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In about 1949, there was a large-scale migration of architects from the mainland to Hong Kong, China. Among them were those important figures in the modern Chinese architectural history such as Robert Fan, Su Gin-Djih, and Chu Pin. Their arrival at this colony had changed its architectural practice substantially from professional organization to actually built environment. Their unique contributions to Hong Kong’s modern architecture have been a new research interest in recent years. This paper tells a story about Robert Fan and his design of the Chung Chi College campus in the 1950s with an intention to reveal the multiaspects of the so called “migrant architects” through a single architectural event. The author tries to capture the intertwining relationship between the migrant architects and educators through the reconstruction of the recruitment process for a campus architect by Chung Chi College and to identify Mr. Robert Fan’s concept of campus planning with reference to his early design experience in the mainland of China.  相似文献   

英国城市规划师艾伯克隆比为英国战后城市重建做了大量城市规划工作,尤以"大伦敦规划"最为著名。之后,他又被邀为香港拟备"香港初步城市规划报告"。该报告作为香港首部战略性城市规划,使英国城市规划理论与实践延续到其远东殖民地,使香港成为西方文化与技术在东方的中转站。该文横向比较艾伯克隆比的"大伦敦规划"与"香港规划报告",以追溯城市规划思想的源流与演变;纵向比较"香港规划报告"的"高密度发展与疏散、城市人口与工业布局、城市规划立法、新市镇建设"等城市发展提议与香港战后城市规划与建设的实践。通过分析该报告对香港城市规划的影响和贡献,以及探寻香港近现代城市规划理论和体制形成的因素,对进一步完善香港近代城市史学研究,并为内地城市制订战略性城市规划提供历史借鉴  相似文献   

In the United States of the 1950s, many architects, artists and historians were engaged with issues surrounding the nature of an authentic American architecture, and their professional responsibility to define its contours and potential. These issues included questions about the relationship of design to a democratic society and the expressive possibilities of architectural monumentality. This essay examines the contribution made by the master architectural photographer Robert Damora (1912–2009) with his wife Sirkka (b. 1924) to the development of a response to these concerns. It addresses his part in shaping American modern design through: his documentation of the work of prominent American modern architects and designers such as Marcel Breuer, Walter Gropius, Eero Saarinen, I. M. Pei, Florence Knoll, Edward Durrell Stone, Paul Rudolph and Philip Johnson; post-war studies of new housing types and innovative concrete construction; photographic interpretations of corporate work such as the Hancock Tower in Boston. Like his contemporaries Julius Shulman, Balthasar Korab and Ezra Stoller, Damora also communicated to the public the heroic drama of modern buildings through the two-dimensional medium of photography, yet unfortunately his work remains less-known than that of his peers. The essay seeks to fill this gap by presenting Damora's own participation in envisioning a new American ideal of a refined yet functionalist way of living, both through the medium of photography and through such exploratory architectural projects as the Seeds for Architecture programme of the Universal Atlas Cement Company.  相似文献   

Kisho Kurokawa (1934–2007) was a world-famous Japanese architect who made his impact on urban architecture in Japan and many other countries. His philosophy of symbiosis influenced several generations of designers and social architects in Japan and the world. In his heyday during the mid 1980s, Kurokawa started a twenty-year journey of architectural design and urban planning in China. His designs in China are closely involved with the contemporary architectural history and practice of the country: for example, in importing foreign architectural design, researching the formal design language and the emerging of private development. The authors traced the footprints of Kurokawa in China and investigated the relevant building and urban design cases. This paper reviews Kurokawa's outstanding works in China, tries to reveal the master's trajectory of adapting ‘symbiosis’ and ‘grey’ concepts in different conditions, and fills a gap in the understanding of modern Chinese and Japanese architecture.  相似文献   

薛求理  孙乐 《新建筑》2012,(3):89-95
黑川纪章是日本著名建筑师,其设计作品遍布日本和世界其他城市,他提出的"共生"理论更是影响了几代学人。在其事业处于巅峰的1980年代,黑川纪章来到中国,开启了他在中国20年的设计历程。通过回顾黑川纪章在中国的3个代表性作品,试图为中国和日本当代建筑研究提供新的材料和佐证。  相似文献   

