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In the past few years, intracellular organelles, such as the endoplasmic reticulum, the nucleus and the mitochondria, have emerged as key determinants in the generation and transduction of Ca2+ signals of high spatio-temporal complexity. Little is known about the Golgi apparatus, despite the fact that Ca2+ within its lumen controls essential processes, such as protein processing and sorting. We report the direct monitoring of the [Ca2+] in the Golgi lumen ([Ca2+]Golgi) of living HeLa cells, using a specifically targeted Ca2+-sensitive photoprotein. With this probe, we show that, in resting cells, [Ca2+]Golgi is approximately 0.3 mM and that Ca2+ accumulation by the Golgi has properties distinct from those of the endoplasmic reticulum (as inferred by the sensitivity to specific inhibitors). Upon stimulation with histamine, an agonist coupled to the generation of inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3), a large, rapid decrease in [Ca2+]Golgi is observed. The Golgi apparatus can thus be regarded as a bona fide IP3-sensitive intracellular Ca2+ store, a notion with major implications for the control of organelle function, as well as for the generation of local cytosolic Ca2+ signals.  相似文献   

Oxidative stress can cause changes in intracellular free calcium concentration ([Ca2+]i) that resemble those occurring under normal cell signaling. In the alveolar macrophage, hydroperoxide-induced elevation of [Ca2+]i modulates the respiratory burst and other important physiologic functions. The source of Ca2+ released by hydroperoxide is intracellular but separate from the endoplasmic reticulum pool released by receptor-mediated stimuli (Hoyal, C. R., Gozal, E., Zhou, H., Foldenauer, K., and Forman, H. J. (1996) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 326, 166-171). Previous studies in other cells have suggested that mitochondria are a potential source of oxidant-induced [Ca2+]i elevation. In this study we have identified another potential source of hydroperoxide-releasable intracellular calcium, that bound to annexin VI on the inner surface of the plasma membrane. Translocation of annexin VI from the membrane during exposure to t-butyl hydroperoxide matched elevation of [Ca2+]i as a function of time and t-butyl hydroperoxide concentration. The translocation was possibly due to a combination of ATP depletion and oxidative modification of membrane lipids and proteins. A sustained increase in [Ca2+]i occurring > 50 pmol/10(6) cells (50 microM under these conditions) appeared to be a consequence of membrane Ca2+-ATPase dysfunction. These results suggest that exposure to oxidative stress results in early alterations to the plasma membrane and concomitant release of Ca2+ into the cytosol. In addition it suggests a mechanism for participation of annexin VI translocation that may underlie the alterations in macrophage function by oxidative stress.  相似文献   

4-OH-2,3-trans-nonenal (HNE), a major aldehydic lipid peroxidation product, has been shown to cause cellular toxicities and has been linked to a number of pathophysiological processes including atherogenesis. Specifically, in vitro exposure of erythrocyte plasma membrane preparations to HNE resulted in the inhibition of membrane transport function and integrity. To characterize the nature of the inhibitory effects of HNE on plasma membrane regulatory mechanisms, we investigated its effects on substrate and calmodulin (CaM) stimulation on erythrocyte Ca2+ transport and (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activities. Concentration-effect relationship analysis in erythrocyte membrane "ghosts" and inside-out vesicles (IOVs) yielded purely noncompetitive kinetics for Ca2+, ATP, and CaM activation of (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase and Ca2+ transport. Reductions of Vmax from direct addition of 0.1 mM HNE to the assay incubation mixtures ranged from 23 to 41%. Similarly, pretreatment with HNE of both membrane ghosts and IOVs resulted in a concentration-dependent inactivation of ATPase and transport activities without changes in affinity for Ca2+, ATP, or CaM. Conversely, pretreatment of CaM itself did not impair its ability to stimulate (Ca2+ + Mg2+)-ATPase activity threefold. Moreover, HNE-pretreated membranes exhibited unaltered acetylcholinesterase activity compared to sham-pretreated membranes. Together, these results suggest that HNE may structurally, and thus irreversibly, modify one or more functionally important sites on the transport protein itself.  相似文献   

