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Murata  M. Li  K. Matsui  T. 《Electronics letters》2000,36(23):1912-1913
The authors introduce the Yagi concept into a simple active antenna. Antennas with director elements demonstrate an increased directivity and 30° beam-tilting compared with an active antenna  相似文献   

A zero-IF receiver is implemented based on the active antenna design. The active devices, Schottky diodes, are compactly integrated with two patch antenna elements to act as the mixers. The active antenna can perform both direct-conversion demodulation and direction finding  相似文献   

A polarisation-agile active antenna has been constructed and tested. The radiation can be selected to be circularly polarised in either sense, or linearly polarised in the vertical, horizontal or either diagonal plane. The antenna consists of two varactor diode loaded active patches using npn bipolar transistors in the common base configuration as sources, and with the patch axes at right angles to each other. The two oscillators are locked to an external source, and the phase from each patch element is controlled by varying the diode bias voltage. By appropriate combination of the phase relationships, the various polarisations are produced.<>  相似文献   

超表面调制天线是近年来从超材料技术中所衍生出来的前沿研究方向,对于新型电扫天线的设计具有重要意义,其具有低成本、低功耗、灵活可控等优势特性,在电磁场辐射、隐身等领域具有重要的应用前景.文章对电磁超表面进行了简要概述,总结了超表面调制天线的设计思路和工作机理,综述了国内外在超表面调制天线领域的研究进展和应用成果.最后阐述...  相似文献   

A new quasi-Yagi antenna for planar active antenna arrays   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this paper, a novel broadband planar antenna based on the classic Yagi-Uda dipole antenna is presented, and its usefulness as an array antenna is explored. This “quasi-Yagi” antenna is realized on a high dielectric-constant substrate, and is completely compatible with microstrip circuitry and solid-state devices. This antenna achieves a measured 48% frequency bandwidth for voltage standing-wave ratio <2, better than a 12-dB front-to-back ratio, smaller than -15 dB cross polarization, and 3-5-dBi absolute gain. Mutual coupling of the antenna in an array environment is investigated. Finally, three simple arrays are presented, demonstrating the usefulness of the antenna as an array element. This novel antenna should find wide application in wireless communication systems, power combining, phased arrays, and active arrays, as well as millimeter-wave imaging arrays  相似文献   

An inset-fed antenna with a shorting pin and slots is presented for harmonic suppression of an active integrated antenna. Its fundamental resonant frequency is 5.8 GHz. At fundamental and harmonic frequencies, return loss and radiation characteristics are measured and compared with those of the conventional microstrip patch antenna. The second and third harmonic return losses of the proposed antenna are suppressed to 6.7 dB and 17.7 dB with respect to the conventional patch antenna, respectively.  相似文献   

Wu  X.-D. Leverich  K. Chang  K. 《Electronics letters》1992,28(20):1853-1854
A novel dual-FET active patch antenna element for quasi-optical power combining arrays is described. The circuit uses two FETs which symmetrically load a split patch antenna. The push-pull operation of the devices decreases H-plane crosspolarisation dramatically. A power output of 47 mW was achieved at 8.1 GHz.<>  相似文献   

A multilayer structure, based on a patch antenna coupled through a nonresonant slot to a pair of feeding microstrips is a versatile module which can be used as a radiating and resonating element in a number of different configurations. Direct connection to a low cost transistor in a feedback loop results in a very simple active antenna, as reported. Different termination conditions at the four microstrip ports give rise to a number of alternative configurations for active generation/detection and multipatch arrays.<>  相似文献   

It has been found that integration of an active inductance with a short antenna gives higher antenna gains over a relatively wide frequency range. The gain of this system can be further improved by integrating a suitable wideband amplifier with it.  相似文献   

In this paper, an active four-element patch antenna, backed by four GaAs monolithic-microwave integrated-circuit (MMIC) 4.4-GHz oscillators, self-locked by mutual coupling through a lumped capacitive ring MMIC network, has been designed, fabricated, and tested. The sequentially rotated arrangement given here when augmented with a lumped capacitive coupling network suggests that in-phase oscillator entrainment is guaranteed so that spatial power combination by the antenna array occurs with circular polarization characteristics  相似文献   