薛求理 《建筑师》2012,(2):69-75
本文通过四位建筑师的分析.观察香港现代建筑的发展轨迹。在香港由难民潮.山寨工业走向国际金融服务中心的过程中.实用、经济、高效率地使用土地一直主导着建筑设计的方向。本文旨在丰富香港现代当代建筑的研究.为现代建筑在亚洲和大中华的发展.提供佐证资料。  相似文献   

陆敏  阳建强 《城市规划》2007,31(5):88-92
金陵女子大学是中国高等教育历史上的第一所女子大学,其校园规划与空间布局充分借鉴了中国故宫的构图手法,和西方近代大学成熟的三合院形制相结合,采取主次院落和轴线对称的群体布局,形成富有空间序列感的建筑群,倡导了中国传统建筑艺术复兴。本文通过调查、研究和比较,分析了其设计师墨菲的创作手法与思想以及其对中国近代校园规划产生的影响和深远意义。  相似文献   

揭示粤港澳大湾区实施建筑师负责制存在的困难及政策文件解读,为业界人士参与大湾区建筑师负责制提供参考。对《粤港澳大湾区建筑师负责制指引(征求意见稿)》进行解读,结合问卷做现状研究,总结归纳。发现业界对建筑师负责制发展疑虑集中在收费、法律法规、责任保险、建筑师综合能力等方面,而《指引》对上述问题均做了详细规定。《指引》为大湾区实施建筑师负责制提供了有效政策基础,构建健康有序市场体系及建筑师培养体系,加强建筑创作和设计原创的知识产权保护是推动建筑师负责制实施的有效之举。  相似文献   

刘治平  张炯 《新建筑》2012,(1):82-88
当代建筑创作蓬勃发展,新的结构表现理念和手法为建筑创作带来了许多启发和思考.但有些作品也存在着结构体系不尽合理、造价高昂、对历史文脉考虑不周等问题,这无疑对当今的建筑创作产生了消极的影响.国外建筑大师作品强势进入中国市场所产生的盲从现象也令人忧心忡忡.因此,通过探讨结构艺术化的意义和价值,解析当代富有“技艺交融”表现之建筑师的创作理念及其作品,从而提出技艺相互构建的观点和剖析手法,以期为承继和提升“结构艺术化”在当今建筑创作中的应用实践提供借鉴和参考.  相似文献   

殷国婷 《山西建筑》2008,34(2):86-87
对建筑师范文照的部分代表作品及其创作思想的转变进行了分析,以使人们进一步了解到他早年在美国宾夕法尼亚大学受西方传统学院派教育,而后由于受到各种现代建筑思想的影响逐渐向现代风格转变的创作风格。  相似文献   

赖德霖 《建筑师》2020,(4):84-92
本文关涉中国近代建筑教育。不同于以往研究对于专业教育本身的探讨,作者以1910—1920年代出自北京清华学校的留美建筑家为例,揭示了校园文化对于人才发展的长远影响。积极进取的人生观、自由多元的个性、德智体美全面发展的教程、跨专业交流合作的可能、爱国主义和社会关怀的陶冶,以及知行合一的作风,这一近代校园文化传统对于中国今天建筑教育甚至高等教育的发展依然不失其参考价值和借鉴意义。  相似文献   

薛颖 《南方建筑》2020,(1):20-27
摘要 探究 1910 年代接受美国布扎建筑教育的中国第一代留美建筑师——康奈尔大学吕彦直和杨锡宗的设计学理逻 辑的形成。通过分析吕、杨两位的设计作业和设计实践,尝试解读布扎体系下产生的设计理念,发现他们的设计风格 源于学生时代的布扎教育。美国布扎建筑教育促成中国第一代建筑师既善于引入西方古典复兴风格,又创新地引领中 国风格的形成。因此,美国布扎建筑教育影响了中国近代第一代建筑师及其建筑设计。  相似文献   