The Yarrowia lipolytica PMR1 gene (YlPMR1) is a Saccharomyces cerevisiae PMR1 homolog which encodes a putative secretory pathway Ca2+-ATPase. In this study, we investigated the effects of a YlPMR1 disruption on the processing and secretion of native and foreign proteins in Y. lipolytica and found variable responses by the YlPMR1-disrupted mutant depending on the protein. The secretion of 32-kDa mature alkaline extracellular protease (AEP) was dramatically decreased, and incompletely processed precursors were observed in the YlPMR1-disrupted mutant. A 36- and a 52-kDa premature AEP were secreted, and an intracellular 52-kDa premature AEP was also detected. The acid extracellular protease activity of the YlPMR1-disrupted mutant was increased by 60% compared to that of the wild-type strain. The inhibitory effect of mutations in secretory pathway Ca2+-ATPase genes on the secretion of rice alpha-amylase was also observed in the Y. lipolytica and S. cerevisiae PMR1-disrupted mutants. Unlike rice alpha-amylase, the secretion of Trichoderma reesei endoglucanase I (EGI) was not influenced by the YlPMR1 disruption. However, the secreted EGI from the YlPMR1-disrupted mutant had different characteristics than that of the control. While wild-type cells secreted the hyperglycosylated form of EGI, hyperglycosylation was completely absent in the YlPMR1-disrupted mutant. Our results indicate that the effects of the YlPMR1 disruption as manifested by the phenotypic response depend on the characteristics of the reporter protein in the recombinant yeast strain evaluated.  相似文献   

Adhesion molecule expression was analysed on porcine blood and lymphoid organ CD4+ CD8 naive T helper (Th) lymphocytes, CD4+CD8+ memory Th lymphocytes (particular to the pig), CD4-CD8high cytotoxic T (Tc) lymphocytes, CD4 CD8low NK cells (CD3- in the pig), CD4-CD8- T-cell receptor-gammadelta-positive (TCRgammadelta+) lymphocytes, B lymphocytes and monocytes. While CD44 expression was relatively homogeneous amongst mononuclear cells, differences were noted for the integrins. Blood naive Th lymphocytes were CD49d(low)CD11a(low), as were splenic naive Th cells; blood memory Th lymphocytes were CD49d(high)CD11a(low), splenic memory Th cells were CD49d(high)CD11a(high) with a CD49d(high)CD11a(low) subpopulation; blood Tc lymphocytes were mainly CD49d(low)CD11a(low), and splenic cells were CD49d(high) CD11a(high). Lymph node lymphocytes were more homogeneous in their integrin expression. These were relatively CD49d(low)CD11a(low), except the memory Th lymphocytes which had higher integrin expression. B lymphocytes related to the majority of integrin(low) T cells, while monocytes and NK cells were CD49d(high) CD11a(high); gammadelta T lymphocytes showed variable CD49d expression but a CD11a(high) phenotype. CD49d(high) CD11a(high) co-expression was found, and this phenotype was typical of, but not exclusive to, CD25+ (activated) lymphocytes. These results demonstrated that porcine memory Th lymphocytes and NK cells, as well as activated cells, would have increased integrin-dependent activities compared with naive Th lymphocytes, and integrin-dependent reactions would probably vary between blood and lymphoid organ cells.  相似文献   

The sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase isoform 2 (SERCA2) gene encodes both SERCA2a, the cardiac sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump, and SERCA2b, which is expressed in all tissues. To gain a better understanding of the physiological functions of SERCA2, we used gene targeting to develop a mouse in which the promoter and 5' end of the gene were eliminated. Mating of heterozygous mutant mice yielded wild-type and heterozygous offspring; homozygous mutants were not observed. RNase protection, Western blotting, and biochemical analysis of heart samples showed that SERCA2 mRNA was reduced by approximately 45% in heterozygous mutant hearts and that SERCA2 protein and maximal velocity of Ca2+ uptake into the sarcoplasmic reticulum were reduced by approximately 35%. Measurements of cardiovascular performance via transducers in the left ventricle and right femoral artery of the anesthetized mouse revealed reductions in mean arterial pressure, systolic ventricular pressure, and the absolute values of both positive and negative dP/dt in heterozygous mutants. These results demonstrate that two functional copies of the SERCA2 gene are required to maintain normal levels of SERCA2 mRNA, protein, and Ca2+ sequestering activity, and that the deficit in Ca2+ sequestering activity due to the loss of one copy of the SERCA2 gene impairs cardiac contractility and relaxation.  相似文献   

