)|.

A planning and scheduling (P&S) system takes as input a domain model and a goal, and produces a plan of actions to be executed, which will achieve the goal. A P&S system typically also offers plan execution and monitoring engines. Due to the non-deterministic nature of planning problems, it is a challenge to construct correct and reliable P&S systems, including, for example, declarative domain models. Verification and validation (V&V) techniques have been applied to address these issues. Furthermore, V&V systems have been applied to actually perform planning, and conversely, P&S systems have been applied to perform V&V of more traditional software. This article overviews some of the literature on the fruitful interaction between V&V and P&S.  相似文献   

We give a self-reduction for the Circuit Evaluation problem (CircEval) and prove the following consequences.
  1. Amplifying size–depth lower bounds. If CircEval has Boolean circuits of n k size and n 1?δ depth for some k and δ, then for every ${\epsilon > 0}$ , there is a δ′ > 0 such that CircEval has circuits of ${n^{1 + \epsilon}}$ size and ${n^{1- \delta^{\prime}}}$ depth. Moreover, the resulting circuits require only ${\tilde{O}(n^{\epsilon})}$ bits of non-uniformity to construct. As a consequence, strong enough depth lower bounds for Circuit Evaluation imply a full separation of P and NC (even with a weak size lower bound).
  2. Lower bounds for quantified Boolean formulas. Let c, d > 1 and e < 1 satisfy c < (1 ? e d )/d. Either the problem of recognizing valid quantified Boolean formulas (QBF) is not solvable in TIME[n c ], or the Circuit Evaluation problem cannot be solved with circuits of n d size and n e depth. This implies unconditional polynomial-time uniform circuit lower bounds for solving QBF. We also prove that QBF does not have n c -time uniform NC circuits, for all c < 2.

A matrix M is said to be k-anonymous if for each row r in M there are at least k ? 1 other rows in M which are identical to r. The NP-hard k-Anonymity problem asks, given an n × m-matrix M over a fixed alphabet and an integer s > 0, whether M can be made k-anonymous by suppressing (blanking out) at most s entries. Complementing previous work, we introduce two new “data-driven” parameterizations for k-Anonymity—the number t in of different input rows and the number t out of different output rows—both modeling aspects of data homogeneity. We show that k-Anonymity is fixed-parameter tractable for the parameter t in , and that it is NP-hard even for t out = 2 and alphabet size four. Notably, our fixed-parameter tractability result implies that k-Anonymity can be solved in linear time when t in is a constant. Our computational hardness results also extend to the related privacy problems p-Sensitivity and ?-Diversity, while our fixed-parameter tractability results extend to p-Sensitivity and the usage of domain generalization hierarchies, where the entries are replaced by more general data instead of being completely suppressed.  相似文献   

Distance transforms are an important computational tool for the processing of binary images. For ann ×n image, distance transforms can be computed in time \(\mathcal{O}\) (n) on a mesh-connected computer and in polylogarithmic time on hypercube related structures. We investigate the possibilities of computing distance transforms in polylogarithmic time on the pyramid computer and the mesh of trees. For the pyramid, we obtain a polynomial lower bound using a result by Miller and Stout, so we turn our attention to the mesh of trees. We give a very simple \(\mathcal{O}\) (logn) algorithm for the distance transform with respect to theL 1-metric, an \(\mathcal{O}\) (log2 n) algorithm for the transform with respect to theL -metric, and find that the Euclidean metric is much more difficult. Based on evidence from number theory, we conjecture the impossibility of computing the Euclidean distance transform in polylogarithmic time on a mesh of trees. Instead, we approximate the distance transform up to a given error. This works for anyL k -metric and takes time \(\mathcal{O}\) (log3 n).  相似文献   

