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为了提高对机动干扰源的定位精度,提出一种基于数据质量分析思想的多地面被动传感器组网聚类定位算法。考虑到各种客观因素和主观操作对量测的影响,该算法首先对各量测在二维空间中产生的目标估计位置点进行数据质量度量,从而确定该量测对干扰源定位结果的贡献;引入聚类思想完成对高质量位置数据的实时筛选,并由该数据实现对干扰目标的定位。通过和MMSE算法相比较,基于数据质量分析的聚类定位算法可有效消除低质量量测对定位结果的不利影响,从而提高了对干扰源的定位精度。同时对传感器布站形式的研究表明,只要对网内各传感器进行合理配置与管理,该算法即可有效降低系统偏差等不利因素对定位系统的影响。  相似文献   

在2005年,中国电影百年之际,电影频道CCTV-6和五谛动画制作公司共同策划了这一项目,目的是为纪念中国电影诞生这一事件,同时也为了电影频道在观众心目中树立良好形象起了一定的宣传作用。整体方案的开题构思我们的此次策划方案目的是让电影人用自己的方式来谈电影、谈人生、谈电影频道。用自己独到的审美取向和艺术情趣,来描绘对电影、对人生的多彩理解。在电影频道这一交流的舞台上,有对电影梦想的诠释,有对生活的理解,有对幸福的向往,对青春的回忆,对过去的回忆,对未来的憧憬,对自由的渴望,对自然的热爱……使观众能够亲切的感受到电影…  相似文献   

郑华 《电子世界》2014,(3):63-64
电力系统要求各设备具有高度的时间同步性,因此对时系统的可靠运行是电力系统运行的重要保障。本文对基于NTP协议的网络对时方式的原理进行了分析研究,根据NTP协议的对时原理和网络结构,对运行中的换流站内出现的对时系统异常情况进行了分析,提出了增加对时网络层数来减轻GPS主机负荷的解决方案。本研究对提高换流站对时系统稳定,保证安全稳定运行有着非常重要的意义。  相似文献   

2008年注定是不平凡的一年,在这—年里我们经历了许许多多高兴和痛苦的事情,这些事情又对我们自己,对我们的亲人,对我们的家庭,对我们的生活方式起到不可磨灭的影响。  相似文献   

采用AT89C52型号的单片机对传统的电扇系统进行改造,实现对电扇的短距离控制。该设计利用单片机进行红外发送,红外接收,在此过程中对红外进行编码和解码,而后通过不同的编码形成对风扇的不同控制。同时对单片机P0口的输出进行DA变换后,完成对风扇的速度的实时控制。通过仿真实验,验证了该方案的可行性,该设计简单、可靠,具有很强的实用性。  相似文献   

卫业钧 《电子测试》2014,(20):157-159
学分制下如何提高学生对课程利用的效率,并实现对选课的科学合理分配,是该体育选课系统设计的重点。基于此,本文基于软件工程的思想,对高校体育选课系统进行了重新设计,并对其功能、整体架构设计、关键技术等各个方面对其进行了介绍。  相似文献   

雷电浪涌是雷电对电子系统的一种重要的作用形式。雷电对电子系统的影响主要表现在对电源电路的浪涌破坏和干扰上。为研究雷电浪涌对电源的冲击效应,进行了雷电浪涌对直流电源的冲击实验。实验表明,雷电浪涌对直流电源有很大的干扰作用,可使电源产生大的波动或高频噪声。在雷电流涌冲击实验的基础上,对直流电源进行了加固实验,并取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

本论文首先对电磁兼容的发展现状及研究意义进行阐述,然后从两方面详细论述了电磁兼容的概念,并对家用电器的电磁兼容性进行介绍。在此基础上,对家用电器的电磁骚扰起源简单分析,其次对家用电器的干扰原因进行着重介绍。接着对家用电器电磁兼容性测试技术进行研究,深入分析了我国目前电磁兼容技术的状况。最后,对论文进行了总结,同时也为后期的电器电磁兼容技术的进行提供了参考,并对未来相关研究工作做了展望。  相似文献   

罗小布 《中国数字电视》2011,(4):22-24,26,28,29
三网融合不仅是技术问题、体制问题,也是社会问题。无论广电还是电信,在三网融合过程中,都涉及到对三网融合的内涵:对运营商自身、对彼此关系及与公众的关系、对内部群体和行业、对用户需求、对媒介和媒体的应用和开发、对彼此文化和社会文化等问题的认识、理鳃和调整。没有对国家三网融合战略的理解,没有对广电和电信行业的理解,  相似文献   

大众传媒对伦理的重新构建,就是基于对伦理底线的一次次碰触,像影响人们生活的其他方面一样,对伦理的改变也是潜移默化的.本文以电视剧为切入点,分析其给人们构筑的拟态环境对家庭及社会的影响,从三个方面分析某些内容对伦理底线的碰触.  相似文献   