We have purified Ca2+-ATPase from synaptosomal membranes (SM)1 from rat cerebellum by calmodulin affinity chromatography. The enzyme was identified as plasma membrane Ca2+-ATPase by its interaction with calmodulin and monoclonal antibodies produced against red blood cell (RBC) Ca2+-ATPase, and by thapsigargin insensitivity. The purpose of the study was to establish whether two regulators of the RBC Ca2+-ATPase, calmodulin and protein kinase C (PKC), affect the Ca2+-ATPase isolated from excitable cells and whether their effects are comparable to those on the RBC Ca2+-ATPase. We found that calmodulin and PKC activated both enzymes. There were significant quantitative differences in the phosphorylation and activation of the SM versus RBC Ca2+-ATPase. The steady-state Ca2+-ATPase activity of SM Ca2+-ATPase was approximately 3 fold lower and significantly less stimulated by calmodulin. The initial rate of PKC catalyzed phosphorylation (in the presence of 12-myristate 13-acetate phorbol) was approximately two times slower for SM enzyme. While phosphorylation of RBC Ca2+-ATPase approached maximum level at around 5 min, comparable level of phosphorylation of SM Ca2+-ATPase was observed only after 30 min. The PKC-catalyzed phosphorylation resulted in a statistically significant increase in Ca2+-ATPase activity of up to 20-40%, higher in the SM Ca2+-ATPase. The differences may be associated with diversities in Ca2+-ATPase function in erythrocytes and neuronal cells and different isoforms composition.  相似文献   

Class I ADP-ribosylation factors (ARFs) are essential for coatomer and clathrin coat assembly and vesicular transport in the Golgi apparatus. However, little is known about the in vivo regulation of ARF actions. Recently we cloned arfaptin 1, a 39 kDa protein that binds active, GTPgammaS-liganded ARF and translocates with it to Golgi membranes. Here we show that phorbol ester-stimulated phospholipase D (PLD) activity is inhibited in arfaptin 1-overexpressing NIH 3T3 cells and that arfaptin 1 inhibits ARF activation of Golgi-associated PLD. Since PLD activity is thought to play a role in regulating vesicular transport in the secretory pathway, we determined the rate of glycosylation of vesicular stomatitis virus glycoprotein as a measure of protein transport from the endoplasmic reticulum through the Golgi apparatus. Arfaptin 1 overexpression was found to decrease the rate of this reaction approximately two-fold. These data suggest that arfaptin 1 is a regulator of ARF action in the Golgi apparatus.  相似文献   

In order to identify Ca2+ ligands in the putative transmembrane domain 6 of the plasma membrane Ca2+ pump, amino acids Asn879, Met882, Asp883, and Ser887 were singly altered. Asn879, Met882, and Asp883 were chosen because the corresponding amino acids have been proposed as Ca2+ ligands in the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump (Clarke, D. M., Loo, T. W., and MacLennan, D. H. (1990) J. Biol. Chem. 265, 6262-6267). For the alterations, a fully active truncated version of the pump was used, because the interaction of Ca2+ with the pump could be studied without interference from calmodulin binding. The mutants at Asn and Asp did not carry out ATP-supported Ca2+ uptake and formed no acylphosphate from [gamma-32P]ATP, suggesting that, like the corresponding amino acids in the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump, these two are Ca2+ ligands. However, all the mutants at the position of Met882 showed some activity. Indeed, the Met882--> Ile mutant was fully active at a saturating Ca2+ concentration and only the K1/2 for Ca2+ activation was shifted slightly upward. Converting the Met to Thr (which is the corresponding residue in the sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ pump) reduced the activity to 20% of the wild type, further emphasizing the differences between the two Ca2+ pumps. The mutant Ser887--> Ala was expressed in greater amounts than, and had a specific activity about 50% higher than, the wild type, indicating that this serine also could not be a Ca2+ ligand and could not replace the missing Thr at position Met882.  相似文献   

