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A laparoscopic cholecystectomy on a 63-year-old woman was uneventful. Twenty-one months after the operation she complained of dull right flank pain, loss of appetite, weight loss, and cough. CT of the abdomen showed an 8.5 cm mass adjacent to the posterior aspect of the upper pole of the right kidney. CT also demonstrated a small calcification (5 mm diameter) posterior to the upper pole of the right kidney. The patient underwent exploratory laparotomy 2 months after the presentation with flank pain. Examination of the mass showed a thick abscess wall and 250 mL of pus. The patient's symptoms improved after the abscess was drained.  相似文献   

The methods used to carry out exeresis of ovarian cysts by celioscopy are now familiar. Today, the main concern is the selection of annexial tumors appropriate for celiosurgical treatment in order to limit their use to benign organic cysts only. By comparing the results of a sery of 200 cysts which were treated surgically with cases in the literature, the authors conclude that the three-pronged use of clinical, ultrasound and macroscopic data in the diagnosis of malignant tumors is reliable. Progress remains to be made however in identifying functional cysts which are sometimes mistaken for an organic structure and all too often are still dealt with surgically. In order to reduce the incidence of such errors, new perspectives are envisaged, knowing that diagnostic error is often related to change in their ultrasound structure or their persistence despite conventional estro-progestogen treatment.  相似文献   

A case of uretero-uterine fistula leads the authors to analyse the possible causes and review the diagnosis approach, which is above all clinical:incontinence of urine with persistence of normal micturition; leakage of urine via the cervix and cystoscopically normal bladder, most often following cesarean section. Treatment possibilities are considered, with uretero-vesical reimplantation having a place of choice.  相似文献   

We report about laparoscopic examination and treatment of 19 patients with 25 non-palpable testes. Thirteen patients presented with unilateral and six patients with bilateral absent testes, respectively. In all cases of non-palpable testes laparoscopy was able to determine the exact localization and supported the surgical approach. Six testicles were treated by open orchiectomy after diagnostic laparoscopy; three testes were fixed by laparoscopically assisted orchiopexy. Three patients (three testicles) were treated by standard orchiopexy after laparoscopy and in three cases microvascular autotransplantation was performed. Laparoscopically, five aplastic testicles without vas and vessels were diagnosed. Three testes were considered as vanishing and in two patients (two testes) due to previous surgical exploration elsewhere testicular remnants were totally atrophic and were resected with the adjacent vas. All laparoscopic findings except the vanishing testis syndrome were proven either by open surgery or by laparoscopic preparation of the internal inguinal ring.  相似文献   

In four pregnant women, aged 28, 29, 30, and 35, malignancies were diagnosed: synoviosarcoma, gastric carcinoma, non-Hodgkin B cell lymphoma and undifferentiated adenocarcinoma in one of the labia vulvae, respectively. The first three women eventually died, the first before giving birth, the last woman was treated surgically and was alive without recurrence two years after treatment. Pregnancy can lead to diagnostic dilemma and delay as many symptoms of a malignancy are not recognised as such but are attributed to the pregnant state and because of reluctance to apply diagnostic tools which can be harmful to the foetus. It can also lead to therapeutic dilemma and delay because several therapies may also harm the foetus.  相似文献   

Budd Chiari syndrome (liver vein thrombosis) may be a diagnostic and therapeutic problem. On the basis of four different cases we review the major diagnostic and therapeutic principles involved. Imaging techniques are necessary in order to establish the diagnosis. Ultrasound examination with Duplex doppler is usually sufficient, but MR angiography is also useful. Treatment options are thrombolysis, surgery or liver transplantation. What treatment is selected will depend on the clinical situation and the prognosis.  相似文献   

The authors, after some remarks on the pathophysiology of primary alkaline gastritis, analyze the main methods, available at present, for diagnosis; they particularly consider the importance of endoscopy and histology, gastroesophageal 24-hours pH-metry and 99mTc HIDA scintigraphy. Successively, they present the criteria for the identification of patients who will predictably benefit from surgical treatment, and examine advantages and limits of the two main corrective surgical techniques for the duodenogastric reflux in patients not previously operated on the gastrointestinal tract: duodenal extramucosal myotomy according to Mattioli, relatively easy to perform, and the "duodenal switch" according to De Meester, technically more complex, but pathophysiologically more acceptable, completely eliminating the duodenogastric reflux.  相似文献   