无人机SAR/MTI侦察技术中若干问题的探讨   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
本文介绍了国外无人机SAR/MTI雷达研究现状和发展方向,列举了X、Ka,Ku三种频段SAR/MTI雷达主要技术指标,重点从工程实现的角度对SAR/MTI雷达技术中若干问题进行了探讨,包括无人机、SAR的成像模式和MTI兼容技术、频段选择、SAR成像实时数据的传输方式、惯导系统、最后讨论了成像算法。  相似文献   

Three alternative schemes for secure Virtual Private Network (VPN) deployment over the Universal Mobile Telecommunication System (UMTS) are proposed and analyzed. The proposed schemes enable a mobile node to voluntarily establish an IPsec-based secure channel to a private network. The alternative schemes differ in the location where the IPsec functionality is placed within the UMTS network architecture (mobile node, access network, and UMTS network border), depending on the employed security model, and whether data in transit are ever in clear-text, or available to be tapped by outsiders. The provided levels of privacy in the deployed VPN schemes, as well as the employed authentication models are examined. An analysis in terms of cost, complexity, and performance overhead that each method imposes to the underlying network architecture, as well as to the mobile devices is presented. The level of system reliability and scalability in granting security services is presented. The VPN management, usability, and trusted relations, as well as their behavior when a mobile user moves are analyzed. The use of special applications that require access to encapsulated data traffic is explored. Finally, an overall comparison of the proposed schemes from the security and operation point of view summarizes their relative performance. Christos Xenakis received his B.Sc. degree in computer science in 1993 and his M.Sc. degree in telecommunication and computer networks in 1996, both from the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, University of Athens, Greece. In 2004 he received his Ph.D. from the University of Athens (Department of Informatics and Telecommunications). From 1998–2000 was with the Greek telecoms system development firm Teletel S.A., where was involved in the design and development of advanced telecommunications subsystems for ISDN, ATM, GSM, and GPRS. Since 1996 he has been a member of the Communication Networks Laboratory of the University of Athens. He has participated in numerous projects realized in the context of EU Programs (ACTS, ESPRIT, IST). His research interests are in the field of mobile/wireless networks, security and distributed network management. He is the author of over 15 papers in the above areas. Lazaros Merakos received the Diploma in electrical and mechanical engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, in 1978, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the State University of New York, Buffalo, in 1981 and 1984, respectively. From 1983 to 1986, he was on the faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at the University of Connecticut, Storrs. From 1986 to 1994 he was on the faculty of the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at Northeastern University, Boston, MA. During the period 1993–1994 he served as Director of the Communications and Digital Processing Research Center at Northeastern University. During the summers of 1990 and 1991, he was a Visiting Scientist at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, Yorktown Heights, NY. In 1994, he joined the faculty of the University of Athens, Athens, Greece, where he is presently a Professor in the Department of Informatics and Telecommunications, and Director of the Communication Networks Laboratory (UoA-CNL) and the Networks Operations and Management Center. His research interests are in the design and performance analysis of broadband networks, and wireless/mobile communication systems and services. He has authored more than 150 papers in the above areas. Since 1995, he is leading the research activities of UoA-CNL in the area of mobile communications, in the framework of the Advanced Communication Technologies & Services (ACTS) and Information Society Technologies (IST) programmes funded by the European Union (projects RAINBOW, Magic WAND, WINE, MOBIVAS, POLOS, ANWIRE). He is chairman of the board of the Greek Universities Network, the Greek Schools Network, and member of the board of the Greek Research Network. In 1994, he received the Guanella Award for the Best Paper presented at the International Zurich Seminar on Mobile Communications.  相似文献   

徐春霞 《电子工程师》2004,30(5):65-67,73
在讨论了接入控制器(AC)网络管理系统安全重要性的基础上,分析了SNMP协议的应用,包括对其3个版本SNMPv1、SNMPv2及SNMPv3的优缺点的对比,并解释了该设备网络管理系统采用SNMPv3版本的原因.详细介绍了AC所实现的管理信息库的内容,包括RFC1213协议、IEEE 802.1x协议、RMON协议、Web DHCP、EAP_OTP、EAP_MD5、EAP_TLS、EAP_SIM等多种认证协议以及网络管理系统的五大功能.最后阐述了AC安全网络管理系统结构的设计与实现.  相似文献   

集成电路市场及经营模式的分析与探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于宗光 《半导体技术》2003,28(9):7-12,21
在分析全球集成电路形势的基础上,对通信、消费类电子、化合物半导体IC、MCU、Flash memory等IC市场进行了探讨。论述了IDM和Fabless、Foundry三种经营模式的特点与前途,并对我国集成电路产业的前景及发展模式进行了展望。  相似文献   