To identify and characterize individual Ca2+ pumps, we have expressed an Arabidopsis ECA1 gene encoding an endoplasmic reticulum-type Ca2+-ATPase homolog in the yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) mutant K616. The mutant (pmc1pmr1cnb1) lacks a Golgi and a vacuolar membrane Ca2+ pump and grows very poorly on Ca2+-depleted medium. Membranes isolated from the mutant showed high H+/Ca2+-antiport but no Ca2+-pump activity. Expression of ECA1 in endomembranes increased mutant growth by 10- to 20-fold in Ca2+-depleted medium. 45Ca2+ pumping into vesicles from ECA1 transformants was detected after the H+/Ca2+-antiport activity was eliminated with bafilomycin A1 and gramicidin D. The pump had a high affinity for Ca2+ (Km = 30 nM) and displayed two affinities for ATP (Km of 20 and 235 microM). Cyclopiazonic acid, a specific blocker of animal sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase, inhibited Ca2+ transport (50% inhibition dose = 3 nmol/mg protein), but thapsigargin (3 microM) did not. Transport was insensitive to calmodulin. These results suggest that this endoplasmic reticulum-type Ca2+-ATPase could support cell growth in plants as in yeast by maintaining submicromolar levels of cytosolic Ca2+ and replenishing Ca2+ in endomembrane compartments. This study demonstrates that the yeast K616 mutant provides a powerful expression system to study the structure/function relationships of Ca2+ pumps from eukaryotes.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is a potent inhibitor of thrombin-induced increase in cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration and aggregation in platelets, but the precise mechanism of this inhibition is unclear. To measure Ca2+/Mn2+ influx in intact platelets and to monitor Ca2+ uptake into the stores in permeabilized platelets, fura-2 was used. In intact platelets, maximal capacitative Ca2+ and Mn2+ influx developed rapidly (within 30 s) after fast release of Ca2+ from the stores with thrombin (0.5 U/mL) or slowly (within 5 to 10 minutes) following passive Ca2+ leak caused by inhibition of sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA) with 30 micromol/L 2,5-di-(tert-butyl)-1,4-benzohydroquinone (BHQ). NO (1 micromol/L) inhibited capacitative Ca2+ and Mn2+ influx independently of the time after thrombin application. In contrast, the effect of NO on BHQ-induced Ca2+ and Mn2+ influx was observed only during the first few minutes after BHQ application and completely disappeared when capacitative cation influx reached its maximum. In Ca2+-free medium, NO reduced the peak Ca2+ rise caused by thrombin and significantly promoted Ca2+ back-sequestration into the stores. Both effects disappeared in the presence of BHQ. Inhibition of guanylate cyclase with H-(1,2,4) oxadiazolo(4,3-a) quinoxallin-1-one (10 micromol/L) attenuated but did not prevent the effects of NO on cytoplasmic free Ca2+ concentration. Inhibition of Ca2+ uptake by mitochondria did not change the effects of NO. In permeabilized platelets, NO accelerated back-sequestration of Ca2+ into the stores after inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate-induced Ca2+ release or after addition of Ca2+ (1 micromol/L) in the absence of inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate. The effect of NO depended on the initial rate of Ca2+ uptake and on the concentration of ATP and was abolished by BHQ, indicating the direct involvement of SERCA. These data strongly support the hypothesis that NO inhibits store-operated cation influx in human platelets indirectly via acceleration of SERCA-dependent refilling of Ca2+ stores.  相似文献   