Nontraumatic subcutaneous emphysema is less frequent than traumatic. Its occurrence, unless synchronous with the treatment of spontaneous pneumothorax, usually is the consequence of exacerbation of COPD or of the obstruction of major bronchi. However, in routine clinical practice, the occurrence of subcutaneous emphysema without evident underlying disease, in combination with normal chest x-ray, still is a diagnostic and therapeutic problem. In this study typical mechanisms of this phenomenon are presented; air-trapping at the level of the main bronchus caused by endobronchial tumour growth, progressive destruction of alveoles by diffuse lung disease irrespective of its nature, and mechanism of its occurrence during dealing with the urgent clinical problem in the intensive care unit. This study does not deal with subcutaneous emphysema during the attack of severe asthma assuming it as well known situation that usually does not cause a major therapeutic problem. The sequence of necessary diagnostic and therapeutic steps is discussed taking account of possible pitfalls that usually exist in all of three described pathophysiological situations.  相似文献   

Two recent studies provided new evidence on the latency of HSV-1 DNA in 15.5% of olfactory bulbs and in 72.5% of trigeminal nerves from human corpses at forensic postmortems (1) and in 35% of 40 autopsied human brains (2). In the latter brains, latent HSV-1 DNA was found in the olfactory bulbs, amygdala, hippocampus, brain stem, and trigeminal ganglia. Although in these studies it is not known by which route HSV-1 entered the olfactory bulbs and brain, experimental studies in mice (3) revealed that injection of HSV-1 into the olfactory bulbs leads to virus migration into the brain amygdala and hippocampus via the olfactory nerve and locus coeruleus. If the olfactory ciliary nerve epithelium is the port of entry of HSV-1 into the olfactory bulbs and brain in humans as well, protection of the nose against HSV-1 infection may be needed to prevent virus latency in neurons in the amygdala and hippocampus (3). Infection of humans by HSV-1 was estimated to increase from 18.2% in the 0-20 year population group to 100% in persons older than 60 years (1), indicating that worldwide human populations at all ages are at risk of brain infection by the olfactory nerve route. In addition, both primary infection and reactivation of latent DNA in the brain may lead to damage of neurons in the brain involved in memory, learning, and behavior, as observed in infected, acyclovir-treated mice (3). The current introduction of a live apathogenic varicella-zoster virus (VZV) vaccine to immunize children against chickenpox (4) may suggest that the time is ripe for immunization of children and adults against HSV-1 infections, especially infections by the olfactory nerve route, to prevent potential brain damage.  相似文献   

Impotence affects an estimated 10 million American men. The cause is usually organic in men over age 50; psychogenic impotence is more common in younger men. Vascular disease is the most common cause of impotence. Evaluation in patients with impotence includes thorough history taking and diagnostic testing. Once the cause of impotence is determined, appropriate management can be chosen. Current therapeutic options include vacuum tumescence devices, self-injection, oral therapy, psychotherapy, and penile prostheses.  相似文献   

The authors report four cases of spontaneous retroperitoneal haematomas, which occurred in their department during a half year period. The patients were admitted from different internal medicine departments. They had anaemia, and bleeding with unknown origin and localisation, and were in a bad condition. Three patients could be suitable for operation after general preparation. One of these patients died and another one died without operation. Two of them went home after recovering. The patients were transferred to surgical department on average three days after the symptoms developed. Hypoprothrombinaemia was the reason for bleeding in three cases. One patient got overdosed Syncumar, and two patients suffered from alcoholic cirrhosis who had other serious diseases as well. The authors found that the fourth patient, who had the gluteal arterial rupture with inexplicable origin, also had hypoprothrombinaemia. It is very difficult to diagnose these disease. Bleeding always has to be taken into consideration, if the patients have liver disease, or any type of coagulopathy, or take some anticoagulant medicine. The blood test examinations, ultrasound, CT, MR, angiography, laparoscopy can be helpful in the diagnosis of these cases.  相似文献   

Congestive heart failure is a major public health problem in developed countries. There have been significant advances in the management of this condition over the last few decades. However, many patients are still not receiving adequate therapy. Optimal management requires appropriate investigation, education, counselling, medical treatment and planned follow-up. This review outlines the recommended approach for optimal management of patients with heart failure.  相似文献   

The diagnostic and therapeutic problems involved in 29 cases of isolated hepatic tumors have been presented. In nine cases the hepatoma was discovered during emergency treatment for complications. Selective arteriography was the most accurate method of establishing the etiologic diagnosis. Suprahepatic phlebography indicated the possibilities for surgical treatment. These possibilities are not influenced by the volume of the tumor, but are closely dependent on damage to the suprahepatic vascular system. Effective surgery was performed in 22 cases, of which 14 were excisions.  相似文献   

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