Thanks to their structure, the SOI technologies present several intrinsic advantages for analog and RF applications. Indeed, as it is well established now, these technologies allow the reduction of the power consumption at a given operating frequency. Moreover, the high-insulating properties of SOI substrates, in particular when high resistivity substrate is used, make that these technologies are perfect candidates for mixed-signal applications. In the present paper, we will discuss the performances of the SOI technologies in radio-frequency range. First of all, the high-frequency behavior of SOI substrates, thanks to the characterization of transmission lines, will be shown. The impact of the SOI substrate resistivity on the performances of passive components will also be analyzed. Then, an overview of RF performances of SOI MOSFETs for two different architectures, fully- and partially-depleted, will be achieved and compared to the bulk ones. Finally, the influence of some specific parasitic effects, such as the kink effect, the self-heating effect and the kink-related excess noise, on the RF performances of SOI devices will be studied, thanks to a specific high-frequency characterization.  相似文献   

现代通信网络应能满足各种通信业务和通信容量日益发展的需求,实现话音、数据、视频、IP等业务的一体化综合交换和传输。在比较TDM、IP和ATM三种协议的基础上,提出"采用内置RPR和MPLS功能的MSTP平台"建设光纤综合通信网络平台的实现方法。MSTP采用SDH的数据帧结构,保持了SDH标准光接口、灵活分插低速信号、自愈环保护和功能强大的网管等优点,可对TDM、IP和ATM协议进行优化传输。  相似文献   

In general, there are several many devices that can overload the network and reduce performance. Devices can minimize interference and optimize bandwidth usage by using directional antennas and by avoiding overlapping communication ranges. In addition, devices need to carefully manage their use of resources, such as bandwidth and energy. Bandwidth is limited in wireless personal area networks (WPANs), so devices need to carefully select which data to send and receive. In this paper, an intelligent performance analysis of energy-efficient resource optimization model has been proposed for device-to-device (D2D) communication in fifth-generation (5G) WPAN. The proposed energy-efficient resource allocation in D2D communication is important because it helps reduce energy consumption and extend the lifespan of devices that are communicating with each other. By allocating resources in an efficient manner, communication between two devices can be optimized for maximum efficiency. This helps reduce the amount of energy needed to power the communication, as well as the amount of energy needed to power the device that is communicating with another device. Additionally, efficient resource allocation helps reduce the overall cost of communication, as the use of fewer resources results in a lower overall cost. The proposed efficient resource allocation helps reduce the environmental impact of communication, as less energy is used for communication. The proposed energy-efficient resource allocation model (EERAM) has reached 92.97% of energy allocation, 88.72% of power allocation, 87.79% of bandwidth allocation, 87.93% of spectrum allocation, 88.43% of channel allocation, 25.47% of end-to-end delay, 94.33% of network data speed, and 90.99% of network throughput.  相似文献   

环氧塑封料中填充剂的作用和发展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
环氧塑封料占据整个半导体封装市场的90%左右,而填充剂含量占环氧塑封料的60%~90%,因此填充剂的性能直接影响环氧塑封料的加工性能、机械性能、导热性能和半导体器件的封装工艺性能、导热性能、可靠性能等。另外,当今社会电子技术日新月异,集成电路正向着超大规模、超高速、高密度、大功率、多功能、绿色环保化的方向发展,因此对环氧塑封料的性能要求愈来愈高,相应的填充剂性能也有了许多新的要求,并且也出现了许多新型填充剂。文中详细地介绍了环氧塑封料中填充剂的作用,各种填充剂对环氧塑封料和封装器件的性能影响以及环氧塑封料中填充剂的分类和发展。  相似文献   

Optical lenses with tunable focus are needed in several fields of application, such as consumer electronics, medical diagnostics and optical communications. To address this need, lenses made of smart materials able to respond to mechanical, magnetic, optical, thermal, chemical, electrical or electrochemical stimuli are intensively studied. Here, we report on an electrically tunable lens made of dielectric elastomers, an emerging class of “artificial muscle” materials for actuation. The optical device is inspired by the architecture of the crystalline lens and ciliary muscle of the human eye. It consists of a fluid‐filled elastomeric lens integrated with an annular elastomeric actuator working as an artificial muscle. Upon electrical activation, the artificial muscle deforms the lens, so that a relative variation of focal length comparable to that of the human lens is demonstrated. The device combined optical performance with compact size, low weight, fast and silent operation, shock tolerance, no overheating, low power consumption, and possibility of implementation with inexpensive off‐the‐shelf elastomers. Results show that combing bioinspired design with the unique properties of dielectric elastomers as artificial muscle transducers has the potential to open new perspectives on tunable optics.  相似文献   

随着企业规模逐渐扩大,远程用户、分支机构、合作伙伴也在不断增多,关键业务的需求增加,出现了一种通过公共网络(如Internet)来建立自己的专用网络的技术,这种技术就是虚拟专用网(简称VPN)。本文首先介绍了VPN的概念,对VPN的实现技术进行了分类和适用性分析,然后分析了各种类型的企业在信息安全方面的需求和限制,根据不同企业的特点提出了不同的VPN解决方案,最后,对VPN在集成电路企业中的应用做了简单的拓朴展示。  相似文献   

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