Sequential dissociation of the two Ca2+ ions bound to non-phosphorylated sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-ATPase was triggered by addition, in a stopped-flow experiment, of quin2, which acted both as a high-affinity chelator and as a Ca2+-sensitive fluorescent probe. The kinetics of Ca2+ dissociation were deduced from the observed changes in quin2 fluorescence in the visible region (with lambdaex = 313 nm), while fluorescence detection in the UV region (with lambdaex = 290 nm) made it possible to monitor the tryptophan fluorescence changes accompanying this dissociation under the same ionic conditions. In the absence of KCl or NaCl, at pH 6 or 7, the observed changes in quin2 fluorescence were monoexponential, with rate constants very close to those of the changes in ATPase tryptophan fluorescence, which also appeared monophasic. In the presence of 100 mM KCl, quin2 fluorescence changes, although still monoexponential, were faster than in the absence of the monovalent ions but distinctly slower than the changes in tryptophan fluorescence, which were accelerated to a larger extent. In addition, the apparent kinetics of the Trp fluorescence changes depended on the excitation wavelength. Using an excitation wavelength of 296 nm, the Trp fluorescence drop was still faster than with an excitation wavelength of 290 nm, and in the presence of NaCl it even displayed a clear undershoot. We conclude that in the presence of KCl or NaCl and with an excitation wavelength of 290 nm, the rapid drop in tryptophan fluorescence mainly monitors the dissociation of the first of the two Ca2+ ions to be released from Ca2+-ATPase, while excitation at 296 nm optically selects a subpopulation of Trp residues whose fluorescence level is lower in the ATPase species with one Ca2+ ion bound than in the Ca2+-deprived ATPase species. The latter conditions result in an initial drop in Trp fluorescence whose apparent rate constant (in single-exponential analysis) is faster than the true rate of dissociation of the first Ca2+ ion and in a subsequent slower rise related to dissociation of the second Ca2+ ion. The difference between results obtained in the absence and in the presence of K+ or Na+ is due to an antagonizing effect of these cations on proton-induced conformational rearrangement of Ca2+-free ATPase, a conformational rearrangement which changes the ATPase Trp fluorescence level and significantly affects the cooperativity of Ca2+ binding at equilibrium.  相似文献   

PMP1 is a 38-residue polypeptide associated with the yeast plasma membrane H(+)-ATPase, found to regulate the enzyme activity. To investigate the molecular basis of the PMP1 biological function, the conformational properties of a synthetic PMP1 fragment, A18-F38, comprising the predicted C-terminal cytoplasmic domain and a part of the transmembrane anchor have been studied by 1H- and 2H-NMR spectroscopies. High resolution 1H-NMR experiments showed that, in deuterated DPC micelles, the A18-G34 segment adopts a well defined helix conformation. Our data suggest that the whole PMP1 molecule forms a unique helix whose axis might be slightly tilted with respect to the bilayer normal. Protonated DPC, DMPC and DMPS were incorporated in deuterated micelles containing the PMP1 fragment for studying lipid-peptide interactions. Unusually strong and selective intermolecular NOEs between lipid chain and peptide side chain protons, especially those of the unique Trp residue, were observed. Solid state 2H-NMR experiments performed on pure deuterated POPC and mixed deuterated POPC:POPS (5:1) bilayers revealed that the PMP1 fragment specifically interacts with negatively charged PS lipids.  相似文献   

In this study, we investigated whether the fast-twitch skeletal muscle sarco(endo)plasmic reticulum Ca2+ transport pump (SERCA1a) can functionally substitute the cardiac SERCA2a isoform and how its overexpression affects cardiac contractility. For this purpose, we generated transgenic (TG) mice that specifically overexpress SERCA1a in the heart, using the cardiac-specific alpha-myosin heavy chain promoter. Ectopic expression of SERCA1a resulted in a 2.5-fold increase in the amount of total SERCA protein. At the same time, the level of the endogenous SERCA2a protein was decreased by 50%, whereas the level of other muscle proteins, including calsequestrin, phospholamban, actin, and tropomyosin, remained unchanged. The steady-state level of SERCA phosphoenzyme intermediate was increased 2.5-fold, and the maximal velocity of Ca2+ uptake was increased 1.7-fold in TG hearts, demonstrating that the overexpressed protein is functional. Although the basal cytosolic calcium signal was decreased by 38% in TG cardiomyocytes, the amplitude of cytosolic calcium signal was increased by 71.8%. The rate of calcium resequestration was also increased in TG myocytes, which was reflected by a 51.6% decrease in the normalized time to 80% decay of calcium signal. This resulted in considerably increased peak rates of myocyte shortening and relengthening (50.0% and 66.6%, respectively). Cardiac functional analysis using isolated work-performing heart preparations revealed significantly faster rates of contraction and relaxation in TG hearts (41.9% and 39.5%, respectively). The time to peak pressure and the time to half-relaxation were shorter (29.1% and 32.7%, respectively). In conclusion, our study demonstrates that the SERCA1a pump can functionally substitute endogenous SERCA2a, and its overexpression significantly enhances Ca2+ transport and contractile function of the myocardium. These results also demonstrate that the SERCA pump level is a critical determinant of cardiac contractility.  相似文献   