A dual feeding active integrated antenna with high isolation between the Tx and Rx ports of a single triangular patch antenna is presented. The proposed antenna suppresses the third harmonics and isolates the Tx signal at the Rx ports to a high degree. The measured results of the return loss, isolation, and radiation patterns are provided  相似文献   

《Electronics letters》1969,5(21):508-510
Complex solutions to a determinantal equation have been found numerically and employed to predict the properties of a frequency-scanning forward-radiating antenna obtained through a superposition of two waves propagating in oblique angles on an infinite periodic structure. The range of parameters of a usable antenna has been examined.  相似文献   

Key results are summarized of efforts to significantly reduce the near-field measurement time by utilizing one- or two-dimensional arrays of modulated scattering probes in lieu of the single probe ordinarily used in conventional near-field measurement techniques. Results of analytical, numerical, and experimental investigations show that the modulated-scattering technique (MST) using arrays of hundreds or even thousands of modulated scattering probes can be used to map the complex near-field of antennas or scatterers in a few seconds or minutes. The results also strongly indicate that classical (nonmodulated) receiving/transmitting arrays can be adapted for rapid near-field data collection. Major factors affecting the accuracy and speed of probe arrays for near-field measurement are delineated and discussed. Experimental results obtained using laboratory prototype MST systems are also presented and discussed  相似文献   

A 24 GHz active Van Atta planar antenna array proposed for increasing the vehicle radar echo in a vehicle collision avoidance system is designed and demonstrated. The antenna array contains two parallel linear sub-arrays. Each sub-array is composed of four receiving microstrip antennas, four transmitting microstrip antennas and four transistor amplifiers. At the angles of -40°<&thetas;<40°, except those very close to the specular direction (&thetas;=0°), the measured backscattering field levels of the fabricated array have variations <3 dB and are at least 10 dB higher than those of a metal plate of the same size  相似文献   

Cryan  M.J. Hall  P.S. 《Electronics letters》1996,32(4):286-287
The authors present results for a novel two element active transmit-receive array using dual linear polarisation and sequential rotation. Each element includes an integrated oscillator and amplifier mounted on orthogonal edges of a square patch, such that transmit and receive paths are isolated and polarisation duplexed. The array gives in excess of 55 dB transmit-receive isolation at 3.77 GHz  相似文献   

The full wave design of an active integrated antenna using the extended FDTD method is presented. An active circulator using three gain blocks and a short circuited quarter wavelength patch are combined to form a transceiver. The effects of parasitic coupling are identified, and the isolation between transmit-receive is predicted  相似文献   

Guo  Y.C. Smith  M.S. 《Electronics letters》1981,17(3):121-122
A novel method for introducing an amplitude taper onto a linear array is described, using equal amplitude elements with randomised phase reversals to create an effective taper.  相似文献   

黄宇翔  张鸿翼  李飞  徐卫明  胡以华 《红外与激光工程》2017,46(5):506003-0506003(6)
逆合成孔径激光雷达(ISAL)相比逆合成孔径雷达(ISAR),其信号源具有更小的发散角,同分辨下具有更小的合成孔径累积角度的优点,从而获得关注。但是因为ISAL采用激光器为雷达信号源,而且激光雷达与微波雷达调制原理不同,导致在ISAR中主流的扩频方案如线性调频并不适用于真实的ISAL。为了获得高重复性的并且在极短时间内宽频的探测信号,采用了光通信中广泛使用的最长序列相位调制。在说明了其远场回波信号模型和对应的成像算法之后,指出了其与传统算法之间的区别。最后,使用由多个散射中心点组成的成像目标,进行了成像算法仿真和结果分析。仿真参数与成像结果表明:该方法为一种可采用的实时ISAL调制方法。  相似文献   

Kurup  D.G. Rydberg  A. Himdi  M. 《Electronics letters》2002,38(21):1240-1241
A novel way of feeding single-layer microstrip patch antennas using electromagnetically coupled microstrip-T junctions is proposed. The measured isolation and 10 dB bandwidth of an X-band dual polarised antenna are /spl sim/32 dB and 2.1%, respectively, on an /spl epsiv//sub r/ 3.0 substrate. Since both ports of the antenna are electromagnetically coupled, the proposed antenna eliminates the need for capacitors in the RF path for active antenna applications.  相似文献   

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