The NP-complete Power Dominating Set problem is an “electric power networks variant” of the classical domination problem in graphs: Given an undirected graph G=(V,E), find a minimum-size set P?V such that all vertices in V are “observed” by the vertices in P. Herein, a vertex observes itself and all its neighbors, and if an observed vertex has all but one of its neighbors observed, then the remaining neighbor becomes observed as well. We show that Power Dominating Set can be solved by “bounded-treewidth dynamic programs.” For treewidth being upper-bounded by a constant, we achieve a linear-time algorithm. In particular, we present a simplified linear-time algorithm for Power Dominating Set in trees. Moreover, we simplify and extend several NP-completeness results, particularly showing that Power Dominating Set remains NP-complete for planar graphs, for circle graphs, and for split graphs. Specifically, our improved reductions imply that Power Dominating Set parameterized by |P| is W[2]-hard and it cannot be better approximated than Dominating Set.  相似文献   

Given a bipartite graph G=(V c ,V t ,E) and a nonnegative integer k, the NP-complete Minimum-Flip Consensus Tree problem asks whether G can be transformed, using up to k edge insertions and deletions, into a graph that does not contain an induced P 5 with its first vertex in V t (a so-called M-graph or Σ-graph). This problem plays an important role in computational phylogenetics, V c standing for the characters and V t standing for taxa. Chen et al. (IEEE/ACM Trans. Comput. Biol. Bioinform. 3:165–173, 2006). showed that Minimum-Flip Consensus Tree is NP-complete and presented a parameterized algorithm with running time O(6 k ?|V t |?|V c |). Subsequently, Böcker et al. (ACM Trans. Algorithms 8:7:1–7:17, 2012) presented a refined search tree algorithm with running time O(4.42 k (|V t |+|V c |)+|V t |?|V c |). We continue the study of Minimum-Flip Consensus Tree parameterized by k. Our main contribution are polynomial-time executable data reduction rules yielding a problem kernel with O(k 3) vertices. In addition, we present an improved search tree algorithm with running time O(3.68 k ?|V c |2|V t |).  相似文献   

Given a graph G=(V,E) and a positive integer k, an edge modification problem for a graph property Π consists in deciding whether there exists a set F of pairs of V of size at most k such that the graph $H=(V,E\vartriangle F)$ satisfies the property Π. In the Π edge-completion problem, the set F is constrained to be disjoint from E; in the Π edge-deletion problem, F is a subset of E; no constraint is imposed on F in the Π edge-editing problem. A number of optimization problems can be expressed in terms of graph modification problems which have been extensively studied in the context of parameterized complexity (Cai in Inf. Process. Lett. 58:171–176, 1996; Fellows et al. in FCT, pp. 312–321, 2007; Heggernes et al. in STOC, pp. 374–381, 2007). When parameterized by the size k of the set F, it has been proved that if Π is a hereditary property characterized by a finite set of forbidden induced subgraphs, then the three Π edge-modification problems are FPT (Cai in Inf. Process. Lett. 58:171–176, 1996). It was then natural to ask (Bodlaender et al. in IWPEC, 2006) whether these problems also admit a polynomial kernel. in polynomial time to an equivalent instance (G′,k′) with size bounded by a polynomial in k). Using recent lower bound techniques, Kratsch and Wahlström answered this question negatively (Kratsch and Wahlström in IWPEC, pp. 264–275, 2009). However, the problem remains open on many natural graph classes characterized by forbidden induced subgraphs. question to characterize for which type of graph properties, the parameterized edge-modification problems have polynomial kernels. Kratsch and Wahlström asked whether the result holds when the forbidden subgraphs are paths or cycles and pointed out that the problem is already open in the case of P 4-free graphs (i.e. cographs). This paper provides positive and negative results in that line of research. We prove that Parameterized cograph edge-modification problems have cubic vertex kernels whereas polynomial kernels are unlikely to exist for the P l -free edge-deletion and the C l -free edge-deletion problems for l?7 and l≥4 respectively. Indeed, if they exist, then NP?coNP/poly.  相似文献   

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