The enhanced diastolic Ca2+ levels observed in cardiac myocytes from patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) may be either a consequence of functional impairment of sarcoplasmic reticulum calcium-ATPase (SERCA 2) and its regulator protein phospholamban or due to a reduction in the number of SERCA 2 proteins. As different myocardial membrane preparations may lead to different accumulation of proteins, the present study evaluated two different membrane preparations, in human failing and nonfailing myocardium for comparison of SERCA 2 activity and the protein expression of SERCA 2 and phospholamban. Crude membranes and tissue homo-genates without any centrifugation steps were prepared from human nonfailing hearts (donor hearts, NF, n=18) and terminally failing hearts (heart transplant, DCM, n=18). Calsequestrin protein expression was used as an internal control for overall protein expression. In both crude membranes and homogenates maximal SERCA 2 activity (Vmax) was significantly reduced in failing heart preparations (NF crude membranes, 130+/-8; DCM crude membranes, 102+/-5 nmol ATP/mg protein per minute). In contrast, the protein expression of SERCA 2 (NF crude membranes, 488+/-35; DCM crude membranes, 494+/-42; P=0.92), phospholamban (NF crude membranes, 497+/-51; DCM crude membranes, 496+/-45; P=0.98) and calsequestrin (NF crude membranes, 109+/-06; DCM crude membranes, 107+/-08; P=0.84) was unchanged in NF and DCM hearts in both preparation methods. This was also the case when the protein expression was normalized to calsequestrin protein levels. Preparation of sarcoplasmic reticulum in crude membranes led to enhanced purification and consequently higher SERCA 2, phospholamban, and calsequestrin protein levels in crude membranes than in the homogenates, which was paralleled by an increase in SERCA 2 enzyme activity. In conclusion, the altered Ca2+ handling in DCM may be a consequence of reduced SERCA 2 enzyme activity and not the result of differences in protein expression of the Ca2+ regulating proteins SERCA 2, phospholamban, and calsequestrin in human myocardium. The present study emphasizes the importance of different myocardial membrane preparations with respect to quantitative investigations of protein expression and function.  相似文献   

The catalytic domains of murine Golgi alpha1,2-mannosidases IA and IB that are involved in N-glycan processing were expressed as secreted proteins in P.pastoris . Recombinant mannosidases IA and IB both required divalent cations for activity, were inhibited by deoxymannojirimycin and kifunensine, and exhibited similar catalytic constants using Manalpha1,2Manalpha-O-CH3as substrate. Mannosidase IA was purified as a 50 kDa catalytically active soluble fragment and shown to be an inverting glycosidase. Recombinant mannosidases IA and IB were used to cleave Man9GlcNAc and the isomers produced were identified by high performance liquid chromatography and proton-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Man9GlcNAc was rapidly cleaved by both enzymes to Man6GlcNAc, followed by a much slower conversion to Man5GlcNAc. The same isomers of Man7GlcNAc and Man6GlcNAc were produced by both enzymes but different isomers of Man8GlcNAc were formed. When Man8GlcNAc (Man8B isomer) was used as substrate, rapid conversion to Man5GlcNAc was observed, and the same oligosaccharide isomer intermediates were formed by both enzymes. These results combined with proton-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy data demonstrate that it is the terminal alpha1, 2-mannose residue missing in the Man8B isomer that is cleaved from Man9GlcNAc at a much slower rate. When rat liver endoplasmic reticulum membrane extracts were incubated with Man9GlcNAc2, Man8GlcNAc2was the major product and Man8B was the major isomer. In contrast, rat liver Golgi membranes rapidly cleaved Man9GlcNAc2to Man6GlcNAc2and more slowly to Man5GlcNAc2. In this case all three isomers of Man8GlcNAc2were formed as intermediates, but a distinctive isomer, Man8A, was predominant. Antiserum to recombinant mannosidase IA immunoprecipitated an enzyme from Golgi extracts with the same specificity as recombinant mannosidase IA. These immunodepleted membranes were enriched in a Man9GlcNAc2to Man8GlcNAc2-cleaving activity forming predominantly the Man8B isomer. These results suggest that mannosidases IA and IB in Golgi membranes prefer the Man8B isomer generated by a complementary mannosidase that removes a single mannose from Man9GlcNAc2.  相似文献   

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