在采访中,诺曼·福斯特就技术灵活性、可持续性、象征性、社会性等建筑学相关概念表达了他的观点,揭示了其事务所在中国及香港一些项目背后的设计哲学.  相似文献   

Hong Kong is known as a migrant city because its population was sourced from mainland China, and because there has always been outflows of people to overseas countries, especially from the mid-1980s to mid-1990s. Emigration to mainland China has become a significant recent trend. This article discusses this phenomenon in the theoretical contexts of migration and trans-border residential development. It contends that the trend will intensify more quickly than other cross-border movements because the two systems are separated by a political border within one country, and because there are common cultural ties and rapid economic integration.  相似文献   

The rural has long occupied a valuable, if under-theorised position in modern architectural history. Here, Cole Roskam , Assistant Professor of Architectural History at the University of Hong Kong, highlights key moments in this history and, in doing so, illuminates a central paradox at the heart of architecture's various turns to the countryside; namely, can architects maintain the physical and social integrity of the rural when they are themselves a fundamental vector of its changing character?  相似文献   

王蔚  邵磊  李眈 《新建筑》2014,(1):122-126
“港珠澳大桥·香港口岸国际概念设计竞赛”是香港特别行政区路政署筹划的国际设计竞赛,是一次粤、港、澳三地多元文化融合的可持续探索.通过对竞赛的评述,结合对获奖和入围方案的分析,不仅阐述了香港政府对口岸建设地标化、模块化、生态化等理念的探索,同时分析了中国口岸建筑的设计变化趋势——从单一化向多元化转变,最后探讨了本次竞赛对中国口岸建设可持续发展的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

This article investigates one of the earliest attempts to systematically construct a building tradition and incorporate it into modern Chinese architectural design. These efforts were put forth by Liang Sicheng (1901–1972), one of the most distinguished Chinese architects and architectural historians, in the 1920s and 1930s in China, informed by the strong collective intention to honour the Chinese past. This article provides a historical and critical reflection on this collective intention that is still shared nowadays by architects and architectural theorists. This article examines in depth the evolution of the different ways Liang used the building past and constructed the Chinese architectural traditions in different crucial stages of his architectural career in the 1920s and 1930s. It uses architectural drawing as both the research subject and the research method. Three of Liang’s representative drawings from these crucial professional stages are juxtaposed and investigated to reveal this evolution using the iconography and iconology method.  相似文献   

Shenzhen exemplifies the rapid development of urban planning and construction in China. Over the last 40 years, many representative urban spaces and buildings have been built on Shennan Road, the city's main east–west thoroughfare, which has witnessed the formation of a multicenter structural layout and the miraculous expansion of the city. Many iconic buildings were designed by Hong Kong or foreign architects. The continuous development along Shennan Road not only symbolizes the fruits of the reform and opening up policies of Shenzhen and even China, but also reflects the modern architectural history in Shenzhen. This study uses historical research methods to review the changes in the urban fabric and the design trends, as seen in representative buildings along Shennan Road in different periods. In addition to the transition path of the city center, the unique role of streets and buildings in the development of the urban structure is analyzed, and other urban functions and symbolic meanings are identified. This work contributes to the history and theory of the modernization of contemporary Chinese architecture.  相似文献   

薛求理 《新建筑》2012,(3):18-25
我国的改革开放已经走过30多个年头外国建筑设计随着国门和经济开放涌入我国,对我国的城市景观和建筑业造成极大冲击和影响,这种冲击和影响有正面的也有负面的中国的外国建筑设计成了东方与西方,外国与中国科技文化论题的交汇点简要回顾30年来输入海外建筑设计的历程井讨论由此带来的各种现象和问题  相似文献   

American architect Henry Killam Murphy contributed extensively in designing college campuses, making him a significant figure in the history of modern Chinese architecture. This study investigates the influence of Western architecture on modern Chinese architecture based on the master plan of Shanghai College and its architectural design by Murphy. Shanghai College has been maintained by American Baptists since 1906. Its campus is the largest missionary college in China. The Shanghai municipal government designated the campus as a “HERITAGE ARCHITECTURE.” Thus, studying the design characteristics of Shanghai College is important to understand the history of Chinese architecture. From an architectural-historical point of view, studying the design of Shanghai College also helps describe the propagation and development of Western architecture in China. This study determines the historical significance of Shanghai College to help enhance the value of its buildings.  相似文献   

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